HSN 2 | 2025-02-18 00:00 Electronic Connection | 01:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 02:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 03:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 04:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 05:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 06:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 07:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 08:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 09:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 10:00 Monday Night Beauty | 11:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 12:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 13:00 What a Girl Wants | 14:00 La-Z-Boy Furniture - All on Free Shipping | 15:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 16:00 Tech Out Tuesdays | 17:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 18:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 19:00 What a Girl Wants | 20:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 21:00 La-Z-Boy Furniture - All on Free Shipping | 22:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 23:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 2025-02-19 00:00 Tech Out Tuesdays | 01:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 02:00 What a Girl Wants | 03:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 04:00 La-Z-Boy Furniture - All on Free Shipping | 05:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 06:00 Tech Out Tuesdays | 07:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 08:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 09:00 What a Girl Wants | 10:00 La-Z-Boy Furniture - All on Free Shipping | 11:00 Beautyrest Mattresses -- All on Free Shipping | 12:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 13:00 Shopping With Amy & Adam | 14:00 Daily Deals & Top Finds | 15:00 Best of HSN2 | 16:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 17:00 La-Z-Boy Furniture - All on Free Shipping | 18:00 Shopping With Amy & Adam | 19:00 Daily Deals & Top Finds | 20:00 Benefit Cosmetics | 21:00 Best of HSN2 | 22:00 Dress To The 9's - Stock Up On Style | 23:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 2025-02-20 00:00 Benefit Cosmetics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN | 2025-02-18 00:00 Prophecy Unsealed | 01:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel | 02:00 Behold the Lamb Presents | 03:00 Adventist World Aviation | 03:30 Abundant Living | 04:00 Action 4 Life | 04:30 Imperative Life Lessons | 05:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A | 06:00 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 06:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 06:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 07:00 Praise Him Now | 07:30 IIW Sabbath School | 08:00 Spotless | 09:00 Unlocking Bible Prophecy | 10:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A | 11:00 Summer Camp Meeting | 12:00 The Carter Report | 12:30 The Carter Report | 13:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A | 14:00 The Carter Report | 15:00 Revelation's Ancient Discoveries | 16:00 Optimize 4 Life | 16:30 The Incredible Journey | 17:00 Sanctuary, Salvation, and Our Savior | 17:30 Authentic | 18:00 Piano Praise | 18:30 Adventures in Missions | 19:00 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 19:30 Child Impact International | 19:45 Pause to Pray | 20:00 Body and Spirit Aerobics | 20:30 The Heavens Declare | 21:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 21:30 Maranatha Mission Stories | 22:00 3ABN Today Live | 2025-02-19 00:00 It's Coming | 01:00 ASAP Ministries | 01:30 Multitude of Counselors | 02:00 Revived by the Spirit | 03:00 The Incomparable Jesus | 03:30 Cook 30 | 04:00 Body and Spirit (New) | 04:30 Mission Revival | 04:45 Journeys | 05:00 3ABN Today | 06:00 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems | 06:15 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz | 06:30 Kids X-Press | 06:45 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore | 07:00 Unshackled Purpose | 07:15 Impact Hope | 07:30 Rebuild | 08:00 Mission 360 | 08:30 The Ultimate Encounter | 09:00 Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The End-Time Dimension of the Parables | 10:00 3ABN Today | 11:00 Behold the Lamb Presents | 12:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor | 12:30 Digital Disconnect | 13:00 3ABN Today | 14:00 ASAP Ministries | 14:30 Jesus 4 Asia Now | 15:00 Child Impact International | 15:15 Journeys | 15:30 Digital Disconnect | 16:00 Revelation of Jesus Christ | 17:00 Made for Health | 17:30 Mission Revival | 17:45 Recipes from Russia | 18:00 Summer Camp Meeting | 19:00 Praise Him Now | 19:30 Enjoy Healthy Eating | 20:00 Body and Spirit | 20:30 It Is Written | 21:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor | 21:30 It Is Written Canada | 22:00 Today Cooking | 23:00 Exalting His Word | 23:30 Thunder in the Holy Land | 2025-02-20 00:00 3ABN Australia Homecoming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN Dare to Dream Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 New Journey, The | 00:30 Multitude of Counselors | 01:00 The Ultimate Encounter | 01:30 Magnify Him | 02:00 Taste of Paradise | 02:30 For Guys Only. | 03:00 Chew's Challenge | 03:30 Free Indeed | 04:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery | 05:00 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 05:30 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 06:00 Abundant Living | 06:30 Action 4 Life | 07:00 Battles of Faith | 07:30 Free Indeed | 08:00 Urban Report | 08:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 09:00 New Journey, The | 09:30 Multitude of Counselors | 10:00 The Ultimate Encounter | 10:30 Magnify Him | 11:00 Taste of Paradise | 11:30 For Guys Only. | 12:00 Battles of Faith | 12:30 Urban Report | 13:00 Pure Choices | 13:30 Breath of Life | 14:00 Free Indeed | 14:30 Chew's Challenge | 15:00 Urban Report | 15:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 16:00 Digital Disconnect | 16:30 Multitude of Counselors | 17:00 Divine Design | 17:15 Be Real. Be True. Be You. | 17:30 Magnify Him | 18:00 Taste of Paradise | 18:30 Pathway of Hope | 19:00 Action 4 Life | 19:30 Breath of Life | 20:00 Abundant Living | 20:30 Engage | 21:00 Remedy Roadmap | 21:30 Chew's Challenge | 22:00 Behold the Lamb Presents | 23:00 Urban Report | 23:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 2025-02-19 00:00 Digital Disconnect | 00:30 Multitude of Counselors | 01:00 Divine Design | 01:15 Be Real. Be True. Be You. | 01:30 Magnify Him | 02:00 Taste of Paradise | 02:30 For Guys Only. | 03:00 Chew's Challenge | 03:30 Urban Report | 04:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery | 05:00 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 05:30 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 06:00 Abundant Living | 06:30 Action 4 Life | 07:00 Remedy Roadmap | 07:30 Free Indeed | 08:00 Urban Report | 08:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 09:00 Digital Disconnect | 09:30 Multitude of Counselors | 10:00 Divine Design | 10:15 Be Real. Be True. Be You. | 10:30 Magnify Him | 11:00 Taste of Paradise | 11:30 For Guys Only. | 12:00 Remedy Roadmap | 12:30 Urban Report | 13:00 Pure Choices | 13:30 Breath of Life | 14:00 Free Indeed | 14:30 Dollars and Sense | 15:00 Urban Report | 15:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 16:00 Strategies for Strongholds | 16:30 Multitude of Counselors | 17:00 Digging Deeper | 17:30 Magnify Him | 18:00 Made for Health | 18:30 Pathway of Hope | 19:00 Action 4 Life | 19:30 Breath of Life | 20:00 Abundant Living | 20:30 Engage | 21:00 When We Talk | 21:30 Dollars and Sense | 22:00 Behold the Lamb Presents | 23:00 Urban Report | 23:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 2025-02-20 00:00 Strategies for Strongholds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN International Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Revelation Speaks Peace | 01:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery | 02:00 The Carter Report | 02:30 The Carter Report | 03:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A | 04:00 Revelation Insights! | 05:00 Body and Spirit Aerobics | 05:30 Lineage | 06:00 Maranatha Mission Stories | 06:30 People Just Like Us | 07:00 ASAP Ministries | 07:30 Melody from My Heart | 08:00 The Creator Revealed | 08:30 Made for Health | 09:00 Daniel All Access | 10:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A | 11:00 A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing | 11:30 Your Favorites By Request | 12:00 Action 4 Life | 12:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 13:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 13:15 Kids Praise Too! | 13:30 Cook 30 | 14:00 Eternal Truths Matter | 14:30 It Is Written | 15:00 3ABN Today | 16:00 Cook 30 | 16:30 Amazing Facts Oceania | 17:00 3ABN Now | 18:00 Focus on God's Word | 19:00 Child Impact International | 19:15 Pause to Pray | 19:30 Life After Choice | 19:45 Divine Design | 20:00 Revelation of Hope (Pacleb) | 21:00 3ABN Today Live | 23:00 Awesome Science | 23:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 2025-02-19 00:00 Three Angels for Kids | 00:30 Maranatha Mission Stories | 01:00 Contending for the Faith | 01:30 Evolution Impossible | 02:00 Healthy Living | 02:30 Mission 360 | 03:00 3ABN Today | 04:00 Revelation's Ancient Discoveries | 05:00 Body and Spirit | 05:30 Adventures in Missions | 06:00 It Is Written | 06:30 ASAP Ministries | 07:00 3ABN Now | 08:00 Summer Camp Meeting | 09:00 Thompsonville Worship Hour | 10:00 3ABN Today | 11:00 Digital Disconnect | 11:30 Cook 30 | 12:00 Body and Spirit (New) | 12:30 Jesus 4 Asia Now | 13:00 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 13:15 Tiny Tots Worship | 13:30 Creation Is! Science | 13:45 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 14:00 LifeStart Seminars | 14:30 The Incredible Journey | 15:00 Today Cooking | 16:00 Optimize 4 Life | 16:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 17:00 Revelation Insights! | 18:00 Evolution Impossible | 18:30 When We Talk | 19:00 Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The End-Time Dimension of the Parables | 20:00 Summer Camp Meeting | 21:00 Today Cooking | 22:00 Amazing Facts Oceania | 22:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 22:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 23:00 Creation Is! Science | 23:15 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 23:30 Kids X-Press | 23:45 Jesus My Light | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Carter Report | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN Kids Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | 00:30 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems | 00:45 Kids Camp Critters & Creation | 01:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 01:15 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 01:30 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 02:00 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 02:15 Here I Am Send Me | 02:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 03:00 Amazing Adventures | 04:00 Cook 30 for Kids | 04:30 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore | 04:45 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | 05:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 05:15 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 05:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 06:00 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 06:30 Kids Time Praise | 07:00 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 07:15 Tiny Tots Worship | 07:30 The Creation Case | 08:00 Amazing Adventures | 09:00 Jesus My Light | 09:15 Creation Is! Science | 09:30 Awesome Science | 10:00 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 10:15 Tiny Tots Worship | 10:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 11:00 Amazing Adventures | 12:00 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 12:15 Bible Treasures | 12:30 Awesome Science | 13:00 The Creation Case | 13:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 13:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 14:00 Cook 30 for Kids | 14:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 15:00 Amazing Adventures | 16:00 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems | 16:15 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | 16:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 16:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 17:00 The Creation Case | 17:30 Kids Time Praise | 18:00 Awesome Science | 18:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 19:00 Amazing Adventures | 20:00 Cook 30 for Kids | 20:30 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 20:45 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 21:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 21:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 21:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 22:00 The Creation Case | 22:30 Starting with Jesus | 23:00 Amazing Adventures | 2025-02-19 00:00 Three Angels for Kids | 00:30 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems | 00:45 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | 01:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 01:15 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 01:30 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 02:00 Kids Camp Critters & Creation | 02:15 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore | 02:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 03:00 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 03:15 Tiny Tots Worship | 03:30 Jesus My Light | 03:45 Creation Is! Science | 04:00 Cook 30 for Kids | 04:30 Bible Treasures | 04:45 Kids X-Press | 05:00 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 05:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 06:00 Kids Camp Critters & Creation | 06:15 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore | 06:30 Kids Time Praise | 07:00 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 07:15 Tiny Tots Worship | 07:30 Starting with Jesus | 08:00 Amazing Adventures | 09:00 Cook 30 for Kids | 09:30 Awesome Science | 10:00 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 10:15 Tiny Tots Worship | 10:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 11:00 Amazing Adventures | 12:00 Jesus My Light | 12:15 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 12:30 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | 13:00 The Creation Case | 13:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 13:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 14:00 Mission Trek | 14:30 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems | 14:45 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz | 15:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 15:15 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 15:30 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 16:00 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 16:15 Here I Am Send Me | 16:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen | 16:45 Tiny Tots Worship | 17:00 Starting with Jesus | 17:30 Kids Time Praise | 18:00 Awesome Science | 18:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus | 19:00 Amazing Adventures | 20:00 Kids Camp Critters & Creation | 20:15 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore | 20:30 Mission Trek | 21:00 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems | 21:15 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | 21:30 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along | 21:45 Jesus My Light | 22:00 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun | 22:30 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts | 22:45 Bible Treasures | 23:00 Amazing Adventures | 2025-02-20 00:00 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN Latino Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 La Vida, La Muerte Y La Resurrección | 00:30 Lecciones de Vida | 01:00 Seguridad en Tiempos Angustiosos | 01:30 Salud Total | 02:00 Está Escrito (Português) | 02:30 3ABN Gravando (Portugués) | 03:00 Vida en Acción | 03:30 Cocinemos Juntos | 04:00 Anclas de la Verdad | 05:00 Maravillosa Creación | 05:30 Remedios Caseros | 06:00 Estrellitas de Jesús | 06:30 Amiguitos de Jesús | 07:00 Primicias | 07:30 Ofrenda Musical | 08:00 Respuestas Biblicas | 09:00 Salvación en Señales y Símbolos | 10:00 Como Vencer El Pecado | 11:00 A Cristo Adoremos | 11:15 Valora y Mejora tu Salud | 11:30 Ciencia 360º | 12:00 Poder en Su Espíritu (Miami) | 13:00 Piano Praise | 13:30 En Busca de la Verdad | 14:00 Dios y la mujer del siglo 21 | 15:00 Descubriendo los simbolos de Apocalipsis | 16:00 Los Mensajes De Los Tres ÁNgeles | 17:00 Hay Esperanza Para La Familia | 17:30 A Cristo Adoremos | 17:45 Valora y Mejora tu Salud | 18:00 Madres de Rodillas Hijos de Pie | 19:00 Salud Total | 19:30 Sus Palabras Son Vida | 19:45 Volvamos a la Naturaleza | 20:00 Buenos Días Señor Jesús | 20:30 Cuerpo y Espíritu - Aerobicos | 21:00 Amiguitos de Jesús | 21:30 Escrito Está (Spanish) | 22:00 3ABN Hoy En Vivo | 2025-02-19 00:00 Descubra | 00:30 Enfoque Teológico | 01:00 Orígenes | 01:30 Educando para la Eternidad | 02:00 Como Vencer El Pecado | 03:00 Cuerpo y Espíritu - Aerobicos | 03:30 Las Avenidas Del Alma | 04:00 Anclas de la Verdad | 05:00 El panel de Escuela Sabática de 3ABN | 06:00 Kids Praise Too! | 06:15 Kids Praise Too! | 06:30 Cocina con color (½ hr) | 07:00 Mensaje De Vida | 07:30 Viva En Abundancia | 08:00 Madres de Rodillas Hijos de Pie | 09:00 3ABN Hoy En Vivo | 11:00 La Vida, La Muerte Y La Resurrección | 11:30 Mejor Cada Día | 12:00 Maravillosa Creación | 12:30 00:28:00:00 | 13:00 Primicias | 13:30 Renacer en Jesús | 14:00 El Apocalipsis y sus Fascinantes Misterios | 15:00 3ABN Hoy Cocina | 16:00 Espaço Jovem (Portugués) | 16:30 Saúde e Você (Portugués) | 17:00 Descubra | 17:30 Vence | 18:00 Embelleciendo tu Carácter | 19:00 Punto Joven (½ hr) | 19:30 Maravillas Y Misterios De La Creación | 19:45 Sus Palabras Son Vida | 20:00 Buenos Días Señor Jesús | 20:30 Vida en Acción | 21:00 Amiguitos de Jesús | 21:30 Ciencia 360º | 22:00 3ABN Hoy Cocina | 23:00 Remedios Caseros | 23:30 El Cristiano Victorioso | 2025-02-20 00:00 00:28:00:00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN Praise Him Music | 2025-02-18 00:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 00:30 Magnify Him | 01:00 Steps to Christ in Song | 02:00 Your Favorites By Request | 03:00 Pause to Pray | 03:15 Testimony Now | 03:30 Melody from My Heart | 04:00 Praise Him Now | 04:30 Piano Praise | 05:00 3ABN Today | 06:00 3ABN Music Highlights | 07:00 Your Favorites By Request | 07:30 Magnify Him | 08:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 08:30 Steps to Christ in Song | 09:00 Piano Praise | 09:30 Pause to Pray | 09:45 Testimony Now | 10:00 3ABN Today | 11:00 Praise Him Now | 11:30 Your Favorites By Request | 12:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 12:30 Praise | 13:00 3ABN Today | 14:00 Your Favorites By Request | 14:30 Melody from My Heart | 15:00 Steps to Christ in Song | 16:00 LoudVoice | 16:30 Magnify Him | 17:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 17:30 Your Favorites By Request | 18:00 Praise | 19:00 3ABN Music Highlights | 19:30 Melody from My Heart | 20:00 Steps to Christ in Song | 20:30 Your Favorites By Request | 21:00 Piano Praise | 21:30 Pause to Pray | 21:45 Testimony Now | 22:00 3ABN Today | 23:00 Your Favorites By Request | 23:30 LoudVoice | 2025-02-19 00:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 00:30 Magnify Him | 01:00 Steps to Christ in Song | 02:00 Your Favorites By Request | 02:30 Billy Blackwood and Friends | 03:00 Pause to Pray | 03:15 Testimony Now | 03:30 Melody from My Heart | 04:00 Piano Praise | 05:00 3ABN Today | 06:00 LoudVoice | 06:30 3ABN Music Highlights | 07:00 Your Favorites By Request | 07:30 Magnify Him | 08:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 08:30 Steps to Christ in Song | 09:00 Piano Praise | 09:30 Pause to Pray | 09:45 Testimony Now | 10:00 3ABN Today | 11:00 Your Favorites By Request | 11:30 Billy Blackwood and Friends | 12:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 12:30 Praise | 13:00 3ABN Today | 14:00 Your Favorites By Request | 14:30 Melody from My Heart | 15:00 Steps to Christ in Song | 16:00 3ABN Music Highlights | 16:30 Magnify Him | 17:00 Camp Meeting Classics | 17:30 Your Favorites By Request | 18:00 Praise | 19:00 Praise Him Now | 19:30 Melody from My Heart | 20:00 Steps to Christ in Song | 20:30 Your Favorites By Request | 21:00 Piano Praise | 21:30 Pause to Pray | 21:45 Testimony Now | 22:00 3ABN Today | 23:00 Praise Him Now | 23:30 Your Favorites By Request | 2025-02-20 00:00 Camp Meeting Classics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN Proclaim Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 New Perceptions | 01:00 Voice of Prophecy Speaks | 02:00 Forecasting Hope | 03:00 Behold the Lamb Presents | 04:00 In The Footsteps of Paul | 04:30 It Is Written | 05:00 The Midnight Cry | 06:00 White Horse Media | 06:30 White Horse Media | 07:00 Revelation Insights! | 07:30 Revelation Insights! | 08:00 3ABN Worship Hour | 09:00 3ABN Homecoming | 10:00 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 10:30 Timeless Healing Insights | 11:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel | 12:00 Matthew 24 | 13:00 Revelation Now (new) | 14:00 Revelation Speaks Peace | 15:00 Eleventh Hour Evidence | 16:00 Life Discovery Series | 17:00 3ABN On the Road | 18:00 Summer Camp Meeting | 19:00 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 19:30 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 20:00 His Harvest is Ready | 21:00 Thunder in the Holy Land | 21:30 It Is Written | 22:00 Free Indeed | 22:30 Breath of Life | 23:00 Revelation Insights! | 2025-02-19 00:00 New Perceptions | 01:00 Voice of Prophecy Speaks | 02:00 Forecasting Hope | 03:00 The Carter Report | 03:30 The Carter Report | 04:00 In The Footsteps of Paul | 04:30 It Is Written | 05:00 The Midnight Cry | 06:00 White Horse Media | 06:30 White Horse Media | 07:00 Revelation Insights! | 08:00 3ABN Worship Hour | 09:00 3ABN Homecoming | 10:00 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 10:30 Timeless Healing Insights | 11:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel | 12:00 Matthew 24 | 13:00 Revelation Now (new) | 14:00 Revelation Speaks Peace | 15:00 Eleventh Hour Evidence | 16:00 Life Discovery Series | 17:00 3ABN On the Road | 18:00 Summer Camp Meeting | 19:00 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 19:30 Breath of Life "Walter Pearson" | 20:00 His Harvest is Ready | 21:00 Thunder in the Holy Land | 21:30 It Is Written | 22:00 Remodeling Your Life | 22:30 Breath of Life | 23:00 Revelation Insights! | 2025-02-20 00:00 Pioneer Media | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3ABN Radio Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Musical Meditations | 01:00 Revelation Speaks Peace | 02:00 Bible In Living Sound | 02:30 3ABN Radio Family | 03:00 World-Wide Evangelism Group C | 04:00 Focus on Healthy Foods | 04:15 The Bible Unchained | 04:30 Women At The Well-Encore | 05:00 Salvation in Symbols and Signs | 05:30 It Is Written | 06:00 Inside Steps to Christ | 06:30 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | 07:00 Authentic | 07:30 He Said Grow | 07:45 Heavens Declare | 08:00 Pen of Inspiration | 08:30 Take It to the Bank | 09:00 Your Story Hour | 09:30 Amazing Facts with Joe Crews | 09:45 Focus on Healthy Foods | 10:00 3ABN TODAY (Simulcast) | 11:00 Musical Meditations | 12:00 Bible In Living Sound | 12:30 InVerse | 13:00 Behold The Lamb Presents | 14:00 World-Wide Evangelism Group C | 15:00 3ABN Today (Replay) | 16:00 Bible Answers LIVE | 17:00 Pen of Inspiration | 17:30 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | 18:00 3ABN Radio Family | 18:30 InVerse | 19:00 Revelation Speaks Peace | 20:00 It Is Written | 20:30 Secrets to Wellness | 21:00 Your Story Hour | 21:30 Amazing Facts with Joe Crews | 21:45 The Bible Unchained | 22:00 3ABN Today Live Hr 1 | 23:00 3ABN Today Live Hr 2 | 2025-02-19 00:00 Musical Meditations | 01:00 3ABN Radio Variety | 01:30 Sanctuary, Salvation and Our Savior | 02:00 Bible In Living Sound | 02:30 The Incomparable Jesus | 03:00 World-Wide Evangelism Group C | 04:00 The Ultimate Prescription | 04:30 3ABN Radio Insight | 05:00 3ABN Radio Mental and Spiritual Health | 05:15 Melody From My Heart | 05:30 Books of the Book | 06:00 Carter Report | 06:30 Digital Disconnect | 07:00 3ABN RADIO Worship Hour | 08:00 3ABN Radio Variety | 08:30 Endtime Insights | 08:45 Risë's Pieces | 09:00 Your Story Hour | 09:30 Amazing Facts with Joe Crews | 09:45 Natural Remedies for Good Health | 10:00 3ABN TODAY (Simulcast) | 11:00 Musical Meditations | 12:00 Bible In Living Sound | 12:30 Take It to the Bank | 13:00 Inside Steps to Christ | 13:30 Imperative Life Lessons | 14:00 World-Wide Evangelism Group C | 15:00 3ABN Today (Replay) | 16:00 Risë's Pieces | 16:15 3ABN Radio Emphasis on God | 16:30 Homecoming Radio-3ABN Radio Edition | 17:00 Your Family Health | 17:15 100 Days of Prayer | 17:30 Women At The Well-Encore | 18:00 Sabbath School Panel Playback | 19:00 Authentic | 19:30 Endtime Insights | 19:45 Abundant Living | 20:00 Bible Questions and Answers Replay | 21:00 Your Story Hour | 21:30 Amazing Facts with Joe Crews | 21:45 Natural Remedies for Good Health | 22:00 3ABN Today (Replay) | 23:00 Crossroads on 3ABN Radio | 23:30 More Abundant Life | 2025-02-20 00:00 Musical Meditations | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Star Max - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:11 Fantastic Planet | 02:24 Lord of the Flies | 03:55 Godzilla vs. Megalon | 05:18 Kart Racer | 06:52 Red Dawn | 08:26 Teen Spirit | 10:00 America's Sweethearts | 11:44 Love & Basketball | 13:49 Joy | 15:54 Sergio Leone: The Italian Who Invented America | 17:42 Ride Along 2 | 19:24 Master of the Shadowless Kick: Wong Kei-Ying | 21:03 Master of the Drunken Fist: Beggar So | 22:41 Military Wives | 2025-02-19 00:34 The Zone of Interest | 02:20 Monte Carlo | 04:10 Birds of Prey | 06:00 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor | 07:52 Gods of Egypt | 10:00 Deadpool | 11:49 3 Days to Kill | 13:47 Gangs of New York | 16:34 The Life Before Her Eyes | 18:04 How I Live Now | 19:46 Walkabout | 21:27 Take This Waltz | 23:24 The Time Traveler's Wife | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A and E US - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Storage Wars | 00:30 Storage Wars | 01:00 Storage Wars | 01:30 Storage Wars | 02:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 02:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 03:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 03:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 04:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 04:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 05:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 05:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 06:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 06:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 07:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 07:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 08:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 08:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 09:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 09:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 10:00 Live PD: Police Patrol | 10:30 Live PD: Police Patrol | 11:01 Live PD: Police Patrol | 11:32 Live PD: Police Patrol | 12:04 Live PD: Police Patrol | 12:34 Live PD: Police Patrol | 13:03 Live PD: Police Patrol | 13:33 Live PD: Police Patrol | 14:03 Live PD: Police Patrol | 14:33 Live PD: Police Patrol | 15:04 Live PD: Police Patrol | 15:34 Live PD: Police Patrol | 16:05 Live PD: Police Patrol | 16:34 Live PD: Police Patrol | 17:02 Paid Programming | 17:32 Car accident? Free Legal Consultation | 18:02 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 18:31 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 19:01 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 19:30 Joni: Table Talk | 20:00 Storage Wars Texas | 20:30 Storage Wars Texas | 21:00 Storage Wars | 21:30 Storage Wars | 22:00 Storage Wars | 22:30 Storage Wars | 23:00 Storage Wars | 23:30 Storage Wars | 2025-02-19 00:00 Storage Wars | 00:30 Storage Wars | 01:00 Storage Wars | 01:30 Storage Wars | 02:00 Neighborhood Wars | 02:30 Neighborhood Wars | 03:00 Neighborhood Wars | 03:30 Neighborhood Wars | 04:00 Neighborhood Wars | 04:30 Neighborhood Wars | 05:00 Neighborhood Wars | 05:30 Neighborhood Wars | 06:00 Neighborhood Wars | 06:30 Neighborhood Wars | 07:00 Neighborhood Wars | 07:30 Neighborhood Wars | 08:00 Neighborhood Wars | 08:30 Neighborhood Wars | 09:00 Neighborhood Wars | 09:30 Neighborhood Wars | 10:00 Neighborhood Wars | 10:30 Neighborhood Wars | 11:01 Customer Wars | 11:32 Customer Wars | 12:04 Neighborhood Wars | 12:34 Neighborhood Wars | 13:03 Neighborhood Wars | 13:33 Neighborhood Wars | 14:03 Neighborhood Wars | 14:33 Neighborhood Wars | 15:04 Customer Wars | 15:34 Customer Wars | 16:05 Neighborhood Wars | 16:34 Neighborhood Wars | 17:02 Paid Programming | 17:32 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:02 Honoring America's Heroes | 18:31 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 19:01 Shark CarpetXpertTM with StainStrikerTM 2-in-1 deep carpet cleaner with built-in spot & stain remove | 19:30 Joni: Table Talk | 20:00 Storage Wars Texas | 20:30 Storage Wars Texas | 21:00 Storage Wars | 21:30 Storage Wars | 22:00 Storage Wars | 22:30 Storage Wars | 23:00 Storage Wars | 23:30 Storage Wars | 2025-02-20 00:00 Storage Wars | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Wealth of Entertainment HDTV (AWEHD) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Find Me a Luxury Home | 00:30 Tasting America | 01:00 Private Islands | 01:30 Distant Shores | 02:00 Vicarious Escapes | 02:30 Facing Waves | 03:00 Takeoff | 03:30 Car Stories | 04:00 Selling Jets | 04:30 Travel in Style | 05:00 Road Less Traveled | 06:00 Selling Mega Mansions | 06:30 Tasting America | 07:00 Distant Shores | 07:30 Boys Toys | 08:00 Behind the Gates | 08:30 Private Islands | 09:00 Behind the Gates | 09:30 Travel Thru History | 10:00 Dream Cruises | 11:00 Selling Mega Mansions | 11:30 Find Me a Luxury Home | 12:00 5 Star Getaways | 13:00 Travel in Style | 13:30 Private Islands | 14:00 Behind the Gates | 14:30 Travel Thru History | 15:00 Dream Cruises | 16:00 Facing Waves | 16:30 Tasting America | 17:00 Road Less Traveled | 18:00 Tasting America | 18:30 Wardens | 19:00 Dream Cruises | 20:00 Global Passport | 20:30 European Getaways | 21:00 5 Star Getaways | 22:00 Distant Shores | 22:30 Selling Yachts | 23:00 Road Less Traveled | 2025-02-19 00:00 A Taste of Travel | 00:30 Find Me a Vacation Home | 01:00 Dream Cruises | 02:00 Find Me a Luxury Home | 02:30 Global Passport | 03:00 5 Star Getaways | 04:00 European Getaways | 04:30 Selling Yachts | 05:00 Road Less Traveled | 06:00 A Taste of Travel | 06:30 Find Me a Vacation Home | 07:00 Find Me a Luxury Home | 07:30 Global Passport | 08:00 Dream Cruises | 09:00 5 Star Getaways | 10:00 Distant Shores | 10:30 Selling Yachts | 11:00 Road Less Traveled | 12:00 A Taste of Travel | 12:30 Find Me a Vacation Home | 13:00 Dream Cruises | 14:00 Global Passport | 14:30 European Getaways | 15:00 5 Star Getaways | 16:00 Distant Shores | 16:30 Selling Yachts | 17:00 Road Less Traveled | 18:00 A Taste of Travel | 18:30 Find Me a Vacation Home | 19:00 Dream Cruises | 20:00 Travel in Style | 20:30 Private Islands | 21:00 Road Less Traveled | 22:00 Distant Shores | 22:30 Top Travel | 23:00 5 Star Getaways | 2025-02-20 00:00 Tasting America | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aapka Colors | 2025-02-18 00:00 Suman Indori | 00:30 Parineetii | 01:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 01:30 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 02:00 Megha Barsenge | 02:30 Doree | 03:00 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 03:30 Ram Bhavan | 04:00 Suman Indori | 04:30 Mangal Lakshmi | 05:00 Mangal Lakshmi | 05:30 Parineetii | 06:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 06:30 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 07:00 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 07:30 Suman Indori | 08:00 Parineetii | 08:30 Megha Barsenge | 09:00 Ram Bhavan | 09:30 Mangal Lakshmi | 10:30 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 11:00 Doree | 11:30 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 12:00 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 12:30 Parineetii | 13:00 Megha Barsenge | 13:30 Suman Indori | 14:00 Ram Bhavan | 14:30 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 15:00 Doree | 15:30 Mangal Lakshmi | 16:30 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 17:00 Ram Bhavan | 17:30 Parineetii | 18:00 Megha Barsenge | 18:30 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 19:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 19:30 Doree | 20:00 Megha Barsenge | 20:30 Suman Indori | 21:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 21:30 Parineetii | 22:00 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 22:30 Ram Bhavan | 23:00 Mangal Lakshmi | 2025-02-19 00:00 Suman Indori | 00:30 Parineetii | 01:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 01:30 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 02:00 Megha Barsenge | 02:30 Doree | 03:00 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 03:30 Ram Bhavan | 04:00 Suman Indori | 04:30 Mangal Lakshmi | 05:30 Parineetii | 06:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 06:30 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 07:00 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 07:30 Suman Indori | 08:00 Parineetii | 08:30 Megha Barsenge | 09:00 Ram Bhavan | 09:30 Mangal Lakshmi | 10:30 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 11:00 Doree | 11:30 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 12:00 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 12:30 Parineetii | 13:00 Megha Barsenge | 13:30 Suman Indori | 14:00 Ram Bhavan | 14:30 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 15:00 Doree | 15:30 Mangal Lakshmi | 16:30 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 17:00 Ram Bhavan | 17:30 Parineetii | 18:00 Megha Barsenge | 18:30 Apollena - Sapno Ki Unchi Udann | 19:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 19:30 Doree | 20:00 Megha Barsenge | 20:30 Suman Indori | 21:00 Mannat Harr Khushi Paane Ki | 21:30 Parineetii | 22:00 Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav | 22:30 Ram Bhavan | 23:00 Mangal Lakshmi | 2025-02-20 00:00 Suman Indori | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABC (KABC) Los Angeles, CA | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live with Kelly and Mark | 02:00 The View | 03:00 Eyewitness News 11AM | 04:00 GMA3: What You Need to Know | 05:00 Tamron Hall | 06:00 General Hospital | 07:00 Eyewitness News 3PM | 07:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 08:00 Eyewitness News 4PM | 09:00 Eyewitness News 5PM | 10:00 Eyewitness News 6PM | 10:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 11:00 Jeopardy! | 11:30 Wheel of Fortune | 12:00 The Bachelor | 14:01 The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | 15:00 Eyewitness News 11PM | 15:35 Jimmy Kimmel Live! | 16:37 Nightline | 17:06 Tamron Hall | 18:06 Live with Kelly and Mark | 19:06 ABC World News Now | 19:30 Good Morning America First Look | 20:00 Eyewitness News 4AM | 20:30 Eyewitness News 4:30AM | 21:00 Eyewitness News 5AM | 22:00 Eyewitness News 6AM | 23:00 Good Morning America | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live with Kelly and Mark | 02:00 The View | 03:00 Eyewitness News 11AM | 04:00 GMA3: What You Need to Know | 05:00 Tamron Hall | 06:00 General Hospital | 07:00 Eyewitness News 3PM | 07:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 08:00 Eyewitness News 4PM | 09:00 Eyewitness News 5PM | 10:00 Eyewitness News 6PM | 10:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 11:00 Jeopardy! | 11:30 Wheel of Fortune | 12:00 Will Trent | 13:00 The Rookie | 14:00 High Potential | 15:00 Eyewitness News 11PM | 15:35 Jimmy Kimmel Live! | 16:37 Nightline | 17:06 Tamron Hall | 18:06 Live with Kelly and Mark | 19:06 ABC World News Now | 19:30 Good Morning America First Look | 20:00 Eyewitness News 4AM | 20:30 Eyewitness News 4:30AM | 21:00 Eyewitness News 5AM | 22:00 Eyewitness News 6AM | 23:00 Good Morning America | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABC (WABC) New York, NY | 2025-02-18 00:00 The View | 01:00 Eyewitness News at Noon | 02:00 GMA3: What You Need to Know | 03:00 Tamron Hall | 04:00 General Hospital | 05:00 Eyewitness News First at 4 | 06:00 Eyewitness News at 5 | 07:00 Eyewitness News at 6 | 07:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 08:00 Jeopardy! | 08:30 Wheel of Fortune | 09:00 The Bachelor | 11:01 The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | 12:00 Eyewitness News at 11 | 12:35 Jimmy Kimmel Live! | 13:37 Nightline | 14:06 Live with Kelly and Mark | 15:06 Daytime Jeopardy | 15:36 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 16:05 Tamron Hall | 17:00 Good Morning America First Look | 17:30 Eyewitness News This Morning | 19:00 Eyewitness News This Morning | 20:00 Good Morning America | 22:00 Live with Kelly and Mark | 23:00 Eyewitness News Mornings at 10 | 2025-02-19 00:00 The View | 01:00 Eyewitness News at Noon | 02:00 GMA3: What You Need to Know | 03:00 Tamron Hall | 04:00 General Hospital | 05:00 Eyewitness News First at 4 | 06:00 Eyewitness News at 5 | 07:00 Eyewitness News at 6 | 07:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 08:00 Jeopardy! | 08:30 Wheel of Fortune | 09:00 Will Trent | 10:00 The Rookie | 11:00 High Potential | 12:00 Eyewitness News at 11 | 12:35 Jimmy Kimmel Live! | 13:37 Nightline | 14:06 Live with Kelly and Mark | 15:05 Daytime Jeopardy | 15:35 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 16:05 Tamron Hall | 17:00 Good Morning America First Look | 17:30 Eyewitness News This Morning | 19:00 Eyewitness News This Morning | 20:00 Good Morning America | 22:00 Live with Kelly and Mark | 23:00 Eyewitness News Mornings at 10 | 2025-02-20 00:00 The View | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABC NEWS | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: ABC News Live First | 00:30 Live: ABC News Live First | 01:00 Live: ABC News Live First | 01:30 Live: ABC News Live First | 02:00 Live: ABC News Live | 02:30 Live: ABC News Live | 03:00 Live: ABC News Live | 03:30 Live: ABC News Live | 04:00 Live: ABC News Live | 04:30 Live: ABC News Live | 05:00 ABC News Live Reports | 08:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 09:30 Live: Nightline | 10:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 11:00 Live: ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 11:30 ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 12:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 13:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 14:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 15:00 Live: ABC World News Now | 15:30 Live: ABC World News Now | 16:00 Live: ABC World News Now | 16:30 Live: ABC World News Now | 17:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 17:30 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 18:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 18:30 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 19:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 19:30 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 20:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 20:30 Live: Start Here | 21:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 21:30 Start Here | 22:00 Live: ABC News Live First | 23:30 ABC News Live First | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: ABC News Live First | 00:30 Live: ABC News Live First | 01:00 Live: ABC News Live First | 01:30 Live: ABC News Live First | 02:00 Live: ABC News Live | 02:30 Live: ABC News Live | 03:00 Live: ABC News Live | 03:30 Live: ABC News Live | 04:00 Live: ABC News Live | 04:30 Live: ABC News Live | 05:00 ABC News Live Reports | 08:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 09:30 Live: Nightline | 10:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 11:00 Live: ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 11:30 ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 12:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 13:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir | 14:00 Live: ABCNL Prime With Linsey Davis | 15:00 Live: ABC World News Now | 15:30 Live: ABC World News Now | 16:00 Live: ABC World News Now | 16:30 Live: ABC World News Now | 17:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 17:30 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 18:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 18:30 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 19:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 19:30 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 20:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 20:30 Live: Start Here | 21:00 Live: Good Morning America First Look | 21:30 Start Here | 22:00 Live: ABC News Live First | 23:30 ABC News Live First | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: ABC News Live First | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ABP News | 2025-02-18 00:00 Fatafat | 00:30 Hun To Bolish | 01:00 Hun To Bolish | 01:30 Top 50 | 02:00 Mudda Ni Vaat | 02:30 Asmita News | 03:00 Samachar Shatak | 03:30 Asmita News | 04:00 Fatafat | 04:30 Top 50 | 05:00 Maha Aarti | 05:30 Hun To Bolish | 06:00 Hun To Bolish | 06:30 Aapani Khabar | 07:00 Asmita Vishesh | 07:30 Top 50 | 08:00 Fatafat | 08:30 Asmita News | 09:00 Maha Aarti | 09:30 Asmita Vishesh | 10:00 Fatafat | 10:30 Yog Bhagave Rog | 11:00 Bhakti Na Sur | 11:30 Bhakti Na Sur | 12:00 Bhakti Na Sur | 12:27 Asmita News | 13:00 Fatafat | 13:30 Asmita News | 14:00 Samachar Shatak | 14:30 Asmita News | 15:00 Mari Vidhansabha, Mari Vaat | 15:30 Asmita News | 16:00 Fatafat | 16:30 Asmita News | 17:00 Mari Vidhansabha, Mari Vaat | 17:30 Asmita News | 18:00 Fatafat | 18:30 Asmita News | 19:00 Fatafat | 19:30 Asmita News | 20:00 Samachar Shatak | 20:30 Chitramala | 21:00 Chitramala | 21:30 Asmita News | 22:00 Samachar Shatak | 22:30 Asmita Newsroom | 23:00 Fatafat | 23:30 Apni Khabar | 2025-02-19 00:00 Fatafat | 00:30 Hun To Bolish | 01:00 Hun To Bolish | 01:30 Top 50 | 02:00 Mudda Ni Vaat | 02:30 Asmita News | 03:00 Samachar Shatak | 03:30 Asmita News | 04:00 Fatafat | 04:30 Top 50 | 05:00 Maha Aarti | 05:30 Hun To Bolish | 06:00 Hun To Bolish | 06:30 Aapani Khabar | 07:00 Asmita Vishesh | 07:30 Top 50 | 08:00 Fatafat | 08:30 Asmita News | 09:00 Maha Aarti | 09:30 Asmita Vishesh | 10:00 Fatafat | 10:30 Yog Bhagave Rog | 11:00 Bhakti Na Sur | 11:30 Bhakti Na Sur | 12:00 Bhakti Na Sur | 12:27 Asmita News | 13:00 Fatafat | 13:30 Asmita News | 14:00 Samachar Shatak | 14:30 Asmita News | 15:00 Mari Vidhansabha, Mari Vaat | 15:30 Asmita News | 16:00 Fatafat | 16:30 Asmita News | 17:00 Mari Vidhansabha, Mari Vaat | 17:30 Asmita News | 18:00 Fatafat | 18:30 Asmita News | 19:00 Fatafat | 19:30 Asmita News | 20:00 Samachar Shatak | 20:30 Chitramala | 21:00 Chitramala | 21:30 Asmita News | 22:00 Samachar Shatak | 22:30 Asmita Newsroom | 23:00 Fatafat | 23:30 Apni Khabar | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fatafat | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ACC Network | 2025-02-18 01:00 College Basketball | 03:00 College Basketball | 05:00 ACC PM | 08:00 Inside ACCess | 08:30 Inside ACCess | 09:00 All Access The ACC Life | 09:30 Inside ACCess | 10:00 All Access The ACC Life | 10:30 Inside ACCess | 11:00 All Access The ACC Life | 11:30 Inside ACCess | 12:00 All Access The ACC Life | 12:30 Inside ACCess | 13:00 All Access The ACC Life | 13:30 Inside ACCess | 14:00 All Access The ACC Life | 14:30 Inside ACCess | 15:00 Women's College Basketball | 17:00 All Access The ACC Life | 17:30 Inside ACCess | 18:00 Women's College Basketball | 20:00 Inside ACCess | 20:30 All Access The ACC Life | 21:00 Inside ACCess | 21:30 All Access The ACC Life | 22:00 Inside ACCess | 22:30 All Access The ACC Life | 23:00 Women's College Basketball | 2025-02-19 01:00 Women's College Basketball | 03:00 College Basketball | 05:00 ACC PM | 08:00 Live: College Basketball | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 Live: Nothing But Net | 12:30 Nothing But Net | 13:00 Nothing But Net | 13:30 Nothing But Net | 14:00 Nothing But Net | 14:30 Nothing But Net | 15:00 Women's College Basketball | 17:00 ACC Traditions | 17:30 ACC Traditions | 18:00 College Basketball | 20:00 Nothing But Net | 20:30 Nothing But Net | 21:00 Nothing But Net | 21:30 Nothing But Net | 22:00 Nothing But Net | 22:30 Nothing But Net | 23:00 Women's College Basketball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AccuWeather | 2025-02-18 01:00 Invisible Iceberg | 02:00 Ask the Experts | 05:00 AccuWeather Ahead | 09:00 AccuWeather Presents | 13:00 AccuWeather All Night | 19:00 AccuWeather Early | 2025-02-19 01:00 Ask the Experts | 05:00 AccuWeather Ahead | 09:00 AccuWeather Presents | 13:00 AccuWeather All Night | 19:00 AccuWeather Early | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ActionMax - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:54 Low Tide | 02:20 Morgan | 03:52 Mechanic: Resurrection | 05:31 Criminal | 07:25 Eye in the Sky | 09:08 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor | 11:00 Gods of Egypt | 13:07 Elektra | 14:44 The Time Traveler's Wife | 16:32 Magic Mike's Last Dance | 18:24 The Lovers | 20:02 The Color Purple | 22:24 All I See Is You | 2025-02-19 00:14 The Invention of Lying | 01:54 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me | 04:10 Sleepless | 05:45 Confidence | 07:23 Wanted | 09:13 The Last Witch Hunter | 11:00 Demolition | 12:41 RoboCop | 14:39 Hobo With a Shotgun | 16:06 White Bird in a Blizzard | 17:38 Black Swan | 19:27 I, Tonya | 21:27 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me | 23:43 Red Dawn | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AdultSwim com Cartoon Network | 2025-02-18 06:00 Uncle Gus | 06:15 Uncle Gus | 06:30 Major Flake | 06:38 Imp, Inc. | 06:49 King Crab Space Crustacean | 07:00 King of the Hill | 07:30 King of the Hill | 08:00 Bob's Burgers | 08:30 Bob's Burgers | 09:00 Bob's Burgers | 09:30 American Dad | 10:00 American Dad | 10:30 American Dad | 11:00 Family Guy | 11:30 Family Guy | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Rick and Morty | 13:00 Rick and Morty | 13:30 Robot Chicken | 13:45 Robot Chicken | 14:00 The Eric Andre Show | 14:15 The Eric Andre Show | 14:30 Family Guy | 15:00 Family Guy | 15:30 American Dad | 16:00 American Dad | 16:30 Rick and Morty | 17:00 The Jellies! | 17:15 Loiter Squad (Non-Explicit RPK) | 17:30 Black Jesus | 18:00 Bob's Burgers | 18:30 Bob's Burgers | 2025-02-19 06:00 Yee Hah & Doo Dah | 06:08 Cartoon Cartoon | 06:19 Longhair and Doubledome | 06:30 Longhair and Doubledome | 06:38 Colin Versus the World: Mr. Lounge Lizard | 06:49 Prickles | 07:00 King of the Hill | 07:30 King of the Hill | 08:00 Bob's Burgers | 08:30 Bob's Burgers | 09:00 Bob's Burgers | 09:30 American Dad | 10:00 American Dad | 10:30 American Dad | 11:00 Family Guy | 11:30 Family Guy | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Rick and Morty | 13:00 Rick and Morty | 13:30 Robot Chicken | 13:45 Robot Chicken | 14:00 The Eric Andre Show | 14:15 The Eric Andre Show | 14:30 Family Guy | 15:00 Family Guy | 15:30 American Dad | 16:00 American Dad | 16:30 Rick and Morty | 17:00 The Jellies! | 17:15 Loiter Squad (Non-Explicit RPK) | 17:30 Black Jesus | 18:00 Bob's Burgers | 18:30 Bob's Burgers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN family,AFN pulse | 2025-02-18 00:00 Shaq's Garage | 00:30 Mira, Royal Detective | 01:00 Talking Tom & Friends | 01:15 Talking Tom & Friends | 01:30 Talking Tom & Friends | 01:45 Talking Tom & Friends | 02:00 The Dog & Pony Show | 02:30 The Dog & Pony Show | 03:00 Pikwik Pack | 03:15 Pikwik Pack | 03:30 Pikwik Pack | 03:45 Pikwik Pack | 04:00 Vampirina | 04:30 Vampirina | 05:00 Sesame Street | 05:30 Sesame Street | 06:00 DroniX | 06:30 Hero Inside | 06:46 Hero Inside | 07:03 Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed | 07:15 Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed | 07:30 Fairly OddParents: A New Wish | 08:00 Sydney to the Max | 08:30 The Villains of Valley View | 09:00 Louise Lives Large | 09:30 Coop & Cami Ask the World | 10:00 Military Makeover | 10:30 Happy's Place | 11:00 When Calls the Heart | 12:00 Shark Tank | 13:00 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days | 15:00 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days | 2025-02-19 15:00 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days | 17:00 Young Sheldon | 17:30 Young Sheldon | 18:00 Lopez vs. Lopez | 18:30 Lopez vs. Lopez | 19:00 Elsbeth | 20:00 Hiccup & Sneeze | 20:30 Hiccup & Sneeze | 21:00 Mimi's World | 21:15 Mimi's World | 21:30 Nella the Princess Knight | 22:00 Disney Junior T.O.T.S. | 22:30 Disney Junior T.O.T.S. | 23:00 Sesame Street | 23:30 Sesame Street | 2025-02-20 00:00 S.M.A.S.H! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN movie | 2025-02-18 14:00 Bridesmaids | 2025-02-19 13:30 Mission: Impossible -- Dead Reckoning Part One | 15:30 21 Jump Street | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN news | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Beat with Ari Melber (MSNBC) | 01:00 Washington Week (PBS) | 01:30 Nightline (ABC) | 02:00 Jesse Watters Primetime (FNC) | 03:00 All In with Chris Hayes (MSNBC) | 04:00 Today Show Saturday (NBC) | 05:30 Nightline (ABC) | 06:00 Fox & Friends (FNC) | 07:00 Good Morning America Weekend Edition | 08:00 The Amanpour Hour | 09:00 The Katie Phang Show (MSNBC) | 10:00 Fox News Live | 11:00 CNN Newsroom | 12:00 Fox Report with Jon Scott (FNC) | 13:00 The Beat: Weekend (MSNBC) | 14:00 CNN Newsroom | 15:00 The Big Weekend Show | 16:00 State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash | 17:00 MediaBuzz (FNC) | 18:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS (CNN) | 19:00 Inside Politics Sunday (CNN) | 20:00 Life, Liberty and Levin (FNC) | 21:00 ABC World News Sunday | 21:30 CBS Weekend News | 22:00 60 Minutes | 23:00 FOX News Sunday | 2025-02-19 00:00 CNN Newsroom | 01:00 America This Morning (ABC) | 01:30 Hiring America | 02:00 60 Minutes | 03:00 Morning Joe (MSNBC) | 04:00 Today Show (NBC) | 06:00 America's Newsroom (FNC) | 07:00 CBS Mornings | 09:00 Inside Politics (CNN) | 10:00 60 Minutes | 11:00 Chris Jansing Reports (MSNBC) | 12:00 The Story (FNC) | 13:00 The Lead (CNN) | 14:00 Five, The (FNC) | 15:00 Hiring America | 15:30 NBC Nightly News | 16:00 State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash | 17:00 MediaBuzz (FNC) | 18:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS (CNN) | 19:00 Inside Politics Sunday (CNN) | 20:00 Life, Liberty and Levin (FNC) | 21:00 ABC World News Sunday | 21:30 CBS Weekend News | 22:00 60 Minutes | 23:00 FOX News Sunday | 2025-02-20 00:00 CNN Newsroom | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN prime Atlantic | 2025-02-18 11:00 Law & Order: SVU | 12:00 Found | 13:00 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon | 14:00 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert | 15:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! | 16:00 College Basketball: | 18:00 College Basketball: | 20:00 This Week with George Stephanopoulos (ABC) | 21:00 Meet the Press (NBC) | 22:00 Face the Nation (CBS) | 23:00 The View | 2025-02-19 00:00 GMA3: What You Need To Know | 01:00 Salute to Veterans: President's Day | 01:30 Equal Justice with Eboni K. Williams | 02:00 America's Court with Judge Ross | 02:30 Daily Flash | 03:00 NBC News Daily | 04:00 The Young and the Restless | 05:00 General Hospital | 06:00 Days of Our Lives | 07:00 The Bold & The Beautiful | 07:30 We The People with Judge Lauren Lake | 08:00 Wheel of Fortune | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN prime Pacific | 2025-02-18 03:00 Law & Order: SVU | 04:00 Found | 05:00 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon | 06:00 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert | 07:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! | 08:00 Late Night with Seth Meyers | 09:00 After Midnight | 10:00 Gutfeld! | 11:00 The Daily Show | 11:35 Comics Unleashed with Byron Allen | 12:00 Inside Politics (CNN) | 13:00 Good Morning America | 15:00 A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green | 15:30 Recipe.TV | 20:00 The Young and the Restless | 21:00 General Hospital | 22:00 Days of Our Lives | 23:00 The Bold & The Beautiful | 23:30 We The People with Judge Lauren Lake | 2025-02-19 00:00 Wheel of Fortune | 20:00 The Young and the Restless | 21:00 General Hospital | 22:00 Days of Our Lives | 23:00 The Bold & The Beautiful | 23:30 We The People with Judge Lauren Lake | 2025-02-20 00:00 Wheel of Fortune | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN spectrum | 2025-02-18 00:00 Custom Carolina | 01:00 Ghost Hunters | 02:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 03:00 MythBusters | 04:00 Chopped | 05:00 The Great American Recipe | 06:00 Wynonna Earp | 07:00 Salute to Veterans: President's Day | 07:30 Traveling with Denella Ri'Chard | 08:00 The Food That Built America | 09:00 Gold Rush | 10:00 Worst Cooks In America Celebrity Edition: Heroes vs. Villains | 11:00 Superman & Lois | 12:00 Icon: Music Through the Lens | 13:00 Narcos: Mexico | 14:04 Real Time with Bill Maher | 15:02 American Rust | 16:00 Blue Bloods | 17:00 Haven | 18:00 Fire Country | 19:00 The Ark | 20:00 The Cleaning Lady | 21:00 S.W.A.T. | 22:00 Chicago PD | 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 2025-02-19 00:00 Law & Order: Organized Crime | 01:00 Tamron Hall | 02:00 Everyday Cooking | 02:30 Magnolia Table with Joanna Gaines | 03:00 Restoring Galveston | 04:00 The Drew Barrymore Show | 04:30 The Drew Barrymore Show | 05:00 Today with Jenna & Friends | 06:00 Wheel of Fortune | 06:30 Jeopardy! | 07:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 08:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 09:00 Entertainment Tonight | 09:30 Salute to Veterans: President's Day | 10:00 The Simpsons | 10:30 Bob's Burgers | 11:00 Station 19 | 12:00 Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches | 13:00 The Man Who Fell to Earth | 14:00 Bel-Air | 15:00 Gossip Girl | 16:00 Blue Bloods | 17:00 Haven | 18:00 Fire Country | 19:00 The Ark | 20:00 The Cleaning Lady | 21:00 S.W.A.T. | 22:00 Chicago PD | 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 2025-02-20 00:00 Law & Order: Organized Crime | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN sports | 2025-02-18 00:00 NBA on TNT: All-Star Saturday Night | 02:30 NHL 4 Nations Face-Off: Finland vs. Sweden | 05:30 NHL 4 Nations Face-Off: USA vs. Canada | 08:30 NASCAR Raceday | 10:30 NASCAR Cup Series: | 14:30 NBA Special NBA All-Star Weekend: Sunday | 15:00 NBA Tip-Off | 2025-02-19 15:00 NBA Tip-Off | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AFN sports2 | 2025-02-18 15:00 COLL BB - Women's Women's ACC College Basketball: Syracuse @ California | 17:00 COLL BB - Men's ACC Basketball: Louisville @ Notre Dame | 19:00 SportsCenter | 20:00 PBR Team Challenge - Indianapolis: Missouri Thunder vs. Kansas City Outlaws | 21:00 PBA Pete Weber Missouri Classic | 23:00 COLL BB - Women's Women's SEC College Basketball: UConn @ South Carolina | 2025-02-19 01:00 COLL BB - Women's Women's SEC College Basketball: LSU @ Texas | 03:00 LIV Golf - Adelaide: Round 3 | 06:00 UFC Fight Night: Cannonier @ Rodrigues | 09:00 College Basketball - Women's: | 11:00 College Basketball - Women's: | 13:00 NFL Live | 14:00 NBA Today | 15:00 SportsCenter | 16:00 The Insiders | 17:00 COLL BB - Men's ACC Basketball as part of Big Monday: Duke @ Virginia | 19:00 COLL BB - Men's Big 12 Basketball as part of Big Monday: Arizona @ Baylor | 21:00 SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt | 22:00 MLB Tonight | 23:00 NFL Live | 2025-02-20 00:00 WWE Raw | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Altitude 2 | 2025-02-18 00:00 A360 | 00:30 Altitude Extra | 00:45 Altitude Extra | 01:00 College Hockey | 03:30 College Hockey | 06:00 Colorado Avalanche Quarter-Century Team | 06:30 Moe | 08:00 Remembering Mutombo | 09:00 A360 | 09:30 A360 | 10:00 A360 | 10:30 A360 | 11:00 The Cannons | 12:00 A360 | 12:30 A360 | 13:00 Colorado Avalanche Quarter-Century Team | 13:30 Altitude Extra | 13:45 Altitude Extra | 14:00 College Hockey | 16:30 World Poker Tour | 17:30 Golf Life | 18:00 Life in Between Gates | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 20:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 22:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 23:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 01:00 College Hockey | 03:30 A360 | 04:00 Air Force Super Girl Surf Pro 2024 | 05:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 07:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 07:30 Pure Outdoor | 08:00 MLF General Tire Team Series | 10:00 Golf Life | 10:30 College Hockey | 13:00 World Poker Tour | 14:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 15:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 17:00 Fairways of Life | 18:00 Fishful Thinker | 18:30 Adventure Guides Fishing | 19:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 22:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 23:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Altitude Sports - Denver | 2025-02-18 00:00 A360 | 00:30 Altitude Extra | 00:45 Altitude Extra | 01:00 College Hockey | 03:30 College Hockey | 06:00 Colorado Avalanche Quarter-Century Team | 06:30 Moe | 08:00 Remembering Mutombo | 09:00 A360 | 09:30 A360 | 10:00 A360 | 10:30 A360 | 11:00 The Cannons | 12:00 A360 | 12:30 A360 | 13:00 Colorado Avalanche Quarter-Century Team | 13:30 Altitude Extra | 13:45 Altitude Extra | 14:00 College Hockey | 16:30 World Poker Tour | 17:30 Golf Life | 18:00 Life in Between Gates | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 20:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 22:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 23:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 01:00 College Hockey | 03:30 A360 | 04:00 Air Force Super Girl Surf Pro 2024 | 05:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 07:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 07:30 Pure Outdoor | 08:00 MLF General Tire Team Series | 10:00 Golf Life | 10:30 College Hockey | 13:00 World Poker Tour | 14:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 15:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 17:00 Fairways of Life | 18:00 Fishful Thinker | 18:30 Adventure Guides Fishing | 19:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 22:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 23:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Moser, Lombardi & Kane on Altitude Radio 92.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AMC - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:15 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls | 02:15 Ghostbusters | 04:45 Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment | 06:45 Police Academy | 09:00 Major League | 11:30 Caddyshack | 13:30 Police Academy | 15:45 Caddyshack | 17:45 Mayfair Witches | 18:48 The Three Stooges | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Adult 65+ Health Matters: Insights from Dr. Laolu | 21:30 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 22:00 The Three Stooges | 22:30 Donnie Brasco | 2025-02-19 01:30 Scarface | 05:30 The Departed | 09:00 Goodfellas | 12:00 Blow | 15:00 Scarface | 19:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:30 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Stories of Love to the Rescue by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 21:00 Looking for a Medicare plan? Tune in now! | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Escape Plan: The Extractors | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fury | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AMC+ | 2025-02-18 00:22 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 01:09 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 01:56 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 02:42 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 03:30 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 04:19 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 05:09 Mayfair Witches | 05:57 Mayfair Witches | 06:47 Mayfair Witches | 07:31 Mayfair Witches | 08:15 Mayfair Witches | 09:00 Mayfair Witches | 09:47 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 10:36 Mayfair Witches | 11:23 Mayfair Witches | 12:12 Mayfair Witches | 12:55 Mayfair Witches | 13:39 Mayfair Witches | 14:23 Mayfair Witches | 15:09 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 15:55 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 16:41 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 17:26 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 18:13 Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale | 19:00 Dating Death | 19:48 Dating Death | 20:36 Dating Death | 21:24 Dating Death | 22:10 Dating Death | 22:57 Dating Death | 23:44 Dating Death | 2025-02-19 00:30 Dating Death | 01:16 Dating Death | 02:03 Dating Death | 02:49 Dating Death | 03:35 Dating Death | 04:23 Dating Death | 05:10 Dating Death | 05:55 Dating Death | 06:43 Dating Death | 07:30 Dating Death | 08:15 Dating Death | 09:00 The Long Shadow | 09:52 The Long Shadow | 10:42 The Long Shadow | 11:32 The Long Shadow | 12:23 The Long Shadow | 13:13 The Long Shadow | 14:03 The Long Shadow | 14:53 The Long Shadow | 15:45 The Long Shadow | 16:34 The Long Shadow | 17:23 The Long Shadow | 18:12 The Long Shadow | 19:00 Dark Winds | 19:54 Dark Winds | 20:42 Dark Winds | 21:30 Dark Winds | 22:16 Dark Winds | 23:03 Dark Winds | 23:45 Dark Winds | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
America's Auction Channel | 2025-02-18 01:00 Jewelry Theater with Ted | 05:00 Coins and Currency with Eric | 09:00 Real Estate With Rob | 13:00 Art Gallery with Shawn | 16:00 Jewelry Pretape | 22:00 Jewelry Morning with Alex | 2025-02-19 01:00 Jewelry Theater with Grant | 05:00 Coins and Currency with Adam | 09:00 Real Estate With Rob | 13:00 Art Gallery with Shawn | 16:00 Jewelry Pretape | 22:00 Gold and Coin Investment with Eric | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
American Heroes Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 American Lawmen | 01:00 Natural Born Outlaws | 02:00 Natural Born Outlaws | 03:00 Natural Born Outlaws | 04:00 Natural Born Outlaws | 05:00 Natural Born Outlaws | 06:00 Natural Born Outlaws | 07:00 Patriots Rising: The American Revolution | 08:00 Patriots Rising: The American Revolution | 09:00 American Titans | 10:00 American Titans | 11:00 American Titans | 12:00 American Titans | 13:00 American Titans | 14:00 American Titans | 15:00 American Titans | 16:00 American Titans | 17:00 Patriots Rising: The American Revolution | 18:00 Patriots Rising: The American Revolution | 19:00 Ultimate Weapons | 20:00 Ultimate Weapons | 21:00 Top Tens | 22:00 Top Tens | 23:00 Deadliest Tech | 2025-02-19 00:00 Deadliest Tech | 01:00 Deadliest Tech | 02:00 Deadliest Tech | 03:00 Ultimate Warfare | 04:00 Ultimate Warfare | 05:00 Ultimate Warfare | 06:00 Ultimate Warfare | 07:00 Ultimate Warfare | 08:00 Ultimate Warfare | 09:00 Warrior POV | 10:00 Warrior POV | 11:00 Warrior POV | 12:00 Warrior POV | 13:00 Warrior POV | 14:00 Warrior POV | 15:00 Warrior POV | 16:00 Warrior POV | 17:00 Ultimate Warfare | 18:00 Ultimate Warfare | 19:00 Combat Tech | 20:00 Combat Tech | 21:00 Combat Tech | 22:00 Modern Sniper | 23:00 Modern Sniper | 2025-02-20 00:00 Modern Sniper | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
and TV HD USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Happy Hours | 00:30 Tujhse Hai Raabta | 01:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 01:30 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 02:00 Happy Hours | 02:30 Doosri Maa | 03:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 03:30 Atal | 04:00 Tujhse Hai Raabta | 04:30 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 05:00 Sanam Teri Kasam | 08:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 08:30 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 09:00 Doosri Maa | 09:30 Atal | 10:00 Happy Hours | 10:30 Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai :registered: | 11:00 Agnifera | 12:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 12:30 Doosri Maa | 13:30 Happy Hours | 14:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 14:30 Atal | 15:00 Happy Hours | 15:30 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 16:00 Doosri Maa | 16:30 Agnifera | 17:30 Happy Hours | 18:00 Atal | 18:30 Tujhse Hai Raabta | 19:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 19:30 Doosri Maa | 20:00 Atal | 20:30 Happy Hours | 21:00 Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai | 21:30 Zee Music Songs | 22:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 22:30 Doosri Maa | 23:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 23:30 Atal | 2025-02-19 00:00 Happy Hours | 00:30 Tujhse Hai Raabta | 01:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 01:30 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 02:00 Happy Hours | 02:30 Doosri Maa | 03:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 03:30 Atal | 04:00 Tujhse Hai Raabta | 04:30 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 05:00 Agent Vinod | 08:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 08:30 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 09:00 Doosri Maa | 09:30 Atal | 10:00 Happy Hours | 10:30 Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai :registered: | 11:00 Agnifera | 12:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 12:30 Doosri Maa | 13:30 Happy Hours | 14:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 14:30 Atal | 15:00 Happy Hours | 15:30 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 16:00 Doosri Maa | 16:30 Agnifera | 17:30 Happy Hours | 18:00 Atal | 18:30 Tujhse Hai Raabta | 19:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 19:30 Doosri Maa | 20:00 Atal | 20:30 Happy Hours | 21:00 Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai | 21:30 Zee Music Songs | 22:00 Bheema - Andhkaar Se Adhikaar Tak | 22:30 Doosri Maa | 23:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan | 23:30 Atal | 2025-02-20 00:00 Happy Hours | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Animal Planet US - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ice Cold Catch | 01:00 Ice Cold Gold | 02:00 Ice Cold Gold | 03:00 Ice Cold Gold | 04:00 Ice Cold Gold | 05:00 Ice Cold Gold | 06:00 Ice Cold Gold | 07:00 Ice Cold Gold | 08:00 Ice Cold Gold | 09:00 Ice Cold Gold | 10:00 Ice Cold Gold | 11:00 Ice Cold Gold | 12:00 Ice Cold Gold | 13:00 Ice Cold Gold | 14:00 Ice Cold Gold | 15:00 Ice Cold Gold | 16:00 Ice Cold Gold | 17:00 Ice Cold Gold | 18:00 To Be Announced | 19:00 Amanda to the Rescue | 20:00 Bee Czar | 21:00 Pets & Pickers | 22:00 Animal Cribs | 23:00 Saved By The Barn | 2025-02-19 00:00 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet | 01:00 Crikey! It's the Irwins | 02:00 Pit Bulls and Parolees | 03:00 Pit Bulls and Parolees | 04:00 Lone Star Law | 05:00 Lone Star Law | 06:00 Lone Star Law | 07:00 Dog Detectives | 08:00 Dog Detectives | 09:00 Dog Detectives | 10:00 Dog Detectives | 11:00 Dog Detectives | 12:00 Dog Detectives | 13:00 Dog Detectives | 14:00 Dog Detectives | 15:00 Dog Detectives | 16:00 Dog Detectives | 17:00 Lone Star Law | 18:00 Lone Star Law | 19:00 Amanda to the Rescue | 20:00 Bee Czar | 21:00 Pets & Pickers | 22:00 Animal Cribs | 23:00 Saved By The Barn | 2025-02-20 00:00 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arirang TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Arirang News | 00:30 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 00:45 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 01:00 Korea Today | 02:00 Arirang News | 02:30 Showbiz Korea | 03:00 Heart to Heart | 04:00 Arirang News | 04:30 Pops in Seoul | 05:00 In Frame | 06:00 Day Break | 06:30 Chef's Foodcation | 07:00 Korea Today | 08:00 Showbiz Korea | 08:30 Pops in Seoul | 09:00 The Innerview | 10:00 Arirang News | 10:30 Chef's Foodcation | 11:00 Korea Today | 12:00 Newsline at Noon | 12:30 Showbiz Korea | 13:00 After School Club | 14:00 Arirang News | 14:30 Chef's Foodcation | 15:00 The Innerview | 16:00 Arirang News | 16:30 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 16:45 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 17:00 After School Club | 18:00 Early Edition 18:00 | 18:30 Pops in Seoul | 19:00 The Innerview | 20:00 Arirang News | 20:30 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 20:45 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 21:00 Showbiz Korea | 21:30 Pops in Seoul | 22:00 Prime Time News | 22:30 Chef's Foodcation | 23:00 After School Club | 2025-02-19 00:00 Arirang News | 00:30 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 00:45 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 01:00 Korea Today | 02:00 Arirang News | 02:30 Showbiz Korea | 03:00 The Innerview | 04:00 Arirang News | 04:30 Pops in Seoul | 05:00 After School Club | 06:00 Day Break | 06:30 Travel Story | 07:00 Korea Today | 08:00 Showbiz Korea | 08:30 Pops in Seoul | 09:00 Arirang Prime | 10:00 Arirang News | 10:30 Travel Story | 11:00 Korea Today | 12:00 News Live at Noon | 12:30 Showbiz Korea | 13:00 After School Club | 14:00 Arirang News | 14:30 Travel Story | 15:00 Arirang Prime | 16:00 Arirang News | 16:30 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 16:45 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 17:00 After School Club | 18:00 Early Edition 18:00 | 18:30 Pops in Seoul | 19:00 Arirang Prime | 20:00 Arirang News | 20:30 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 20:45 100 Icons of Korean Culture | 21:00 Showbiz Korea | 21:30 Pops in Seoul | 22:00 Prime Time News | 22:30 Travel Story | 23:00 After School Club | 2025-02-20 00:00 Arirang News | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arizona Diamondbacks TV | 2025-02-18 02:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 05:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 09:15 Diamondbacks Baseball | 09:30 Diamondbacks Baseball | 12:30 Diamondbacks Baseball | 13:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 16:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 19:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 21:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 23:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 2025-02-19 02:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 05:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 09:15 Diamondbacks Baseball | 09:30 Diamondbacks Baseball | 12:30 Diamondbacks Baseball | 13:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 16:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 19:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 21:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | 23:00 Diamondbacks Baseball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ASPiRE TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 What Would You Do for Love? | 02:00 City Eats: Atlanta | 02:30 City Eats: Atlanta | 03:00 My Wife and Kids | 03:30 My Wife and Kids | 04:00 My Wife and Kids | 04:30 My Wife and Kids | 05:00 The Bernie Mac Show | 05:30 The Bernie Mac Show | 06:00 The Bernie Mac Show | 06:30 The Bernie Mac Show | 07:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 07:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 08:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 08:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 09:00 Who's Behind Black Art | 09:30 The Bernie Mac Show | 10:00 The Bernie Mac Show | 10:30 The Bernie Mac Show | 11:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 11:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 12:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 12:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 13:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 13:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 14:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 14:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 15:00 A Better Pain Pill | 15:30 Behind the scenes with Blair Underwood on Pain | 16:00 Amazing Closet Makeovers! 70% more space! | 16:30 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 17:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 19:00 Urban Indie Film Block | 20:00 Style Kings | 20:30 Style Kings | 21:00 Creative Collaborations | 21:30 Style Kings | 22:00 Where's the Love? | 2025-02-19 00:00 Love Me or Leave Me | 02:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? | 02:30 Whose Line Is It Anyway? | 03:00 My Wife and Kids | 03:30 My Wife and Kids | 04:00 My Wife and Kids | 04:30 My Wife and Kids | 05:00 The Bernie Mac Show | 05:30 The Bernie Mac Show | 06:00 The Bernie Mac Show | 06:30 The Bernie Mac Show | 07:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 07:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 08:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 08:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 09:00 Urban Indie Film Block | 10:00 Urban Indie Film Block | 11:00 Urban Indie Film Block | 12:00 Urban Indie Film Block | 13:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 13:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 14:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 14:30 The Steve Harvey Show | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 16:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 17:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 18:30 A Better Pain Pill | 19:00 Urban Indie Film Block | 20:00 City Eats: Atlanta | 20:30 City Eats: Atlanta | 21:00 City Eats: Atlanta | 21:30 City Eats: Atlanta | 22:00 Between Sisters | 2025-02-20 00:00 Really Love | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ATN - Cricket Plus | 2025-02-18 03:00 ICC Cricket 360 | 03:30 To Be Announced | 04:00 Asian Digest | 04:30 Cricket | 08:00 To Be Announced | 08:30 Asian Digest | 09:00 Cricket | 15:30 Asian Digest | 16:00 Asian Digest | 16:30 Cricket Highlights | 17:30 Cricket Highlights | 20:30 Asian Digest | 21:00 Asian Digest | 21:30 Women's T20 Cricket | 2025-02-19 01:30 Asian Digest | 02:00 Asian Digest | 02:30 Cricket | 06:30 Asian Digest | 07:00 Asian Digest | 07:30 Indian Super League Soccer | 09:30 Cricket | 13:00 Cricket | 16:30 Asian Magazine | 17:00 Asian Digest | 17:30 Asian Digest | 19:30 Live: 2025 Weston Shield Cricket Tournament | 21:30 Live: 2025 Weston Shield Cricket Tournament | 23:30 Asian Magazine | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: 2025 Weston Shield Cricket Tournament | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ATN Movies | 2025-02-18 01:15 Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai | 04:30 M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story | 08:00 Total Siyapaa | 10:00 Jaane Jaan | 12:45 Jayeshbhai Jordaar | 15:15 Shootout at Lokhandwala | 18:00 Koffee With Karan | 19:00 Raid | 21:30 Dil Bechara | 23:30 Dishoom | 2025-02-19 01:45 Bhabhi | 04:30 Jolly LLB 2 | 07:15 Munna Michael | 10:00 Roohi | 12:45 Hisss | 14:30 Freddy | 17:00 Potugadu | 19:00 Ghatothkach 2 | 20:30 Badhaai Ho | 23:00 Chhapaak | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Atres Series | 2025-02-18 01:16 Corazón de madre | 02:06 El tiempo entre costuras | 03:37 Más de series | 03:45 Dulce ambición | 04:33 Amar es para siempre | 05:48 Sueños de libertad | 06:49 El secreto de Puente Viejo | 07:53 Corazón de madre | 08:49 Amar es para siempre | 09:59 45 RPM | 11:06 Dulce ambición | 12:02 Sueños de libertad | 12:45 Más de series | 13:06 El tiempo entre costuras | 14:08 Pop up: aquí no hay quien viva | 18:30 Amar es para siempre | 20:00 Más de series | 20:17 45 RPM | 21:26 El secreto de Puente Viejo | 22:30 Pop up: aquí no hay quien viva | 2025-02-19 00:33 Corazón de madre | 01:28 Matadero | 03:15 Dulce ambición | 03:25 Más de series | 03:45 Dulce ambición | 04:21 Amar es para siempre | 05:32 Sueños de libertad | 06:33 El secreto de Puente Viejo | 07:38 Corazón de madre | 08:34 Amar es para siempre | 09:50 Presunto culpable | 11:20 Dulce ambición | 12:16 Sueños de libertad | 12:45 Más de series | 13:18 45 RPM | 14:34 Pop up: aquí no hay quien viva | 18:17 Amar es para siempre | 19:38 Más de series | 19:52 Presunto culpable | 21:28 El secreto de Puente Viejo | 22:30 Pop up: aquí no hay quien viva | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Audience Network | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AXS TV USA HD | 2025-02-18 00:00 Hell's Kitchen | 01:00 Hell's Kitchen | 02:00 Hell's Kitchen | 03:00 John Fogerty | 05:00 Bon Jovi: Lost Highway - The Concert | 06:00 Nashville | 07:00 The Top Ten Revealed | 07:30 The Top Ten Revealed | 08:00 The Top Ten Revealed | 08:30 The Top Ten Revealed | 09:00 John Fogerty | 11:00 Bon Jovi: Lost Highway - The Concert | 12:00 Hell's Kitchen | 13:00 Hell's Kitchen | 14:00 Hell's Kitchen | 15:00 Hot Ones | 15:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 16:00 Just for Laughs Gags | 16:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 17:00 The Real Story of Pain Relief with Blair Underwood | 18:00 Sharks SUCK | 19:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 20:00 Freezer to Plate in 10 Minutes! | 21:00 The Big Interview With Dan Rather | 22:00 Just for Laughs Gags | 22:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 23:00 Just for Laughs Gags | 23:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 2025-02-19 00:00 Hell's Kitchen | 01:00 Hell's Kitchen | 02:00 Hell's Kitchen | 03:00 The Monkees | 03:30 The Monkees | 04:00 The Monkees | 04:30 The Monkees | 05:00 The Monkees | 05:30 The Monkees | 06:00 Nashville | 07:00 The Top Ten Revealed | 07:30 The Top Ten Revealed | 08:00 The Top Ten Revealed | 08:30 The Top Ten Revealed | 09:00 The Monkees | 09:30 The Monkees | 10:00 The Monkees | 10:30 The Monkees | 11:00 The Monkees | 11:30 The Monkees | 12:00 Hell's Kitchen | 13:00 Hell's Kitchen | 14:00 Hell's Kitchen | 15:00 Hot Ones | 15:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 16:00 Just for Laughs Gags | 16:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 17:00 NEW Shark Deep Carpet Cleaner | 19:00 Emeril's Dual Zone Air Fryer Oven! | 19:30 The Real Story of Pain Relief with Blair Underwood | 20:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 21:00 The Big Interview With Dan Rather | 22:00 Just for Laughs Gags | 22:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 23:00 Just for Laughs Gags | 23:30 Just for Laughs Gags | 2025-02-20 00:00 Hell's Kitchen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Azteca America - East | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 23:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 23:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Baby First TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Play Time with Al | 00:30 Play Time with Al | 01:00 BabyFirst Favorite | 01:30 BabyFirst Favorite | 02:00 Mama & Me: Tot School | 02:30 Art & Music | 03:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 03:30 Early Bloomers | 04:00 Mama & Me: Fun Time | 04:30 Mama & Me: Sing Along | 05:00 Mama & Me: Tot School | 05:30 Developmental Programs for Baby | 06:00 BabyFirst Club | 06:30 BabyFirst Club | 07:00 BabyFirst Club | 07:30 BabyFirst Club | 08:00 Play Time with Al | 08:30 Play Time with Al | 09:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 09:30 Art & Music | 10:00 Mama & Me: Sing Along | 10:30 BabyFirst Favorite | 11:00 BabyFirst Favorite | 11:30 BabyFirst Bedtime | 12:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 12:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 13:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 13:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 14:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 14:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 15:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 15:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 16:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 16:30 Developmental Programs for Baby | 17:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 17:30 Developmental Programs for Baby | 18:00 Early Bloomers | 18:30 Early Bloomers | 19:00 Rise & Shine | 19:30 Rise & Shine | 20:00 Rise & Shine | 20:30 Rise & Shine | 21:00 Color Crew | 21:30 Mama & Me: Tot School | 22:00 Breakfast Club | 22:30 Breakfast Club | 23:00 Breakfast Club | 23:30 Breakfast Club | 2025-02-19 00:00 Play Time with Al | 00:30 Play Time with Al | 01:00 BabyFirst Favorite | 01:30 BabyFirst Favorite | 02:00 Mama & Me: Tot School | 02:30 Art & Music | 03:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 03:30 Early Bloomers | 04:00 Mama & Me: Fun Time | 04:30 Mama & Me: Sing Along | 05:00 Mama & Me: Tot School | 05:30 Developmental Programs for Baby | 06:00 BabyFirst Club | 06:30 BabyFirst Club | 07:00 BabyFirst Club | 07:30 BabyFirst Club | 08:00 Play Time with Al | 08:30 Play Time with Al | 09:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 09:30 Art & Music | 10:00 Mama & Me: Sing Along | 10:30 BabyFirst Favorite | 11:00 BabyFirst Favorite | 11:30 BabyFirst Bedtime | 12:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 12:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 13:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 13:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 14:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 14:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 15:00 BabyFirst After Hours | 15:30 BabyFirst After Hours | 16:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 16:30 Developmental Programs for Baby | 17:00 Developmental Programs for Baby | 17:30 Developmental Programs for Baby | 18:00 Early Bloomers | 18:30 Early Bloomers | 19:00 Rise & Shine | 19:30 Rise & Shine | 20:00 Rise & Shine | 20:30 Rise & Shine | 21:00 Color Crew | 21:30 Mama & Me: Tot School | 22:00 Breakfast Club | 22:30 Breakfast Club | 23:00 Breakfast Club | 23:30 Breakfast Club | 2025-02-20 00:00 Play Time with Al | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Baby TV (Dish) (BABYT) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Magical First Discoveries | 00:30 Imagination Playground | 01:00 Exploring with Songs & Rhymes | 01:30 Walter & Dude and other stories | 02:00 Teeny & Tiny's Classroom | 02:30 Art, Activity & Music Time | 03:00 Magical First Discoveries | 03:30 Imagination Playground | 04:00 Exploring with Songs & Rhymes | 04:30 Tutti Frutti and Other Stories | 05:00 Teeny & Tiny's Classroom | 05:30 Art, Activity & Music Time | 06:00 Magical First Discoveries | 06:30 Imagination Playground | 07:00 Exploring with Songs & Rhymes | 07:30 Discovering with Charlie & the Alphabet | 08:00 Play & Learn with Bug'n'Play to the Rescue | 08:30 Guessing Games with The Egg Band & Friends | 09:00 Family Fun Time & Rhymes | 09:30 Family Fun Time & Rhymes | 10:00 Art, Creativity & Music with BabyTV | 10:30 Classical Music & Soothing Stories | 11:00 Relax and Unwind | 11:30 Relax and Unwind | 12:00 Sweet Dreams | 12:30 Sweet Dreams | 13:00 Dreamy Nights | 13:30 Dreamy Nights | 14:00 Dreamy Nights | 14:30 Dreamy Nights | 15:00 Dreamy Nights | 15:30 Moon and Stars | 16:00 Baby TV's Night Time Melodies | 16:30 Sweet Dreams | 17:00 Good Night Hugs | 17:30 Dreamy Nights | 18:00 Moon and Stars | 18:30 Soothing Sounds | 19:00 From Night to Day | 19:30 From Night to Day | 20:00 Rise & Shine with BabyTV Friends | 20:30 Rise & Shine with BabyTV Friends | 21:00 Good-Morning Stretch | 21:30 Good-Morning Stretch | 22:00 Start your day with BabyTV's Friends | 22:30 Walter & Dude and other stories | 23:00 Teeny & Tiny's Classroom | 23:30 Art, Activity & Music Time | 2025-02-19 00:00 Magical First Discoveries | 00:30 Imagination Playground | 01:00 Exploring with Songs & Rhymes | 01:30 Walter & Dude and other stories | 02:00 Charlie & the Numbers | 02:30 Art, Activity & Music Time | 03:00 Magical First Discoveries | 03:30 Imagination Playground | 04:00 Exploring with The Jungle Book | 04:30 Walter & Dude and other stories | 05:00 Charlie & the Numbers | 05:30 Art, Activity & Music Time | 06:00 Magical First Discoveries | 06:30 Imagination Playground | 07:00 Exploring with Songs & Rhymes | 07:30 Discovering with Songs & Rhymes | 08:00 Play & Learn with Olly | 08:30 Guessing Games with The Egg Band & Friends | 09:00 Family Fun Time & Rhymes | 09:30 Family Fun Time & Rhymes | 10:00 Art, Creativity & Music with BabyTV | 10:30 Classical Music & Soothing Stories | 11:00 Relax and Unwind | 11:30 Relax and Unwind | 12:00 Sweet Dreams | 12:30 Sweet Dreams | 13:00 Dreamy Nights | 13:30 Dreamy Nights | 14:00 Dreamy Nights | 14:30 Dreamy Nights | 15:00 Dreamy Nights | 15:30 Moon and Stars | 16:00 Baby TV's Night Time Melodies | 16:30 Sweet Dreams | 17:00 Good Night Hugs | 17:30 Dreamy Nights | 18:00 Moon and Stars | 18:30 Soothing Sounds | 19:00 From Night to Day | 19:30 From Night to Day | 20:00 Rise & Shine with BabyTV Friends | 20:30 Rise & Shine with BabyTV Friends | 21:00 Good-Morning Stretch | 21:30 Good-Morning Stretch | 22:00 Start your day with BabyTV's Friends | 22:30 Walter & Dude and other stories | 23:00 Teeny & Tiny's Classroom | 23:30 Art, Activity & Music Time | 2025-02-20 00:00 Magical First Discoveries | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bandamax | 2025-02-18 01:00 Las 10 más picudas | 02:00 Programa pagado | 02:30 Bandamáximo dolor | 03:30 Programa pagado | 04:00 Los consagrados de Bandamax | 04:30 Colabóreme compa | 05:00 Live: Qué news Bandamax | 05:30 Live: Buenas Banda | 07:00 Las Más Sonadas | 08:30 Las 10 más picudas de la cumbia | 09:30 Banda y Max | 11:00 Las imperdibles BDX | 12:30 Los consagrados de Bandamax | 13:00 Bandamáximo dolor | 14:00 Las Más Sonadas | 15:30 Las imperdibles BDX | 17:00 Las consagradas de Bandamax | 17:30 Bloque de ajuste mi versión | 18:00 Bandamáximo dolor | 19:00 Viejitas pero sabrosas | 19:30 Ídolos de Bandamax | 20:00 Programa pagado | 22:00 Banda y Max | 23:30 Buenas Banda | 2025-02-19 01:00 Las 10 más picudas de la cumbia | 02:00 Programa pagado | 02:30 Bandamáximo dolor | 03:30 Programa pagado | 04:00 Las consagradas de Bandamax | 04:30 Bloque de ajuste mi versión | 05:00 Live: Qué news Bandamax | 05:30 Live: Buenas Banda | 07:00 Las Más Sonadas | 08:30 Las 10 más picudas | 09:30 Banda y Max | 11:00 Las imperdibles BDX | 12:30 Las consagradas de Bandamax | 13:00 Bandamáximo dolor | 14:00 Las Más Sonadas | 15:30 Las imperdibles BDX | 17:00 Regional clasificado | 17:30 Colabóreme compa | 18:00 Bandamáximo dolor | 19:00 Viejitas pero sabrosas | 19:30 Ídolos de Bandamax | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Programa pagado | 22:00 Banda y Max | 23:30 Buenas Banda | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BBC America - East | 2025-02-18 00:30 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 | 03:00 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 | 06:00 Law & Order | 07:00 Law & Order | 08:00 Law & Order | 09:00 Law & Order | 10:00 Law & Order | 11:00 Law & Order | 12:00 Law & Order | 13:00 Law & Order | 14:00 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo | 17:30 Planet Earth | 18:30 Hidden Habitats | 19:00 Bones | 20:00 Bones | 21:00 Bones | 22:00 Bones | 23:00 Bones | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bones | 01:00 Bones | 02:00 Bones | 03:00 Bones | 04:00 Bones | 05:00 Bones | 06:00 Bones | 07:00 Bones | 08:00 Bones | 09:00 Bones | 10:00 Bones | 11:00 Bones | 12:00 Bones | 13:00 Bones | 14:00 Bones | 15:00 Bones | 16:00 Bones | 17:00 Bones | 18:00 Bones | 19:00 Bones | 20:00 Bones | 21:00 Bones | 22:00 Bones | 23:00 Bones | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bones | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BBC World News North America (BBCWN) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Verified Live | 00:30 Business Today | 00:45 Verified Live | 00:55 Click | 01:00 Verified Live | 01:30 Focus on Africa | 02:00 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 02:30 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 03:00 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 03:30 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 03:55 Click | 04:00 The Context With Christian Fraser | 04:30 The Context With Christian Fraser | 05:00 The Context With Christian Fraser | 05:30 The Context With Christian Fraser | 05:55 Click | 06:00 BBC World News America | 06:30 HARDtalk | 07:00 BBC World News America | 08:00 BBC News | 08:30 HARDtalk | 09:00 BBC News | 09:30 Business Today | 09:45 Sportsday | 10:00 Newsday | 10:30 Business Today | 10:45 Sportsday | 11:00 Newsday | 11:30 Business Today | 11:45 Sportsday | 12:00 Newsday | 12:30 Business Today | 12:45 Sportsday | 13:00 BBC News | 13:30 Business Today | 14:00 BBC News | 14:30 Business Today | 14:55 The Travel Show | 15:00 BBC News | 15:30 Business Today | 15:55 The Travel Show | 16:00 BBC News | 16:30 BBC News | 17:00 BBC News | 17:30 BBC News | 17:55 The Travel Show | 18:00 BBC News | 18:30 HARDtalk | 19:00 BBC News | 19:30 Business Today | 19:45 BBC News | 19:55 The Travel Show | 20:00 BBC News Now | 20:30 BBC News Now | 21:00 BBC News Now | 21:30 BBC News Now | 21:55 The Travel Show | 22:00 BBC News Now | 22:30 Business Today USA | 22:45 BBC News Now | 23:00 Verified Live | 23:30 Verified Live | 2025-02-19 00:00 Verified Live | 00:30 Business Today | 00:45 Verified Live | 00:55 The Travel Show | 01:00 Verified Live | 01:30 Focus on Africa | 02:00 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 02:30 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 03:00 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 03:30 The World Today with Maryam Moshiri | 03:55 The Travel Show | 04:00 The Context With Christian Fraser | 04:30 The Context With Christian Fraser | 05:00 The Context With Christian Fraser | 05:30 The Context With Christian Fraser | 05:55 The Travel Show | 06:00 BBC World News America | 06:30 HARDtalk | 07:00 BBC World News America | 08:00 BBC News | 08:30 HARDtalk | 09:00 BBC News | 09:30 Business Today | 09:45 Sportsday | 10:00 Newsday | 10:30 Business Today | 10:45 Sportsday | 11:00 Newsday | 11:30 Business Today | 11:45 Sportsday | 12:00 Newsday | 12:30 Business Today | 12:45 Sportsday | 13:00 BBC News | 13:30 Business Today | 14:00 BBC News | 14:30 Business Today | 14:55 Click | 15:00 BBC News | 15:30 Business Today | 15:55 Click | 16:00 BBC News | 16:30 BBC News | 17:00 BBC News | 17:30 BBC News | 17:55 Click | 18:00 BBC News | 18:30 HARDtalk | 19:00 BBC News | 19:30 Business Today | 19:45 BBC News | 19:55 Click | 20:00 BBC News Now | 20:30 BBC News Now | 21:00 BBC News Now | 21:30 BBC News Now | 21:55 Click | 22:00 BBC News Now | 22:30 Business Today USA | 22:45 BBC News Now | 23:00 Verified Live | 23:30 Verified Live | 2025-02-20 00:00 Verified Live | |||||||||||||||||||||||
beIN Sports HDTV (Spanish) (beINHD) | 2025-02-18 00:00 La Charreada | 00:55 Live: Fútbol Turco Superliga | 03:00 Fútbol Salvadoreño Primera División | 05:00 Pro Footvolley Tour | 06:00 Live: The Xtra | 07:00 90 in 30 | 07:30 90 in 30 | 08:00 90 in 30 | 08:30 Ligue 1 - Highlight Show | 09:00 Premier Padel Major | 11:00 The Xtra | 12:00 Premier Padel Major | 14:00 The Xtra | 15:00 La Charreada | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 The Xtra | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Desayuno con goles | 23:30 Programa pagado | 2025-02-19 00:00 La Charreada | 01:00 Fútbol Ligue 1 | 03:00 Fútbol Salvadoreño Primera División | 05:00 Live: The Xtra | 05:50 Live: Fútbol CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores | 08:00 Live: The Express Preview | 08:20 Live: Fútbol CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores | 10:30 90 in 30 | 11:00 The Xtra | 12:00 Fútbol CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores | 14:00 The Xtra | 15:00 La Charreada | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 The Xtra | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Desayuno con goles | 23:30 Programa pagado | 2025-02-20 00:00 La Charreada | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BET - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Martin | 00:30 Martin | 01:00 Martin | 01:30 Martin | 02:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 02:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 03:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 03:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 04:00 Family Matters | 04:30 Family Matters | 05:00 Martin | 05:30 Martin | 06:00 Martin | 06:30 Martin | 07:00 Miles Ahead | 10:00 Belly | 12:30 Belly 2: Millionaire Boyz Club | 14:30 Martin | 15:00 Martin | 15:30 Martin | 16:00 Martin | 16:30 Martin | 17:00 Real Husbands of Hollywood | 17:30 Real Husbands of Hollywood | 18:00 Real Husbands of Hollywood | 18:30 Real Husbands of Hollywood | 19:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 19:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 20:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 20:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 21:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 21:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 22:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 22:30 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 23:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 23:30 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 2025-02-19 00:00 Martin | 00:30 Martin | 01:00 Martin | 01:30 Martin | 02:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 02:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 03:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 03:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air | 04:00 Family Matters | 04:30 Family Matters | 05:00 Martin | 05:30 Martin | 06:00 Django Unchained | 10:00 If These Walls Could Talk | 11:00 Carl Weber's The Family Business | 12:00 If These Walls Could Talk | 13:00 Carl Weber's The Family Business | 14:00 Martin | 14:30 Martin | 15:00 Martin | 15:30 Martin | 16:00 Martin | 16:30 Martin | 17:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 17:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 18:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 18:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 19:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 19:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 20:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 20:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 21:00 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 21:30 Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns | 22:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 22:30 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 23:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 23:30 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 2025-02-20 00:00 Martin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BET Gospel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Lifted | 01:00 Lifted | 02:00 Lift Every Voice | 02:23 Lift Every Voice | 02:46 Lift Every Voice | 03:09 It's a Mann's World | 03:51 It's a Mann's World | 04:33 It's a Mann's World | 05:15 It's a Mann's World | 05:57 It's a Mann's World | 06:20 It's a Mann's World | 06:43 It's a Mann's World | 07:06 It's a Mann's World | 07:29 Lift Every Voice | 07:52 Lift Every Voice | 08:15 Lift Every Voice | 08:38 It's a Mann's World | 09:01 It's a Mann's World | 09:24 It's a Mann's World | 09:47 It's a Mann's World | 10:10 It's a Mann's World | 10:33 Lift Every Voice | 10:56 Lift Every Voice | 11:19 Lift Every Voice | 11:42 Lift Every Voice | 12:05 It's a Mann's World | 12:28 It's a Mann's World | 13:10 It's a Mann's World | 13:52 It's a Mann's World | 14:34 It's a Mann's World | 15:00 Lifted | 16:00 Lifted | 17:00 Lifted | 18:00 Lifted | 19:00 Lifted | 20:00 Lifted | 21:00 Lifted | 22:00 Lifted | 23:00 Lifted | 2025-02-19 00:00 Lifted | 01:00 Lifted | 02:00 It's a Mann's World | 02:23 It's a Mann's World | 02:46 It's a Mann's World | 03:09 Lift Every Voice | 03:32 Lift Every Voice | 03:55 Lift Every Voice | 04:18 Lift Every Voice | 04:41 Lift Every Voice | 05:04 Soul Train Awards 2022 | 06:29 It's a Mann's World | 07:11 It's a Mann's World | 07:53 It's a Mann's World | 08:35 It's a Mann's World | 08:58 It's a Mann's World | 09:21 It's a Mann's World | 09:44 Lift Every Voice | 10:07 Lift Every Voice | 10:30 Lift Every Voice | 10:53 Lift Every Voice | 11:16 It's a Mann's World | 11:58 It's a Mann's World | 12:40 It's a Mann's World | 13:22 It's a Mann's World | 14:04 Lift Every Voice | 14:27 Lift Every Voice | 15:00 Lifted | 16:00 Lifted | 17:00 Lifted | 18:00 Lifted | 19:00 Lifted | 20:00 Lifted | 21:00 Lifted | 22:00 Lifted | 23:00 Lifted | 2025-02-20 00:00 Lifted | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BET Her | 2025-02-18 00:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 00:36 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 01:12 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 01:48 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 02:24 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 03:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 03:36 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 04:12 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 04:48 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 05:24 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 06:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 06:36 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 07:12 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 07:48 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 08:24 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | 09:00 Carl Weber's Influence | 12:00 Dance for Me | 15:00 Family Matters | 15:40 Family Matters | 16:20 Family Matters | 17:00 BET Her Playlist | 18:00 Strictly R&B | 19:00 Morning Glow | 20:00 Morning Glow | 21:00 Morning Glow | 22:00 Morning Glow | 23:00 Morning Glow | 2025-02-19 00:00 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 00:36 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 01:12 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 01:48 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 02:24 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 03:00 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 03:36 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 04:12 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 04:48 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 05:24 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 06:00 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 06:36 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 07:12 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 07:48 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 08:24 Tyler Perry's Assisted Living | 09:00 Air Disasters | 10:00 If These Walls Could Talk | 11:00 Carl Weber's The Family Business | 12:00 If These Walls Could Talk | 13:00 Carl Weber's The Family Business | 14:00 Family Matters | 14:36 Family Matters | 15:12 Family Matters | 15:48 Family Matters | 16:24 Family Matters | 17:00 BET Her Playlist | 18:00 Strictly R&B | 19:00 Morning Glow | 20:00 Morning Glow | 21:00 Morning Glow | 22:00 Morning Glow | 23:00 Morning Glow | 2025-02-20 00:00 Tyler Perry's House of Payne | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BET Jams (BETJ) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Music Playlist | 01:00 Music Playlist | 02:00 Music Playlist | 03:00 Music Playlist | 04:00 Music Playlist | 05:00 Music Playlist | 06:00 Music Playlist | 07:00 Music Playlist | 08:00 Music Playlist | 09:00 Music Playlist | 10:00 Music Playlist | 11:00 Music Playlist | 12:00 Music Playlist | 13:00 Music Playlist | 14:00 Music Playlist | 15:00 Music Playlist | 16:00 Music Playlist | 17:00 Music Playlist | 18:00 Music Playlist | 19:00 Timbaland Tuesday | 20:00 Music Playlist | 21:00 Music Playlist | 22:00 Music Playlist | 23:00 Music Playlist | 2025-02-19 00:00 Music Playlist | 01:00 Music Playlist | 02:00 Music Playlist | 03:00 Timbaland Tuesday | 04:00 Music Playlist | 05:00 Music Playlist | 06:00 Music Playlist | 07:00 Music Playlist | 08:00 Music Playlist | 09:00 Music Playlist | 10:00 Music Playlist | 11:00 Timbaland Tuesday | 12:00 Music Playlist | 13:00 Music Playlist | 14:00 Music Playlist | 15:00 Music Playlist | 16:00 Music Playlist | 17:00 Music Playlist | 18:00 Music Playlist | 19:00 Wu Wednesday | 20:00 Music Playlist | 21:00 Music Playlist | 22:00 West Coast Wednesday | 23:00 Music Playlist | 2025-02-20 00:00 Music Playlist | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BET Soul | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ascending Soul | 02:00 In Rotation | 04:00 Black Love | 06:00 The Calming | 07:00 In Rotation | 08:00 Ascending Soul | 10:00 In Rotation | 12:00 Black Love | 14:00 The Calming | 15:00 In Rotation | 16:00 Ascending Soul | 18:00 In Rotation | 20:00 In Rotation | 22:00 The Calming | 23:00 Hit List: LOADING... | 2025-02-19 01:00 Chronicled | 03:00 WORLDwide | 04:00 In Rotation | 06:00 The Calming | 07:00 Hit List: LOADING... | 09:00 Chronicled | 11:00 WORLDwide | 12:00 In Rotation | 14:00 The Calming | 15:00 Hit List: LOADING... | 17:00 Chronicled | 19:00 WORLDwide | 20:00 Black Love | 22:00 The Calming | 23:00 In Rotation | 2025-02-20 00:00 Ascending Soul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Ten Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 03:00 B1G Trailblazers | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 11:00 Live: The B1G Show | 11:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 12:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 13:00 The B1G Show | 13:30 The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The B1G Show | 15:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 Women's College Basketball | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 On The Court | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 B1G Plus Encore | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 03:00 Michigan State Basketball Classic | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 Purdue Basketball Classic | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Illinois Basketball Classic | 08:00 Wisconsin Basketball Classic | 09:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 10:00 On the Ice | 10:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 11:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 12:00 On The Court | 12:30 B1G Basketball in 60 | 13:30 Live: The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The Journey: Big Ten Basketball | 15:00 The B1G Show | 15:30 The B1G Show | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 18:00 The B1G Show | 18:30 The B1G Show | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 The B1G Show | 22:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Ten Network OnDemand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | 2025-02-19 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Ten Network Overflow 1 | 2025-02-18 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 03:00 B1G Trailblazers | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 11:00 Live: The B1G Show | 11:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 12:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 13:00 The B1G Show | 13:30 The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The B1G Show | 15:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 Women's College Basketball | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 On The Court | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 B1G Plus Encore | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 03:00 Michigan State Basketball Classic | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 Purdue Basketball Classic | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Illinois Basketball Classic | 08:00 Wisconsin Basketball Classic | 09:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 10:00 On the Ice | 10:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 11:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 12:00 On The Court | 12:30 B1G Basketball in 60 | 13:30 Live: The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The Journey: Big Ten Basketball | 15:00 The B1G Show | 15:30 The B1G Show | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 18:00 The B1G Show | 18:30 The B1G Show | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 The B1G Show | 22:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Ten Network Overflow 2 | 2025-02-18 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 03:00 B1G Trailblazers | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 11:00 Live: The B1G Show | 11:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 12:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 13:00 The B1G Show | 13:30 The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The B1G Show | 15:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 Women's College Basketball | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 On The Court | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 B1G Plus Encore | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 03:00 Michigan State Basketball Classic | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 Purdue Basketball Classic | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Illinois Basketball Classic | 08:00 Wisconsin Basketball Classic | 09:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 10:00 On the Ice | 10:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 11:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 12:00 On The Court | 12:30 B1G Basketball in 60 | 13:30 Live: The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The Journey: Big Ten Basketball | 15:00 The B1G Show | 15:30 The B1G Show | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 18:00 The B1G Show | 18:30 The B1G Show | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 The B1G Show | 22:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Ten Network Overflow 3 | 2025-02-18 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 03:00 B1G Trailblazers | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 11:00 Live: The B1G Show | 11:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 12:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 13:00 The B1G Show | 13:30 The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The B1G Show | 15:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 Women's College Basketball | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 On The Court | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 B1G Plus Encore | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 03:00 Michigan State Basketball Classic | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 Purdue Basketball Classic | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Illinois Basketball Classic | 08:00 Wisconsin Basketball Classic | 09:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 10:00 On the Ice | 10:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 11:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 12:00 On The Court | 12:30 B1G Basketball in 60 | 13:30 Live: The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The Journey: Big Ten Basketball | 15:00 The B1G Show | 15:30 The B1G Show | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 18:00 The B1G Show | 18:30 The B1G Show | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 The B1G Show | 22:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Ten Network Overflow 4 | 2025-02-18 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 03:00 B1G Trailblazers | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 11:00 Live: The B1G Show | 11:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 12:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 13:00 The B1G Show | 13:30 The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The B1G Show | 15:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 Women's College Basketball | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 On The Court | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 B1G Plus Encore | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 01:00 Live: B1G Today | 02:00 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 03:00 Michigan State Basketball Classic | 04:00 B1G Today | 05:00 Purdue Basketball Classic | 06:00 B1G Today | 07:00 Illinois Basketball Classic | 08:00 Wisconsin Basketball Classic | 09:00 B1G Hockey in 60 | 10:00 On the Ice | 10:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 11:30 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 12:00 On The Court | 12:30 B1G Basketball in 60 | 13:30 Live: The B1G Show | 14:00 The B1G Show | 14:30 The Journey: Big Ten Basketball | 15:00 The B1G Show | 15:30 The B1G Show | 16:00 The B1G Show | 16:30 The B1G Show | 17:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | 18:00 The B1G Show | 18:30 The B1G Show | 19:00 The B1G Show | 19:30 The B1G Show | 20:00 The B1G Show | 20:30 The B1G Show | 21:00 B1G Wrestling: On the Mat | 21:30 The B1G Show | 22:00 The B1G Show | 22:30 B1G Wrestling in 60 | 23:30 The B1G Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 B1G Basketball in 60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blaze TV | 2025-02-18 02:00 The Steve Deace Show | 04:00 Fearless with Jason Whitlock | 05:00 Glenn Beck Radio | 08:00 Stu Does America | 09:00 Sara Gonzales Unfiltered | 10:00 Blaze News Tonight | 11:00 The Rubin Report | 12:00 The Rubin Report | 13:00 Sara Gonzales Unfiltered | 14:00 Blaze News Tonight | 15:00 Stu Does America | 16:00 The Rubin Report | 17:00 Glenn Beck Radio | 20:00 Sara Gonzales Unfiltered | 21:00 Pat Gray Unleashed | 23:00 Glenn Beck Radio | 2025-02-19 02:00 The Steve Deace Show | 04:00 The Rubin Report | 05:00 Glenn Beck Radio | 08:00 Stu Does America | 09:00 Sara Gonzales Unfiltered | 10:00 Blaze News Tonight | 11:00 Glenn | 12:00 Unashamed with Phil Robertson | 13:00 Sara Gonzales Unfiltered | 14:00 Blaze News Tonight | 15:00 Stu Does America | 16:00 Glenn | 17:00 Glenn Beck Radio | 20:00 Sara Gonzales Unfiltered | 21:00 Pat Gray Unleashed | 23:00 Glenn Beck Radio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bloomberg TV USA | 2025-02-18 01:00 Epic Silver Rarity | 01:30 Epic Silver Rarity | 02:00 20 Historic Morgans | 02:30 20 Historic Morgans | 03:00 1894 Gold Rare Coin | 03:30 1894 Gold Rare Coin | 04:00 Epic Silver Rarity | 04:30 Epic Silver Rarity | 05:00 Silver Coin Rarities | 05:30 Silver Coin Rarities | 06:00 Davos 2025 | 06:30 Latitude | 07:00 Live: Bloomberg The Asia Trade | 09:00 Live: Bloomberg: The China Show | 11:00 Live: Insight with Haslinda Amin | 12:00 Live: Bloomberg Horizons Middle East & Africa | 13:00 Live: Bloomberg Horizons Middle East & Africa | 14:00 Live: Bloomberg Daybreak: Europe | 15:00 Live: Bloomberg The Opening Trade | 17:00 Live: The Pulse with Francine Lacqua | 18:00 Live: Bloomberg Brief | 19:00 Live: Bloomberg Surveillance | 22:00 Live: Bloomberg Open Interest | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Bloomberg Technology | 01:00 Live: Bloomberg Crypto | 01:30 Live: Bloomberg Markets | 02:00 Live: Bloomberg: Balance of Power | 03:00 Live: Bloomberg Businessweek | 04:00 Live: Bloomberg: The Close | 06:00 Live: Bloomberg: Balance of Power | 07:00 Live: Bloomberg The Asia Trade | 09:00 Live: Bloomberg: The China Show | 11:00 Live: Insight with Haslinda Amin | 12:00 Live: Bloomberg Horizons Middle East & Africa | 13:00 Live: Bloomberg Horizons Middle East & Africa | 14:00 Live: Bloomberg Daybreak: Europe | 15:00 Live: Bloomberg The Opening Trade | 17:00 Live: The Pulse with Francine Lacqua | 18:00 Live: Bloomberg Brief | 19:00 Live: Bloomberg Surveillance | 22:00 Live: Bloomberg Open Interest | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Bloomberg Technology | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Boomerang | 2025-02-18 00:00 Tom and Jerry Tales | 00:30 The Tom and Jerry Show | 01:30 The Looney Tunes Show | 02:00 The Looney Tunes Show | 02:30 Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! | 03:00 The Scooby-Doo Show | 03:30 The Scooby-Doo Show | 04:00 The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries | 04:30 Scooby and Scrappy and Yabba Doo | 05:00 The New Scooby-Doo Movies | 06:00 What's New Scooby-Doo? | 06:30 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? | 07:00 Looney Tunes | 08:00 Looney Tunes | 09:00 Jonny Quest | 09:30 Thundarr the Barbarian | 10:00 The Flintstones | 10:30 The Flintstones | 11:00 The Jetsons | 11:30 The Jetsons | 12:00 Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! | 12:30 The Scooby-Doo Show | 13:00 The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries | 13:30 Scooby and Scrappy and Yabba Doo | 14:00 The New Scooby-Doo Movies | 15:00 Tom & Jerry | 16:00 Popeye the Sailor | 17:00 Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends | 17:30 Codename: Kids Next Door | 18:00 Looney Tunes | 19:00 Looney Tunes | 20:00 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo | 20:30 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo | 21:00 Baby Looney Tunes | 21:30 Baby Looney Tunes | 22:00 Tom & Jerry Kids | 22:30 The Flintstones | 23:00 The Flintstones | 23:30 The Jetsons | 2025-02-19 00:00 Tom and Jerry Tales | 00:30 The Tom and Jerry Show | 01:30 The Looney Tunes Show | 02:00 The Looney Tunes Show | 02:30 Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! | 03:00 The Scooby-Doo Show | 03:30 The Scooby-Doo Show | 04:00 Scooby and Scrappy and Yabba Doo | 04:30 Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo | 05:00 The New Scooby-Doo Movies | 06:00 What's New Scooby-Doo? | 06:30 What's New Scooby-Doo? | 07:00 Looney Tunes | 08:00 Looney Tunes | 09:00 Jonny Quest | 09:30 Thundarr the Barbarian | 10:00 The Flintstones | 10:30 The Flintstones | 11:00 The Jetsons | 11:30 The Jetsons | 12:00 Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! | 12:30 The Scooby-Doo Show | 13:00 Scooby and Scrappy and Yabba Doo | 13:30 Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo | 14:00 The New Scooby-Doo Movies | 15:00 Tom & Jerry | 16:00 Popeye the Sailor | 17:00 Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends | 17:30 Codename: Kids Next Door | 18:00 Looney Tunes | 19:00 Looney Tunes | 20:00 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo | 20:30 A Pup Named Scooby-Doo | 21:00 Baby Looney Tunes | 21:30 Baby Looney Tunes | 22:00 Tom & Jerry Kids | 22:30 The Flintstones | 23:00 The Flintstones | 23:30 The Jetsons | 2025-02-20 00:00 Tom and Jerry Tales | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Boomerang On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Boomerang On Demand | 07:00 Boomerang On Demand | 11:00 Boomerang On Demand | 15:00 Boomerang On Demand | 19:00 Boomerang On Demand | 23:00 Boomerang On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Boomerang On Demand | 07:00 Boomerang On Demand | 11:00 Boomerang On Demand | 15:00 Boomerang On Demand | 19:00 Boomerang On Demand | 23:00 Boomerang On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bravo USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Vanderpump Rules | 01:00 Vanderpump Rules | 02:00 Vanderpump Rules | 03:00 Vanderpump Rules | 04:00 Vanderpump Rules | 05:00 Vanderpump Rules | 06:00 Summer House | 07:00 Below Deck Down Under | 08:00 Below Deck Down Under | 09:00 Below Deck Down Under | 10:00 Summer House | 11:00 Below Deck Down Under | 12:00 Southern Charm | 13:00 Southern Hospitality | 14:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 14:02 Vanderpump Rules | 15:00 Vanderpump Rules | 16:00 Vanderpump Rules | 17:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 18:00 Karamo | 19:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 20:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 21:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 22:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 23:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 01:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 02:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 03:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 04:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 05:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 06:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 07:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 08:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 09:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 10:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills | 11:00 The Real Housewives of Potomac | 12:00 Married to Medicine | 13:00 The Real Housewives of Atlanta | 14:00 The Real Housewives of Atlanta | 15:00 The Real Housewives of Atlanta | 16:00 The Real Housewives of Atlanta | 17:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 18:00 Karamo | 19:00 Below Deck | 20:00 Below Deck | 21:00 Below Deck | 22:00 Below Deck | 23:00 Below Deck | 2025-02-20 00:00 Below Deck | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BYU (Brigham Young University) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Heartland | 01:00 Live: BYU Sports Nation | 02:00 The Fixers | 03:00 Relative Race | 04:00 Wonder | 06:00 Wind at My Back | 06:49 Heartland | 07:32 Heartland | 08:16 Heartland | 09:00 Ruby and the Well | 09:52 The Karate Kid | 12:00 Hetty Feather | 12:31 Hetty Feather | 13:02 Heartland | 13:45 Heartland | 14:29 Heartland | 15:13 Highway to Heaven | 16:03 Wind at My Back | 17:00 The Inspectors | 17:30 The InBESTigators | 18:01 The Fixers | 19:00 Making Good | 19:30 Random Acts | 20:00 BYU Devotional Address | 20:37 LDS Conference Report | 21:00 Grace Notes | 21:30 Artful | 22:00 Highway to Heaven | 22:50 The Inspectors | 23:11 Wind at My Back | 2025-02-19 00:00 Heartland | 01:00 Live: BYU Sports Nation | 02:00 BYU Devotional Address | 03:00 Relative Race | 04:00 The Final Season | 05:30 Random Acts | 06:00 Wind at My Back | 06:50 Heartland | 07:33 Heartland | 08:16 Heartland | 09:00 Live: BYU Sports Nation Basketball Countdown | 10:00 Heartland | 10:45 Heartland | 11:30 Malory Towers | 12:00 Malory Towers | 12:30 Holly Hobbie | 12:59 Heartland | 13:42 Heartland | 14:25 Heartland | 15:09 Highway to Heaven | 16:00 Wind at My Back | 17:00 The Inspectors | 17:30 The InBESTigators | 18:00 The Fixers | 19:00 Making Good | 19:30 Random Acts | 20:00 BYU Devotional Address | 20:30 BYU Devotional Address | 21:00 Hello Sunday | 21:30 Music & the Spoken Word | 22:00 Highway to Heaven | 22:50 The Inspectors | 23:11 Wind at My Back | 2025-02-20 00:00 Heartland | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C-SPAN | 2025-02-18 04:45 Public Affairs Events | 10:30 New Members of Congress | 11:16 Public Affairs Events | 13:00 Public Affairs Events | 20:00 Live: Washington Journal | 23:00 Public Affairs Events | 2025-02-19 04:45 Public Affairs Events | 10:30 New Members of Congress | 11:15 Public Affairs Events | 13:00 Public Affairs Events | 20:00 Live: Washington Journal | 23:00 Public Affairs Events | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C-SPAN 2 | 2025-02-18 05:00 Public Affairs Events | 05:10 The Presidency | 06:25 The Presidency | 07:25 The People's House - A White House Experience Tour | 09:00 Preserving George Washington's Mt. Vernon Home | 10:11 Mount Vernon Tour Introduction | 10:20 Q & A | 11:19 Q & A | 12:25 The Presidency | 13:30 Angela Beauchamp, Eleanor Roosevelt on Screen | 14:10 Inside America's Most Famous Home | 16:00 The Presidency | 17:10 The Presidency | 18:25 The Presidency | 19:25 The People's House - A White House Experience Tour | 20:57 Public Affairs Events | 2025-02-19 01:48 Colette Shade, Y2K - How the 2000s Became Everything | 02:44 Charles Marino, Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country | 03:31 Kristen Martin, the Sun Won't Come Out Tomorrow -- the Dark History of American Orphanhood | 04:25 Live: U.S. Senate | 08:30 Public Affairs Events | 13:00 Public Affairs Events | 18:00 Public Affairs Events | 23:00 Live: U.S. Senate | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cable News Network International (CNNI) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canal Once (Mexico) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Programación de Canal Once | 04:00 Programación de Canal Once | 08:00 Programación de Canal Once | 12:00 Programación de Canal Once | 16:00 Programación de Canal Once | 20:00 Programación de Canal Once | 2025-02-19 00:00 Programación de Canal Once | 04:00 Programación de Canal Once | 08:00 Programación de Canal Once | 12:00 Programación de Canal Once | 16:00 Programación de Canal Once | 20:00 Programación de Canal Once | 2025-02-20 00:00 Programación de Canal Once | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Caracol TV Internacional | 2025-02-18 00:30 El diario de Diana | 01:00 Random 360 | 01:30 Live: Noticias Caracol: Edición mediodía | 04:00 Contigo aprendí | 05:00 Gabriela, giros del destino | 06:00 El diario de Diana | 06:30 Las mujeres de mi tierra | 07:00 Séptimo día | 08:00 Live: Noticias Caracol: Edición central | 09:00 Contigo aprendí | 10:00 Gabriela, giros del destino | 11:00 Testigo directo | 11:30 Caracol cine | 12:00 El diario de Diana | 12:30 Live: Última edición | 13:00 Contigo aprendí | 14:00 Gabriela, giros del destino | 15:00 Las mujeres de mi tierra | 15:30 Caracol cine | 16:00 Tu voz estéreo | 17:00 El diario de Diana | 17:30 La Dolce Vita | 18:00 Live: La finca de hoy | 18:15 Live: Día a día I | 18:30 Live: Noticias Caracol: Primera edición | 22:00 Live: Día a día | 2025-02-19 00:30 El diario de Diana | 01:00 Caracol cine | 01:30 Live: Noticias Caracol: Edición mediodía | 04:00 Contigo aprendí | 05:00 Gabriela, giros del destino | 06:00 El diario de Diana | 06:30 Travesía | 07:00 Expediente final | 08:00 Live: Noticias Caracol: Edición central | 09:00 Contigo aprendí | 10:00 Gabriela, giros del destino | 11:00 Lo más viral | 11:30 Deportes 360 | 12:00 El diario de Diana | 12:30 Live: Última edición | 13:00 Contigo aprendí | 14:00 Gabriela, giros del destino | 15:00 Travesía | 15:30 Deportes 360 | 16:00 Tu voz estéreo | 17:00 El diario de Diana | 17:30 Lo más viral | 18:00 Live: La finca de hoy | 18:15 Live: Día a día I | 18:30 Live: Noticias Caracol: Primera edición | 22:00 Live: Día a día | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cars TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Concorso Italiano | 00:30 Concorso Italiano | 01:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 01:30 Los Angeles Auto Show | 02:00 Grand National Roadster Show | 02:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 03:00 SEMA Show | 03:30 SEMA Show | 04:00 John Force Racing | 04:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 05:00 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 05:30 RacePro Technologies | 06:00 Concorso Italiano | 06:30 Concorso Italiano | 07:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 07:30 Los Angeles Auto Show | 08:00 Grand National Roadster Show | 08:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 09:00 SEMA Show | 09:30 SEMA Show | 10:00 John Force Racing | 10:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 11:00 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 11:30 RacePro Technologies | 12:00 Concorso Italiano | 12:30 Concorso Italiano | 13:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 13:30 Los Angeles Auto Show | 14:00 Grand National Roadster Show | 14:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 15:00 SEMA Show | 15:30 SEMA Show | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Lions Drag Stip Museum | 22:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 23:00 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 23:30 Concorso Italiano | 2025-02-19 00:00 Concorso Italiano | 00:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 01:00 Monterey Car Week | 01:30 SEMA Show | 02:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 02:30 SEMA Show | 03:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 03:30 Grand National Roadster Show | 04:00 Lions Drag Stip Museum | 04:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 05:00 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 05:30 Concorso Italiano | 06:00 Concorso Italiano | 06:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 07:00 Monterey Car Week | 07:30 SEMA Show | 08:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 08:30 SEMA Show | 09:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 09:30 Grand National Roadster Show | 10:00 Lions Drag Stip Museum | 10:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 11:00 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 11:30 Concorso Italiano | 12:00 Concorso Italiano | 12:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 13:00 Monterey Car Week | 13:30 SEMA Show | 14:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 14:30 SEMA Show | 15:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | 15:30 Grand National Roadster Show | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 22:00 MECUM Auctions | 22:30 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance | 23:00 Monterey Car Week | 23:30 Los Angeles Auto Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 Los Angeles Auto Show | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cartoon Network USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:00 Iyanu: Sneak Peek | 05:05 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:20 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:35 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:50 Iyanu: Sneak Peek | 06:00 Uncle Gus | 06:15 Uncle Gus | 06:30 Major Flake | 06:38 Imp Inc. | 06:49 King Crab Space Crustacean | 07:00 King of the Hill | 07:30 King of the Hill | 08:00 Bob's Burgers | 08:30 Bob's Burgers | 09:00 Bob's Burgers | 09:30 American Dad! | 10:00 American Dad! | 10:30 American Dad! | 11:00 Family Guy | 11:30 Family Guy | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Rick and Morty | 13:00 Rick and Morty | 13:30 Robot Chicken | 13:45 Robot Chicken | 14:00 The Eric Andre Show | 14:15 The Eric Andre Show | 14:30 Family Guy | 15:00 Family Guy | 15:30 American Dad! | 16:00 American Dad! | 16:30 Rick and Morty | 17:00 The Jellies | 17:15 Loiter Squad | 17:30 Black Jesus | 18:00 Bob's Burgers | 18:30 Bob's Burgers | 19:12 Regular Show | 19:28 Regular Show | 19:40 Regular Show | 19:56 New Looney Tunes | 20:08 New Looney Tunes | 20:24 Bugs Bunny Builders | 20:36 Bugs Bunny Builders | 20:52 Batwheels | 21:04 Lu & the Bally Bunch | 21:32 The Amazing World of Gumball | 21:44 The Amazing World of Gumball | 22:12 The Amazing World of Gumball | 22:28 The Looney Tunes Show | 22:56 Tom and Jerry | 23:10 The Tom and Jerry Show | 23:20 The Tom and Jerry Show | 23:30 Craig of the Creek | 23:45 Craig of the Creek | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:00 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? | 01:45 Clarence | 02:00 Clarence | 02:15 Clarence | 02:30 Jessica's Big Little World | 02:45 Craig of the Creek | 03:00 Teen Titans Go! | 03:15 Teen Titans Go! | 03:30 Teen Titans Go! | 03:45 Teen Titans Go! | 04:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:45 Regular Show | 06:08 Cartoon Cartoon | 06:19 Longhair and Doubledome | 06:38 What a Cartoon! | 06:49 What a Cartoon! | 07:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy | 07:30 Courage the Cowardly Dog | 08:00 King of the Hill | 08:30 King of the Hill | 09:00 Bob's Burgers | 09:30 Bob's Burgers | 10:00 Bob's Burgers | 10:30 American Dad! | 11:00 American Dad! | 11:30 American Dad! | 12:00 American Dad! | 12:30 Rick and Morty | 13:00 Rick and Morty | 13:30 Robot Chicken | 13:45 Robot Chicken | 14:00 Aqua Teen Hunger Force | 14:15 Aqua Teen Hunger Force | 14:30 American Dad! | 15:00 American Dad! | 15:30 American Dad! | 16:00 Rick and Morty | 16:30 Rick and Morty | 17:15 Loiter Squad | 17:30 Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell | 17:45 Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell | 18:00 Bob's Burgers | 18:30 Bob's Burgers | 19:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 19:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 19:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 19:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 20:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 20:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 20:30 Cocomelon | 20:45 Batwheels | 21:00 Cocomelon | 21:15 Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go | 21:30 Cocomelon | 21:45 Bugs Bunny Builders | 22:00 The Looney Tunes Show | 22:30 The Looney Tunes Show | 23:00 Craig of the Creek | 23:15 Craig of the Creek | 23:30 Craig of the Creek | 23:45 Craig of the Creek | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | ||
Cartoon Network USA - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 00:16 Batwheels | 00:32 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:44 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:12 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:28 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:40 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:56 The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe | 02:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 02:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 05:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 06:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 06:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 06:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 06:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:00 Iyanu: Sneak Peek | 08:05 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:20 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:35 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:50 Iyanu: Sneak Peek | 09:00 Uncle Gus | 09:15 Uncle Gus | 09:30 Major Flake | 09:38 Imp Inc. | 09:49 King Crab Space Crustacean | 10:00 King of the Hill | 10:30 King of the Hill | 11:00 Bob's Burgers | 11:30 Bob's Burgers | 12:00 Bob's Burgers | 12:30 American Dad! | 13:00 American Dad! | 13:30 American Dad! | 14:00 Family Guy | 14:30 Family Guy | 15:00 Family Guy | 15:30 Rick and Morty | 16:00 Rick and Morty | 16:30 Robot Chicken | 16:45 Robot Chicken | 17:00 The Eric Andre Show | 17:15 The Eric Andre Show | 17:30 Family Guy | 18:00 Family Guy | 18:30 American Dad! | 19:00 American Dad! | 19:30 Rick and Morty | 20:00 The Jellies | 20:15 Loiter Squad | 20:30 Black Jesus | 21:00 Bob's Burgers | 21:30 Bob's Burgers | 22:12 Regular Show | 22:28 Regular Show | 22:40 Regular Show | 22:56 New Looney Tunes | 23:08 New Looney Tunes | 23:24 Bugs Bunny Builders | 23:36 Bugs Bunny Builders | 23:52 Batwheels | 2025-02-19 00:04 Lu & the Bally Bunch | 00:32 The Amazing World of Gumball | 00:44 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:12 The Amazing World of Gumball | 01:28 The Looney Tunes Show | 01:56 Tom and Jerry | 02:10 The Tom and Jerry Show | 02:20 The Tom and Jerry Show | 02:30 Craig of the Creek | 02:45 Craig of the Creek | 03:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 03:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 04:00 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? | 04:45 Clarence | 05:00 Clarence | 05:15 Clarence | 05:30 Jessica's Big Little World | 05:45 Craig of the Creek | 06:00 Teen Titans Go! | 06:15 Teen Titans Go! | 06:30 Teen Titans Go! | 06:45 Teen Titans Go! | 07:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 07:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 08:45 Regular Show | 09:08 Cartoon Cartoon | 09:19 Longhair and Doubledome | 09:38 What a Cartoon! | 09:49 What a Cartoon! | 10:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy | 10:30 Courage the Cowardly Dog | 11:00 King of the Hill | 11:30 King of the Hill | 12:00 Bob's Burgers | 12:30 Bob's Burgers | 13:00 Bob's Burgers | 13:30 American Dad! | 14:00 American Dad! | 14:30 American Dad! | 15:00 American Dad! | 15:30 Rick and Morty | 16:00 Rick and Morty | 16:30 Robot Chicken | 16:45 Robot Chicken | 17:00 Aqua Teen Hunger Force | 17:15 Aqua Teen Hunger Force | 17:30 American Dad! | 18:00 American Dad! | 18:30 American Dad! | 19:00 Rick and Morty | 19:30 Rick and Morty | 20:15 Loiter Squad | 20:30 Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell | 20:45 Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell | 21:00 Bob's Burgers | 21:30 Bob's Burgers | 22:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 22:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 22:30 The Amazing World of Gumball | 22:45 The Amazing World of Gumball | 23:00 The Amazing World of Gumball | 23:15 The Amazing World of Gumball | 23:30 Cocomelon | 23:45 Batwheels | 2025-02-20 00:00 Cocomelon |
CBS (KCBS) Los Angeles, CA | 2025-02-18 01:00 CBS Mornings Plus | 02:00 The Price Is Right | 03:00 KCAL News at 11a on CBS Los Angeles | 03:30 The Young and the Restless | 04:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 05:00 Beyond the Gates: Welcome to the Neighborhood | 05:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 06:00 Let's Make a Deal | 07:00 The Drew Barrymore Show | 07:30 The Drew Barrymore Show | 08:00 CBS Evening News | 08:30 CBS Evening News Plus | 09:00 KCAL News at 5p on CBS Los Angeles | 10:00 KCAL News at 6p on CBS Los Angeles | 10:30 CBS Evening News | 11:00 Inside Edition | 11:30 Entertainment Tonight | 12:00 On TV: A Black History Month Special | 13:00 NCIS | 14:00 NCIS: Origins | 15:00 KCAL News at 11p on CBS Los Angeles | 15:35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert | 16:37 After Midnight | 17:37 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 18:05 Unlock Your Mobility | 18:35 CBS Evening News | 19:05 CBS News Roundup | 19:30 CBS News Mornings | 20:00 CBS Mornings | 22:00 KCAL Mornings 6a on CBS Los Angeles | 23:00 CBS Mornings | 2025-02-19 01:00 CBS Mornings Plus | 02:00 The Price Is Right | 03:00 KCAL News at 11a on CBS Los Angeles | 03:30 The Young and the Restless | 04:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 05:00 Beyond the Gates: Welcome to the Neighborhood | 05:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 06:00 Let's Make a Deal | 07:00 The Drew Barrymore Show | 07:30 The Drew Barrymore Show | 08:00 CBS Evening News | 08:30 CBS Evening News Plus | 09:00 KCAL News at 5p on CBS Los Angeles | 10:00 KCAL News at 6p on CBS Los Angeles | 10:30 CBS Evening News | 11:00 Inside Edition | 11:30 Entertainment Tonight | 12:00 FBI | 13:00 FBI: International | 14:00 FBI: Most Wanted | 15:00 KCAL News at 11p on CBS Los Angeles | 15:35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert | 16:37 After Midnight | 17:37 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 18:05 Paid Programming | 18:35 CBS Evening News | 19:05 CBS News Roundup | 19:30 CBS News Mornings | 20:00 CBS Mornings | 22:00 KCAL Mornings 6a on CBS Los Angeles | 23:00 CBS Mornings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CBS (WCBS) New York, NY | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Price Is Right | 01:00 CBS News New York 12pm | 01:30 The Young and the Restless | 02:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 03:00 Beyond the Gates: Welcome to the Neighborhood | 03:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 04:00 Judge Judy | 04:30 Judge Judy | 05:00 Hot Bench | 05:30 Hot Bench | 06:00 CBS News New York 5pm | 07:00 CBS News New York 6pm | 07:30 CBS Evening News | 08:00 Inside Edition | 08:30 Entertainment Tonight | 09:00 On TV: A Black History Month Special | 10:00 NCIS | 11:00 NCIS: Origins | 12:00 CBS News New York 11pm | 12:35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert | 13:37 After Midnight | 14:37 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 15:07 Never Forget: 9/11 Survivors Speak Up | 15:37 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 16:07 CBS Evening News | 16:37 CBS News Roundup | 17:00 CBS News Mornings | 17:30 CBS News New York This Morning 4:30am | 18:00 CBS News New York This Morning 5am | 19:00 CBS News New York This Morning 6am | 20:00 CBS Mornings | 22:00 The Drew Barrymore Show | 22:30 The Drew Barrymore Show | 23:00 Let's Make a Deal | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Price Is Right | 01:00 CBS News New York 12pm | 01:30 The Young and the Restless | 02:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 03:00 Beyond the Gates: Welcome to the Neighborhood | 03:30 The Bold and the Beautiful | 04:00 Judge Judy | 04:30 Judge Judy | 05:00 Hot Bench | 05:30 Hot Bench | 06:00 CBS News New York 5pm | 07:00 CBS News New York 6pm | 07:30 CBS Evening News | 08:00 Inside Edition | 08:30 Entertainment Tonight | 09:00 FBI | 10:00 FBI: International | 11:00 FBI: Most Wanted | 12:00 CBS News New York 11pm | 12:35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert | 13:37 After Midnight | 14:37 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 15:07 Paid Programming | 15:37 INJURED? CALL MEIROWITZ LAW NOW! | 16:07 CBS Evening News | 16:37 CBS News Roundup | 17:00 CBS News Mornings | 17:30 CBS News New York This Morning 4:30am | 18:00 CBS News New York This Morning 5am | 19:00 CBS News New York This Morning 6am | 20:00 CBS Mornings | 22:00 The Drew Barrymore Show | 22:30 The Drew Barrymore Show | 23:00 Let's Make a Deal | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Price Is Right | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CBS Sports Network USA | 2025-02-18 01:00 Early Edge | 02:00 Pushing the Pile | 03:00 CBS Sports HQ Spotlight | 05:00 CBS Sports HQ Spotlight | 07:00 APP Tour Pickleball | 08:00 Live: College Basketball | 10:00 APP Tour Pickleball | 11:00 Poker Night in America | 11:30 Poker Night in America | 12:00 PGA Tour Golf | 16:00 Poker Night in America | 16:30 Poker Night in America | 17:00 Poker Night in America | 17:30 Poker Night in America | 18:00 Poker Night in America | 18:30 Poker Night in America | 19:00 Live: Boomer and Gio | 23:00 Major League Table Tennis | 2025-02-19 00:00 Major League Table Tennis | 01:00 Triple Threat | 02:00 Eye on College Basketball | 03:00 UEFA Champions League Today | 04:00 Live: UEFA Champions League Soccer | 06:00 UEFA Champions League Post Match Show | 07:00 Home Court Kevin Keatts | 07:30 Inside College Basketball | 08:00 Live: College Basketball | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 Live: College Basketball | 14:00 Inside College Basketball | 14:30 Inside College Basketball | 15:00 World Poker Tour | 16:00 World Poker Tour | 17:00 Inside College Basketball | 17:30 Inside College Basketball | 18:00 Inside College Basketball | 18:30 Inside College Basketball | 19:00 Live: Boomer and Gio | 23:00 University of Fishing | 23:30 PBR Bull Riding | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CCTV-4 America | 2025-02-18 00:30 Memory of China | 01:00 China News | 02:00 Across The Strait | 02:30 China's Public Opinion Field | 03:30 TV Drama | 04:15 TV Drama | 05:00 Bond with China | 05:30 TV Drama | 06:14 TV Drama | 07:00 China News | 07:30 Dreamchaser | 07:45 Nostalgia | 08:00 China News | 08:30 Asia Today | 09:00 Universal Show | 10:00 China News | 10:30 Focus Today | 11:00 Universal Show | 11:45 Catoon City | 12:30 Bond with China | 13:00 Across The Strait | 13:30 Voice | 14:15 China Showbiz | 14:45 Discoveries | 15:20 Nostalgia | 15:30 TV Drama | 16:14 TV Drama | 17:00 China News | 17:30 Focus Today | 18:00 China Showbiz | 18:30 Network News | 19:00 Across The Strait | 19:30 National Treasures Found | 20:00 China News | 20:30 Focus Today | 21:00 Global News | 22:00 TV Drama | 22:45 TV Drama | 23:30 Memory of China | 2025-02-19 00:00 On the Way | 00:45 Nostalgia | 01:00 China News | 02:00 Across The Strait | 02:30 National Treasures Found | 03:00 TV Drama | 03:45 TV Drama | 04:30 On the Way | 05:15 Nostalgia | 05:25 TV Drama | 06:10 TV Drama | 07:00 China News | 07:30 China Showbiz | 08:00 China News | 08:30 Asia Today | 09:00 Memory of China | 09:30 National Treasures Found | 10:00 China News | 10:30 Focus Today | 11:00 Universal Show | 11:45 Catoon City | 12:30 Memory of China | 13:00 Across The Strait | 13:30 On the Way | 14:15 China Showbiz | 14:45 Discoveries | 15:20 Nostalgia | 15:30 TV Drama | 16:14 TV Drama | 17:00 China News | 17:30 Focus Today | 18:00 China Showbiz | 18:30 Network News | 19:00 Across The Strait | 19:30 National Treasures Found | 20:00 China News | 20:30 Focus Today | 21:00 Global News | 22:00 TV Drama | 22:45 TV Drama | 23:30 Memory of China | 2025-02-20 00:00 On the Way | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CDINA Cinema Dinamita | 2025-02-18 00:19 Los más buscados | 02:27 Mujeres Infieles | 04:43 El vecindario | 06:58 El baleado | 09:02 Arrieros somos y el camino andamos | 11:18 La Cheyenne del año II | 13:35 El Chrysler 300 | 15:54 La Desalmada | 18:00 El Ratero de la Vecindad | 20:13 El comando del diablo | 22:22 Crímenes de pasión | 2025-02-19 00:31 Los más buscados 3 | 02:39 El Ratero de la Vecindad | 04:52 Crímenes de pasión | 07:04 El garabato | 09:18 La Fuga de los Pérez | 11:30 Crímenes de pasión 2 | 13:40 Zacrificadoz | 15:45 La fraternidad | 18:00 TLC vs. KKK | 20:09 El Zacatecas | 22:28 Supervivencia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Celebrity Shopping | 2025-02-18 00:00 Gift of Youth | 01:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 02:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 03:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 04:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 05:00 Gift of Youth | 06:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 07:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 08:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 09:00 TVON Live Fine Jewelry with Daniel | 12:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 13:00 Gift of Youth | 14:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 15:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 16:00 Gift of Youth | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Prostate Health! | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 22:00 Save On Car Repairs with Endurance | 23:00 Gift of Youth | 2025-02-19 00:00 Gift of Youth | 01:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 02:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 03:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 04:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 05:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 06:00 Gift of Youth | 07:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 08:00 Save On Car Repairs with Endurance | 09:00 TVON Live Fine Jewelry with Daniel | 12:00 Larry King's Prostate Report | 13:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 14:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 15:00 Bad Bladder? | 16:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Larry King's Prostate Report | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 22:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 23:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 2025-02-20 00:00 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CentroAmérica TV | 2025-02-18 01:00 Noticias El Salvador | 02:00 Frente a frente | 03:00 Hoy mismo estelar | 04:00 Teledos | 04:30 NotiVOS | 05:00 Deportivos | 05:30 Los secretos mejor guardados | 06:00 Noticiero Guatevisión | 07:00 Teledos | 07:30 Más que noticias | 08:00 Telenoticias | 09:00 Impacto Directo | 10:00 Hoy mismo estelar | 11:00 El noticiero | 12:00 Noticias 4Visión | 13:00 Noticiero Guatevisión | 14:00 Noticias 4Visión | 15:00 NotiVOS | 15:30 Deportivos | 16:00 Telenoticias | 17:00 Noticiero Guatevisión | 18:00 Hoy mismo estelar | 19:00 Noticiero Telemetro | 20:00 Impacto Directo | 21:00 Noticias El Salvador | 23:00 Viva la mañana | 2025-02-19 01:00 Noticias El Salvador | 02:00 Frente a frente | 03:00 Hoy mismo estelar | 04:00 Teledos | 04:30 NotiVOS | 05:00 Deportivos | 05:30 Reencuentro | 06:00 Noticiero Guatevisión | 07:00 Teledos | 07:30 Más que noticias | 08:00 Telenoticias | 09:00 Impacto Directo | 10:00 Hoy mismo estelar | 11:00 El noticiero | 12:00 Noticias 4Visión | 13:00 Noticiero Guatevisión | 14:00 Noticias 4Visión | 15:00 NotiVOS | 15:30 Deportivos | 16:00 Telenoticias | 17:00 Noticiero Guatevisión | 18:00 Hoy mismo estelar | 19:00 Noticiero Telemetro | 20:00 Impacto Directo | 21:00 Noticias El Salvador | 23:00 Viva la mañana | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CGTN (CCTV4) | 2025-02-18 00:30 Memory of China | 01:00 China News | 02:00 Across The Strait | 02:30 China's Public Opinion Field | 03:30 TV Drama | 04:15 TV Drama | 05:00 Bond with China | 05:30 TV Drama | 06:14 TV Drama | 07:00 China News | 07:30 Dreamchaser | 07:45 Nostalgia | 08:00 China News | 08:30 Asia Today | 09:00 Universal Show | 10:00 China News | 10:30 Focus Today | 11:00 Universal Show | 11:45 Catoon City | 12:30 Bond with China | 13:00 Across The Strait | 13:30 Voice | 14:15 China Showbiz | 14:45 Discoveries | 15:20 Nostalgia | 15:30 TV Drama | 16:14 TV Drama | 17:00 China News | 17:30 Focus Today | 18:00 China Showbiz | 18:30 Network News | 19:00 Across The Strait | 19:30 National Treasures Found | 20:00 China News | 20:30 Focus Today | 21:00 Global News | 22:00 TV Drama | 22:45 TV Drama | 23:30 Memory of China | 2025-02-19 00:00 On the Way | 00:45 Nostalgia | 01:00 China News | 02:00 Across The Strait | 02:30 National Treasures Found | 03:00 TV Drama | 03:45 TV Drama | 04:30 On the Way | 05:15 Nostalgia | 05:25 TV Drama | 06:10 TV Drama | 07:00 China News | 07:30 China Showbiz | 08:00 China News | 08:30 Asia Today | 09:00 Memory of China | 09:30 National Treasures Found | 10:00 China News | 10:30 Focus Today | 11:00 Universal Show | 11:45 Catoon City | 12:30 Memory of China | 13:00 Across The Strait | 13:30 On the Way | 14:15 China Showbiz | 14:45 Discoveries | 15:20 Nostalgia | 15:30 TV Drama | 16:14 TV Drama | 17:00 China News | 17:30 Focus Today | 18:00 China Showbiz | 18:30 Network News | 19:00 Across The Strait | 19:30 National Treasures Found | 20:00 China News | 20:30 Focus Today | 21:00 Global News | 22:00 TV Drama | 22:45 TV Drama | 23:30 Memory of China | 2025-02-20 00:00 On the Way | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Channel 1 Russian | 2025-02-18 01:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 05:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 09:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 13:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 17:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 21:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 2025-02-19 01:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 05:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 09:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 13:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 17:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | 21:00 Channel One Russia Worldwide Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cheddar News | 2025-02-18 00:00 Cheddar's Opening Bell | 01:00 NYC Revealed | 01:30 Market Movers | 02:00 Stock Standouts | 03:00 Market Movers | 03:30 Market Movers | 04:00 Stock Standouts | 05:00 Who Knew? | 05:30 Who Knew? | 06:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 06:30 The Lightbulb Moment | 07:00 NYC Revealed | 07:30 NYC Revealed | 08:00 NYC Revealed | 08:30 NYC Revealed | 09:00 NYC Revealed | 09:30 NYC Revealed | 10:00 NYC Revealed | 10:30 NYC Revealed | 11:00 NYC Revealed | 11:30 NYC Revealed | 12:00 NYC Revealed | 12:30 NYC Revealed | 13:00 NYC Revealed | 13:30 Who Knew? | 14:00 Who Knew? | 14:30 Who Knew? | 15:00 NYC Revealed | 15:30 NYC Revealed | 16:00 NYC Revealed | 16:30 The Lightbulb Moment | 17:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 17:30 The Lightbulb Moment | 18:00 NYC Revealed | 18:30 NYC Revealed | 19:00 NYC Revealed | 19:30 NYC Revealed | 20:00 NYC Revealed | 20:30 NYC Revealed | 21:00 NYC Revealed | 21:30 NYC Revealed | 22:00 NYC Revealed | 22:30 Cheddar's Opening Bell | 23:30 Stock Standouts | 2025-02-19 00:00 Cheddar's Opening Bell | 01:00 NYC Revealed | 01:30 Market Movers | 02:00 Stock Standouts | 03:00 Market Movers | 03:30 Market Movers | 04:00 Stock Standouts | 05:00 Who Knew? | 05:30 Who Knew? | 06:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 06:30 The Lightbulb Moment | 07:00 NYC Revealed | 07:30 NYC Revealed | 08:00 NYC Revealed | 08:30 NYC Revealed | 09:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 09:30 Who Knew? | 10:00 NYC Revealed | 10:30 NYC Revealed | 11:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 11:30 Who Knew? | 12:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 12:30 Who Knew? | 13:00 NYC Revealed | 13:30 Who Knew? | 14:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 14:30 Who Knew? | 15:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 15:30 Who Knew? | 16:00 NYC Revealed | 16:30 The Lightbulb Moment | 17:00 The Lightbulb Moment | 17:30 Who Knew? | 18:00 NYC Revealed | 18:30 The Lightbulb Moment | 19:00 NYC Revealed | 19:30 NYC Revealed | 20:00 Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch | 21:00 Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch | 21:30 Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch | 22:00 Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch | 23:00 BiggerPockets Money | 2025-02-20 00:00 The CEO Series | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chicago Sports Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 02:30 MidWest Outdoors | 03:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 05:30 MidWest Outdoors | 06:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 07:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 07:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 08:00 Live: The Chicago Lead | 09:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 09:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 10:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 11:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 11:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 12:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 14:30 The Big Pro Football Show | 15:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 16:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 16:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 17:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 19:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 21:00 Live: The Mully & Haugh Show | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-19 00:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 02:30 Wisconsin Water & Woods | 03:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 05:30 The Big Pro Football Show | 06:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 07:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 07:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 08:00 Live: The Chicago Lead | 09:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 09:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 10:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 11:00 Poker Night in America | 11:30 Poker Night in America | 12:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 14:30 Pro Football Weekly | 15:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 16:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 18:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 20:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Live: The Mully & Haugh Show | 23:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-20 00:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chicago Sports Network Plus | 2025-02-18 00:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 02:30 MidWest Outdoors | 03:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 05:30 MidWest Outdoors | 06:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 07:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 07:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 08:00 Live: The Chicago Lead | 09:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 09:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 10:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 11:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 11:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 12:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 14:30 The Big Pro Football Show | 15:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 16:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 16:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 17:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 19:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 21:00 Live: The Mully & Haugh Show | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-19 00:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 02:30 Wisconsin Water & Woods | 03:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 05:30 The Big Pro Football Show | 06:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 07:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 07:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 08:00 Live: The Chicago Lead | 09:00 Live: Big College Football Show | 09:30 Live: The Big Pro Football Show | 10:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 11:00 Poker Night in America | 11:30 Poker Night in America | 12:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | 14:30 Pro Football Weekly | 15:00 CHSN Podcast Come Alive! | 16:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 18:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 20:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Live: The Mully & Haugh Show | 23:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-20 00:00 White Sox Prospects Encore | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cine Estelar | 2025-02-18 00:15 Las secretarias | 02:15 El Payo: un hombre contra el mundo | 04:15 El Paraíso Escondido | 06:15 El ladrón fenómeno | 08:15 Los desarraigados | 10:15 Un Hombre Violento | 12:15 Las cariñosas | 14:15 Sinvergüenza a la Italiana | 16:15 Casos sangrientos | 18:15 Vacaciones Desenfrenadas | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Programa pagado | 22:00 Programa pagado | 22:30 Programa pagado | 23:00 Programa pagado | 23:30 México espectacular | 2025-02-19 00:15 Bikinis y rock | 02:15 Matar por matar | 04:15 Las amiguitas de los ricos | 06:15 Chicago, Pandillas Salvajes | 08:15 Chicago, Pandillas Salvajes II | 10:15 Zona del silencio: Paralelo 27 | 12:15 Los Albureros | 14:15 La risa calientita | 16:15 La vida cambia | 18:15 Los dos matones | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Programa pagado | 22:00 Programa pagado | 22:30 Programa pagado | 23:00 Programa pagado | 23:30 México espectacular | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cine Mexicano | 2025-02-18 01:34 La Cueva de los Secretos | 03:08 La resucitada | 04:43 Secuestrados | 06:25 Tragedia de ilegales | 08:03 El Cocho de Guerrero | 09:43 La Cueva de los Secretos | 11:17 La resucitada | 12:52 Secuestrados | 14:34 Tragedia de ilegales | 16:12 El Cocho de Guerrero | 17:52 La Cueva de los Secretos | 19:00 La fuga del jaguar | 19:57 Houston, cuna de la mafia | 21:12 Guerra de mafias | 22:40 La manda incumplida | 2025-02-19 00:15 Miedo, sudor y sangre | 01:40 El Fantasma vs. la Aldea de los Zombies | 03:06 La fuga del jaguar | 04:04 Houston, cuna de la mafia | 05:18 Guerra de mafias | 06:46 La manda incumplida | 08:21 Miedo, sudor y sangre | 09:47 El Fantasma vs. la Aldea de los Zombies | 11:13 La fuga del jaguar | 12:10 Houston, cuna de la mafia | 13:25 Guerra de mafias | 14:53 La manda incumplida | 16:28 Miedo, sudor y sangre | 17:53 El Fantasma vs. la Aldea de los Zombies | 19:00 Testigo protegido | 20:23 Todo por Nada | 22:24 El Mochacabezas, Los Violentos | 23:51 La emperatriz | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cinelatino USA | 2025-02-18 00:25 No manches Frida | 02:30 No manches Frida 2 | 04:25 Mi perfecto ex | 06:05 No se aceptan devoluciones | 08:20 Monstruosamente solo | 10:00 Cazadoras de millonarios | 12:00 La princesa | 13:50 Camino a Marte | 15:40 Cazadoras de millonarios | 17:30 No manches Frida | 19:30 Hijos de su madre | 20:00 La leyenda de la llorona | 21:30 Yo no me llamo Rubén Blades de Pantaya | 23:10 No manches Frida 2 | 2025-02-19 01:05 Un padre no tan padre | 02:55 El cielo en tu mirada | 04:45 Everybody Loves Somebody | 06:40 Ni tuyo, ni mía | 08:25 Chicuarotes | 10:15 Operativo de guerra | 12:00 Operativo Guardián | 14:10 Cinco de mayo, la batalla | 16:25 Más negro que la noche | 18:20 Así crecí | 20:00 La leyenda de las momias de Guanajuato | 21:35 Marcelo | 23:45 ¿Dónde está la cigüeña? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cinemax - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:36 The Prince | 02:07 How I Live Now | 03:49 The Invention of Lying | 05:29 The Bling Ring | 07:00 I, Tonya | 09:00 Results | 10:45 A Most Wanted Man | 12:48 Wanted | 14:38 Arthur | 16:28 Person to Person | 17:53 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | 19:23 Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey | 20:58 Notes on a Scandal | 22:30 The Assistant | 23:58 Crank | 2025-02-19 01:26 Hercules | 03:05 San Andreas | 05:00 The Three Musketeers | 06:51 Sherlock Holmes | 09:00 Brick Mansions | 10:31 Cut Bank | 12:05 Martha Marcy May Marlene | 13:47 Good Neighbours | 15:26 Skin | 17:25 Kiltro | 19:04 Kate & Leopold | 21:03 Scream | 22:55 Kart Racer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cinemax - Eastern HD | 2025-02-18 00:36 The Prince | 02:07 How I Live Now | 03:49 The Invention of Lying | 05:29 The Bling Ring | 07:00 I, Tonya | 09:00 Results | 10:45 A Most Wanted Man | 12:48 Wanted | 14:38 Arthur | 16:28 Person to Person | 17:53 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | 19:23 Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey | 20:58 Notes on a Scandal | 22:30 The Assistant | 23:58 Crank | 2025-02-19 01:26 Hercules | 03:05 San Andreas | 05:00 The Three Musketeers | 06:51 Sherlock Holmes | 09:00 Brick Mansions | 10:31 Cut Bank | 12:05 Martha Marcy May Marlene | 13:47 Good Neighbours | 15:26 Skin | 17:25 Kiltro | 19:04 Kate & Leopold | 21:03 Scream | 22:55 Kart Racer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cinemax - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 01:47 Radio | 03:36 The Prince | 05:07 How I Live Now | 06:49 The Invention of Lying | 08:29 The Bling Ring | 10:00 I, Tonya | 12:00 Results | 13:45 A Most Wanted Man | 15:48 Wanted | 17:38 Arthur | 19:28 Person to Person | 20:53 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | 22:23 Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey | 23:58 Notes on a Scandal | 2025-02-19 01:30 The Assistant | 02:58 Crank | 04:26 Hercules | 06:05 San Andreas | 08:00 The Three Musketeers | 09:51 Sherlock Holmes | 12:00 Brick Mansions | 13:31 Cut Bank | 15:05 Martha Marcy May Marlene | 16:47 Good Neighbours | 18:26 Skin | 20:25 Kiltro | 22:04 Kate & Leopold | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cinemax on Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Cinemax On Demand | 07:00 Cinemax On Demand | 11:00 Cinemax On Demand | 15:00 Cinemax On Demand | 19:00 Cinemax On Demand | 23:00 Cinemax On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Cinemax On Demand | 07:00 Cinemax On Demand | 11:00 Cinemax On Demand | 15:00 Cinemax On Demand | 19:00 Cinemax On Demand | 23:00 Cinemax On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Circle Country | 2025-02-18 00:48 The Legend of the Lone Ranger | 02:40 Red Headed Stranger | 04:40 Harry Tracy | 06:41 Barbarosa | 08:16 Stagecoach | 10:08 Django | 11:52 One-Eyed Jacks | 14:33 Riders of the Whistling Pines | 15:54 Young Bill Hickok | 17:00 Bonanza | 17:51 Bonanza | 19:32 Bonanza | 20:22 Bonanza | 21:10 Bonanza | 22:00 Coffee, Country & Cody | 23:00 The Beverly Hillbillies | 23:25 The Beverly Hillbillies | 23:51 The Beverly Hillbillies | 2025-02-19 00:12 The Beverly Hillbillies | 00:40 The Beverly Hillbillies | 01:04 The Beverly Hillbillies | 01:30 The Beverly Hillbillies | 01:55 The Beverly Hillbillies | 02:18 The Beverly Hillbillies | 02:44 The Beverly Hillbillies | 03:08 The Beverly Hillbillies | 03:33 The Beverly Hillbillies | 03:57 The Beverly Hillbillies | 04:22 The Beverly Hillbillies | 04:46 The Beverly Hillbillies | 05:12 Opry Live | 06:04 Opry Live | 06:58 Opry Live | 07:52 Opry Live | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CMT US - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Roseanne | 00:30 Roseanne | 01:00 Mike & Molly | 01:30 Mike & Molly | 02:00 Mike & Molly | 02:30 Mike & Molly | 03:00 The King of Queens | 03:30 The King of Queens | 04:00 The King of Queens | 04:30 The King of Queens | 05:00 The King of Queens | 05:30 The King of Queens | 06:00 Mom | 06:30 Mom | 07:00 Mom | 07:30 Mom | 08:00 Mom | 08:30 Mom | 09:00 Reba | 09:30 Reba | 10:00 Reba | 10:30 Reba | 11:00 Reba | 11:30 Reba | 12:00 The Golden Girls | 12:30 The Golden Girls | 13:00 The Golden Girls | 13:30 The Golden Girls | 14:00 The Golden Girls | 14:30 The Golden Girls | 15:00 The Golden Girls | 15:30 The Golden Girls | 16:00 CMT Music | 17:00 CMT Music | 18:00 CMT Music | 19:00 CMT Music | 20:00 CMT Music | 21:00 CMT Music | 22:00 Roseanne | 22:30 Roseanne | 23:00 Roseanne | 23:30 Roseanne | 2025-02-19 00:00 Roseanne | 00:30 Roseanne | 01:00 Mike & Molly | 01:30 Mike & Molly | 02:00 Mike & Molly | 02:30 Mike & Molly | 03:00 The King of Queens | 03:30 The King of Queens | 04:00 The King of Queens | 04:30 The King of Queens | 05:00 The King of Queens | 05:30 The King of Queens | 06:00 Mom | 06:30 Mom | 07:00 Mom | 07:30 Mom | 08:00 Mom | 08:30 Mom | 09:00 Reba | 09:30 Reba | 10:00 Reba | 10:30 Reba | 11:00 Reba | 11:30 Reba | 12:00 The Golden Girls | 12:30 The Golden Girls | 13:00 The Golden Girls | 13:30 The Golden Girls | 14:00 The Golden Girls | 14:30 The Golden Girls | 15:00 The Golden Girls | 15:30 The Golden Girls | 16:00 CMT Music | 17:00 CMT Music | 18:00 CMT Music | 19:00 CMT Music | 20:00 CMT Music | 21:00 CMT Music Videos: 90s Country | 22:00 Roseanne | 22:30 Roseanne | 23:00 Roseanne | 23:30 Roseanne | 2025-02-20 00:00 Roseanne | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CMT US On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 07:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 11:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 15:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 19:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 23:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 07:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 11:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 15:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 19:00 CMTV Video on Demand | 23:00 CMTV Video on Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CNBC USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Unlocked | 01:00 Shark Tank | 02:00 Shark Tank | 03:00 Shark Tank | 04:00 Shark Tank | 05:00 Shark Tank | 06:00 Shark Tank | 07:00 Shark Tank | 08:00 Shark Tank | 09:00 Shark Tank | 10:00 Shark Tank | 11:00 Shark Tank | 12:00 Shark Tank | 13:00 Shark Tank | 14:00 Shark Tank | 15:00 Dateline | 16:00 Dateline | 17:00 Live: Street Signs | 18:00 Live: Worldwide Exchange | 19:00 Live: Squawk Box | 22:00 Live: Squawk on the Street | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Money Movers | 01:00 Live: Halftime Report | 02:00 Live: The Exchange | 03:00 Live: Power Lunch | 04:00 Live: Closing Bell | 05:00 Live: Closing Bell: Overtime | 06:00 Live: Fast Money | 07:00 Mad Money | 08:00 Shark Tank | 09:00 Shark Tank | 10:00 Shark Tank | 11:00 Shark Tank | 12:00 Shark Tank | 13:00 Shark Tank | 14:00 American Greed | 15:00 Dateline | 16:00 Dateline | 17:00 Live: Street Signs | 18:00 Live: Worldwide Exchange | 19:00 Live: Squawk Box | 22:00 Live: Squawk on the Street | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Money Movers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CNBC World | 2025-02-18 00:00 Sustainable Future | 00:30 Sustainable Future | 01:00 The Edge | 01:30 The Edge | 02:00 The Art of Appreciation | 02:30 The Art of Appreciation | 03:00 The CNBC Conversation | 03:30 The CNBC Conversation | 04:00 Marketing Media Money | 04:30 Marketing Media Money | 05:00 Managing Asia | 05:30 Managing Asia | 06:00 Live: Squawk Box Asia | 09:00 Street Signs Asia | 12:00 Managing Asia | 12:30 Managing Asia | 13:00 Live: Capital Connection | 14:00 Live: Squawk Box Europe | 17:00 Live: Street Signs | 18:00 Live: Worldwide Exchange | 19:00 Follow the Leader | 19:30 Follow the Leader | 20:00 Marketing Media Money | 20:30 Marketing Media Money | 21:00 CNBC Meets | 21:30 CNBC Meets | 22:00 The Brave Ones | 22:30 The Brave Ones | 23:00 Trailblazers | 23:30 Trailblazers | 2025-02-19 00:00 Sustainable Future | 00:30 Sustainable Future | 01:00 The Edge | 01:30 The Edge | 02:00 Follow the Leader | 02:30 Follow the Leader | 03:00 The CNBC Conversation | 03:30 The CNBC Conversation | 04:00 Marketing Media Money | 04:30 Marketing Media Money | 05:00 Managing Asia | 05:30 Managing Asia | 06:00 Live: Squawk Box Asia | 09:00 Street Signs Asia | 12:00 Managing Asia | 12:30 Managing Asia | 13:00 Live: Capital Connection | 14:00 Live: Squawk Box Europe | 17:00 Live: Street Signs | 18:00 Live: Worldwide Exchange | 19:00 Follow the Leader | 19:30 Follow the Leader | 20:00 Marketing Media Money | 20:30 Marketing Media Money | 21:00 CNBC Meets | 21:30 CNBC Meets | 22:00 The Brave Ones | 22:30 The Brave Ones | 23:00 Trailblazers | 23:30 Trailblazers | 2025-02-20 00:00 Sustainable Future | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CNN | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: CNN Newsroom | 01:00 Live: Inside Politics With Dana Bash | 02:00 Live: CNN News Central | 03:00 Live: CNN News Central | 04:00 Live: CNN News Central | 05:00 Live: The Lead With Jake Tapper | 06:00 Live: The Lead With Jake Tapper | 07:00 Live: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer | 08:00 Live: Erin Burnett OutFront | 09:00 Live: Anderson Cooper 360 | 10:00 Live: The Source With Kaitlan Collins | 11:00 Live: CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip | 12:00 Live: Laura Coates Live | 13:00 Anderson Cooper 360 | 14:00 Erin Burnett OutFront | 15:00 The Source With Kaitlan Collins | 16:00 CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip | 17:00 Anderson Cooper 360 | 18:00 Live: CNN This Morning | 19:00 Live: CNN This Morning | 20:00 Live: CNN News Central | 21:00 Live: CNN News Central | 22:00 Live: CNN News Central | 23:00 Live: CNN Newsroom | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: CNN Newsroom | 01:00 Live: Inside Politics With Dana Bash | 02:00 Live: CNN News Central | 03:00 Live: CNN News Central | 04:00 Live: CNN News Central | 05:00 Live: The Lead With Jake Tapper | 06:00 Live: The Lead With Jake Tapper | 07:00 Live: The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer | 08:00 Live: Erin Burnett OutFront | 09:00 Live: Anderson Cooper 360 | 10:00 Live: The Source With Kaitlan Collins | 11:00 Live: CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip | 12:00 Live: Laura Coates Live | 13:00 Anderson Cooper 360 | 14:00 Erin Burnett OutFront | 15:00 The Source With Kaitlan Collins | 16:00 CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip | 17:00 Anderson Cooper 360 | 18:00 Live: CNN This Morning | 19:00 Live: CNN This Morning | 20:00 Live: CNN News Central | 21:00 Live: CNN News Central | 22:00 Live: CNN News Central | 23:00 Live: CNN Newsroom | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: CNN Newsroom | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CNN Español | 2025-02-18 00:00 Destinos | 00:30 Nuestro mundo | 01:00 Choque de opiniones | 02:00 Live: Redacción con Nacho Girón | 03:00 Redacción con Nacho Girón | 04:00 Lo Mejor de Conclusiones | 05:00 Lo mejor de Aristegui | 05:30 Deportes CNN | 06:00 Live: Directo USA | 07:00 Live: Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires | 08:00 Directo USA | 09:00 Live: Panorama mundial | 10:00 Live: Conclusiones | 11:00 Live: Aristegui | 11:30 Live: Deportes CNN | 12:00 Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires | 13:00 Directo USA | 14:00 Panorama mundial | 15:00 Conclusiones | 16:00 Aristegui | 16:30 Deportes CNN | 17:00 Directo USA | 18:00 Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires | 19:00 Panorama mundial | 20:00 Live: CNN Primera mañana | 21:00 Live: Café CNN | 22:00 Café CNN | 23:00 Choque de opiniones | 2025-02-19 00:00 Destinos | 00:30 Vive la salud | 01:00 México opina | 02:00 Redacción con Nacho Girón | 03:00 Redacción con Nacho Girón | 04:00 Conclusiones | 05:00 Aristegui | 05:30 Deportes CNN | 06:00 Live: Directo USA | 07:00 Live: Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires | 08:00 Directo USA | 09:00 Live: Panorama mundial | 10:00 Live: Conclusiones | 11:00 Live: Aristegui | 11:30 Live: Deportes CNN | 12:00 Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires | 13:00 Directo USA | 14:00 Panorama mundial | 15:00 Conclusiones | 16:00 Aristegui | 16:30 Deportes CNN | 17:00 Directo USA | 18:00 Perspectivas desde Buenos Aires | 19:00 Panorama mundial | 20:00 Live: CNN Primera mañana | 21:00 Live: Café CNN | 22:00 Café CNN | 23:00 México opina | 2025-02-20 00:00 Destinos | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CNN on demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 CNN On Demand | 07:00 CNN On Demand | 11:00 CNN On Demand | 15:00 CNN On Demand | 19:00 CNN On Demand | 23:00 CNN On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 CNN On Demand | 07:00 CNN On Demand | 11:00 CNN On Demand | 15:00 CNN On Demand | 19:00 CNN On Demand | 23:00 CNN On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Colorado Rockies TV | 2025-02-18 01:00 Rockies Baseball | 05:00 Rockies Baseball | 09:00 Rockies Baseball | 13:00 Rockies Baseball | 17:00 Rockies Baseball | 21:00 Rockies Baseball | 2025-02-19 01:00 Rockies Baseball | 05:00 Rockies Baseball | 09:00 Rockies Baseball | 13:00 Rockies Baseball | 17:00 Rockies Baseball | 21:00 Rockies Baseball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Comedy Central (US) - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Seinfeld | 00:30 Seinfeld | 01:00 Seinfeld | 01:30 Seinfeld | 02:00 Seinfeld | 02:30 Seinfeld | 03:00 Seinfeld | 03:30 Seinfeld | 04:00 Seinfeld | 04:30 Seinfeld | 05:00 Seinfeld | 05:30 Seinfeld | 06:00 Seinfeld | 06:30 Seinfeld | 07:00 Seinfeld | 07:30 Seinfeld | 08:00 Seinfeld | 08:30 Seinfeld | 09:00 Seinfeld | 09:30 Seinfeld | 10:00 Seinfeld | 10:30 Seinfeld | 11:00 Seinfeld | 11:30 Seinfeld | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Family Guy | 13:00 Family Guy | 13:30 Family Guy | 14:00 South Park | 14:30 South Park | 15:00 South Park | 15:30 South Park | 16:00 South Park | 16:30 South Park | 17:00 South Park | 17:30 South Park | 18:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 19:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Futurama | 20:24 Futurama | 20:48 Futurama | 21:12 Futurama | 21:36 Futurama | 22:00 Futurama | 22:35 Futurama | 23:10 South Park | 23:45 South Park | 2025-02-19 00:15 South Park | 00:50 South Park | 01:25 South Park | 02:00 Seinfeld | 02:30 Seinfeld | 03:00 Seinfeld | 03:30 Seinfeld | 04:00 Seinfeld | 04:30 Seinfeld | 05:00 The Office | 05:30 The Office | 06:00 The Office | 06:30 The Office | 07:00 Family Guy | 07:30 Family Guy | 08:00 Family Guy | 08:30 Family Guy | 09:00 Family Guy | 09:30 Family Guy | 10:00 Family Guy | 10:30 Family Guy | 11:00 Family Guy | 11:30 Family Guy | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Family Guy | 13:00 Family Guy | 13:30 Family Guy | 14:00 South Park | 14:30 South Park | 15:00 South Park | 15:30 South Park | 16:00 South Park | 16:30 South Park | 17:00 South Park | 17:30 South Park | 18:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 CUTLERY WINTER WONDER | 20:00 Futurama | 20:24 Futurama | 20:48 Futurama | 21:12 Futurama | 21:36 Futurama | 22:00 Futurama | 22:35 Futurama | 23:10 South Park | 23:45 South Park | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Comedy Central on Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | 2025-02-19 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Comedy.TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Funny You Should Ask | 00:30 Funny You Should Ask | 01:00 Funny You Should Ask | 01:30 Funny You Should Ask | 02:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 02:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 03:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 03:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 04:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 04:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 05:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 05:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 06:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 06:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 07:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 07:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 08:00 Funny You Should Ask | 08:30 Funny You Should Ask | 09:00 Funny You Should Ask | 09:30 Funny You Should Ask | 10:00 Funny You Should Ask | 10:30 Funny You Should Ask | 11:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 11:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 12:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 12:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 13:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 13:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 14:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 14:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 15:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 15:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 22:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 23:00 Funny You Should Ask | 23:30 Funny You Should Ask | 2025-02-19 00:00 Funny You Should Ask | 00:30 Funny You Should Ask | 01:00 Funny You Should Ask | 01:30 Funny You Should Ask | 02:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 02:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 03:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 03:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 04:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 04:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 05:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 05:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 06:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 06:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 07:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 07:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 08:00 Funny You Should Ask | 08:30 Funny You Should Ask | 09:00 Funny You Should Ask | 09:30 Funny You Should Ask | 10:00 Funny You Should Ask | 10:30 Funny You Should Ask | 11:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 11:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 12:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 12:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 13:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 13:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 14:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 14:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 15:00 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 15:30 Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 19:00 Weather Gone Viral | 20:00 Weather Gone Viral | 21:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 21:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 22:00 The World's Funniest Weather | 22:30 The World's Funniest Weather | 23:00 Funny You Should Ask | 23:30 Funny You Should Ask | 2025-02-20 00:00 Funny You Should Ask | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Court TV US | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: Court TV Live | 01:00 The Case Against Bryan Kohberger | 02:00 Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan | 03:00 Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan | 04:00 Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan | 05:00 Interview With a Killer | 06:00 Interview With a Killer | 07:00 Interview With a Killer | 08:00 Interview With a Killer | 09:00 Interview With a Killer | 10:00 TRIAL & ERROR | 11:00 48 Hours | 12:00 48 Hours | 13:00 48 Hours | 14:00 I Was a Teenage Felon | 15:00 I Was a Teenage Felon | 16:00 I Was a Teenage Felon | 17:00 I Was a Teenage Felon | 18:00 Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan | 19:00 Accomplice to Murder, With Vinnie Politan | 20:00 VPI: Vinnie Politan Investigates | 21:00 Opening Statements With Julie Grant | 22:00 Live: Court TV Live | 23:00 Live: Court TV Live | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Court TV Live | 01:00 Live: Court TV Live | 02:00 Live: Court TV Live | 03:00 Live: Court TV Live | 04:00 Live: Court TV Live | 05:00 Live: Court TV Live | 06:00 Live: Court TV Live | 07:00 Live: Court TV Live | 08:00 48 Hours | 09:00 Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan | 10:00 VPI: Vinnie Politan Investigates | 11:00 48 Hours | 12:00 Closing Arguments with Vinnie Politan | 13:00 VPI: Vinnie Politan Investigates | 14:00 Victim To Verdict - A Clown At The Door | 15:00 Victim to Verdict: The Snake Farm Murder | 16:00 It Takes a Killer | 16:30 It Takes a Killer | 17:00 It Takes a Killer | 17:30 It Takes a Killer | 18:00 It Takes a Killer | 18:30 It Takes a Killer | 19:00 It Takes a Killer | 19:30 It Takes a Killer | 20:00 VPI: Vinnie Politan Investigates | 21:00 Opening Statements With Julie Grant | 22:00 Court TV Live | 23:00 Court TV Live | 2025-02-20 00:00 Court TV Live | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Crime and Investigation Network USA HD | 2025-02-18 01:00 60 Days In | 03:00 60 Days In | 04:00 60 Days In | 05:00 60 Days In | 06:00 60 Days In | 07:00 60 Days In | 08:00 60 Days In | 09:00 60 Days In | 10:00 60 Days In | 11:00 60 Days In | 12:00 60 Days In | 13:00 60 Days In | 14:00 60 Days In | 15:00 60 Days In | 16:00 60 Days In | 17:00 60 Days In | 18:00 60 Days In | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Transforming Lives by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 20:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 I Survived | 22:00 I Survived | 23:00 I Survived | 2025-02-19 00:00 I Survived | 01:00 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 01:30 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 02:00 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 02:30 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 03:00 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 03:30 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 04:00 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 04:30 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 05:00 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 05:30 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 06:00 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 06:30 Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force | 07:00 Crime 360 | 08:00 Crime 360 | 09:00 Crime 360 | 10:00 Crime 360 | 11:00 Crime 360 | 12:00 Crime 360 | 13:00 Crime 360 | 14:00 Crime 360 | 15:00 Crime 360 | 16:00 Crime 360 | 17:00 Crime 360 | 18:00 Crime 360 | 19:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:30 Transforming Lives by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 21:00 I Survived | 22:00 I Survived | 23:00 I Survived | 2025-02-20 00:00 I Survived | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CSHP Celebrity Shopping Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Gift of Youth | 01:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 02:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 03:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 04:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 05:00 Gift of Youth | 06:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 07:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 08:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 09:00 TVON Live Fine Jewelry with Daniel | 12:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 13:00 Gift of Youth | 14:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 15:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 16:00 Gift of Youth | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Prostate Health! | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 22:00 Save On Car Repairs with Endurance | 23:00 Gift of Youth | 2025-02-19 00:00 Gift of Youth | 01:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 02:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 03:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 04:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 05:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 06:00 Gift of Youth | 07:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 08:00 Save On Car Repairs with Endurance | 09:00 TVON Live Fine Jewelry with Daniel | 12:00 Larry King's Prostate Report | 13:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 14:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 15:00 Bad Bladder? | 16:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Larry King's Prostate Report | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans from Humana | 22:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 23:00 Interested in gold? Learn more! | 2025-02-20 00:00 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CSPAN3 | 2025-02-18 00:45 Mark Cheathem, Who is James Polk? | 01:40 Tevi Troy, The Power and the Money | 02:40 Pete Hegseth, Battle for the American Mind | 03:35 David Roll, Ascent to Power | 04:25 Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk | 05:20 Q & A | 06:20 Kristin Carlucci Weed, Get Me Carlucci | 07:00 After Words | 08:00 Q & A | 09:00 Christopher Cox, Woodrow Wilson - The Light Withdrawn | 10:25 Michael Mandelbaum, The Titans of the 20th Century | 11:45 Q & A | 12:45 Mark Cheathem, Who is James Polk? | 13:40 Tevi Troy, The Power and the Money | 14:40 Pete Hegseth, Battle for the American Mind | 15:35 David Roll, Ascent to Power | 16:25 Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk | 17:20 Q & A | 18:20 Kristin Carlucci Weed, Get Me Carlucci | 19:00 After Words | 20:00 Q & A | 21:00 Public Affairs Events | 22:30 Key Capitol Hill Hearings | 2025-02-19 02:51 Lectures in History | 03:51 First Lady Pat Nixon | 04:46 Key Capitol Hill Hearings | 09:00 Public Affairs Events | 13:00 Public Affairs Events | 13:06 State Dept. Officials on Digital Tech. in Latin America | 14:33 Rep. Bera & Sen. Curtis Discuss AI | 15:01 Discussion on Russian Society & Independent Journalism | 16:03 JD Vance, Speaker Johnson, Majority Leader Thune and Others Attend March for Life Rally | 17:55 Discussion on Student Engagement & Attendance | 19:05 State Dept. Officials on Digital Tech. in Latin America | 20:32 Rep. Bera & Sen. Curtis Discuss AI | 21:00 Sen. Angus King on U.S. Manufacturing | 21:57 Discussion on Global Aid & COVID-19 | 22:58 Discussion on Politics & Second Trump Administration: Part 1 | 2025-02-20 00:00 Discussion on Politics & Second Trump Administration -- Part 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CTI-Zhong Tian Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Fight Authority | 01:00 Art of Life | 01:30 Health News | 02:00 Bin Bin Gourmet | 03:00 2400 CTI News | 04:00 Entertainment News | 05:00 Political Forum | 06:30 Health News | 07:00 Talk Show: Mystery Area | 08:00 0700 News Breakfast at Eight | 08:48 Local News | 09:00 Fight Authority | 10:00 News Storm | 11:00 Sisy's Dream Stop | 12:00 CTI Global News | 12:48 Local News / Commercial Report / Weather Forecast | 13:00 Super Followers | 14:00 Political Forum | 15:30 Political Insight | 16:00 1500 Political Insight | 17:30 1600 CTI News | 18:30 1700 CTI News | 19:00 The Queen's Legendary Show | 20:00 1800 CTI News | 21:00 1900 CTI News | 22:00 Political Insight | 23:00 1900 CTI News | 2025-02-19 00:00 Fight Authority | 01:00 Art of Life | 01:30 Health News | 02:00 Bin Bin Gourmet | 03:00 2400 CTI News | 04:00 Super Followers | 05:00 Political Forum | 06:30 Health News | 07:00 The Advisors Alliance | 08:00 0700 News Breakfast at Eight | 08:48 Local News | 09:00 Fight Authority | 10:00 Small Swallow's Night | 11:00 The Advisors Alliance | 12:00 CTI Global News | 12:48 Local News / Commercial Report / Weather Forecast | 13:00 Super Followers | 14:00 Political Forum | 15:30 Political Insight | 16:00 1500 Political Insight | 17:30 1600 CTI News | 18:30 1700 CTI News | 19:00 The Queen's Legendary Show | 20:00 1800 CTI News | 21:00 1900 CTI News | 22:00 Political Insight | 23:00 1900 CTI News | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fight Authority | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CTN - Christian Television Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Life Today With James Robison | 00:30 Joseph Prince | 01:00 Dr Ward Bond | 01:30 CTN Special | 02:00 Christian Fitness | 02:30 Stem Cell Activators with Joseph Christiano ND | 03:00 Your Health With Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker | 04:00 Andrew Wommack | 04:30 Elevation Church With Steve Furtick | 05:00 Joseph Prince | 05:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 06:00 Victorious Faith with Pastor Mark Cowart | 06:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 07:00 Transformed by Grace with Kevin Sadler | 07:30 The Pastor's Study | 08:00 LIT86 | 08:30 Great Awakening With Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne | 09:30 The Power of the Word | 10:00 Christ in Prophecy With Tim Moore | 10:30 Lance Wallnau | 11:00 Come Home With Jen Mallan | 11:30 Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann | 12:00 Paid Programming | 12:30 Great Awakening With Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne | 13:30 You and Me Live Prayer | 16:30 Life Today With James Robison | 17:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 17:30 Dr Ward Bond | 18:00 Bridges Daily | 18:30 Come Home With Jen Mallan | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Joseph Prince | 20:00 Robert Jeffress | 20:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 21:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 21:30 Gary Keesee: Fixing the Money Thing | 22:00 Rick Renner | 22:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 23:00 Come Home With Jen Mallan | 23:30 Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann | 2025-02-19 00:00 Life Today With James Robison | 00:30 Joseph Prince | 01:00 Dr Ward Bond | 01:30 News Updates With Rodney Howard Browne | 02:00 Christian Fitness | 02:30 Fight to Win | 03:00 Your Health With Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker | 04:00 Gospel Truth with Andrew Wommack | 04:30 Elevation Church With Steve Furtick | 05:00 Joseph Prince | 05:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 06:00 CTN Special | 06:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 07:00 Transformed by Grace with Kevin Sadler | 07:30 LIT86 | 08:00 Counterpoint | 08:30 Great Awakening With Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne | 09:30 Steve Bilsborough Great Life Church | 10:00 Prophecy Watchers | 10:30 SkywatchTV | 11:00 Come Home With Jen Mallan | 11:30 Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann | 12:00 The Three with Laura Harris Smith | 12:30 Great Awakening With Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne | 13:30 You and Me Live Prayer | 16:30 Life Today With James Robison | 17:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 17:30 Dr Ward Bond | 18:00 Bridges Daily | 18:30 Come Home With Jen Mallan | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Joseph Prince | 20:00 Robert Jeffress | 20:30 Elevation Church | 21:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 21:30 Gary Keesee: Fixing the Money Thing | 22:00 Rick Renner | 22:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 23:00 Come Home With Jen Mallan | 23:30 Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann | 2025-02-20 00:00 Life Today With James Robison | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Curiosity Channel(Stream) | 2025-02-18 00:00 To Be Announced | 03:00 To Be Announced | 06:00 To Be Announced | 09:00 To Be Announced | 12:00 To Be Announced | 15:00 To Be Announced | 18:00 To Be Announced | 21:00 To Be Announced | 2025-02-19 00:00 To Be Announced | 03:00 To Be Announced | 06:00 To Be Announced | 09:00 To Be Announced | 12:00 To Be Announced | 15:00 To Be Announced | 18:00 To Be Announced | 21:00 To Be Announced | 2025-02-20 00:00 To Be Announced | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CW (KFMB-TV2) San Diego, CA | 2025-02-18 01:00 The 700 Club | 02:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 02:30 Pictionary | 03:00 GMFB: Overtime | 05:00 CBS 8 News at 1pm | 06:00 CBS 8 News at 2pm | 06:30 Divorce Court | 07:00 Judge Mathis | 08:00 The Four | 09:00 CBS 8 News Live at 5pm | 09:30 American Housewife | 10:00 The Neighborhood | 10:30 The Neighborhood | 11:00 48 Hours | 12:00 All American | 13:00 Trivial Pursuit | 13:30 Scrabble | 14:00 The 10 O' Clock News | 14:49 The Final Quarter | 15:00 Seinfeld | 15:30 Seinfeld | 16:00 The Goldbergs | 16:30 Crime Exposé With Nancy O'Dell | 17:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 18:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 19:00 American Housewife | 19:30 The Goldbergs | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Cutlers Court | 21:00 CBS 8 Mornings at 5am | 22:00 CBS 8 Mornings at 6am | 23:00 CBS 8 Mornings at 7am | 2025-02-19 01:00 The 700 Club | 02:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 02:30 Pictionary | 03:00 GMFB: Overtime | 05:00 CBS 8 News at 1pm | 06:00 CBS 8 News at 2pm | 06:30 Divorce Court | 07:00 Judge Mathis | 08:00 The Four | 09:00 CBS 8 News Live at 5pm | 09:30 American Housewife | 10:00 The Neighborhood | 10:30 The Neighborhood | 11:00 48 Hours | 12:00 WWE NXT | 14:00 The 10 O' Clock News | 14:49 The Final Quarter | 15:00 Seinfeld | 15:30 Seinfeld | 16:00 The Goldbergs | 16:30 Crime Exposé With Nancy O'Dell | 17:00 Suits | 18:00 Suits | 19:00 American Housewife | 19:30 The Goldbergs | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Cutlers Court | 21:00 CBS 8 Mornings at 5am | 22:00 CBS 8 Mornings at 6am | 23:00 CBS 8 Mornings at 7am | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CW (WDCW) District of Columbia | 2025-02-18 00:00 The People's Court | 01:00 Judy Justice | 01:30 Judy Justice | 02:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 03:00 Live: Living Local DMV | 04:00 Karamo | 05:00 Maury | 06:00 Young Sheldon | 06:30 Young Sheldon | 07:00 The Big Bang Theory | 07:30 The Big Bang Theory | 08:00 Bob Hearts Abishola | 08:30 Bob Hearts Abishola | 09:00 All American | 10:00 Trivial Pursuit | 10:30 Scrabble | 11:00 DC News Now | 12:00 The Neighborhood | 12:30 Seinfeld | 13:00 Two and a Half Men | 13:30 Two and a Half Men | 14:00 American Housewife | 14:30 American Housewife | 15:00 The Conners | 15:30 Last Man Standing | 16:00 The Goldbergs | 16:30 The Neighborhood | 17:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 18:00 Chicago Fire | 19:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 19:30 Equal Justice With Judge Eboni K. Williams | 20:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 20:30 Lauren Lake's Paternity Court | 21:00 The Ultimate Mattress Topper! | 21:30 Cutlers Court | 22:00 Mathis Court With Judge Mathis | 22:30 Justice for the People With Judge Milian | 23:00 Judge Mathis | 2025-02-19 00:00 The People's Court | 01:00 Judy Justice | 01:30 Judy Justice | 02:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 03:00 Live: Living Local DMV | 04:00 Karamo | 05:00 Maury | 06:00 Young Sheldon | 06:30 Young Sheldon | 07:00 The Big Bang Theory | 07:30 The Big Bang Theory | 08:00 Bob Hearts Abishola | 08:30 Bob Hearts Abishola | 09:00 WWE NXT | 11:00 DC News Now | 12:00 The Neighborhood | 12:30 Seinfeld | 13:00 Two and a Half Men | 13:30 Two and a Half Men | 14:00 American Housewife | 14:30 American Housewife | 15:00 The Conners | 15:30 Last Man Standing | 16:00 The Goldbergs | 16:30 The Neighborhood | 17:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 18:00 Chicago Fire | 19:00 Amazing Closet Makeovers! 70% more space! | 19:30 Equal Justice With Judge Eboni K. Williams | 20:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 20:30 Lauren Lake's Paternity Court | 21:00 Looking for a Medicare plan? Tune in now! | 21:30 Cutlers Court | 22:00 Mathis Court With Judge Mathis | 22:30 Justice for the People With Judge Milian | 23:00 Judge Mathis | 2025-02-20 00:00 The People's Court | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CW Plus Central | 2025-02-18 00:00 Maury | 01:00 Paternity Court | 01:30 Paternity Court | 02:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 02:30 Divorce Court | 03:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 04:00 Maury | 05:00 Karamo | 06:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 07:00 TMZ Live | 08:00 TMZ | 08:30 True Crime News | 09:00 All American | 10:00 Trivial Pursuit | 10:30 Scrabble | 11:00 Friends | 11:30 Friends | 12:00 TMZ | 12:30 Dish Nation | 13:00 True Crime News | 13:30 Chicago P.D. | 14:30 Dish Nation | 15:00 TMZ Live | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 19:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:00 Paternity Court | 20:30 Paternity Court | 21:00 Divorce Court | 21:30 Divorce Court | 22:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 23:00 Karamo | 2025-02-19 00:00 Maury | 01:00 Paternity Court | 01:30 Paternity Court | 02:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 02:30 Divorce Court | 03:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 04:00 Maury | 05:00 Karamo | 06:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 07:00 TMZ Live | 08:00 TMZ | 08:30 True Crime News | 09:00 WWE NXT | 11:00 Friends | 11:30 Friends | 12:00 TMZ | 12:30 Dish Nation | 13:00 True Crime News | 13:30 Chicago P.D. | 14:30 Dish Nation | 15:00 TMZ Live | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 19:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:00 Paternity Court | 20:30 Paternity Court | 21:00 Divorce Court | 21:30 Divorce Court | 22:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 23:00 Karamo | 2025-02-20 00:00 Maury | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CW Plus East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Maury | 01:00 Paternity Court | 01:30 Paternity Court | 02:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 02:30 Divorce Court | 03:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 04:00 Maury | 05:00 Karamo | 06:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 07:00 TMZ Live | 08:00 TMZ | 08:30 True Crime News | 09:00 All American | 10:00 Trivial Pursuit | 10:30 Scrabble | 11:00 Friends | 11:30 Friends | 12:00 TMZ | 12:30 Dish Nation | 13:00 True Crime News | 13:30 Chicago P.D. | 14:30 Dish Nation | 15:00 TMZ Live | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 19:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:00 Paternity Court | 20:30 Paternity Court | 21:00 Divorce Court | 21:30 Divorce Court | 22:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 23:00 Karamo | 2025-02-19 00:00 Maury | 01:00 Paternity Court | 01:30 Paternity Court | 02:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 02:30 Divorce Court | 03:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 04:00 Maury | 05:00 Karamo | 06:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 07:00 TMZ Live | 08:00 TMZ | 08:30 True Crime News | 09:00 WWE NXT | 11:00 Friends | 11:30 Friends | 12:00 TMZ | 12:30 Dish Nation | 13:00 True Crime News | 13:30 Chicago P.D. | 14:30 Dish Nation | 15:00 TMZ Live | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 19:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:00 Paternity Court | 20:30 Paternity Court | 21:00 Divorce Court | 21:30 Divorce Court | 22:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 23:00 Karamo | 2025-02-20 00:00 Maury | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CW Plus Mountain | 2025-02-18 00:00 Karamo | 01:00 Maury | 02:00 Paternity Court | 02:30 Paternity Court | 03:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 03:30 Divorce Court | 04:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 05:00 Maury | 06:00 Karamo | 07:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 08:00 TMZ Live | 09:00 TMZ | 09:30 True Crime News | 10:00 All American | 11:00 Trivial Pursuit | 11:30 Scrabble | 12:00 Friends | 12:30 Friends | 13:00 TMZ | 13:30 Dish Nation | 14:00 True Crime News | 14:30 Chicago P.D. | 15:30 Dish Nation | 16:00 TMZ Live | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 21:00 Paternity Court | 21:30 Paternity Court | 22:00 Divorce Court | 22:30 Divorce Court | 23:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 Karamo | 01:00 Maury | 02:00 Paternity Court | 02:30 Paternity Court | 03:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 03:30 Divorce Court | 04:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 05:00 Maury | 06:00 Karamo | 07:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 08:00 TMZ Live | 09:00 TMZ | 09:30 True Crime News | 10:00 WWE NXT | 12:00 Friends | 12:30 Friends | 13:00 TMZ | 13:30 Dish Nation | 14:00 True Crime News | 14:30 Chicago P.D. | 15:30 Dish Nation | 16:00 TMZ Live | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 21:00 Paternity Court | 21:30 Paternity Court | 22:00 Divorce Court | 22:30 Divorce Court | 23:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 Karamo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CW Plus Pacific | 2025-02-18 00:00 Divorce Court | 00:30 Divorce Court | 01:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 02:00 Karamo | 03:00 Maury | 04:00 Paternity Court | 04:30 Paternity Court | 05:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 05:30 Divorce Court | 06:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 07:00 Maury | 08:00 Karamo | 09:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 10:00 TMZ Live | 11:00 TMZ | 11:30 True Crime News | 12:00 All American | 13:00 Trivial Pursuit | 13:30 Scrabble | 14:00 Friends | 14:30 Friends | 15:00 TMZ | 15:30 Dish Nation | 16:00 True Crime News | 16:30 Chicago P.D. | 17:30 Dish Nation | 18:00 TMZ Live | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 22:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 23:00 Paternity Court | 23:30 Paternity Court | 2025-02-19 00:00 Divorce Court | 00:30 Divorce Court | 01:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 02:00 Karamo | 03:00 Maury | 04:00 Paternity Court | 04:30 Paternity Court | 05:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 05:30 Divorce Court | 06:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 07:00 Maury | 08:00 Karamo | 09:00 The Steve Wilkos Show | 10:00 TMZ Live | 11:00 TMZ | 11:30 True Crime News | 12:00 WWE NXT | 14:00 Friends | 14:30 Friends | 15:00 TMZ | 15:30 Dish Nation | 16:00 True Crime News | 16:30 Chicago P.D. | 17:30 Dish Nation | 18:00 TMZ Live | 19:00 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | 19:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 22:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 23:00 Paternity Court | 23:30 Paternity Court | 2025-02-20 00:00 Divorce Court | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Daystar - Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 00:30 Rick Renner | 01:00 Ministry Now | 02:00 Drenda | 02:30 Your Miraculous Life With Dr. Kynan Bridges | 03:00 The Jewish Jesus | 03:30 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 04:00 Joseph Prince | 04:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 05:00 Rick Renner | 05:30 Believer's Walk of Faith With Bill Winston | 06:00 Harvest With Pastor Greg Laurie | 06:30 Dr. David Jeremiah | 07:00 Healing Time With Dr. Doug Weiss | 07:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 08:00 Manna-Fest with Perry Stone | 08:30 Joseph Prince | 09:00 Gospel Truth with Andrew Wommack | 09:30 Joni: Table Talk | 10:00 Ministry Now | 11:00 Harvest With Pastor Greg Laurie | 11:30 Ron Carpenter | 12:00 Kenneth W. Hagin | 12:30 Kenneth Copeland | 13:00 Life Today with James & Betty Robison | 13:30 Joni: Table Talk | 14:00 Ministry Now | 15:00 Joni: Table Talk | 15:30 Reflections | 16:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 16:30 Reflections | 17:00 Reflections | 17:30 Reflections | 18:30 Joseph Prince | 19:00 Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin | 19:30 Voice of God With Joseph Z | 20:00 Joni: Table Talk | 20:30 The Potter's Touch | 21:00 Life Today With James Robison | 21:30 Gospel Truth with Andrew Wommack | 22:00 The Jewish Jesus | 22:30 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 23:00 Kenneth Copeland | 23:30 Creflo Dollar | 2025-02-19 00:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 00:30 Rick Renner | 01:00 Ministry Now | 02:00 Gary Keesee: Fixing the Money Thing | 02:30 Larry and Tiz Huch | 03:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 03:30 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 04:00 Joseph Prince | 04:30 Dr. Sam | 05:00 Rick Renner | 05:30 Believer's Walk of Faith With Bill Winston | 06:00 Harvest With Pastor Greg Laurie | 06:30 Dr. David Jeremiah | 07:00 Healing Time With Dr. Doug Weiss | 07:30 The OpenDoor Experience | 08:00 Talk Truth | 08:30 Joseph Prince | 09:00 Gospel Truth with Andrew Wommack | 09:30 Joni: Table Talk | 10:00 Ministry Now | 11:00 All !N with Jordan Easley | 11:30 Real Life with Jack Hibbs | 12:00 Joel Osteen | 12:30 Kenneth Copeland | 13:00 Life Today With James Robison | 13:30 Joni: Table Talk | 14:00 Ministry Now | 15:00 Joni: Table Talk | 15:30 Reflections | 16:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 16:30 Reflections | 17:00 Reflections | 17:30 Reflections | 18:30 Joseph Prince | 19:00 Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin | 19:30 Voice of God With Joseph Z | 20:00 Joni: Table Talk | 20:30 The Potter's Touch | 21:00 Life Today with James & Betty Robison | 21:30 Gospel Truth with Andrew Wommack | 22:00 Healing Time With Dr. Doug Weiss | 22:30 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 23:00 Kenneth Copeland | 23:30 Creflo Dollar | 2025-02-20 00:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
De Pelicula | 2025-02-18 00:30 Yo quiero ser hombre | 02:15 Programa pagado | 02:45 Programa pagado | 03:15 Había una vez una estrella | 05:05 Delincuente | 07:00 El campeón ciclista | 08:30 Pepito y la lámpara maravillosa | 10:10 Chabelo y Pepito detectives | 11:50 La Venus maldita | 13:30 Los robachicos | 15:25 Que viva Tepito | 17:25 Dos corazones y un cielo | 19:00 Yo quiero ser hombre | 20:45 Programa pagado | 21:15 Programa pagado | 21:45 Programa pagado | 22:15 Programa pagado | 22:45 Dos tipos de cuidado | 2025-02-19 00:50 Santo frente a la muerte | 02:30 Programa pagado | 03:00 Programa pagado | 03:30 Había una vez un marido | 05:10 El teatro del crimen | 06:50 Calabacitas tiernas | 08:40 Uno y medio contra el mundo | 10:20 Dos hijos desobedientes | 12:10 Tres muchachas de Jalisco | 13:55 Había una vez un marido | 15:35 Dos hijos desobedientes | 17:25 Cuatro contra el crimen | 19:00 Mujercitas | 20:45 Programa pagado | 21:15 Programa pagado | 21:45 Programa pagado | 22:15 Programa pagado | 22:45 El amor de mi vida | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
De Pelicula Clasico | 2025-02-18 00:25 El hombre sin rostro | 02:10 Programa pagado | 02:40 Programa pagado | 03:10 Twist locura de juventud | 04:50 Misterios de ultratumba | 06:25 Los tres calaveras | 08:25 Los tres alegres compadres | 10:35 Los tres mosqueteros de Dios | 12:20 El socio | 14:20 Twist locura de juventud | 16:00 Misterios de ultratumba | 17:35 El valle de los desaparecidos | 19:00 El hombre sin rostro | 20:45 Programa pagado | 21:15 Programa pagado | 21:45 Programa pagado | 22:15 Programa pagado | 22:45 El ángel negro | 2025-02-19 01:00 El camino de los espantos | 02:40 Programa pagado | 03:10 Programa pagado | 03:40 El ataúd del vampiro | 05:20 Miente y serás feliz | 07:00 Los olvidados | 08:35 El castillo de los monstruos | 10:20 Dos Fantasmas y Una Muchacha | 11:55 La nave de los monstruos | 13:35 El ángel negro | 15:50 El vampiro | 17:30 Neutrón el Enmascarado Negro | 19:00 Diabólico asesino | 20:45 Programa pagado | 21:15 Programa pagado | 21:45 Programa pagado | 22:15 Programa pagado | 22:45 Crepúsculo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Destination America | 2025-02-18 00:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 00:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 01:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 01:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 02:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 02:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 03:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 03:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 04:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 04:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 05:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 05:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 06:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 06:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 07:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 07:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 08:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 08:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 09:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 09:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 10:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 10:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 11:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 11:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 12:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 12:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 13:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 13:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 14:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 14:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 15:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 15:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 16:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 16:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 17:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 17:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 18:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 18:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt | 19:00 You Live in What? | 20:00 You Live in What? | 21:00 You Live in What? | 22:00 You Live in What? | 23:00 You Live in What? | 2025-02-19 00:00 You Live in What? | 01:00 You Live in What? | 02:00 You Live in What? | 03:00 You Live in What? | 04:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 05:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 06:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 07:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 08:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 09:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 10:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 11:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 12:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 13:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 14:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 15:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 16:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 17:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 18:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 19:00 Flea Market Flip | 19:30 Flea Market Flip | 20:00 Flea Market Flip | 20:30 Flea Market Flip | 21:00 Flea Market Flip | 21:30 Flea Market Flip | 22:00 Flea Market Flip | 22:30 Flea Market Flip | 23:00 Flea Market Flip | 23:30 Flea Market Flip | 2025-02-20 00:00 Flea Market Flip | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (721) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (722) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (723) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (724) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (725) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (726) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (727) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (728) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (729) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (730) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (731) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (732) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (733) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (734) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (735) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (736) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (737) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (738) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (739) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (740) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (741) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (742) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (743) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (744) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (745) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (746) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (747) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLB Extra Innings (749) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (471) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (472) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (473) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (474) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (475) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (476) | 2025-02-18 01:00 MLS Direct Kick | 03:00 MLS Direct Kick | 05:00 MLS Direct Kick | 07:00 MLS Direct Kick | 09:00 MLS Direct Kick | 11:00 MLS Direct Kick | 13:00 MLS Direct Kick | 15:00 MLS Direct Kick | 17:00 MLS Direct Kick | 19:00 MLS Direct Kick | 21:00 MLS Direct Kick | 23:00 MLS Direct Kick | 2025-02-19 01:00 MLS Direct Kick | 03:00 MLS Direct Kick | 05:00 MLS Direct Kick | 07:00 MLS Direct Kick | 09:00 MLS Direct Kick | 11:00 MLS Direct Kick | 13:00 MLS Direct Kick | 15:00 MLS Direct Kick | 17:00 MLS Direct Kick | 19:00 MLS Direct Kick | 21:00 MLS Direct Kick | 23:00 MLS Direct Kick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (477) | 2025-02-18 01:00 MLS Direct Kick | 03:00 MLS Direct Kick | 05:00 MLS Direct Kick | 07:00 MLS Direct Kick | 09:00 MLS Direct Kick | 11:00 MLS Direct Kick | 13:00 MLS Direct Kick | 15:00 MLS Direct Kick | 17:00 MLS Direct Kick | 19:00 MLS Direct Kick | 21:00 MLS Direct Kick | 23:00 MLS Direct Kick | 2025-02-19 01:00 MLS Direct Kick | 03:00 MLS Direct Kick | 05:00 MLS Direct Kick | 07:00 MLS Direct Kick | 09:00 MLS Direct Kick | 11:00 MLS Direct Kick | 13:00 MLS Direct Kick | 15:00 MLS Direct Kick | 17:00 MLS Direct Kick | 19:00 MLS Direct Kick | 21:00 MLS Direct Kick | 23:00 MLS Direct Kick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV MLS Direct Kick (478) | 2025-02-18 01:00 MLS Direct Kick | 03:00 MLS Direct Kick | 05:00 MLS Direct Kick | 07:00 MLS Direct Kick | 09:00 MLS Direct Kick | 11:00 MLS Direct Kick | 13:00 MLS Direct Kick | 15:00 MLS Direct Kick | 17:00 MLS Direct Kick | 19:00 MLS Direct Kick | 21:00 MLS Direct Kick | 23:00 MLS Direct Kick | 2025-02-19 01:00 MLS Direct Kick | 03:00 MLS Direct Kick | 05:00 MLS Direct Kick | 07:00 MLS Direct Kick | 09:00 MLS Direct Kick | 11:00 MLS Direct Kick | 13:00 MLS Direct Kick | 15:00 MLS Direct Kick | 17:00 MLS Direct Kick | 19:00 MLS Direct Kick | 21:00 MLS Direct Kick | 23:00 MLS Direct Kick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (748) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (750) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (751) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (752) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (753) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (754) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (755) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (756) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (757) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (758) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (759) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (760) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (761) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (762) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (763) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (764) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (765) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (766) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (767) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (768) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NBA League Pass (769) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (769) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (770) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (770) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (771) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (771) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (772) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (772) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (773) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (773) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (774) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (774) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (775) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (775) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (776) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (776) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (777) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (777) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (778) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (778) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (779) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (779) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (780) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (780) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (781) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (781) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (782) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (782) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (783) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (783) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (784) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (784) HD | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (785) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (786) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV NHL Center Ice (787) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 121 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 122 | 2025-02-18 03:30 To Be Announced | 11:30 To Be Announced | 19:30 To Be Announced | 2025-02-19 03:30 To Be Announced | 11:30 To Be Announced | 19:30 To Be Announced | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 123 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 124 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Channel No Longer Available | 07:00 Channel No Longer Available | 11:00 Channel No Longer Available | 15:00 Channel No Longer Available | 19:00 Channel No Longer Available | 23:00 Channel No Longer Available | 2025-02-19 03:00 Channel No Longer Available | 07:00 Channel No Longer Available | 11:00 Channel No Longer Available | 15:00 Channel No Longer Available | 19:00 Channel No Longer Available | 23:00 Channel No Longer Available | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 701 | 2025-02-18 03:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 07:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 11:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 15:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 19:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 23:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 2025-02-19 03:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 07:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 11:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 15:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 19:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | 23:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 702 | 2025-02-18 03:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 07:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 11:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 15:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 19:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 23:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 2025-02-19 03:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 07:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 11:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 15:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 19:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | 23:00 NFL Sunday Ticket Mix 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 705 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 706 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 707 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 708 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 709 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 710 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 711 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 712 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 713 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 714 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 715 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 716 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 717 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 718 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 719 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 720 | 2025-02-18 01:00 MLB Extra Innings | 03:00 MLB Extra Innings | 05:00 MLB Extra Innings | 07:00 MLB Extra Innings | 09:00 MLB Extra Innings | 11:00 MLB Extra Innings | 13:00 MLB Extra Innings | 15:00 MLB Extra Innings | 17:00 MLB Extra Innings | 19:00 MLB Extra Innings | 21:00 MLB Extra Innings | 23:00 MLB Extra Innings | 2025-02-19 01:00 MLB Extra Innings | 03:00 MLB Extra Innings | 05:00 MLB Extra Innings | 07:00 MLB Extra Innings | 09:00 MLB Extra Innings | 11:00 MLB Extra Innings | 13:00 MLB Extra Innings | 15:00 MLB Extra Innings | 17:00 MLB Extra Innings | 19:00 MLB Extra Innings | 21:00 MLB Extra Innings | 23:00 MLB Extra Innings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DirecTV Sports 9526 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discovery Channel (US) - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 MythBusters | 01:00 MythBusters | 02:00 MythBusters | 03:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 04:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 05:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 06:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 07:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 08:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 09:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 10:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 11:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 12:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 13:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 14:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 15:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 16:00 Contraband: Seized at the Border | 17:00 Mud Madness | 18:00 Gold Rush: White Water | 19:00 Gold Rush: White Water | 20:00 Gold Rush: White Water | 21:00 Lone Star Law | 22:00 Lone Star Law | 23:00 Lone Star Law | 2025-02-19 00:00 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 01:00 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 02:00 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 03:00 Harpoon Hunters | 04:00 Harpoon Hunters | 05:00 Moonshiners | 06:00 Moonshiners | 07:00 Moonshiners | 08:00 Moonshiners | 09:00 Moonshiners | 11:01 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 12:01 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 13:00 Moonshiners | 15:01 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 16:01 Moonshiners: Master Distiller | 17:00 Hoffman Family Gold | 18:00 Gold Rush: White Water | 19:00 Gold Rush: White Water | 20:00 Gold Rush: White Water | 21:00 Expedition Bigfoot | 22:00 Expedition Bigfoot | 23:00 Expedition Bigfoot | 2025-02-20 00:00 Expedition Bigfoot | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discovery Channel (US) on demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Discovery On Demand | 07:00 Discovery On Demand | 11:00 Discovery On Demand | 15:00 Discovery On Demand | 19:00 Discovery On Demand | 23:00 Discovery On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Discovery On Demand | 07:00 Discovery On Demand | 11:00 Discovery On Demand | 15:00 Discovery On Demand | 19:00 Discovery On Demand | 23:00 Discovery On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discovery en Espanol | 2025-02-18 00:00 Fiebre del oro | 01:00 Control de carreteras | 01:30 Control de carreteras | 02:00 Revista People investiga | 03:00 Joyas sobre ruedas | 04:00 Carreras prohibidas | 05:00 Texas Metal | 06:00 Lo mejor de Mexicánicos | 07:00 Sueños mecánicos | 08:00 Sueños mecánicos | 09:00 Texas Metal | 10:00 Texas Metal | 11:00 Mexicánicos 10 años | 12:00 Al estilo Kindig | 13:00 Texas Metal | 14:00 Mexicánicos 10 años | 15:00 Al estilo Kindig | 16:00 Texas Metal | 17:00 Mexicánicos 10 años | 18:00 Al estilo Kindig | 19:00 Máquinas renovadas | 20:00 Fiebre del oro | 21:00 Alaska: Hombres primitivos | 22:00 Pesca mortal | 23:00 Pesca mortal | 2025-02-19 00:00 Fiebre del oro | 01:00 Control de fronteras: España | 01:30 Control de fronteras: España | 02:00 Revista People investiga: Cultos | 03:00 Los fantasmas de Montana | 04:00 Videos paranormales | 05:00 Bosques embrujados | 06:00 Bosques embrujados | 07:00 Mirada policial | 08:00 Mirada policial | 09:00 Persecución policiaca | 10:00 Captados al volante | 10:30 Captados al volante | 11:00 Crímenes al desnudo | 11:30 Crímenes al desnudo | 12:00 Apuestas y estafas | 13:00 Captados al volante | 13:30 Captados al volante | 14:00 Crímenes al desnudo | 14:30 Crímenes al desnudo | 15:00 Apuestas y estafas | 16:00 Captados al volante | 16:30 Captados al volante | 17:00 Crímenes al desnudo | 17:30 Crímenes al desnudo | 18:00 Apuestas y estafas | 19:00 Videos paranormales | 20:00 Fiebre del oro | 21:00 Alaska: Hombres primitivos | 22:00 Pesca mortal | 23:00 Pesca mortal | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fiebre del oro | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discovery Familia | 2025-02-18 00:00 Los cazahogares en familia | 00:30 Los cazahogares en familia | 01:00 Un gran mundo pequeño | 02:00 Todo en 90 días: antes del viaje | 04:00 Vestido de Novia | 05:00 Gran-diosa | 06:00 Tacaños extremos | 06:30 Tacaños extremos | 07:00 Christina en la playa | 08:00 Renovaciones en Chicago | 09:00 Rescatando propiedades | 09:30 Rescatando propiedades | 10:00 Hasta la última mordida | 11:00 En-cubiertos | 11:30 En-cubiertos | 12:00 Rescatando propiedades | 12:30 Rescatando propiedades | 13:00 Hasta la última mordida | 14:00 En-cubiertos | 14:30 En-cubiertos | 15:00 Rescatando propiedades | 15:30 Rescatando propiedades | 16:00 Hasta la última mordida | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 En-cubiertos | 17:30 En-cubiertos | 18:00 Rescatando propiedades | 18:30 Rescatando propiedades | 19:00 Doki | 19:30 Doki | 20:00 El zoo de Zu | 20:30 Paz | 21:00 Cleo y Cuquín: Familia Telerín | 21:30 Cleo y Cuquín: Familia Telerín | 22:00 Defensores Petronix | 22:15 Defensores Petronix | 22:30 Doki | 23:00 El zoo de Zu | 23:30 El zoo de Zu | 2025-02-19 00:00 Los cazahogares en familia | 00:30 Los cazahogares en familia | 01:00 Un gran mundo pequeño | 02:00 Todo en 90 días: antes del viaje | 04:00 Vestido de Novia | 05:00 Gran-diosa | 06:00 Tacaños extremos | 06:30 Tacaños extremos | 07:00 Christina en la playa | 08:00 Renovaciones en Chicago | 09:00 Rescatando propiedades | 09:30 Rescatando propiedades | 10:00 Kilos mortales | 12:00 Dra. Sandra Lee | 13:00 Kilos mortales | 15:00 Dra. Sandra Lee | 16:00 Kilos mortales | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Dra. Sandra Lee | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Doki | 19:30 Doki | 20:00 El zoo de Zu | 20:30 Paz | 21:00 Cleo y Cuquín: Familia Telerín | 21:30 Cleo y Cuquín: Familia Telerín | 22:00 Defensores Petronix | 22:15 Defensores Petronix | 22:30 Doki | 23:00 El zoo de Zu | 23:30 El zoo de Zu | 2025-02-20 00:00 Los cazahogares en familia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discovery Family Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Littlest Pet Shop | 00:30 Pound Puppies | 01:00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 01:30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 02:00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 02:30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 03:00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 03:30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 04:00 Summer Camp Island | 04:15 Summer Camp Island | 04:30 Summer Camp Island | 04:45 Summer Camp Island | 05:00 Steven Universe | 05:15 Steven Universe | 05:30 Steven Universe | 05:45 Steven Universe | 06:00 Cake Boss | 06:30 Cake Boss | 07:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 08:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 09:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 10:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 11:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 12:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 13:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 14:00 BBQ Pitmasters | 15:00 Ultimate Cake Off | 16:00 Buddy's Bakery Rescue | 17:00 Bath Crashers | 17:30 Bath Crashers | 18:00 America's Cutest | 19:00 Transformers Rescue Bots | 19:30 Transformers Rescue Bots | 20:00 The Smurfs | 20:20 The Smurfs | 20:40 The Smurfs | 21:00 Jabberjaw | 21:30 Baby Looney Tunes | 22:00 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 22:15 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 22:30 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 22:45 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 23:00 Lucas the Spider | 23:30 S.M.A.S.H! | 23:45 S.M.A.S.H! | 2025-02-19 00:00 Littlest Pet Shop | 00:30 Pound Puppies | 01:00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 01:30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 02:00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 02:30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 03:00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 03:30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic | 04:00 Summer Camp Island | 04:15 Summer Camp Island | 04:30 Summer Camp Island | 04:45 Summer Camp Island | 05:00 Steven Universe | 05:15 Steven Universe | 05:30 Steven Universe | 05:45 Steven Universe | 06:00 Cake Boss | 06:30 Cake Boss | 07:00 Kids Baking Championship | 08:00 Kids Baking Championship | 09:00 Kids Baking Championship | 10:00 Kids Baking Championship | 11:00 Kids Baking Championship | 12:00 Kids Baking Championship | 13:00 Kids Baking Championship | 14:00 Kids Baking Championship | 15:00 Ultimate Cake Off | 16:00 Buddy's Bakery Rescue | 17:00 Bath Crashers | 17:30 Bath Crashers | 18:00 America's Cutest | 19:00 Transformers Rescue Bots | 19:30 Transformers Rescue Bots | 20:00 The Smurfs | 20:20 The Smurfs | 20:40 The Smurfs | 21:00 Jabberjaw | 21:30 Baby Looney Tunes | 22:00 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 22:15 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 22:30 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 22:45 The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | 23:00 Lucas the Spider | 23:30 S.M.A.S.H! | 23:45 S.M.A.S.H! | 2025-02-20 00:00 Littlest Pet Shop | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Discovery Life Channel | 2025-02-18 01:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 03:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 05:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 07:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 09:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 11:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 13:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 15:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 17:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 19:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 21:00 My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are They Now? | 22:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 23:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 2025-02-19 01:00 My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are They Now? | 03:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 05:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 07:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 09:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 11:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 13:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 15:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 17:00 My 600-Lb. Life | 19:00 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 19:30 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 20:00 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 20:30 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 21:00 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 21:30 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 22:00 I Still Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 23:00 I Still Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 2025-02-20 00:00 My Legs Won't Stop Growing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dish Zona | 2025-02-18 00:00 Dish Zona | 01:00 Dish Zona | 02:00 Dish Zona | 03:00 Dish Zona | 04:00 Dish Zona | 05:00 Dish Zona | 06:00 Dish Zona | 07:00 Dish Zona | 08:00 Dish Zona | 09:00 Dish Zona | 10:00 Dish Zona | 11:00 Dish Zona | 12:00 Dish Zona | 13:00 Dish Zona | 14:00 Dish Zona | 15:00 Dish Zona | 16:00 Dish Zona | 17:00 Dish Zona | 18:00 Dish Zona | 19:00 Dish Zona | 20:00 Dish Zona | 21:00 Dish Zona | 22:00 Dish Zona | 23:00 Dish Zona | 2025-02-19 00:00 Dish Zona | 01:00 Dish Zona | 02:00 Dish Zona | 03:00 Dish Zona | 04:00 Dish Zona | 05:00 Dish Zona | 06:00 Dish Zona | 07:00 Dish Zona | 08:00 Dish Zona | 09:00 Dish Zona | 10:00 Dish Zona | 11:00 Dish Zona | 12:00 Dish Zona | 13:00 Dish Zona | 14:00 Dish Zona | 15:00 Dish Zona | 16:00 Dish Zona | 17:00 Dish Zona | 18:00 Dish Zona | 19:00 Dish Zona | 20:00 Dish Zona | 21:00 Dish Zona | 22:00 Dish Zona | 23:00 Dish Zona | 2025-02-20 00:00 Dish Zona | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disney - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Bluey | 00:30 Bluey | 01:00 Big City Greens | 01:30 Big City Greens | 02:00 Big City Greens | 02:30 Big City Greens | 03:00 StuGo | 03:30 StuGo | 04:00 Bluey | 04:30 Bluey | 05:00 Big City Greens | 05:30 Big City Greens | 06:00 Bluey | 06:30 Bluey | 07:00 Bluey | 07:30 Big City Greens | 08:00 Big City Greens | 08:30 Big City Greens | 09:00 UglyDolls | 10:30 Wizards Beyond Waverly Place | 11:00 Wizards Beyond Waverly Place | 11:30 Wizards Beyond Waverly Place | 12:00 Kiff | 12:30 Kiff | 13:00 Bluey | 13:30 Bluey | 14:00 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 14:30 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 15:00 Primos | 15:30 Primos | 16:00 Big City Greens | 16:30 Big City Greens | 17:00 Kiff | 17:30 Kiff | 18:00 Bluey | 18:30 Bluey | 18:55 Mickey Mouse Hot Diggity-Dog Tales | 19:00 Bluey | 19:30 Bluey | 20:00 Bluey | 20:30 Pupstruction | 21:00 SuperKitties | 21:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 22:00 Robogobo | 22:30 Bluey | 23:00 Disney Jr's Ariel | 23:30 Bluey | 2025-02-19 00:00 Kindergarten: The Musical | 00:30 Bluey | 01:00 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 01:30 Bluey | 02:00 SuperKitties | 02:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 03:00 Bluey | 03:30 Bluey | 04:00 Bluey | 04:30 Bluey | 05:00 UglyDolls | 06:30 Big City Greens | 07:00 Big City Greens | 07:30 Big City Greens | 08:00 Big City Greens | 08:30 Big City Greens | 09:00 Big City Greens | 09:30 Big City Greens | 10:00 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 10:30 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 11:00 Zombies: The Re-Animated Series | 11:30 Zombies: The Re-Animated Series | 12:00 Raven's Home | 12:30 Raven's Home | 13:00 Bluey | 13:30 Bluey | 14:00 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 14:30 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 15:00 Primos | 15:30 Primos | 16:00 Big City Greens | 16:30 Big City Greens | 17:00 Kiff | 17:30 Kiff | 18:00 Bluey | 18:30 Bluey | 19:00 Bluey | 19:30 Bluey | 20:00 Bluey | 20:30 Pupstruction | 21:00 SuperKitties | 21:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 22:00 Robogobo | 22:30 Bluey | 23:00 Disney Jr's Ariel | 23:30 Bluey | 2025-02-20 00:00 Kindergarten: The Musical | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disney - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 SuperKitties | 00:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 01:00 Robogobo | 01:30 Bluey | 02:00 Bluey | 02:30 Bluey | 03:00 Bluey | 03:30 Bluey | 04:00 Big City Greens | 04:30 Big City Greens | 05:00 Big City Greens | 05:30 Big City Greens | 06:00 StuGo | 06:30 StuGo | 07:00 Bluey | 07:30 Bluey | 08:00 Big City Greens | 08:30 Big City Greens | 09:00 Bluey | 09:30 Bluey | 10:00 Bluey | 10:30 Big City Greens | 11:00 Big City Greens | 11:30 Big City Greens | 12:00 UglyDolls | 13:30 Wizards Beyond Waverly Place | 14:00 Wizards Beyond Waverly Place | 14:30 Wizards Beyond Waverly Place | 15:00 Kiff | 15:30 Kiff | 16:00 Bluey | 16:30 Bluey | 17:00 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 17:30 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 18:00 Primos | 18:30 Primos | 19:00 Big City Greens | 19:30 Big City Greens | 20:00 Kiff | 20:30 Kiff | 21:00 Bluey | 21:30 Bluey | 21:55 Mickey Mouse Hot Diggity-Dog Tales | 22:00 Bluey | 22:30 Bluey | 23:00 Bluey | 23:30 Pupstruction | 2025-02-19 00:00 SuperKitties | 00:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 01:00 Robogobo | 01:30 Bluey | 02:00 Disney Jr's Ariel | 02:30 Bluey | 03:00 Kindergarten: The Musical | 03:30 Bluey | 04:00 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 04:30 Bluey | 05:00 SuperKitties | 05:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 06:00 Bluey | 06:30 Bluey | 07:00 Bluey | 07:30 Bluey | 08:00 UglyDolls | 09:30 Big City Greens | 10:00 Big City Greens | 10:30 Big City Greens | 11:00 Big City Greens | 11:30 Big City Greens | 12:00 Big City Greens | 12:30 Big City Greens | 13:00 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 13:30 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 14:00 Zombies: The Re-Animated Series | 14:30 Zombies: The Re-Animated Series | 15:00 Raven's Home | 15:30 Raven's Home | 16:00 Bluey | 16:30 Bluey | 17:00 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 17:30 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir | 18:00 Primos | 18:30 Primos | 19:00 Big City Greens | 19:30 Big City Greens | 20:00 Kiff | 20:30 Kiff | 21:00 Bluey | 21:30 Bluey | 22:00 Bluey | 22:30 Bluey | 23:00 Bluey | 23:30 Pupstruction | 2025-02-20 00:00 SuperKitties | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disney Junior USA - East | 2025-02-18 00:05 Bluey | 00:45 Pupstruction | 01:10 Bluey | 01:35 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 02:00 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 02:25 Robogobo | 02:50 Robogobo | 03:15 Bluey | 03:40 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 04:05 Bluey | 04:45 Kindergarten: The Musical | 05:15 Bluey | 05:45 Bluey | 06:15 SuperKitties | 06:45 Bluey | 07:15 Bluey | 07:40 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 08:05 Robogobo | 08:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 08:55 Pupstruction | 09:20 Bluey | 09:50 Bluey | 10:15 Bluey | 10:40 Morphle and the Magic Pets | 10:55 SuperKitties | 11:25 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 11:50 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 12:15 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 12:40 Bluey | 13:05 Bluey | 13:30 Dino Ranch | 13:55 Dino Ranch | 14:20 Bluey | 14:45 Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures | 15:10 Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures | 15:35 Bluey | 16:00 Bluey | 16:25 Bluey | 16:50 Bluey | 17:15 Mickey and the Roadster Racers | 17:40 Mickey and the Roadster Racers | 18:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 18:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 19:00 Bluey | 19:25 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 19:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 20:30 Bluey | 21:00 Robogobo | 21:30 Bluey | 22:00 Disney Jr's Ariel | 22:25 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 22:50 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 23:15 Kindergarten: The Musical | 23:40 SuperKitties | 2025-02-19 00:05 Bluey | 00:25 Bluey | 00:45 Pupstruction | 01:10 Bluey | 01:35 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 02:00 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 02:25 SuperKitties | 02:50 Disney Jr's Ariel | 03:15 Morphle and the Magic Pets | 03:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 03:55 Bluey | 04:20 Bluey | 04:45 Kindergarten: The Musical | 05:15 Bluey | 05:45 Bluey | 06:15 SuperKitties | 06:45 Bluey | 07:15 Bluey | 07:40 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 08:05 Robogobo | 08:30 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 08:55 Pupstruction | 09:20 Bluey | 09:50 Bluey | 10:15 Bluey | 10:40 Morphle and the Magic Pets | 10:55 SuperKitties | 11:25 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 11:50 Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends | 12:15 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 12:40 Bluey | 13:05 Bluey | 13:30 Dino Ranch | 13:55 Dino Ranch | 14:20 Bluey | 14:45 Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures | 15:10 Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures | 15:35 Bluey | 16:00 Bluey | 16:25 Bluey | 16:50 Bluey | 17:15 Mickey and the Roadster Racers | 17:40 Mickey and the Roadster Racers | 18:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 18:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 19:00 Bluey | 19:25 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 19:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | 20:30 Bluey | 21:00 Robogobo | 21:30 Bluey | 22:00 Disney Jr's Ariel | 22:25 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 22:50 Mickey Mouse Funhouse | 23:15 Kindergarten: The Musical | 23:40 SuperKitties | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disney on Demand | 2025-02-18 02:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 06:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 10:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 14:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 18:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 22:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 2025-02-19 02:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 06:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 10:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 14:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 18:00 Disney Channel On Demand | 22:00 Disney Channel On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disney XD USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Big City Greens | 00:30 Big City Greens | 01:00 Big City Greens | 01:30 Big City Greens | 02:00 Big City Greens | 02:30 Big City Greens | 03:00 Big City Greens | 03:30 Big City Greens | 04:00 Beyblade X | 04:30 Gravity Falls | 05:00 StuGo | 05:30 StuGo | 06:00 StuGo | 06:30 StuGo | 07:00 StuGo | 07:30 Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur | 08:00 Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur | 08:30 StuGo | 09:00 Phineas and Ferb | 10:00 Kiff: Lore of the Ring Light | 10:30 Hamster & Gretel | 11:00 Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur | 12:00 Big City Greens | 12:30 Big City Greens | 13:00 Big City Greens | 13:30 Big City Greens | 14:00 Phineas and Ferb | 14:30 Phineas and Ferb | 15:00 Phineas and Ferb | 15:30 Phineas and Ferb | 16:00 Phineas and Ferb | 16:30 Phineas and Ferb | 17:00 Big City Greens | 17:30 Big City Greens | 18:00 Big City Greens | 18:30 Big City Greens | 19:00 Big City Greens | 19:30 Big City Greens | 20:00 Big City Greens | 20:30 Big City Greens | 21:00 Big City Greens | 21:30 Big City Greens | 22:00 Big City Greens | 22:30 Big City Greens | 23:00 Big City Greens | 23:30 Big City Greens | 2025-02-19 00:00 Big City Greens | 00:30 Big City Greens | 01:00 Big City Greens | 01:30 Big City Greens | 02:00 Big City Greens | 02:30 Big City Greens | 03:00 Big City Greens | 03:30 Big City Greens | 04:00 Beyblade X | 04:30 Gravity Falls | 05:00 Kiff | 05:30 Kiff | 06:00 Kiff | 06:30 Kiff | 07:00 Kiff | 07:30 Kiff | 08:00 Kiff | 08:30 Kiff | 09:30 Primos | 10:00 Kiff | 10:30 Hamster & Gretel | 11:00 Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur | 11:30 Primos | 12:00 Big City Greens | 12:30 Big City Greens | 13:00 Big City Greens | 13:30 Big City Greens | 14:00 Phineas and Ferb | 14:30 Phineas and Ferb | 15:00 Phineas and Ferb | 15:30 Phineas and Ferb | 16:00 Phineas and Ferb | 16:30 Phineas and Ferb | 17:00 Big City Greens | 17:30 Big City Greens | 18:00 Big City Greens | 18:30 Big City Greens | 19:00 Big City Greens | 19:30 Big City Greens | 20:00 Big City Greens | 20:30 Big City Greens | 21:00 Big City Greens | 21:30 Big City Greens | 22:00 Big City Greens | 22:30 Big City Greens | 23:00 Big City Greens | 23:30 Big City Greens | 2025-02-20 00:00 Big City Greens | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DOGTV (DOGTV) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Relaxation | 01:00 Stimulation | 02:00 Stimulation | 03:00 Exposure | 04:00 Stimulation | 05:00 Stimulation | 06:00 Relaxation | 07:00 Exposure | 08:00 Stimulation | 09:00 Stimulation | 10:00 Stimulation | 11:00 Stimulation | 12:00 Relaxation | 13:00 Relaxation | 14:00 Relaxation | 15:00 Night Time | 16:00 Night Time | 17:00 Night Time | 18:00 Night Time | 19:00 Relaxation | 19:30 Relaxation | 20:00 Relaxation | 22:00 Stimulation | 23:00 Stimulation | 2025-02-19 00:00 Relaxation | 01:00 Stimulation | 02:00 Stimulation | 03:00 Exposure | 04:00 Stimulation | 05:00 Stimulation | 06:00 Relaxation | 07:00 Exposure | 08:00 Stimulation | 09:00 Stimulation | 10:00 Stimulation | 11:00 Stimulation | 12:00 Relaxation | 13:00 Relaxation | 14:00 Relaxation | 15:00 Night Time | 16:00 Night Time | 17:00 Night Time | 18:00 Night Time | 19:00 Relaxation | 19:30 Relaxation | 20:00 Relaxation | 22:00 Stimulation | 23:00 Stimulation | 2025-02-20 00:00 Relaxation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dominicana | 2025-02-18 00:00 Énfasis | 01:00 El show del mediodía | 03:00 Noticiero SIN: Primera edición | 03:30 Deportes SIN | 04:00 El show del mediodía | 05:00 Énfasis | 06:00 El Legado | 07:00 Noticiero SIN: Primera edición | 07:30 Deportes SIN | 08:00 El show de Raymond y Miguel | 09:00 Noticias y más | 10:00 Luces de Navidad | 12:00 Los reyes pal palacio | 14:30 Luces de Navidad | 15:30 Luces de Navidad | 16:30 Esta Noche Maríasela | 17:00 El show del mediodía | 19:00 Noticias SIN: Edición estelar | 20:00 El Legado | 21:00 El Despertador | 23:00 El Legado | 2025-02-19 00:00 El informe | 01:00 El show del mediodía | 03:00 Noticiero SIN: Primera edición | 03:30 Deportes SIN | 04:00 El show del mediodía | 05:00 El informe | 06:00 El Legado | 07:00 Noticiero SIN: Primera edición | 07:30 Deportes SIN | 08:00 El show de Raymond y Miguel | 09:00 Noticias y más | 10:00 Esta Noche Maríasela | 11:00 El Legado | 12:00 Noticias SIN: Edición estelar | 13:00 Esta Noche Maríasela | 14:00 El informe | 15:00 Noticias SIN: Edición estelar | 16:00 Esta Noche Maríasela | 17:00 El show del mediodía | 19:00 Noticias SIN: Edición estelar | 20:00 La cosa como es | 21:00 El Despertador | 23:00 El Legado | 2025-02-20 00:00 El show de Raymond y Miguel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DUCKTV.us | 2025-02-18 00:48 Learn With ducktv | 01:50 Bedtime Stories | 02:53 Sleep Tight! | 03:53 Seasons on ducktv | 04:56 ducktv Favorites | 06:01 Learn With ducktv | 07:00 Seasons on ducktv | 08:02 ducktv Favorites | 09:06 Learn With ducktv | 10:08 Let's Move! | 11:10 Seasons on ducktv | 12:15 Learn With ducktv | 13:19 ducktv Favorites | 14:20 Let's Move! | 15:24 Learn With ducktv | 17:29 Seasons on ducktv | 18:32 ducktv Favorites | 20:36 Learn With ducktv | 21:40 Let's Move! | 22:40 Seasons on ducktv | 23:45 Let's Move! | 2025-02-19 00:46 Learn With ducktv | 01:49 Bedtime Stories | 02:52 Sleep Tight! | 03:55 Seasons on ducktv | 04:57 ducktv Favorites | 05:57 Learn With ducktv | 07:01 Seasons on ducktv | 08:04 ducktv Favorites | 09:06 Learn With ducktv | 10:10 Let's Move! | 11:13 Seasons on ducktv | 12:16 Learn With ducktv | 13:17 ducktv Favorites | 14:21 Let's Move! | 15:23 Learn With ducktv | 17:24 Seasons on ducktv | 18:26 ducktv Favorites | 20:32 Learn With ducktv | 21:35 Let's Move! | 22:40 Seasons on ducktv | 23:41 Let's Move! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E! Entertainment USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Night School | 02:30 Hall Pass | 05:00 Game Night | 07:00 Night School | 09:30 Hall Pass | 12:00 E! News | 12:30 Clerks III | 14:30 Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? | 15:00 Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? | 15:30 Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? | 16:00 Suits | 17:00 Suits | 18:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 19:00 Chrisley Knows Best | 19:31 Chrisley Knows Best | 20:02 Chrisley Knows Best | 20:34 Chrisley Knows Best | 21:06 Chrisley Knows Best | 21:38 Chrisley Knows Best | 22:10 Chrisley Knows Best | 22:42 Chrisley Knows Best | 23:14 Chrisley Knows Best | 23:46 Chrisley Knows Best | 2025-02-19 00:18 Chrisley Knows Best | 00:50 Chrisley Knows Best | 01:22 Chrisley Knows Best | 01:51 The Office | 02:20 The Office | 02:49 The Office | 03:18 The Office | 03:47 The Office | 04:16 The Office | 04:45 The Office | 05:14 The Office | 05:43 The Office | 06:12 The Office | 06:41 The Office | 07:10 The Office | 07:39 The Office | 08:08 The Office | 08:37 The Office | 09:06 The Office | 09:35 The Office | 10:04 The Office | 10:33 The Office | 11:02 The Office | 11:31 The Office | 12:00 E! News | 12:30 Chrisley Knows Best | 13:00 Chrisley Knows Best | 13:30 Chrisley Knows Best | 14:00 Chrisley Knows Best | 14:30 Chrisley Knows Best | 15:00 Chrisley Knows Best | 15:30 Chrisley Knows Best | 16:00 Suits | 17:00 Suits | 18:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 19:00 E! True Hollywood Story | 20:02 E! True Hollywood Story | 21:04 E! True Hollywood Story | 22:06 The E! True Hollywood Story | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EARTHX EarthxTV | 2025-02-18 00:00 EarthxNews | 00:30 The Killer Bee Catcher | 01:00 Bike to Bites | 01:30 Aussie Snake Wranglers | 02:00 Biggest & Baddest | 03:00 Reverend Gadget's Garage | 04:00 Dream Builds on Wheels | 05:00 Future From Above | 06:00 The Way Out with Jurriaan Kamp | 06:30 EarthxNews | 07:00 Blue Realm | 08:00 Biggest & Baddest | 09:00 Farm Hero | 09:30 Angry Planet | 10:00 The Nature of Things | 11:00 Trimates | 12:00 Trimates | 13:00 The Nature of Things | 14:00 Trimates | 15:00 Trimates | 16:00 Blue Realm | 17:00 Biggest & Baddest | 18:00 Farm Hero | 18:30 Angry Planet | 19:00 BlueMarvel | 20:00 Guardians | 20:30 Bike to Bites | 21:00 Destruction Decoded | 22:00 Destruction Decoded | 23:00 Cities Under Threat | 2025-02-19 00:00 EarthxNews | 00:30 The Killer Bee Catcher | 01:00 Bike to Bites | 01:30 Aussie Snake Wranglers | 02:00 Biggest & Baddest | 03:00 The World's Deadliest Weather | 04:00 Mutant Weather | 05:00 The Weather Files | 06:00 The Way Out with Jurriaan Kamp | 06:30 EarthxNews | 07:00 Blue Realm | 08:00 Blue Realm | 09:00 Coextinction | 11:00 Ocean Wonders | 11:30 Ocean Wonders | 12:00 Ocean Wonders | 12:30 Ocean Wonders | 13:00 Coextinction | 15:00 Ocean Wonders | 15:30 Ocean Wonders | 16:00 Ocean Wonders | 16:30 Ocean Wonders | 17:00 Blue Realm | 18:00 Blue Realm | 19:00 BlueMarvel | 20:00 Guardians | 20:30 Bike to Bites | 21:00 Aussie Snake Wranglers | 21:30 Aussie Snake Wranglers | 22:00 Ocean Wonders | 22:30 Ocean Wonders | 23:00 Texas Gator Savers | 23:30 The Killer Bee Catcher | 2025-02-20 00:00 EarthxNews | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
El Rey Network | 2025-02-18 01:14 MI-5 | 03:09 End of a Gun | 04:47 Wrong Side of Town | 06:18 Green Street Hooligans: Underground | 07:57 The November Man | 09:56 The Forbidden Kingdom | 11:49 13 | 13:25 Blood Brother | 14:59 Reservoir Dogs | 16:48 The Fast and the Fierce | 18:23 Rebel Without a Crew: The Robert Rodriguez Film School | 18:43 Rebel Without a Crew: The Robert Rodriguez Film School | 19:11 The Chuey Martinez Show | 19:38 The Director's Chair | 20:27 2-Headed Shark Attack | 22:03 3-Headed Shark Attack | 23:41 6-Headed Shark Attack | 2025-02-19 01:19 The Forbidden Kingdom | 03:12 13 | 04:50 Blood Brother | 06:24 Righteous Kill | 08:14 MI-5 | 10:09 Redemption | 12:00 The Descent | 13:48 Reservoir Dogs | 15:37 The November Man | 17:37 Mega Piranha | 19:17 Rebel Without a Crew | 19:44 The Director's Chair | 20:35 We Die Young | 22:16 Righteous Kill | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enlace | 2025-02-18 03:00 Enlace TV | 07:00 Enlace TV | 11:00 Enlace TV | 15:00 Enlace TV | 19:00 Enlace TV | 23:00 Enlace TV | 2025-02-19 03:00 Enlace TV | 07:00 Enlace TV | 11:00 Enlace TV | 15:00 Enlace TV | 19:00 Enlace TV | 23:00 Enlace TV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live: SportsCenter | 02:00 Live: TGL Golf | 04:00 Live: TGL Studio | 05:00 Live: TGL Golf | 07:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Live: College Basketball | 11:00 Live: College Basketball | 13:00 Live: SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt | 14:00 Live: SportsCenter | 15:00 Live: SportsCenter | 16:00 SportsCenter | 17:00 SportsCenter | 18:00 SportsCenter | 19:00 SportsCenter | 20:00 Live: SportsCenter | 21:00 Live: Get Up | 23:00 Live: First Take | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live: SportsCenter | 02:00 Live: SportsCenter | 03:00 Live: SportsCenter | 04:00 Live: NBA Today | 05:00 Live: NFL Live | 06:00 Around the Horn | 06:30 Live: Pardon the Interruption | 07:00 SportsCenter | 08:00 Live: TGL Golf | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 Live: SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt | 13:00 Live: SportsCenter | 14:00 Live: SportsCenter | 15:00 Live: SportsCenter | 16:00 SportsCenter | 17:00 SportsCenter | 18:00 SportsCenter | 19:00 SportsCenter | 20:00 Live: SportsCenter | 21:00 Live: Get Up | 23:00 Live: First Take | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN Alternate | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN Classics USA | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 1 | 2025-02-18 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 2025-02-19 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 2 | 2025-02-18 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 2025-02-19 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 3 | 2025-02-18 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 2025-02-19 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 4 | 2025-02-18 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 2025-02-19 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 5 | 2025-02-18 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 2025-02-19 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 6 | 2025-02-18 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 2025-02-19 01:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 04:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 10:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 13:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 16:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | 22:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 7 | 2025-02-18 03:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 11:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 15:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 23:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 2025-02-19 03:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 11:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 15:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | 23:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN College Extra 8 | 2025-02-18 03:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 11:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 15:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 23:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 2025-02-19 03:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 07:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 11:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 15:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 19:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | 23:00 ESPN College Sports Extra 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN Deportes | 2025-02-18 00:00 SportsCenter | 01:00 Fútbol picante | 02:00 Live: SportsCenter | 03:00 Live: Fútbol picante | 03:30 Live: Fútbol LaLiga | 06:00 Live: Ahora o nunca | 07:00 Live: Cronómetro | 08:00 Live: SportsCenter | 09:00 Fútbol LaLiga | 11:00 Live: SportsCenter | 12:00 Live: SportsCenter | 13:00 Live: Fútbol picante | 14:00 Live: SportsCenter | 15:00 Fútbol picante | 16:00 SportsCenter | 17:00 Top Rank Classic Fights | 18:00 Top Rank Classic Fights | 19:00 Fútbol picante | 20:00 SportsCenter | 21:00 Fútbol picante | 22:00 SportsCenter | 23:00 Fútbol picante | 2025-02-19 00:00 SportsCenter | 01:00 Fútbol picante | 01:30 Goles y más | 02:00 Live: SportsCenter | 03:00 Live: Fútbol picante | 05:00 Live: Ahora o nunca | 07:00 Live: Cronómetro | 08:00 Live: SportsCenter | 09:00 Fútbol LaLiga | 11:00 Live: SportsCenter | 12:00 Live: SportsCenter | 13:00 Live: Fútbol picante | 14:00 Live: SportsCenter | 15:00 Fútbol picante | 16:00 SportsCenter | 17:00 UFC Unleashed | 18:00 UFC Unleashed | 19:00 Fútbol picante | 20:00 SportsCenter | 21:00 Fútbol picante | 22:00 SportsCenter | 23:00 Fútbol picante | 2025-02-20 00:00 SportsCenter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN Deportes On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 07:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 11:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 15:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 19:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 23:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 07:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 11:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 15:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 19:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | 23:00 ESPN Deportes On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN Goal Line | 2025-02-18 03:00 Saturday Only Programming | 07:00 Saturday Only Programming | 11:00 Saturday Only Programming | 15:00 Saturday Only Programming | 19:00 Saturday Only Programming | 23:00 Saturday Only Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Saturday Only Programming | 07:00 Saturday Only Programming | 11:00 Saturday Only Programming | 15:00 Saturday Only Programming | 19:00 Saturday Only Programming | 23:00 Saturday Only Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN News | 2025-02-18 00:00 SportsCenter | 01:00 Get Up | 03:00 First Draft | 04:00 First Take | 06:00 Pickleball Slam 3 | 08:00 NBA Today | 09:00 First Draft | 10:00 NBA Today | 11:00 UFC Unleashed | 12:00 First Draft | 13:00 UFC Unleashed | 14:00 UFC Main Events | 15:00 First Draft | 16:00 X Games Chiba | 17:00 X Games Chiba | 18:00 First Draft | 19:00 Stupid Robot Fighting League American Championship | 20:00 Slippery Stairs | 21:00 Dodgeball | 22:00 Major League Table Tennis Showcase | 23:00 SportsCenter | 2025-02-19 00:00 SportsCenter | 01:00 Get Up | 03:00 First Take | 05:00 SportsCenter | 06:00 Numbers on the Board | 07:00 NBA Today | 08:00 Around the Horn | 08:30 Pardon the Interruption | 09:00 Numbers on the Board | 10:00 Around the Horn | 10:30 Pardon the Interruption | 11:00 UFC Main Events | 12:00 Around the Horn | 12:30 Pardon the Interruption | 13:00 X Games Aspen 2025 | 14:00 X Games Aspen 2025 | 15:00 Around the Horn | 15:30 Pardon the Interruption | 16:00 World of X Games | 17:00 World of X Games | 18:00 Around the Horn | 18:30 Pardon the Interruption | 19:00 30 for 30 | 21:00 World of X Games | 22:00 World of X Games | 23:00 SportsCenter | 2025-02-20 00:00 SportsCenter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 ESPN On Demand | 07:00 ESPN On Demand | 11:00 ESPN On Demand | 15:00 ESPN On Demand | 19:00 ESPN On Demand | 23:00 ESPN On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 ESPN On Demand | 07:00 ESPN On Demand | 11:00 ESPN On Demand | 15:00 ESPN On Demand | 19:00 ESPN On Demand | 23:00 ESPN On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN U | 2025-02-18 00:30 ESPN Films | 02:00 30 for 30 | 03:30 30 for 30 | 05:00 ESPN Films | 07:00 30 for 30 | 08:00 30 for 30 | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 TrueSouth | 12:30 TrueSouth | 13:00 Women's College Basketball | 15:00 College Basketball | 17:00 College Basketball | 19:00 Live: Unsportsmanlike with Evan, Canty and Michelle | 23:00 SEC Storied | 2025-02-19 00:30 Last In, Last Out | 01:30 SEC Storied | 02:30 TrueSouth | 03:00 TrueSouth | 03:30 Cheerleading | 04:00 Cheerleading | 04:30 TrueSouth | 05:00 SEC Storied | 06:00 SEC Storied | 07:00 E60 | 07:30 SportsCenter Featured | 08:00 ESPN Original Documentaries | 09:00 E60 | 10:00 TrueSouth | 10:30 TrueSouth | 11:00 TrueSouth | 11:30 TrueSouth | 12:00 TrueSouth | 12:30 TrueSouth | 13:00 College Basketball | 15:00 College Basketball | 17:00 College Basketball | 19:00 Live: Unsportsmanlike with Evan, Canty and Michelle | 23:00 30 for 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN2 | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: Women's Lacrosse League | 01:30 First Draft | 02:30 Live: Premier Lacrosse League | 04:00 Live: NBA Today | 05:00 Live: NFL Live | 06:00 NBA Today | 07:00 SportsCenter | 08:00 Live: TGL Golf | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 NFL Live | 13:00 30 for 30 | 14:00 NFL Live | 15:00 UFC Main Events | 16:00 UFC 303: Pereira vs. Procházka | 19:00 Live: Unsportsmanlike with Evan, Canty and Michelle | 21:00 Live: SportsCenter | 22:00 Live: SportsCenter | 23:00 Get Up | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live: First Take | 03:00 Numbers on the Board | 04:00 Live: SportsCenter | 05:00 NBA Today | 06:00 NFL Live | 07:00 Live: ESPN BET Live | 07:30 Live: ESPN BET Live | 08:00 Live: College Basketball | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 Live: College Basketball Live | 12:30 NFL Live | 13:30 Good Guy/Bad Guy | 14:00 Around the Horn | 14:30 Pardon the Interruption | 15:00 UFC Main Events | 16:00 Around the Horn | 16:30 Pardon the Interruption | 17:00 UFC Main Events | 18:00 UFC Top 10 | 18:30 Good Guy/Bad Guy | 19:00 Live: Unsportsmanlike with Evan, Canty and Michelle | 21:00 Live: SportsCenter | 22:00 Live: SportsCenter | 23:00 Get Up | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPN2 (Alternate) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESPNU On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 ESPN U On Demand | 07:00 ESPN U On Demand | 11:00 ESPN U On Demand | 15:00 ESPN U On Demand | 19:00 ESPN U On Demand | 23:00 ESPN U On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 ESPN U On Demand | 07:00 ESPN U On Demand | 11:00 ESPN U On Demand | 15:00 ESPN U On Demand | 19:00 ESPN U On Demand | 23:00 ESPN U On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EWTN Espanol | 2025-02-18 00:00 El matrimonio: Hecho para el amor y la vida | 00:30 Santo Rosario | 01:00 El credo | 01:30 Yo decido: Fundamentos de la ética | 02:00 Lo mejor de la madre Angélica | 03:00 EWTN Noticias | 03:30 Donde Dios llora | 04:00 La coronilla de la Divina Misericordia cantada | 04:20 Live: Adoración eucarística desde la capilla de EWTN | 04:30 El Santo Rosario desde Lourdes - Francia | 05:00 Misa diaria | 06:00 Juan Pablo II en España y en el Mundo | 07:30 Islandia, a través del desierto de hielo | 08:00 EWTN Noticias | 08:30 Donde Dios llora | 09:00 Tertulias de fe | 10:00 El matrimonio: Hecho para el amor y la vida | 10:30 Yo decido: Fundamentos de la ética | 11:00 Lo mejor de la madre Angélica | 12:00 EWTN Noticias | 12:30 Donde Dios llora | 13:00 Tertulias de fe | 14:00 Santa Catalina Labouré, humilde mensajera del amor | 14:30 Hacer familia: Cómo educar a los hijos según San Pablo | 15:00 Clásicos católicos: Madre Angélica presenta | 15:30 Clásicos católicos: viviendo las Escrituras | 16:00 EWTN Noticias | 16:30 Cristonautas | 17:00 Tertulias de fe | 18:00 Santa Catalina Labouré, humilde mensajera del amor | 18:30 Hacer familia: Cómo educar a los hijos según San Pablo | 19:00 Clásicos católicos: Madre Angélica presenta | 19:30 Clásicos católicos: viviendo las Escrituras | 20:00 Santo Rosario | 20:30 Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia - Latinoamérica | 20:50 Letanía a la bendita Virgen María | 21:00 Live: Misa diaria | 22:00 La casita sobre la roca | 22:30 El rosario de los niños | 23:00 Tertulias de fe | 2025-02-19 00:00 Santa Catalina Labouré, humilde mensajera del amor | 00:30 Santo Rosario | 01:00 Sal y luz del mundo | 01:30 Hacer familia: Cómo educar a los hijos según San Pablo | 02:00 Clásicos católicos: Madre Angélica presenta | 02:30 Clásicos católicos: viviendo las Escrituras | 03:00 EWTN Noticias | 03:30 Cristonautas | 04:00 La coronilla de la Divina Misericordia cantada | 04:20 Live: Adoración eucarística desde la capilla de EWTN | 04:30 El Santo Rosario desde Lourdes - Francia | 05:00 Misa diaria | 06:00 Sal y luz del mundo | 06:30 Hacer familia: Cómo educar a los hijos según San Pablo | 07:00 Cedros | 07:30 El credo | 08:00 EWTN Noticias | 08:30 Cristonautas | 09:00 Mientras el mundo gira | 10:00 Santa Catalina Labouré, humilde mensajera del amor | 10:30 Hacer familia: Cómo educar a los hijos según San Pablo | 11:00 Clásicos católicos: Madre Angélica presenta | 11:30 Clásicos católicos: viviendo las Escrituras | 12:00 EWTN Noticias | 12:30 Cristonautas | 13:00 Mientras el mundo gira | 14:00 Siervos del Hogar de la Madre | 14:30 Vidas por la vida | 15:00 Canta y no llores | 16:00 Ángelus desde la gruta de la Anunciación en Nazaret | 16:15 Audiencia papal | 17:15 Letanía al santísimo nombre de Jesús | 17:30 EWTN Noticias | 18:00 Siervos del Hogar de la Madre | 18:30 Vidas por la vida | 19:00 Mientras el mundo gira | 20:00 Santo Rosario | 20:30 Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia - Latinoamérica | 20:50 Letanía al santísimo nombre de Jesús | 21:00 Live: Misa diaria | 22:00 Mis angelitos | 22:30 El rosario de los niños | 23:00 Mientras el mundo gira | 2025-02-20 00:00 Siervos del Hogar de la Madre | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EWTN USA | 2025-02-18 00:30 Pope Pius XII | 01:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 02:00 Women of Grace | 02:30 At Home With Jim and Joy | 03:00 Called to Communion with Dr. David Anders | 04:00 The Chaplet of Divine Mercy | 04:20 Live Adoration From EWTN Chapel | 04:30 The Holy Rosary With Mother Angelica | 05:00 The Rosary for Kids | 05:30 My Time With Jesus | 06:00 EWTN Bookmark | 06:30 Christ the Servant: The Vocation of Deacons | 07:00 EWTN News Nightly | 07:30 Life Is Worth Living | 08:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 09:00 The Journey Home | 10:00 EWTN News Nightly | 10:30 Holy Rosary From Lourdes | 11:00 World Over Live | 12:00 Women of Grace | 12:30 Real Life Catholic | 13:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 14:00 The Journey Home | 15:00 EWTN News Nightly | 15:30 Christ the Servant: The Vocation of Deacons | 16:00 The Journey Home | 17:00 The New Evangelization | 17:30 The Holy Rosary With Mother Angelica | 18:00 I Forgive, With Immaculée Ilibagiza | 18:30 Life Is Worth Living | 19:00 The Old Testament Prophets | 19:30 The Church and the Poor: A Retreat With Missionaries of the Poor | 20:00 The Chaplet of St. Michael | 20:30 Holy Land Rosary | 20:50 The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus | 21:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 22:00 The Doctors of the Church | 22:30 Living Right With Dr. Ray | 23:30 Mother Angelica Live Classics | 2025-02-19 00:30 Personalism of John Paul II | 01:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 02:00 Women of Grace | 02:30 EWTN Pro-Life Weekly | 03:00 Scripture and Tradition With Fr. Mitch Pacwa | 04:00 The Chaplet of Divine Mercy | 04:20 Live Adoration From EWTN Chapel | 04:30 The Holy Rosary With Mother Angelica | 05:00 My Catholic Family | 05:30 Adventure Catechism | 05:45 Lukas Storyteller | 06:00 The Choices We Face | 06:30 Christ the Servant: The Vocation of Deacons | 07:00 EWTN News Nightly | 07:30 Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist | 08:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 09:00 Mother Angelica Live Classics | 10:00 EWTN News Nightly | 10:30 Holy Rosary From Lourdes | 11:00 Scripture and Tradition With Fr. Mitch Pacwa | 12:00 Women of Grace | 12:30 Cross Training | 13:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 14:00 Mother Angelica Live Classics | 15:00 EWTN News Nightly | 15:30 Christ the Servant: The Vocation of Deacons | 16:00 Gospel Glimpses | 16:15 Papal Audience | 17:15 Reflections With Fr. Leo Clifford | 17:30 The Holy Rosary With Mother Angelica | 18:00 Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist | 18:30 Walsingham Stories | 19:00 The Old Testament Prophets | 19:30 Explore With the Miracle Hunter | 20:00 The Chaplet of St. Michael | 20:30 Holy Land Rosary | 20:48 The Litany of Saint Joseph | 21:00 Daily Mass: Olam Daily Mass | 22:00 They Might Be Saints | 22:30 Scripture and Tradition With Fr. Mitch Pacwa | 23:30 Mother Angelica Live Classics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Family Movie Classics (FMC) | 2025-02-18 00:15 The Hitch-Hiker | 01:45 Station West | 03:30 Day of the Outlaw | 05:30 Colorado Territory | 07:30 The Nebraskan | 09:00 North by Northwest | 12:15 Kansas City Confidential | 14:30 You Only Live Once | 16:15 The Racketeer | 17:45 Sunset on the Desert | 18:45 Brand of the Devil | 20:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 20:30 The Nebraskan | 22:00 North by Northwest | 2025-02-19 01:15 Kansas City Confidential | 03:30 You Only Live Once | 05:15 Colorado Territory | 07:15 The Boy From Oklahoma | 09:15 The More the Merrier | 11:30 Pardon My Past | 13:30 Stand-In | 15:30 Speak Easily | 17:15 Bill Fields and Will Rogers | 18:00 Robin Hood of the Pecos | 19:00 Lightning Range | 20:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 20:30 Under Western Stars | 21:45 The More the Merrier | 2025-02-20 00:00 Pardon My Past | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FETV (Family Entertainment Television) | 2025-02-18 00:07 Leave It to Beaver | 00:45 My Three Sons | 01:22 My Three Sons | 02:00 Bewitched | 02:30 Bewitched | 03:00 Daniel Boone | 04:10 Laramie | 05:20 Perry Mason | 06:35 Perry Mason | 07:50 Quincy, M.E. | 09:00 Perry Mason | 10:15 Perry Mason | 11:30 Emergency! | 12:40 Barney Miller | 13:10 Barney Miller | 13:40 Quincy, M.E. | 14:55 Leave It to Beaver | 15:32 Leave It to Beaver | 16:10 My Three Sons | 16:47 My Three Sons | 17:25 The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp | 18:00 Joseph Prince | 18:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 Highway Patrol | 20:35 Highway Patrol | 21:10 Dragnet | 21:45 Dragnet | 22:20 Adam-12 | 22:55 Adam-12 | 23:30 Leave It to Beaver | 2025-02-19 00:07 Leave It to Beaver | 00:45 My Three Sons | 01:22 My Three Sons | 02:00 Bewitched | 02:30 Bewitched | 03:00 Daniel Boone | 04:10 Laramie | 05:20 Perry Mason | 06:35 Perry Mason | 07:50 Quincy, M.E. | 09:00 Perry Mason | 10:15 Perry Mason | 11:30 Emergency! | 12:40 Barney Miller | 13:10 Barney Miller | 13:40 Quincy, M.E. | 14:55 Leave It to Beaver | 15:32 Leave It to Beaver | 16:10 My Three Sons | 16:47 My Three Sons | 17:25 The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp | 18:00 Joseph Prince | 18:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 Highway Patrol | 20:35 Highway Patrol | 21:10 Dragnet | 21:45 Dragnet | 22:20 Adam-12 | 22:55 Adam-12 | 23:30 Leave It to Beaver | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FLIX - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:15 Attack the Block | 02:45 The Aviator | 05:35 Serendipity | 07:10 Alfie | 09:00 Sleeping With Other People | 10:45 The Ex | 12:15 Indecent Proposal | 14:15 American Gigolo | 16:15 Adore | 18:15 Losing Isaiah | 20:05 A Mighty Heart | 22:00 The Peacemaker | 2025-02-19 00:05 Poltergeist | 02:00 Premonition | 03:45 Clouds of Sils Maria | 05:50 Domestic Disturbance | 07:20 Dirty Pretty Things | 09:00 Camp X-Ray | 11:00 Clouds of Sils Maria | 13:05 Dangerous Beauty | 15:00 Men, Women & Children | 17:00 The United States of Leland | 18:45 My Boss's Daughter | 20:15 Tommy Boy | 22:00 Just My Luck | 23:45 Bebe's Kids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Food Network USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Kitchen | 01:00 The Kitchen | 02:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 03:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 04:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 05:00 Beat Bobby Flay | 05:30 Beat Bobby Flay | 06:00 Beat Bobby Flay | 06:30 Beat Bobby Flay | 07:00 Beat Bobby Flay | 07:30 Beat Bobby Flay | 08:00 Beat Bobby Flay | 08:30 Beat Bobby Flay | 09:00 Kids Baking Championship | 10:00 Chopped | 11:00 Chopped | 12:00 Chopped | 13:00 Kids Baking Championship | 14:00 Chopped | 15:00 Chopped | 16:00 Chopped | 17:00 Kids Baking Championship | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 1 Minute Miracle Makeup | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Guy's Ranch Kitchen | 21:30 Guy's Ranch Kitchen | 22:00 Guy's Ranch Kitchen | 22:30 Guy's Ranch Kitchen | 23:00 Bobby's Triple Threat | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bobby's Triple Threat | 01:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 02:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 03:00 Chopped | 04:00 Chopped | 05:00 Chopped | 06:00 Chopped | 07:00 Chopped | 08:00 Chopped | 09:00 Chopped | 10:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 11:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 12:00 Chopped | 13:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 14:00 Wildcard Kitchen | 15:00 Chopped | 16:00 Chopped | 17:00 Supermarket Stakeout | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Car Repair Secrets! | 19:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 20:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:30 Cindy Crawford talks about the latest breakthroughs in skincare | 21:00 The Pioneer Woman | 21:30 The Pioneer Woman | 22:00 The Pioneer Woman | 22:30 The Pioneer Woman | 23:00 Delicious Miss Brown | 23:30 Delicious Miss Brown | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Kitchen | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FOROtv | 2025-02-18 01:00 Las noticias | 02:00 Paralelo 23 | 03:00 Las noticias | 04:00 Noticias Mx | 05:00 Las Noticias de las Tres | 06:00 Las noticias | 07:00 Las noticias | 08:00 Las noticias | 09:00 Las noticias | 10:00 En 1 hora | 11:00 Hora 21 | 12:00 Las noticias | 12:30 Es la hora de opinar | 13:30 Las noticias | 14:00 Las noticias | 15:00 Es la hora de opinar | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Las noticias | 20:00 Las noticias | 21:00 Estrictamente personal | 22:00 Expreso de la mañana | 2025-02-19 01:00 Las noticias | 02:00 Paralelo 23 | 03:00 Las noticias | 04:00 Noticias Mx | 05:00 Las Noticias de las Tres | 06:00 Las noticias | 07:00 Las noticias | 08:00 Las noticias | 09:00 Las noticias | 10:00 En 1 hora | 11:00 Hora 21 | 12:00 Las noticias | 12:30 Es la hora de opinar | 13:30 Las noticias | 14:00 Las noticias | 15:00 Es la hora de opinar | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Las noticias | 20:00 Las noticias | 21:00 Estrictamente personal | 22:00 Expreso de la mañana | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FOX (KTTV) Los Angeles, CA | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 03:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 05:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 06:00 People Puzzler | 06:30 Person, Place or Thing | 07:00 25 Words or Less | 07:30 Pictionary | 08:00 TMZ Live | 09:00 FOX 11 News at 5pm | 10:00 FOX11 News at 6pm | 11:00 Extra | 11:30 TMZ | 12:00 Extracted | 13:00 Rescue: HI-Surf | 14:00 FOX 11 Ten O'Clock News | 15:00 Good Nite LA | 15:30 Dish Nation | 16:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 17:00 FOX 11 Ten O'Clock News | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Car accident? Free Legal Consultation. | 19:00 Car Accident? Free Legal Consultation. | 19:30 TMZ | 20:00 Good Day LA at 4am | 21:00 Good Day LA at 5am | 22:00 Good Day LA at 6am | 23:00 Good Day LA at 7am | 2025-02-19 01:00 Good Day LA at 9am | 02:00 Good Day LA at 10am | 03:00 GDLA+ | 04:00 Sherri | 05:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 06:00 People Puzzler | 06:30 Person, Place or Thing | 07:00 25 Words or Less | 07:30 Pictionary | 08:00 TMZ Live | 09:00 FOX 11 News at 5pm | 10:00 FOX11 News at 6pm | 11:00 Extra | 11:30 TMZ | 12:00 Kitchen Nightmares | 13:00 Doc | 14:00 FOX 11 Ten O'Clock News | 15:00 Good Nite LA | 15:30 Dish Nation | 16:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 17:00 FOX 11 Ten O'Clock News | 18:00 Car Accident? Free Legal Consultation. | 18:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 19:00 Car accident? Free Legal Consultation | 19:30 TMZ | 20:00 Good Day LA at 4am | 21:00 Good Day LA at 5am | 22:00 Good Day LA at 6am | 23:00 Good Day LA at 7am | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FOX (WNYW) New York, NY | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 01:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 03:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 05:00 The People's Court | 06:00 The 5 O'Clock News | 07:00 The 6 O'Clock News | 08:00 Extra | 08:30 TMZ | 09:00 Extracted | 10:00 Rescue: HI-Surf | 11:00 The 10 O'Clock News | 12:00 Good Night New York | 12:30 Family Feud | 13:00 TMZ Live | 14:00 25 Words or Less | 14:30 Dish Nation | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 16:30 Peter Popoff Ministries | 17:00 TMZ | 17:30 Good Day Wake Up | 18:00 Good Day Wake Up | 19:00 Good Day Wake Up 2 | 20:00 Good Day New York | 22:00 Good Day New York | 23:00 Sherri | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 01:00 The Noon | 02:00 25 Words or Less | 02:30 Person, Place or Thing | 03:00 Pictionary | 03:30 Extra | 04:00 TMZ Live | 05:00 The People's Court | 06:00 The 5 O'Clock News | 07:00 The 6 O'Clock News | 08:00 Extra | 08:30 TMZ | 09:00 Kitchen Nightmares | 10:00 Doc | 11:00 The 10 O'Clock News | 12:00 Good Night New York | 12:30 Family Feud | 13:00 TMZ Live | 14:00 25 Words or Less | 14:30 Dish Nation | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 TMZ | 17:30 Good Day Wake Up | 18:00 Good Day Wake Up | 19:00 Good Day Wake Up 2 | 20:00 Good Day New York | 22:00 Good Day New York | 23:00 Sherri | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fox Business | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: Varney & Company | 01:00 Live: The Big Money Show | 02:00 Live: The Big Money Show | 03:00 Live: Making Money With Charles Payne | 04:00 Live: The Claman Countdown | 05:00 Live: Kudlow | 06:00 Live: The Evening Edit | 07:00 Live: The Bottom Line | 08:00 Kudlow | 09:00 American Dynasty | 10:00 American Dynasty | 11:00 American Dynasty | 12:00 American Dynasty | 13:00 American Dynasty | 14:00 Paid Programming | 14:30 Paid Programming | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 American Dynasty | 18:00 Live: FOX Weather First | 19:00 Live: Mornings With Maria Bartiromo | 20:00 Live: Mornings With Maria Bartiromo | 21:00 Live: Mornings With Maria Bartiromo | 22:00 Live: Varney & Company | 23:00 Live: Varney & Company | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Varney & Company | 01:00 Live: The Big Money Show | 02:00 Live: The Big Money Show | 03:00 Live: Making Money With Charles Payne | 04:00 Live: The Claman Countdown | 05:00 Live: Kudlow | 06:00 Live: The Evening Edit | 07:00 Live: The Bottom Line | 08:00 Kudlow | 09:00 Kelsey Grammer's Historic Battles for America | 10:00 Kelsey Grammer's Historic Battles for America | 11:00 Kelsey Grammer's Historic Battles for America | 12:00 Kelsey Grammer's Historic Battles for America | 13:00 Kelsey Grammer's Historic Battles for America | 14:00 Paid Programming | 14:30 Rare Silver Morgans | 15:00 Rare Silver Morgans | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Pain Relief TV | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Kelsey Grammer's Historic Battles for America | 18:00 Live: FOX Weather First | 19:00 Live: Mornings With Maria Bartiromo | 20:00 Live: Mornings With Maria Bartiromo | 21:00 Live: Mornings With Maria Bartiromo | 22:00 Live: Varney & Company | 23:00 Live: Varney & Company | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Varney & Company | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fox Deportes | 2025-02-18 00:00 Punto final | 01:00 Live: Gol x gol América | 03:00 Fútbol Serie A | 05:00 Fox Noticias en Fox Deportes | 06:00 Live: Total Sports 360 | 07:00 Live: El Chiringuito de Jugones | 09:00 Live: Fútbol Hondureño Primera División | 11:00 Fútbol Serie A | 12:00 Live: Total Sports 360 | 13:00 Live: Punto final | 14:00 Live: Total Sports 360 | 15:00 Punto final | 16:00 Total Sports 360 | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Total Sports 360 | 21:00 El Chiringuito de Jugones | 22:00 Punto final | 23:00 Total Sports 360 | 2025-02-19 00:00 Punto final | 01:00 Live: Gol x gol América | 03:00 Fútbol Serie A | 05:00 Fox Noticias en Fox Deportes | 06:00 Live: Total Sports 360 | 07:00 Live: El Chiringuito de Jugones | 09:00 Live: Total Sports 360 | 10:00 Fútbol Mexicano Primera División | 12:00 Live: Total Sports 360 | 13:00 Live: Punto final | 14:00 Total Sports 360 | 15:00 Punto final | 16:00 Total Sports 360 | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Total Sports 360 | 21:00 El Chiringuito de Jugones | 22:00 Punto final | 23:00 Total Sports 360 | 2025-02-20 00:00 Punto final | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fox News | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: The Faulkner Focus | 01:00 Live: Outnumbered | 02:00 Live: America Reports | 03:00 Live: America Reports | 04:00 Live: The Story With Martha MacCallum | 05:00 Live: The Will Cain Show | 06:00 Live: The Five | 07:00 Live: Special Report With Bret Baier | 08:00 Live: The Ingraham Angle | 09:00 Live: Jesse Watters Primetime | 10:00 Live: Hannity | 11:00 Gutfeld! | 12:00 Live: Fox News at Night | 13:00 The Five | 14:00 Jesse Watters Primetime | 15:00 Hannity | 16:00 Gutfeld! | 17:00 The Ingraham Angle | 18:00 Live: FOX & Friends First | 19:00 Live: FOX and Friends | 20:00 Live: FOX and Friends | 21:00 Live: FOX and Friends | 22:00 Live: America's Newsroom | 23:00 Live: America's Newsroom | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: The Faulkner Focus | 01:00 Live: Outnumbered | 02:00 Live: America Reports | 03:00 Live: America Reports | 04:00 Live: The Story With Martha MacCallum | 05:00 Live: The Will Cain Show | 06:00 Live: The Five | 07:00 Live: Special Report With Bret Baier | 08:00 Live: The Ingraham Angle | 09:00 Live: Jesse Watters Primetime | 10:00 Live: Hannity | 11:00 Gutfeld! | 12:00 Live: Fox News at Night | 13:00 The Five | 14:00 Jesse Watters Primetime | 15:00 Hannity | 16:00 Gutfeld! | 17:00 The Ingraham Angle | 18:00 Live: FOX & Friends First | 19:00 Live: FOX and Friends | 20:00 Live: FOX and Friends | 21:00 Live: FOX and Friends | 22:00 Live: America's Newsroom | 23:00 Live: America's Newsroom | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: The Faulkner Focus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FOX Soccer Plus | 2025-02-18 01:00 Rugby Super League | 03:00 Rugby Super League | 05:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 07:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 09:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 11:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 13:00 Saudi Pro League Recap | 14:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 16:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 18:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 20:00 Saudi Pro League Recap | 21:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 23:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 2025-02-19 01:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 03:00 NRL Rugby | 05:00 NRL Rugby | 07:00 NRL Rugby | 09:00 NRL Rugby | 11:00 NRL Rugby | 13:00 NRL Hits Vegas | 14:00 Saudi Pro League Recap | 15:00 Saudi League Soccer | 17:00 Saudi League Soccer | 19:00 Saudi League Soccer | 21:00 NRL Rugby | 23:00 NRL Rugby | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FOX Soccer Plus HD | 2025-02-18 01:00 Rugby Super League | 03:00 Rugby Super League | 05:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 07:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 09:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 11:00 Concacaf Champions Cup | 13:00 Saudi Pro League Recap | 14:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 16:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 18:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 20:00 Saudi Pro League Recap | 21:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 23:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 2025-02-19 01:00 2025 Concacaf U-17 Men's Qualifiers | 03:00 NRL Rugby | 05:00 NRL Rugby | 07:00 NRL Rugby | 09:00 NRL Rugby | 11:00 NRL Rugby | 13:00 NRL Hits Vegas | 14:00 Saudi Pro League Recap | 15:00 Saudi League Soccer | 17:00 Saudi League Soccer | 19:00 Saudi League Soccer | 21:00 NRL Rugby | 23:00 NRL Rugby | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fox Sports 1 | 2025-02-18 01:00 The Herd With Colin Cowherd | 04:00 Live: First Things First | 06:00 Speak | 07:00 NFL Films Presents | 07:30 Global Rise of Flag Football | 08:30 Super Bowl Soulful Celebration | 09:30 LIV Golf Highlights | 10:30 2025 Daytona 500 | 13:30 Women's College Basketball | 15:30 Women's College Basketball | 17:30 TMZ Sports | 18:00 PBA Bowling | 20:00 First Things First | 21:00 Live: Breakfast Ball | 23:00 First Things First | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Herd With Colin Cowherd | 03:00 Breakfast Ball | 04:00 Live: First Things First | 06:00 First Things First | 07:00 Inside the Big East | 07:30 Live: College Basketball | 09:30 Live: College Basketball | 11:30 Live: College Basketball | 13:30 Concacaf Champions Cup | 15:30 Kevin Harvick's Happy Hour | 16:30 2025 Daytona 500 | 17:30 TMZ Sports | 18:00 College Basketball | 20:00 First Things First | 21:00 Live: Breakfast Ball | 23:00 The Facility | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fox Sports 2 | 2025-02-18 01:00 2025 Daytona 500 | 04:00 Live: Horse Racing | 07:30 Women's College Basketball | 09:30 Women's College Basketball | 11:30 LIV Golf Highlights | 12:30 Super Bowl Soulful Celebration | 13:30 2025 Daytona 500 | 16:30 NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series | 18:30 NASCAR Race Classic | 19:00 Bassmaster: the Cast | 19:30 Bassmaster: the Cast | 20:00 Bassmaster: the Cast | 21:00 PBA Bowling | 23:00 PBA Bowling | 2025-02-19 01:00 Bassmaster Review | 02:00 Bassmaster Review | 02:30 Bassmaster Preview | 03:00 So Damn Close: Atlanta '24 | 04:00 ARCA Menards Series | 06:00 2025 Daytona 500 | 08:56 Live: Concacaf Champions Cup | 10:56 Live: Concacaf Champions Cup | 13:00 The American Rodeo | 15:30 Inside the Big East | 16:00 College Basketball | 18:00 Kevin Harvick's Happy Hour | 19:00 LIV Golf Highlights | 20:00 College Basketball | 22:00 College Basketball | 2025-02-20 00:00 ARCA Menards Series | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Free Speech Network | 2025-02-18 01:00 The Thom Hartmann Program | 04:00 The Randi Rhodes Show | 05:00 The Randi Rhodes Show | 06:00 The Rick Smith Show | 07:00 Democracy Now! | 08:00 Break Through News | 09:00 Zero Hour With RJ Eskow | 10:00 The Rick Smith Show | 11:00 Al Jazeera Presents: Sense of Community | 11:30 Al Jazeera Presents: Sense of Community | 12:00 This Week in White Supremacy | 13:00 Democracy Now! | 14:00 The Rick Smith Show | 15:00 France 24 | 16:00 Better Worlds Ahead: Realizing Our Brighter Climate Futures | 18:00 Zero Hour With RJ Eskow | 19:00 Edge of Sports | 20:00 The Rick Smith Show | 21:00 Democracy Now! | 22:00 The Stephanie Miller Show | 2025-02-19 01:00 The Thom Hartmann Program | 04:00 The Randi Rhodes Show | 05:00 The Randi Rhodes Show | 06:00 Democracy Now! | 07:00 Democracy Now! | 08:00 Al Jazeera Presents: Sense of Community | 08:30 Al Jazeera Presents: Sense of Community | 09:00 This Week in White Supremacy | 10:00 The Rick Smith Show | 11:00 Al Jazeera Presents: Sense of Community | 11:30 Al Jazeera Presents: Studio B Unscripted | 12:00 Break Through News | 13:00 Democracy Now! | 14:00 The Rick Smith Show | 15:00 France 24 | 16:00 Edge of Sports | 17:00 Edge of Sports | 18:00 Edge of Sports | 19:00 Edge of Sports | 20:00 The Rick Smith Show | 21:00 Democracy Now! | 22:00 The Stephanie Miller Show | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Freeform - East Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Boy Meets World | 00:30 National Treasure | 03:30 National Treasure: Book of Secrets | 06:00 Captain America: The First Avenger | 08:30 Captain America: Civil War | 12:00 The 700 Club | 13:00 Boy Meets World | 13:30 Boy Meets World | 14:00 Boy Meets World | 14:30 Boy Meets World | 15:00 Car Accident? Free Legal Consultation. | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 The 700 Club | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 18:30 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 19:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:30 HairClub. Regrow, Replace, Restore your Hair | 20:00 black-ish | 20:30 black-ish | 21:00 black-ish | 21:30 black-ish | 22:00 The 700 Club | 23:00 700 Club Interactive | 23:30 Boy Meets World | 2025-02-19 00:00 Boy Meets World | 00:30 Boy Meets World | 01:00 Boy Meets World | 01:30 Boy Meets World | 02:00 Boy Meets World | 02:30 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World | 05:00 The Emperor's New Groove | 07:00 Finding Nemo | 09:30 Coco | 12:00 The 700 Club | 13:00 Boy Meets World | 13:30 Boy Meets World | 14:00 Boy Meets World | 14:30 Boy Meets World | 15:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 The 700 Club | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 18:30 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 19:00 Car Repair Secrets! | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 black-ish | 20:30 black-ish | 21:00 black-ish | 21:30 black-ish | 22:00 The 700 Club | 23:00 700 Club Interactive | 23:30 Boy Meets World | 2025-02-20 00:00 Boy Meets World | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Freeform On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Freeform on Demand | 07:00 Freeform on Demand | 11:00 Freeform on Demand | 15:00 Freeform on Demand | 19:00 Freeform on Demand | 23:00 Freeform on Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Freeform on Demand | 07:00 Freeform on Demand | 11:00 Freeform on Demand | 15:00 Freeform on Demand | 19:00 Freeform on Demand | 23:00 Freeform on Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fuse On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | 2025-02-19 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FUSE TV - Eastern feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 01:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 02:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 03:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 04:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 05:00 My Wife and Kids | 05:30 My Wife and Kids | 06:00 My Wife and Kids | 06:30 My Wife and Kids | 07:00 My Wife and Kids | 07:30 My Wife and Kids | 08:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 09:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 09:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 10:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 10:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 11:00 Sex Sells | 11:30 Sex Sells | 12:00 The Sex Clinic | 13:00 Go Back to China | 15:00 True Dating Stories | 15:30 True Dating Stories | 16:00 The Sex Clinic | 17:00 True Dating Stories | 17:30 True Dating Stories | 18:00 Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce | 18:30 Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce | 19:00 My Wife and Kids | 19:30 My Wife and Kids | 20:00 My Wife and Kids | 20:30 My Wife and Kids | 21:00 My Wife and Kids | 21:30 My Wife and Kids | 22:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 23:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 2025-02-19 00:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 01:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 02:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 03:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 04:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 05:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 05:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 06:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 06:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 07:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 07:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 08:00 My Wife and Kids | 08:30 My Wife and Kids | 09:00 My Wife and Kids | 09:30 My Wife and Kids | 10:00 My Wife and Kids | 10:30 My Wife and Kids | 11:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 11:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 12:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 12:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 13:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 13:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 14:00 Queen: How They Broke Free | 15:30 The Rolling Stones: Rock Royalty | 17:00 True Dating Stories | 17:30 True Dating Stories | 18:00 Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce | 18:30 Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce | 19:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 19:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 20:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 20:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 21:00 Malcolm in the Middle | 21:30 Malcolm in the Middle | 22:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 23:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 2025-02-20 00:00 Buffy the Vampire Slayer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fusion | 2025-02-18 00:00 Forbidden Puerto Rico: An America Special | 01:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 01:30 Drone Nation | 02:00 The Naked Truth | 03:00 Shark Land | 03:30 Rio Bizarro: Superhero Politics in Brazil | 04:00 Forbidden Puerto Rico: An America Special | 05:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 05:30 Drone Nation | 06:00 The Naked Truth | 07:00 Shark Land | 07:30 Rio Bizarro: Superhero Politics in Brazil | 08:00 Forbidden Puerto Rico: An America Special | 09:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 09:30 Drone Nation | 10:00 Agents of Change: An America Special | 11:00 Chris Gets Money | 12:00 Cock Fight: One Man's Battle Against the Chicken Industry | 13:00 The Naked Truth | 14:00 Sex. Right. Now | 14:30 Sex. Right. Now | 15:00 Chris Gets Money | 16:00 Cock Fight: One Man's Battle Against the Chicken Industry | 17:00 The Naked Truth | 18:00 The Naked Truth | 19:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 19:30 The Search for Sexy | 20:00 Edge of a Crisis: An America Special | 21:00 Shark Land | 21:30 Drone Nation | 22:00 The Naked Truth | 23:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 23:30 The Search for Sexy | 2025-02-19 00:00 Edge of a Crisis: An America Special | 01:00 Shark Land | 01:30 Drone Nation | 02:00 The Naked Truth | 03:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 03:30 The Search for Sexy | 04:00 Edge of a Crisis: An America Special | 05:00 Shark Land | 05:30 Drone Nation | 06:00 The Naked Truth | 07:00 Brazil: Exporting Beauty | 07:30 The Search for Sexy | 08:00 Edge of a Crisis: An America Special | 09:00 Shark Land | 09:30 Drone Nation | 10:00 The Naked Truth | 11:00 Drug Wars | 11:30 Drug Wars | 12:00 Blackout!: 48 Hours at America's Number One Party School | 13:00 The Naked Truth | 14:00 Miami Porn: Sex Work in the Sunshine State | 15:00 Drug Wars | 15:30 Drug Wars | 16:00 Blackout!: 48 Hours at America's Number One Party School | 17:00 The Naked Truth | 18:00 The Naked Truth | 19:00 Al Madrigal's Half Like Me | 20:00 Agents of Change: An America Special | 21:00 UnGlamorous: The Naked Truth About Male Models | 22:00 The Naked Truth | 23:00 Al Madrigal's Half Like Me | 2025-02-20 00:00 Agents of Change: An America Special | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FX Movie Channel | 2025-02-18 00:30 Sink the Bismarck! | 02:10 Project X | 04:00 X-Men | 06:06 X2 | 08:53 X-Men: The Last Stand | 11:04 X-Men: First Class | 13:46 X-Men: Days of Future Past | 16:50 Emperor of the North | 19:00 The House on Telegraph Hill | 20:35 Compulsion | 22:20 Lady in Cement | 23:55 Emperor of the North | 2025-02-19 02:00 French Connection II | 04:00 Spiral: From the Book of Saw | 05:50 Bad Times at the El Royale | 08:40 Queen & Slim | 11:25 Queen & Slim | 14:10 Spiral: From the Book of Saw | 16:00 The Other | 17:45 Air Patrol | 19:00 The Keys of the Kingdom | 21:20 The Barbarian and the Geisha | 23:10 The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FX Networks East Coast | 2025-02-18 02:30 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | 06:00 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | 09:00 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales | 12:00 Kingsman: The Secret Service | 15:00 American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 HairClub. Regrow, Replace, Restore your Hair | 18:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:30 Car accident? Free Legal Consultation | 19:00 Car Repair Secrets! | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 black-ish | 20:30 black-ish | 21:00 The Devil Wears Prada | 23:30 27 Dresses | 2025-02-19 02:00 Bride Wars | 04:00 Sweet Home Alabama | 06:30 The Proposal | 09:00 Bad Teacher | 11:00 The Other Woman | 13:30 Me, Myself and Irene | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 17:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 17:30 Car accident? Free Legal Consultation | 18:00 Official US Mint Star Privy Silver Eagle from CSN Mint! | 18:30 Car Accident? Free Legal Consultation. | 19:00 Car Repair Secrets! | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Rogue | 22:30 Real Steel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FXX USA - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 King of the Hill | 00:30 King of the Hill | 01:00 King of the Hill | 01:30 King of the Hill | 02:00 The Simpsons | 02:30 The Simpsons | 03:00 The Simpsons | 03:30 The Simpsons | 04:00 The Simpsons | 04:30 The Simpsons | 05:00 Bob's Burgers | 05:30 Bob's Burgers | 06:00 Bob's Burgers | 06:30 Bob's Burgers | 07:00 Bob's Burgers | 07:30 Bob's Burgers | 08:00 Family Guy | 08:30 Family Guy | 09:00 Family Guy | 09:30 Family Guy | 10:00 Family Guy | 10:30 Family Guy | 11:00 Family Guy | 11:30 Family Guy | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Family Guy | 13:00 Futurama | 13:30 Futurama | 14:00 Futurama | 14:30 Futurama | 15:00 Archer | 15:31 Archer | 16:02 Archer | 16:32 Archer | 17:02 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | 19:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 20:00 The Simpsons Movie | 22:00 The Bob's Burgers Movie | 2025-02-19 00:00 King of the Hill | 00:30 King of the Hill | 01:00 King of the Hill | 01:30 King of the Hill | 02:00 The Simpsons | 02:30 The Simpsons | 03:00 The Simpsons | 03:30 The Simpsons | 04:00 The Simpsons | 04:30 The Simpsons | 05:00 Bob's Burgers | 05:30 Bob's Burgers | 06:00 Bob's Burgers | 06:30 Bob's Burgers | 07:00 Bob's Burgers | 07:30 Bob's Burgers | 08:00 Family Guy | 08:30 Family Guy | 09:00 Family Guy | 09:30 Family Guy | 10:00 Family Guy | 10:30 Family Guy | 11:00 Family Guy | 11:30 Family Guy | 12:00 Family Guy | 12:30 Family Guy | 13:00 Futurama | 13:30 Futurama | 14:00 Futurama | 14:30 Futurama | 15:00 Archer | 15:30 Archer | 16:01 Archer | 16:31 Archer | 17:01 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 19:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 20:00 Wander Darkly | 22:00 Where the Crawdads Sing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FYI USA - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ice Road Truckers | 01:00 Ice Road Truckers | 02:00 Storage Wars | 02:30 Storage Wars | 03:00 Storage Wars | 03:30 Storage Wars | 04:00 Storage Wars | 04:30 Storage Wars | 05:00 Storage Wars | 05:30 Storage Wars | 06:00 Storage Wars | 06:30 Storage Wars | 07:00 Storage Wars | 07:30 Storage Wars | 08:00 Storage Wars | 08:30 Storage Wars | 09:00 Storage Wars | 09:30 Storage Wars | 10:00 Rachael Ray's Meals in Minutes | 10:30 Rachael Ray's Meals in Minutes | 11:00 The Chef's Garden | 11:30 The Chef's Garden | 12:01 Storage Wars | 12:31 Storage Wars | 13:00 Storage Wars | 13:30 Storage Wars | 14:00 Rachael Ray's Meals in Minutes | 14:30 Rachael Ray's Meals in Minutes | 15:00 The Chef's Garden | 15:30 The Chef's Garden | 16:01 Storage Wars | 16:31 Storage Wars | 17:00 Storage Wars | 17:30 Storage Wars | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Joseph Prince | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Joni: Table Talk | 20:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 21:00 Ice Road Truckers | 22:00 Ice Road Truckers | 23:00 Ice Road Truckers | 2025-02-19 00:00 Ice Road Truckers | 01:00 Ice Road Truckers | 02:00 Storage Wars | 02:30 Storage Wars | 03:00 Storage Wars | 03:30 Storage Wars | 04:00 Storage Wars | 04:30 Storage Wars | 05:00 Storage Wars | 05:30 Storage Wars | 06:00 Storage Wars | 06:30 Storage Wars | 07:00 Tiny House Nation | 08:00 Tiny House Nation | 09:00 Tiny House Nation | 10:00 Tiny House Nation: Memory Lane | 11:00 Tiny House Nation | 12:01 Tiny House Nation | 13:00 Tiny House Nation | 14:00 Tiny House Nation: Memory Lane | 15:00 Tiny House Nation | 16:01 Tiny House Nation | 17:00 Storage Wars | 17:30 Storage Wars | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Joseph Prince | 19:30 Stories of Love to the Rescue by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 20:00 Joni: Table Talk | 20:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 21:00 Ice Road Truckers | 22:00 Ice Road Truckers | 23:00 Ice Road Truckers | 2025-02-20 00:00 Brothers of Destruction | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GAC Family - East | 2025-02-18 01:00 Little House: Bless All the Dear Children | 03:00 Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest | 05:00 Murder She Wrote: A Story to Die For | 07:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Last Free Man | 09:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle | 11:00 Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest | 13:00 Murder She Wrote: A Story to Die For | 15:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Last Free Man | 17:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle | 19:00 Little House on the Prairie | 20:00 Little House on the Prairie | 21:00 Little House on the Prairie | 22:00 Little House on the Prairie | 23:00 Murder, She Wrote | 2025-02-19 00:00 Murder, She Wrote | 01:00 Murder, She Wrote | 02:00 Murder, She Wrote | 03:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 03:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 04:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 04:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 05:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 05:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 07:00 Mystery by the Book | 09:00 For the Love of Chocolate | 11:00 Love's Second Act | 13:00 Perry Mason | 14:00 Perry Mason | 15:00 Perry Mason | 16:00 Perry Mason | 17:00 Perry Mason | 19:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 19:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 20:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 20:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 22:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 22:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 23:00 Perry Mason | 2025-02-20 00:00 Perry Mason | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Galavision - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Perdiendo el juicio | 01:00 La Güereja de mi vida | 01:30 La Güereja de mi vida | 02:00 ¿Es neta, Eva? | 03:00 El príncipe del barrio | 04:00 Está libre | 05:00 ¿Tú crees? | 06:00 Tal para cual | 07:00 Bola de locos | 08:00 La familia P. Luche | 09:00 Una familia de diez | 10:00 Nosotros los guapos | 11:00 Vecinos | 12:00 40 y 20 | 12:30 40 y 20 | 13:00 Renta congelada | 13:30 Renta congelada | 14:00 Alma de Ángel | 14:30 Alma de Ángel | 15:00 Simón dice | 15:30 Simón dice | 16:00 Durmiendo con mi Jefe | 16:30 Durmiendo con mi Jefe | 17:00 ¡Menos viajes al baño y salud urinaria con MyBladder! | 17:30 Joint Gel: Un avance innovador en el cuidado del cartílago articular | 18:30 ¡Menos viajes al baño y salud urinaria con MyBladder! | 19:00 ¿Cuál es el bueno? | 21:00 XHDRBZ | 22:00 Derbez en Cuando | 23:00 La escuelita VIP | 2025-02-19 00:00 Perdiendo el juicio | 01:00 La Güereja de mi vida | 01:30 La Güereja de mi vida | 02:00 ¿Es neta, Eva? | 03:00 El príncipe del barrio | 04:00 Está libre | 05:00 ¿Tú crees? | 06:00 Tal para cual | 07:00 Bola de locos | 08:00 La familia P. Luche | 09:00 Una familia de diez | 10:00 Nosotros los guapos | 11:00 Vecinos | 12:00 40 y 20 | 12:30 40 y 20 | 13:00 Renta congelada | 13:30 Renta congelada | 14:00 Alma de Ángel | 14:30 Alma de Ángel | 15:00 Simón dice | 15:30 Simón dice | 16:00 Durmiendo con mi Jefe | 16:30 Durmiendo con mi Jefe | 17:00 Mejore la salud del corazón y la función cerebral con Krill | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Joint Gel: Un avance innovador en el cuidado del cartílago articular | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 ¿Cuál es el bueno? | 21:00 XHDRBZ | 22:00 Derbez en Cuando | 23:00 La escuelita VIP | 2025-02-20 00:00 Perdiendo el juicio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Game Show Network - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire | 01:00 Deal or No Deal | 02:00 Wheel of Fortune | 02:30 Wheel of Fortune | 03:00 Jeopardy! | 03:30 Switch | 04:00 Master Minds | 04:30 Master Minds | 05:00 Chain Reaction | 05:30 Split Second | 06:00 Flip Side | 06:30 Beat the Bridge | 07:00 Match Game | 08:00 Switch | 08:30 Split Second | 09:00 The Wall | 10:00 Jeopardy! | 10:30 Jeopardy! | 11:00 Family Feud | 11:30 Family Feud | 12:00 Family Feud | 12:30 Family Feud | 13:00 Family Feud | 13:30 Wheel of Fortune | 14:00 Flip Side | 14:30 Wheel of Fortune | 15:00 People Puzzler | 15:30 Family Feud | 16:00 Family Feud | 16:30 Family Feud | 17:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 The Real Story of Pain Relief with Blair Underwood | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Match Game | 19:30 Match Game | 20:00 Chain Reaction | 20:30 Chain Reaction | 21:00 Catch 21 | 21:30 Catch 21 | 22:00 Cash Cab | 22:30 Cash Cab | 23:00 The $100,000 Pyramid | 2025-02-19 00:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire | 01:00 Deal or No Deal | 02:00 Wheel of Fortune | 02:30 Wheel of Fortune | 03:00 Jeopardy! | 03:30 Switch | 04:00 Master Minds | 04:30 Master Minds | 05:00 Chain Reaction | 05:30 Split Second | 06:00 Flip Side | 06:30 Beat the Bridge | 07:00 Match Game | 08:00 Switch | 08:30 Split Second | 09:00 The Wall | 10:00 Jeopardy! | 10:30 Jeopardy! | 11:00 Family Feud | 11:30 Family Feud | 12:00 Family Feud | 12:30 Family Feud | 13:00 Family Feud | 13:30 Wheel of Fortune | 14:00 Flip Side | 14:30 Wheel of Fortune | 15:00 People Puzzler | 15:30 Family Feud | 16:00 Family Feud | 16:30 Family Feud | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 18:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Match Game | 19:30 Match Game | 20:00 Chain Reaction | 20:30 Chain Reaction | 21:00 Catch 21 | 21:30 Catch 21 | 22:00 Cash Cab | 22:30 Cash Cab | 23:00 The $100,000 Pyramid | 2025-02-20 00:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GAME+ | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live: The Rod Pedersen Show | 03:00 Cash Cab | 03:30 Cash Cab | 04:00 Cash Cab | 04:30 Cash Cab | 05:00 Live: The Rod Pedersen Show | 07:00 Sportswrap with Jason Page | 08:00 Cash Cab | 08:30 Cash Cab | 09:00 Perfect Game TV | 09:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 10:00 World Chase Tag | 11:00 World Chase Tag | 12:00 World Chase Tag | 13:00 League on Lock | 13:30 The Pat Mayo Experience | 15:00 Sportswrap with Jason Page | 16:00 Cash Cab | 16:30 Cash Cab | 17:00 Cash Cab | 17:30 Cash Cab | 18:00 Cash Cab | 18:30 Cash Cab | 19:00 World Poker Tour | 20:00 World Chase Tag | 21:00 Chess | 23:00 Live: A Numbers Game | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live: The Rod Pedersen Show | 03:00 Cash Cab | 03:30 Cash Cab | 04:00 Cash Cab | 04:30 Cash Cab | 05:00 Live: The Rod Pedersen Show | 07:00 Sportswrap with Jason Page | 08:00 Cash Cab | 08:30 Cash Cab | 09:00 Tuesday Night Pickleball | 12:00 Drone Champions League | 12:30 Drone Champions League | 13:00 League on Lock | 13:30 The Pat Mayo Experience | 15:00 Sportswrap with Jason Page | 16:00 Cash Cab | 16:30 Cash Cab | 17:00 Cash Cab | 17:30 Cash Cab | 18:00 Cash Cab | 18:30 Cash Cab | 19:00 World Poker Tour | 20:00 World Chase Tag | 21:00 Chess | 23:00 Live: A Numbers Game | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GEB America | 2025-02-18 00:00 Creflo Dollar | 00:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 01:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 01:30 Humanitarian | 02:00 James Robison: Giving Hope, Sharing Life | 02:30 Larry and Tiz Huch | 03:00 Dynamic Media Partners | 03:30 Les Feldick | 04:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 04:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 05:00 Capps Ministries: Concepts of Faith | 05:30 Always More TV | 06:00 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 06:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 07:00 Joel Osteen | 07:30 Lifestyle Magazine | 08:00 Prophecy USA | 08:30 Larry and Tiz Huch | 09:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 09:30 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 10:00 The 700 Club | 11:00 Ted Shuttlesworth | 11:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 12:00 Life Today With James Robison | 12:30 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 13:00 Word for Winners | 13:30 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 14:00 World Impact | 14:30 Believer's Walk of Faith With Bill Winston | 15:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 15:30 Joseph Prince Healing Special | 16:00 Campmeeting | 18:00 ORU Chapel | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Joel Osteen | 20:00 Always More TV | 20:30 Life Today With James Robison | 21:00 David Jeremiah | 21:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 22:00 Kenneth Copeland | 22:30 Believer's Walk of Faith With Bill Winston | 23:00 Joseph Prince | 23:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 2025-02-19 00:00 Creflo Dollar | 00:30 Humanitarian | 01:00 Hellen Thomas | 01:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 02:00 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 02:30 World Impact | 03:00 Lifestyle Magazine | 03:30 Les Feldick | 04:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 04:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 05:00 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 05:30 Joel Osteen | 06:00 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 06:30 Our Jewish Roots | 07:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 07:30 Lifestyle Magazine | 08:00 World Impact | 08:30 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 09:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 09:30 Dynamic Media Partners | 10:00 The 700 Club | 11:00 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 11:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 12:00 Life Today With James Robison | 12:30 Today With Marilyn and Sarah | 13:00 Joy For The Journey | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 All Aboard the Jesus Train | 14:30 Believer's Walk of Faith With Bill Winston | 15:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 15:30 Joseph Prince Healing Special | 16:00 Campmeeting | 18:00 ORU Chapel | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Humanitarian | 20:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 20:30 Life Today With James Robison | 21:00 David Jeremiah | 21:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 22:00 Kenneth Copeland | 22:30 Believer's Walk of Faith With Bill Winston | 23:00 Joseph Prince | 23:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 2025-02-20 00:00 Creflo Dollar | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gem Shopping Network | 2025-02-18 03:00 Chromia Designer Showcase With Tara | 08:00 Buckhead Estate and Wholesale With Marvin | 16:00 Les Belles Gemmes With Stu | 22:00 Chromia Designer Showcase With Jason | 2025-02-19 03:00 Jewelry Extravaganza With Mike and Kurt | 08:00 Buckhead Estate and Wholesale With Tara | 16:00 Everyday Treasure With Stu | 22:00 Jewelry Extravaganza With Mike and Natasha | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GMA Life TV | 2025-02-18 00:30 Mars Pa More! | 01:15 Idol Sa Kusina | 02:00 Day Off | 02:45 Reel Life | 04:45 Toda One I Love | 05:30 Balitanghali | 06:30 Lutong Bahay | 07:15 Mars Pa More! | 08:00 Idol Sa Kusina | 08:45 Day Off | 09:30 I Juander | 10:15 Balitanghali | 11:15 Idol Sa Kusina | 12:00 Mars Pa More! | 12:45 Day Off | 13:30 Toda One I Love | 14:15 Balitanghali | 15:15 Pop Talk | 16:00 Reel Life | 18:00 Toda One I Love | 18:45 Lutong Bahay | 19:30 Day Off | 20:15 Mars Pa More! | 21:00 Idol Sa Kusina | 21:45 Balitanghali | 22:45 Taste Buddies | 23:30 Lutong Bahay | 2025-02-19 00:30 Mars Pa More! | 01:15 Idol Sa Kusina | 02:00 Day Off | 02:45 Reel Life | 04:45 Toda One I Love | 05:30 Balitanghali | 06:30 Lutong Bahay | 07:15 Mars Pa More! | 08:00 Idol Sa Kusina | 08:45 Day Off | 09:30 Pinas Sarap | 10:15 Balitanghali | 11:15 Idol Sa Kusina | 12:00 Mars Pa More! | 12:45 Day Off | 13:30 Toda One I Love | 14:15 Balitanghali | 15:15 Karelasyon | 16:00 Reel Life | 18:00 Toda One I Love | 18:45 Lutong Bahay | 19:30 Day Off | 20:15 Mars Pa More! | 21:00 Idol Sa Kusina | 21:45 Balitanghali | 22:45 Dami Mong Alam, Kuya Kim! | 23:30 Lutong Bahay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GMA/Pinoy TV | 2025-02-18 00:05 Family Feud Philippines | 00:45 Binibining Marikit | 01:30 Heart World | 02:15 The Boobay And Tekla Show | 03:00 TIKTOCLOCK: HAPPY HOUR NA | 04:00 It's Showtime | 06:30 Saksi | 07:00 Prinsesa ng City Jail | 07:35 Forever Young | 08:10 Binibining Marikit | 08:40 TIKTOCLOCK: HAPPY HOUR NA | 09:40 24 Oras | 11:00 Lolong: Bayani ng Bayan | 11:40 Mga Batang Riles | 12:15 My Ilonggo Girl | 12:50 Binibining Marikit | 13:20 Forever Young | 13:50 Prinsesa ng City Jail | 14:20 Fast Talk with Boy Abunda | 14:45 Family Feud Philippines | 15:15 It's Showtime | 17:45 I-Witness | 18:15 Lolong: Bayani ng Bayan | 19:00 Mga Batang Riles | 19:30 My Ilonggo Girl | 20:15 Unang Hirit | 22:15 24 Oras | 23:40 Fast Talk with Boy Abunda | 2025-02-19 00:05 Family Feud Philippines | 00:45 Binibining Marikit | 01:30 Tadhana | 02:15 BBLGANG | 03:00 TIKTOCLOCK: HAPPY HOUR NA | 04:00 It's Showtime | 06:30 Saksi | 07:00 Prinsesa ng City Jail | 07:35 Forever Young | 08:10 Binibining Marikit | 08:40 TIKTOCLOCK: HAPPY HOUR NA | 09:40 24 Oras | 11:00 Lolong: Bayani ng Bayan | 11:40 Mga Batang Riles | 12:15 My Ilonggo Girl | 12:50 Binibining Marikit | 13:20 Forever Young | 13:50 Prinsesa ng City Jail | 14:20 Fast Talk with Boy Abunda | 14:45 Family Feud Philippines | 15:15 It's Showtime | 17:45 Pinoy Crime Stories | 18:15 Lolong: Bayani ng Bayan | 19:00 Mga Batang Riles | 19:30 My Ilonggo Girl | 20:15 Unang Hirit | 22:15 24 Oras | 23:40 Fast Talk with Boy Abunda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
God TV USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Rick Renner | 00:30 Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann | 01:00 Growing Together | 01:05 Insight with Dr Chris Green | 01:15 Crown Jesus | 01:20 Liz Wright: Christmas Special | 01:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 02:00 Media Missionary | 02:30 CfAN TV | 03:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 03:30 Joseph Prince | 04:00 Hagee Ministries | 04:30 Allen Jackson Ministries | 05:00 GOD TV Together | 05:30 Today with J John | 06:00 CBN Studio 5 | 06:30 Amplified | 07:00 Revive Nations With Shyju Mathew | 07:30 Creflo Dollar | 08:00 Miracles Now with Brian Bolt | 08:30 Gospel Truth - Andrew Wommack | 09:00 Enjoying Everyday Life/ Joyce Meyer | 09:30 GOD TV Together | 10:00 Order My Steps | 10:30 Taking You Forward | 11:00 CBN Christian World News | 11:30 International Faith Conference | 12:00 International Faith Conference | 12:30 International Faith Conference | 13:00 GOD TV Together | 13:30 Order My Steps | 14:00 Today with J John | 14:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 15:00 Steven Brooks | 15:30 Christ in Prophecy | 16:00 Oxford Bible Church | 16:30 Love Israel with Baruch Korman PH.D | 17:00 CBN Christian World News | 17:30 Jerusalem Dateline | 18:00 GOD TV Together | 18:30 The Cry with Betty King | 19:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 19:30 Creflo Dollar | 20:00 Believer's Walk of Faith | 20:30 Gospel Truth - Andrew Wommack | 21:00 Enjoying Everyday Life/ Joyce Meyer | 21:30 Joseph Prince | 22:00 The OpenDoor Experience | 22:30 Psalms 23 -- Ward Simpson | 23:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 23:30 Love Israel with Baruch Korman PH.D | 2025-02-19 00:00 Rick Renner | 00:30 Know the Cause with Doug Kaufmann | 01:00 Go Deeper With Dr. Mark Chironna | 01:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 02:00 God at Work | 02:30 CfAN TV | 03:00 Media Missionary | 03:30 Joseph Prince | 04:00 Hagee Ministries | 04:30 Allen Jackson Ministries | 05:00 GOD TV Together | 05:30 Christian Life Assembly | 06:00 Christian Life Assembly | 06:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 07:00 Manna-Fest With Perry Stone | 07:30 Creflo Dollar | 08:00 Miracles Now with Brian Bolt | 08:30 Gospel Truth - Andrew Wommack | 09:00 Enjoying Everyday Life/ Joyce Meyer | 09:30 GOD TV Together | 10:00 Not A Problem | 10:30 Amplified | 11:00 A Life You Love with Renee Evans | 11:30 Media Missionary | 12:00 The Revival Train: Angus Buchan | 12:30 The Revival Train: Angus Buchan | 13:00 Courts of Heaven | 13:30 GOD TV Together | 14:00 Bishop Jarron C O'Neal | 14:30 Encountering God - Shiloh Church | 15:00 Media Missionary | 15:30 Manna-Fest With Perry Stone | 16:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 16:30 In Touch: Charles Stanley | 17:00 Pastor Ramiro Pena | 17:30 Media Missionary | 18:00 Courts of Heaven | 18:30 Today with J John | 19:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 19:30 Creflo Dollar | 20:00 Believer's Walk of Faith | 20:30 Gospel Truth - Andrew Wommack | 21:00 Enjoying Everyday Life/ Joyce Meyer | 21:30 Joseph Prince | 22:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 22:30 Lift Up Jesus | 23:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 23:30 Power of Faith | 2025-02-20 00:00 Rick Renner | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gol TV USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ecuadorian Serie A Soccer | 02:00 Peruvian Primera Division Soccer | 04:00 Tu Fútbol - Ecuador | 05:00 Tu Futbol - Peru | 05:30 Peruvian Primera Division Soccer | 07:30 Portugol | 08:30 Tu fútbol: Uruguay | 09:00 Ecuadorian Serie A Soccer | 11:00 The Football Review | 11:30 Go Go Goal | 12:00 Tu Futbol - Peru | 12:30 Ecuadorian Serie A Soccer | 14:30 Tu fútbol: Uruguay | 15:00 The Football Review | 15:30 Tu Futbol - Peru | 16:00 Go Go Goal | 16:30 Ecuadorian Serie A Soccer | 18:30 Portugol | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Tu Fútbol - Ecuador | 2025-02-19 00:30 Go Go Goal | 01:00 Ecuadorian Serie A Soccer | 03:00 The Football Review | 03:30 Tu Futbol - Peru | 04:00 Portugol | 05:00 Peruvian Primera Division Soccer | 07:00 The Football Review | 07:30 Tu Futbol - Peru | 08:00 Portugol | 09:00 Tu Fútbol - Ecuador | 10:00 Uruguayan Primera Division Soccer | 12:00 Primeira Liga Soccer | 14:00 Primeira Liga Soccer | 16:00 Ecuadorian Serie A Soccer | 18:00 Portugol | 19:00 Tu Futbol - Peru | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Peruvian Primera Division Soccer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Golf Channel USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Golf Channel Podcast with Rex & Lav | 01:00 Live: Golf Today | 02:00 Golf Today | 03:00 Golf Today | 04:00 Golf Today | 05:00 Golf Central | 06:00 Masters Highlights | 07:00 Golf Central | 08:00 PGA TOUR: The CUT | 08:30 PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center | 09:00 U.S Women's Open Highlights | 10:00 PGA Tour Golf | 15:00 Golf Central | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 The Magnesium Super Formula For Vibrant Days & Restful Nights | 17:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Golf Central | 19:00 Golf Central | 20:00 Golf Central | 21:00 Live: 5 Clubs with Gary Williams | 22:00 Live: Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 23:00 PGA Tour Champions Golf | 2025-02-19 01:00 Golf Today | 02:00 Golf Today | 03:00 Golf Today | 04:00 Golf Today | 05:00 Golf Central | 06:00 PGA TOUR: The CUT | 06:30 PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center | 07:00 Golf Central | 08:00 School of Golf | 08:30 School of Golf | 09:00 Golf's Greatest Rounds | 11:30 Golf Central | 12:30 Golf's Greatest Rounds | 15:00 PGA TOUR: The CUT | 15:30 PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center | 16:00 Emeril's Dual Zone Air Fryer Oven! | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Emeril's Dual Zone Air Fryer Oven! | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Golf Central | 19:00 Golf Central | 20:00 Golf Central | 21:00 Live: 5 Clubs with Gary Williams | 22:00 5 Clubs with Gary Williams | 23:00 Titleist Excellence in Process Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 HotelPlannerTour Series H/L | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great American Faith and Living | 2025-02-18 00:06 The Beverly Hillbillies | 01:00 Bonanza | 02:20 Bonanza | 03:40 Bonanza | 05:00 Bonanza | 06:20 Bonanza | 07:40 Bonanza | 09:00 Bonanza | 10:20 Bonanza | 11:40 Bonanza | 13:00 Bonanza | 14:20 Bonanza | 15:40 Bonanza | 17:00 Bonanza | 18:00 Bonanza | 19:00 The Beverly Hillbillies | 19:51 The Beverly Hillbillies | 20:42 The Beverly Hillbillies | 21:33 The Beverly Hillbillies | 22:24 The Beverly Hillbillies | 23:15 The Beverly Hillbillies | 2025-02-19 00:06 The Beverly Hillbillies | 01:00 Log Cabin Kings | 02:15 Log Cabin Kings | 03:30 Log Cabin Kings | 04:45 Log Cabin Kings | 06:00 Log Cabin Kings | 07:15 Log Cabin Kings | 08:30 Log Cabin Kings | 09:45 Log Cabin Kings | 11:00 Log Cabin Kings | 12:15 Log Cabin Kings | 13:30 Log Cabin Kings | 14:45 Log Cabin Kings | 16:00 Log Cabin Kings | 17:00 Log Cabin Kings | 18:00 Log Cabin Kings | 19:00 The Beverly Hillbillies | 19:51 The Beverly Hillbillies | 20:42 The Beverly Hillbillies | 21:33 The Beverly Hillbillies | 22:24 The Beverly Hillbillies | 23:15 The Beverly Hillbillies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Great American Family | 2025-02-18 01:00 Little House: Bless All the Dear Children | 03:00 Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest | 05:00 Murder She Wrote: A Story to Die For | 07:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Last Free Man | 09:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle | 11:00 Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest | 13:00 Murder She Wrote: A Story to Die For | 15:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Last Free Man | 17:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle | 19:00 Little House on the Prairie | 20:00 Little House on the Prairie | 21:00 Little House on the Prairie | 22:00 Little House on the Prairie | 23:00 Murder, She Wrote | 2025-02-19 00:00 Murder, She Wrote | 01:00 Murder, She Wrote | 02:00 Murder, She Wrote | 03:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 03:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 04:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 04:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 05:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 05:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 07:00 Mystery by the Book | 09:00 For the Love of Chocolate | 11:00 Love's Second Act | 13:00 Perry Mason | 14:00 Perry Mason | 15:00 Perry Mason | 16:00 Perry Mason | 17:00 Perry Mason | 19:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 19:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 20:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 20:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 22:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 22:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 23:00 Perry Mason | 2025-02-20 00:00 Perry Mason | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hallmark - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 01:00 Dater's Handbook | 03:00 Welcome to Valentine | 05:00 The Lost Valentine | 07:00 All Things Valentine | 09:00 Paris, Wine & Romance | 11:00 My Secret Valentine | 13:00 Love, Romance & Chocolate | 15:00 A Paris Proposal | 17:00 Love, Romance & Chocolate | 19:00 Reba | 19:30 Reba | 20:00 Reba | 20:30 Reba | 21:00 Reba | 21:30 Reba | 22:00 Reba | 22:30 Reba | 23:00 The Golden Girls | 23:30 The Golden Girls | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Golden Girls | 00:30 The Golden Girls | 01:00 Branching Out | 03:00 Amazing Winter Romance | 05:00 Love on Safari | 07:00 Paging Mr. Darcy | 09:00 Polar Opposites | 11:00 The Golden Girls | 11:30 The Golden Girls | 12:00 The Golden Girls | 12:30 The Golden Girls | 13:00 The Golden Girls | 13:30 The Golden Girls | 14:00 Frasier | 14:30 Frasier | 15:00 Frasier | 15:30 Frasier | 16:00 Cheers | 16:30 Cheers | 17:00 Psych | 18:00 Psych | 19:00 Reba | 19:30 Reba | 20:00 Reba | 20:30 Reba | 21:00 Reba | 21:30 Reba | 22:00 Reba | 22:30 Reba | 23:00 The Golden Girls | 23:30 The Golden Girls | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Golden Girls | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hallmark Drama HDTV (HALDRHD) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Highway to Heaven | 01:00 Highway to Heaven | 02:00 Highway to Heaven | 03:00 Highway to Heaven | 04:00 The Waltons | 05:00 The Waltons | 06:00 The Waltons | 07:00 Dream Moms | 09:00 In My Dreams | 11:00 Heartland | 12:00 Heartland | 13:00 The Waltons | 14:00 The Waltons | 15:00 The Waltons | 16:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 17:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 18:00 Touched by an Angel | 19:00 Touched by an Angel | 20:00 Little House on the Prairie | 21:00 Little House on the Prairie | 22:00 Little House on the Prairie | 23:00 Highway to Heaven | 2025-02-19 00:00 Highway to Heaven | 01:00 Highway to Heaven | 02:00 Highway to Heaven | 03:00 Highway to Heaven | 04:00 The Waltons | 05:00 The Waltons | 06:00 The Waltons | 07:00 The Sweeter Side of Life | 09:00 My Sister's Keeper | 11:00 Heartland | 12:00 Heartland | 13:00 The Waltons | 14:00 The Waltons | 15:00 The Waltons | 16:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 17:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 18:00 Touched by an Angel | 19:00 Touched by an Angel | 20:00 Little House on the Prairie | 21:00 Little House on the Prairie | 22:00 Little House on the Prairie | 23:00 Highway to Heaven | 2025-02-20 00:00 Highway to Heaven | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hallmark Mystery Eastern - HD | 2025-02-18 01:00 Crossword Mysteries | 03:00 Crossword Mysteries | 05:00 Crossword Mysteries | 07:00 Crossword Mysteries | 09:00 The Christmas Quest | 11:00 Murder, She Wrote | 12:00 Murder, She Wrote | 13:00 Murder, She Wrote | 14:00 Murder, She Wrote | 15:00 Murder, She Wrote | 16:00 Monk | 17:00 Monk | 18:00 Monk | 19:00 Columbo | 21:00 Diagnosis Murder | 22:00 Diagnosis Murder | 23:00 Diagnosis Murder | 2025-02-19 00:00 Diagnosis Murder | 01:00 Matlock | 02:00 Matlock | 03:00 Matlock | 04:00 Matlock | 05:00 Matlock | 06:00 Matlock | 07:00 Mystery 101 | 09:00 Nelly Knows Mysteries | 11:00 Murder, She Wrote | 12:00 Murder, She Wrote | 13:00 Murder, She Wrote | 14:00 Murder, She Wrote | 15:00 Murder, She Wrote | 16:00 Monk | 17:00 Monk | 18:00 Monk | 19:00 Columbo | 21:00 Diagnosis Murder | 22:00 Diagnosis Murder | 23:00 Diagnosis Murder | 2025-02-20 00:00 Diagnosis Murder | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 01:42 The White Lotus | 02:46 Father Stu | 04:55 The White Lotus | 06:00 Flow | 07:29 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 08:10 Central Intelligence | 10:00 We Beat the Dream Team | 11:23 The White Lotus | 12:27 We Beat the Dream Team | 13:50 We Beat the Dream Team | 15:13 Malcolm X | 18:38 Suicide Squad | 20:44 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | 22:48 Your Monster | 2025-02-19 00:35 Jupiter Ascending | 02:46 The White Lotus | 03:50 Real Time With Bill Maher | 04:50 Kicks | 06:21 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 07:02 The White Lotus | 08:06 Goodrich | 10:00 The Legend of Tarzan | 11:52 The White Lotus | 12:56 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 13:37 Bad Boys | 15:38 Bad Boys II | 18:08 C.B. Strike | 19:10 Cedar Rapids | 20:39 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 21:20 Deepwater Horizon | 23:11 Dinner for Schmucks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 00:14 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 00:55 Look Into My Eyes | 02:44 Traitor | 04:42 The White Lotus | 05:46 Father Stu | 07:55 The White Lotus | 09:00 Flow | 10:29 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 11:10 Central Intelligence | 13:00 We Beat the Dream Team | 14:23 The White Lotus | 15:27 We Beat the Dream Team | 16:50 We Beat the Dream Team | 18:13 Malcolm X | 21:38 Suicide Squad | 23:44 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | 2025-02-19 01:48 Your Monster | 03:35 Jupiter Ascending | 05:46 The White Lotus | 06:50 Real Time With Bill Maher | 07:50 Kicks | 09:21 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 10:02 The White Lotus | 11:06 Goodrich | 13:00 The Legend of Tarzan | 14:52 The White Lotus | 15:56 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 16:37 Bad Boys | 18:38 Bad Boys II | 21:08 C.B. Strike | 22:10 Cedar Rapids | 23:39 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO 2 - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:28 John Adams | 01:32 John Adams | 02:52 John Adams | 03:56 The Wizard of Oz | 05:40 We Live in Time | 07:30 The White Lotus | 08:34 C.B. Strike | 09:35 Marshall | 11:35 Jason Bourne | 13:40 The White Lotus | 14:44 Bridget Jones's Diary | 16:25 The White Lotus | 17:29 Warcraft | 19:36 He's Just Not That Into You | 21:49 Vacation | 23:32 The White Lotus | 2025-02-19 00:35 Watchmen | 03:20 Uncharted | 05:19 C.B. Strike | 06:20 The Florida Project | 08:15 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 08:56 The White Lotus | 10:00 Steel Magnolias | 12:01 Waitress: The Musical | 14:29 We Beat the Dream Team | 15:51 The White Lotus | 16:55 It Follows | 18:38 The Farewell | 20:22 Shrek Forever After | 21:59 C.B. Strike | 23:00 Unstoppable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO 2 - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 01:13 John Adams | 02:22 John Adams | 03:28 John Adams | 04:32 John Adams | 05:52 John Adams | 06:56 The Wizard of Oz | 08:40 We Live in Time | 10:30 The White Lotus | 11:34 C.B. Strike | 12:35 Marshall | 14:35 Jason Bourne | 16:40 The White Lotus | 17:44 Bridget Jones's Diary | 19:25 The White Lotus | 20:29 Warcraft | 22:36 He's Just Not That Into You | 2025-02-19 00:49 Vacation | 02:32 The White Lotus | 03:35 Watchmen | 06:20 Uncharted | 08:19 C.B. Strike | 09:20 The Florida Project | 11:15 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | 11:56 The White Lotus | 13:00 Steel Magnolias | 15:01 Waitress: The Musical | 17:29 We Beat the Dream Team | 18:51 The White Lotus | 19:55 It Follows | 21:38 The Farewell | 23:22 Shrek Forever After | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO Comedy HD - East | 2025-02-18 00:58 DC League of Super-Pets | 02:44 Steel Magnolias | 04:43 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates | 06:22 Lady Bird | 07:56 Keeping Up With the Joneses | 09:42 Ramy Youssef: More Feelings | 10:37 Hamlet 2 | 12:09 Balls Out | 13:50 Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son | 15:38 She's Out of My League | 17:23 Heaven Help Us | 19:07 Barry Munday | 20:42 Leatherheads | 22:36 Knight and Day | 2025-02-19 00:26 Home Again | 02:03 Free Birds | 03:35 Paddington | 05:11 Showing Up | 06:59 Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising | 08:32 Mystic Pizza | 10:17 The Boss | 11:56 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World | 13:49 Teen Wolf | 15:22 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past | 17:03 Hot Tub Time Machine | 18:42 Observe and Report | 20:09 The Addams Family 2 | 21:42 The Addams Family | 23:09 Suicide Squad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO Family - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:30 The Addams Family | 01:57 The Addams Family 2 | 03:30 Venus and Serena | 05:10 Babe Ruth | 06:10 Shazam! Fury of the Gods | 08:21 Barbie | 10:16 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 12:06 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 13:03 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 14:00 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 14:58 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 15:56 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 16:53 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 17:51 How to Train Your Dragon | 19:29 I Have Tourette's but Tourette's Doesn't Have Me | 19:57 Don't Divorce Me! Kids' Rules for Parents on Divorce | 20:28 Saving My Tomorrow | 20:58 Saving My Tomorrow | 21:28 Saving My Tomorrow | 21:53 Saving My Tomorrow | 22:21 Saving My Tomorrow | 22:51 Saving My Tomorrow: Kids Who Love the Earth | 23:22 Matilda | 2025-02-19 01:01 St. Vincent | 02:44 Marmaduke | 04:13 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | 05:53 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | 07:48 Wonka | 09:45 The LEGO Batman Movie | 11:30 DC League of Super-Pets | 13:16 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie | 14:44 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World | 16:12 Janet Planet | 18:05 Justice League X Rwby: Super Heroes and Huntsmen: Part Two | 19:20 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip | 20:52 The Weight of the Nation for Kids | 21:23 The Weight of the Nation for Kids | 21:51 The Weight of the Nation for Kids | 22:24 The Return of the Pink Panther | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO Family - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 00:04 Classical Baby | 00:28 Classical Baby | 00:54 Classical Baby | 01:22 Superman II | 03:30 The Addams Family | 04:57 The Addams Family 2 | 06:30 Venus and Serena | 08:10 Babe Ruth | 09:10 Shazam! Fury of the Gods | 11:21 Barbie | 13:16 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 15:06 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 16:03 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 17:00 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 17:58 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 18:56 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 19:53 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency | 20:51 How to Train Your Dragon | 22:29 I Have Tourette's but Tourette's Doesn't Have Me | 22:57 Don't Divorce Me! Kids' Rules for Parents on Divorce | 23:28 Saving My Tomorrow | 23:58 Saving My Tomorrow | 2025-02-19 00:28 Saving My Tomorrow | 00:53 Saving My Tomorrow | 01:21 Saving My Tomorrow | 01:51 Saving My Tomorrow: Kids Who Love the Earth | 02:22 Matilda | 04:01 St. Vincent | 05:44 Marmaduke | 07:13 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | 08:53 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | 10:48 Wonka | 12:45 The LEGO Batman Movie | 14:30 DC League of Super-Pets | 16:16 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie | 17:44 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World | 19:12 Janet Planet | 21:05 Justice League X Rwby: Super Heroes and Huntsmen: Part Two | 22:20 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip | 23:52 The Weight of the Nation for Kids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO Latino (HBO 7) - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:39 The White Lotus | 02:46 El milagro del padre Stu | 04:55 The White Lotus | 06:00 El Planeta | 07:27 Entre nos | 08:10 Central Intelligence | 10:00 We Beat the Dream Team | 11:23 The White Lotus | 12:27 We Beat the Dream Team | 13:50 We Beat the Dream Team | 15:13 Malcolm X | 18:38 Suicide Squad | 20:44 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | 22:48 Your Monster | 2025-02-19 00:35 Jupiter Ascending | 02:46 The White Lotus | 03:51 Gente de Zona: En letra de otro | 04:50 Kicks | 06:21 Ian Lara: Romantic Comedy | 07:02 The White Lotus | 08:06 Goodrich | 10:00 The Legend of Tarzan | 11:52 The White Lotus | 12:55 Entre nos | 13:37 Bad Boys | 15:38 Bad Boys II | 18:08 C.B. Strike | 19:10 Cedar Rapids | 20:40 Mi Casa | 20:56 Princess Cut | 21:20 Deepwater Horizon | 23:11 Dinner for Schmucks | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO On Demand | 2025-02-18 01:00 HBO On Demand | 04:00 HBO On Demand | 07:00 HBO On Demand | 10:00 HBO On Demand | 13:00 HBO On Demand | 16:00 HBO On Demand | 19:00 HBO On Demand | 22:00 HBO On Demand | 2025-02-19 01:00 HBO On Demand | 04:00 HBO On Demand | 07:00 HBO On Demand | 10:00 HBO On Demand | 13:00 HBO On Demand | 16:00 HBO On Demand | 19:00 HBO On Demand | 22:00 HBO On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO Signature (HBO 3) - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:30 Sex and the City | 00:57 Sex and the City | 01:23 Sex and the City | 01:47 Sex and the City | 02:11 Sex and the City | 02:36 Sex and the City | 03:00 Sex and the City | 03:25 Sex and the City | 03:50 Sex and the City | 04:14 Sex and the City | 04:38 Sex and the City | 05:04 Sex and the City | 05:31 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice | 07:16 Just Mercy | 09:33 The Strangers | 10:59 The Nun II | 12:49 Skate Kitchen | 14:35 Straight Outta Compton | 17:02 Accidentally Brave | 18:38 Rizo | 18:53 Fantastic Beasts: A Natural History | 19:52 Horizon: An American Saga: Chapter 1 | 22:54 Sully | 2025-02-19 00:30 Sex and the City | 00:56 Sex and the City | 01:22 Sex and the City | 01:48 Sex and the City | 02:15 Sex and the City | 02:43 Sex and the City | 03:09 Sex and the City | 03:35 Sex and the City | 04:01 Sex and the City | 04:28 Sex and the City | 04:56 Sex and the City | 05:23 Sex and the City | 05:53 Sex and the City | 06:15 Sex and the City | 06:41 Sex and the City | 07:08 Sex and the City | 07:36 Sex and the City | 08:03 Sex and the City | 08:36 Meg 2: The Trench | 10:32 Problemista | 12:17 Traffik | 13:54 Man of Steel | 16:17 Entertainment | 18:00 Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom | 20:05 The Last Days on Mars | 21:44 Dune: Part Two | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HBO Zone HD - East | 2025-02-18 00:29 Keanu | 02:09 Bessie | 04:01 Oracle | 05:27 The Guilty | 06:56 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 08:06 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 08:53 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 09:37 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 10:29 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 11:16 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 12:03 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty | 13:05 Deepwater Horizon | 14:53 Pearl | 16:36 The Wave | 18:22 The Strangers: Prey at Night | 19:48 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga | 22:17 Pure | 22:30 Eddie the Eagle | 2025-02-19 00:16 Knox Goes Away | 02:11 The Dark Knight | 04:44 The Dark Knight Rises | 07:29 Father Stu | 09:34 Stax: Soulsville, U.S.A. | 10:34 Stax: Soulsville, U.S.A. | 11:24 Stax: Soulsville, U.S.A. | 12:15 Stax: Soulsville, U.S.A. | 13:17 Duplicity | 15:22 The Host | 17:22 Ninja Assassin | 19:01 Keeping Up With the Joneses | 20:47 Jackie | 22:28 The Birth of a Nation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HDNet Movies HD | 2025-02-18 02:05 Guns of the Magnificent Seven | 04:30 The Magnificent Seven Ride! | 06:45 The Magnificent Seven | 09:40 Return of the Seven | 11:50 Guns of the Magnificent Seven | 14:15 The Magnificent Seven Ride! | 16:30 The Trailer Show | 17:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 19:00 NEW Shark Deep Carpet Cleaner | 20:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 21:00 Beat the Devil | 23:00 Hell Town | 2025-02-19 00:10 His Girl Friday | 02:15 The Trailer Show | 02:45 'Neath the Arizona Skies | 03:55 Original Gangstas | 06:00 Cattle Queen of Montana | 07:55 The Beach Boys: An American Band | 10:15 Céline | 12:20 The Beach Boys: An American Band | 14:40 Céline | 16:45 The Trailer Show | 17:00 Sharks SUCK | 19:00 Freezer to Plate in 10 Minutes! | 20:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 21:00 Eagle's Wing | 23:20 Angel and the Badman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HDNet Movies On Dmenad | 2025-02-18 03:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 07:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 11:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 15:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 19:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 23:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 07:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 11:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 15:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 19:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | 23:00 HDNET Movies on Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HGTV USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ugliest House in America | 00:30 Ugliest House in America | 01:00 Ugliest House in America | 02:00 Home Town | 03:00 Home Town | 04:00 Home Town | 05:00 Home Town | 06:00 Home Town | 07:00 Home Town | 08:00 Home Town | 09:00 The Flip Off | 10:00 Celebrity IOU | 11:01 House Hunters | 11:31 House Hunters | 12:01 House Hunters | 12:31 House Hunters | 13:00 Celebrity IOU | 14:01 House Hunters | 14:31 House Hunters | 15:01 House Hunters | 15:31 House Hunters | 16:00 The Flip Off | 17:00 Battle on the Beach | 19:00 No Demo Reno | 20:00 No Demo Reno | 21:00 No Demo Reno | 22:00 No Demo Reno | 23:00 Renovation Aloha | 2025-02-19 00:00 Renovation Aloha | 01:00 Renovation Aloha | 02:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 03:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 04:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 05:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 06:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 07:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 08:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 09:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 10:00 Renovation Aloha | 11:01 House Hunters International | 11:31 House Hunters International | 12:01 House Hunters International | 12:30 House Hunters International | 13:00 Renovation Aloha | 14:01 House Hunters International | 14:31 House Hunters International | 15:01 House Hunters International | 15:30 House Hunters International | 16:00 Fixer to Fabulous | 17:00 Battle on the Beach | 18:00 Battle on the Beach | 19:00 Backed by the Bros | 20:00 Backed by the Bros | 21:00 Backed by the Bros | 22:00 100 Day Dream Home | 23:00 100 Day Dream Home | 2025-02-20 00:00 100 Day Dream Home | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
History Channel Espanol - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 01:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 02:00 El precio de la historia | 03:00 Gigantes de la comida | 04:00 Gigantes de la comida | 05:00 Lo mejor de El precio de la historia | 06:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 07:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 08:00 El precio de la historia | 09:00 El precio de la historia | 10:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 11:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 12:00 El precio de la historia | 13:00 El precio de la historia | 14:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 15:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 16:00 El precio de la historia | 17:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 18:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 La Dr. Polo vida sin límites | 20:30 ¡Menos viajes al baño y salud urinaria con MyBladder! | 21:00 El precio de la historia | 22:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 23:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 2025-02-19 00:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 01:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 02:00 El precio de la historia | 03:00 El precio de la historia | 04:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 05:00 Cazadores de tesoros | 06:00 Hombres de montaña | 07:00 Solos | 08:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 09:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 10:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 11:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 12:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 13:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 14:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 15:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 16:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 17:00 Hombres de montaña | 18:00 Solos | 19:00 Ideal Prostate+ proporciona alivio natural seguro | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 La Dr. Polo vida sin límites | 21:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 22:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 23:00 Desafío sobre fuego | 2025-02-20 00:00 Hombres de montaña | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
History Channel US - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 01:00 The World Wars | 03:00 Grant | 05:00 Grant | 07:00 Grant | 09:00 Thomas Jefferson | 10:00 Thomas Jefferson | 11:03 History's Greatest Mysteries | 13:03 Thomas Jefferson | 14:02 Thomas Jefferson | 15:04 History's Greatest Mysteries | 17:01 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:31 A New Revolution In Affordable, FDA Registered, OTC Hearing Aids | 18:01 NUWAVE FOREVER, AIR PURIFIER WITH NEVER REPLACE FILTERS | 18:31 Interested in Gold? Learn more! | 19:00 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 19:30 David Jeremiah | 20:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 21:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 23:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 2025-02-19 00:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 01:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 02:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 03:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 04:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 05:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 06:00 History's Greatest Mysteries | 07:00 Thomas Jefferson | 08:00 Thomas Jefferson | 09:00 Thomas Jefferson | 10:00 Thomas Jefferson | 11:03 History's Greatest Mysteries | 13:03 Thomas Jefferson | 14:02 Thomas Jefferson | 15:04 History's Greatest Mysteries | 17:01 Paid Programming | 17:30 Interested in Gold? Learn more! | 18:00 "Trump: Make Money Online" | 18:30 A New Revolution In Affordable, FDA Registered, OTC Hearing Aids | 19:00 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 19:30 David Jeremiah | 20:00 The Harlem Hellfighters: Unsung Heroes | 21:00 761st Tank Battalion: The Original Black Panthers | 23:00 Pawn Stars | 23:30 Pawn Stars | 2025-02-20 00:00 Pawn Stars | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HITN | 2025-02-18 00:00 Animales maravillosos | 01:00 En Algún Lugar de la Tierra | 02:00 Creciendo juntos | 03:00 Overland | 04:00 Fieras de la ingeniería | 05:00 Al descubierto | 06:00 Overland | 07:00 Centro médico | 07:30 Centro médico | 08:00 Lo que comemos las mujeres | 08:30 Lo que comemos las mujeres | 09:00 La vida bajo cero | 10:00 Animales maravillosos | 11:00 África Salvaje | 12:00 La vida bajo cero | 13:00 Animales maravillosos | 14:00 África Salvaje | 15:00 La vida bajo cero | 16:00 Centro médico | 16:30 Centro médico | 17:00 Vida y salud | 19:30 Doctor Faga | 20:00 Maestros de las abejas | 20:30 Euronews | 21:00 Vida y salud | 23:00 Doctor Faga | 23:30 Doctor Faga | 2025-02-19 00:00 Animales maravillosos | 01:00 En Algún Lugar de la Tierra | 02:00 Doctor Faga | 02:30 Doctor Faga | 03:00 Overland | 04:00 Fieras de la ingeniería | 05:00 Al descubierto | 06:00 Overland | 07:00 Centro médico | 07:30 Centro médico | 08:00 Depredadores | 09:00 Historia de la vida | 10:00 Planeta helado | 11:00 Al descubierto | 12:00 Historia de la vida | 13:00 Planeta helado | 14:00 Al descubierto | 15:00 Depredadores | 16:00 Centro médico | 16:30 Centro médico | 17:00 Vida y salud | 20:00 Maestros de las abejas | 20:30 Euronews | 21:00 Vida y salud | 23:00 Creciendo juntos | 23:59 Animales maravillosos | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HLN | 2025-02-18 00:00 Very Scary People | 01:00 Very Scary People | 02:00 Very Scary People | 03:00 Forensic Files | 03:30 Forensic Files | 04:00 Forensic Files | 04:30 Forensic Files | 05:00 Forensic Files | 05:30 Forensic Files | 06:00 Forensic Files | 06:30 Forensic Files | 07:00 Forensic Files | 07:30 Forensic Files | 08:00 Forensic Files | 08:30 Forensic Files | 09:00 Forensic Files | 09:30 Forensic Files | 10:00 Forensic Files | 10:30 Forensic Files | 11:00 Forensic Files | 11:30 Forensic Files | 12:00 Forensic Files | 12:30 Forensic Files | 13:00 Forensic Files | 13:30 Forensic Files | 14:00 Forensic Files | 14:30 Forensic Files | 15:00 Forensic Files | 15:30 Forensic Files | 16:00 Forensic Files | 16:30 Forensic Files | 17:00 Forensic Files | 17:30 Forensic Files | 18:00 Forensic Files | 18:30 Forensic Files | 19:00 Forensic Files II | 19:30 Forensic Files II | 20:00 CNN News Central (HLN) | 21:00 CNN News Central (HLN) | 22:00 CNN News Central (HLN) | 23:00 How It Really Happened | 2025-02-19 00:00 How It Really Happened | 01:00 How It Really Happened | 02:00 How It Really Happened | 03:00 Forensic Files | 03:30 Forensic Files | 04:00 Forensic Files | 04:30 Forensic Files | 05:00 Forensic Files | 05:30 Forensic Files | 06:00 Forensic Files | 06:30 Forensic Files | 07:00 Forensic Files | 07:30 Forensic Files | 08:00 Forensic Files | 08:30 Forensic Files | 09:00 Forensic Files | 09:30 Forensic Files | 10:00 Forensic Files | 10:30 Forensic Files | 11:00 Forensic Files | 11:30 Forensic Files | 12:00 Forensic Files | 12:30 Forensic Files | 13:00 Forensic Files | 13:30 Forensic Files | 14:00 Forensic Files | 14:30 Forensic Files | 15:00 Forensic Files | 15:30 Forensic Files | 16:00 Forensic Files | 16:30 Forensic Files | 17:00 Forensic Files | 17:30 Forensic Files | 18:00 Forensic Files | 18:30 Forensic Files | 19:00 Forensic Files II | 19:30 Forensic Files II | 20:00 CNN News Central (HLN) | 21:00 CNN News Central (HLN) | 22:00 CNN News Central (HLN) | 23:00 Lies, Crimes & Video | 2025-02-20 00:00 Lies, Crimes & Video | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hola TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 La hora Hola | 01:00 Casas de ensueño frente al mar | 02:00 Design Hunters | 02:30 Tendencias SXXI | 03:00 Videofashion: Designers | 03:30 Un nuevo look para una nueva vida | 04:30 Especiales realeza | 05:30 El álbum de las celebridades | 06:00 Top de estilo | 06:30 Espléndida | 07:00 Happy & Zen | 07:30 Tendencias SXXI | 08:00 Las reinas del shopping | 09:00 La hora Hola | 10:00 Moda | 11:00 Las reinas del shopping | 12:00 La hora Hola | 13:00 Moda | 14:00 Moda | 15:00 Top de estilo | 15:30 Tendencias SXXI | 16:00 Las reinas del shopping | 17:00 La hora Hola | 18:00 El álbum de las celebridades | 18:30 Top de estilo | 19:00 La hora Hola | 20:00 Coronas y palacios | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Video Fashion News | 22:00 Programa pagado | 22:30 Programa pagado | 23:00 Las reinas del shopping | 2025-02-19 00:00 La hora Hola | 01:00 Moda | 02:00 Moda | 03:00 Video Fashion News | 03:30 Un nuevo look para una nueva vida | 04:30 El clóset de... | 05:30 El álbum de las celebridades | 06:00 Top de estilo | 06:30 Espléndida | 07:00 Happy & Zen | 07:30 Tendencias SXXI | 08:00 Las reinas del shopping | 09:00 La hora Hola | 10:00 Especiales realeza | 11:00 Las reinas del shopping | 12:00 La hora Hola | 13:00 Especiales realeza | 14:00 Vidas Reales | 14:30 Coronas y palacios | 15:00 Coronas y palacios | 15:30 Tendencias SXXI | 16:00 Las reinas del shopping | 17:00 La hora Hola | 18:00 El álbum de las celebridades | 18:30 Coronas y palacios | 19:00 La hora Hola | 20:00 Coronas y palacios | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Programa pagado | 21:30 Videofashion Style | 22:00 Programa pagado | 22:30 Programa pagado | 23:00 Las reinas del shopping | 2025-02-20 00:00 La hora Hola | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hollywood Suite 00s | 2025-02-18 01:10 Florence Foster Jenkins | 03:05 Admission | 04:55 Legally Blonde | 06:35 Mr Bates vs The Post Office | 07:25 Mr Bates vs The Post Office | 08:15 Mr Bates vs The Post Office | 09:05 Mr Bates vs The Post Office | 10:00 The Break-Up | 11:50 The Notebook | 14:00 Bridesmaids | 16:10 Reign of Assassins | 18:00 The Break-Up | 19:50 A Year in Film | 20:30 A Shine of Rainbows | 22:15 The Stone Angel | 2025-02-19 00:15 The Notebook | 02:25 Poor Boy's Game | 04:15 A Shine of Rainbows | 06:00 The Break-Up | 07:50 The Notebook | 10:00 Dear White People | 11:50 White Chicks | 13:45 Masterminds | 15:25 Kick-Ass | 17:25 The United States vs. Billie Holiday | 19:40 Erin's Guide to Kissing Girls | 21:15 Trophy Town: The 1961 Trail Smoke Eaters | 22:20 Don't F... With Ghosts | 23:55 Dear White People | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hollywood Suite 70s | 2025-02-18 01:20 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | 02:55 The Owl and the Pussycat | 04:35 You Can't Take It With You | 06:45 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | 08:20 The Owl and the Pussycat | 10:00 To Have and Have Not | 11:45 Remember My Name | 13:25 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | 15:15 To Have and Have Not | 17:00 Remember My Name | 18:35 Creepy Bits | 19:00 Incident at Restigouche | 19:50 Spider | 21:35 The Republic of Love | 23:15 To Have and Have Not | 2025-02-19 01:00 Stories We Tell | 02:55 Saint Ralph | 04:40 Spider | 06:25 Remember My Name | 08:05 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | 10:00 Leadbelly | 12:10 Watermelon Man | 13:55 Greased Lightning | 15:35 Adam at 6 A.M. | 17:20 Watermelon Man | 19:05 Saint Ralph | 20:50 Spider | 22:35 Incident at Restigouche | 23:25 North Dallas Forty | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hollywood Suite 80s | 2025-02-18 01:30 The Abyss | 03:55 Cloak and Dagger | 05:40 Heartburn | 07:35 The Abyss | 10:00 Risky Business | 11:45 The Fly | 13:25 Innerspace | 15:30 Risky Business | 17:15 The Fly | 18:55 The Railrodder | 19:25 My Salinger Year | 21:10 Pompeii | 23:00 Cinéma | 2025-02-19 00:35 Innerspace | 02:40 Black Conflux | 04:25 Cinéma | 06:15 Innerspace | 08:20 Crossing Delancey | 10:00 Blumhouse's Compendium of Horror | 10:55 Blumhouse's Compendium of Horror | 11:50 Code of Silence | 13:35 Man on Fire | 15:10 Blumhouse's Compendium of Horror | 16:05 Blumhouse's Compendium of Horror | 17:00 Code of Silence | 18:45 The Winter Lake | 20:20 Cinéma | 22:10 Amal | 2025-02-20 00:00 Hollywood Shuffle | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hollywood Suite 90s | 2025-02-18 01:45 Dumb & Dumber | 03:35 The Little Rascals | 05:05 Ladybugs | 06:40 Liar Liar | 08:10 Dumb & Dumber | 10:00 Scream 2 | 12:05 I Know What You Did Last Summer | 13:50 Sleepless in Seattle | 15:40 Scream 2 | 17:45 I Know What You Did Last Summer | 19:30 Pray for Me Paul Henderson | 20:20 Crossed Over | 21:55 Hello Destroyer | 23:50 Pyewacket | 2025-02-19 01:25 Liar Liar | 02:55 Brotherhood | 04:35 Chained | 06:25 Sleepless in Seattle | 08:15 I Know What You Did Last Summer | 10:00 Last Man Standing | 11:45 Pulp Fiction | 14:25 Irma Vep | 16:10 Pulp Fiction | 18:50 Milton's Secret | 20:25 A Year in Film | 20:55 Brotherhood | 22:35 Crossed Over | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hollywood Suite On Demand | 2025-02-18 01:20 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | 02:55 The Owl and the Pussycat | 04:35 You Can't Take It With You | 06:45 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | 08:20 The Owl and the Pussycat | 10:00 To Have and Have Not | 11:45 Remember My Name | 13:25 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | 15:15 To Have and Have Not | 17:00 Remember My Name | 18:35 Creepy Bits | 19:00 Incident at Restigouche | 19:50 Spider | 21:35 The Republic of Love | 23:15 To Have and Have Not | 2025-02-19 01:00 Stories We Tell | 02:55 Saint Ralph | 04:40 Spider | 06:25 Remember My Name | 08:05 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | 10:00 Leadbelly | 12:10 Watermelon Man | 13:55 Greased Lightning | 15:35 Adam at 6 A.M. | 17:20 Watermelon Man | 19:05 Saint Ralph | 20:50 Spider | 22:35 Incident at Restigouche | 23:25 North Dallas Forty | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hope Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Breath of Life | 00:30 Arnion | 01:00 Mum's at the Table | 01:30 Mission 360 | 02:00 Go Healthy for Good! | 03:00 Table Talk | 04:00 King's Kids | 04:30 Arnie's Shack | 05:00 Bible Heroes Game Show | 05:30 The Creation Case | 06:00 Cross Connection | 06:30 Lineage Journey | 07:00 Bible Answers Live | 08:00 Thunder in the Holy Land | 08:30 Stories of Hope | 09:00 The Call of the Cosmos | 10:00 IIW Sabbath School | 11:00 Hope at Night | 12:00 Lifestyle Magazine | 12:30 It Is Written: Canada | 13:00 Bible Help Desk | 13:30 Spencerville Church | 14:00 Unlocking Bible Prophecies | 15:00 Global Affairs Today | 15:30 Inside the Bible | 16:00 New Perceptions | 17:00 Prophecy Unsealed | 18:00 Beyond the Search | 18:30 CreationScapes | 19:00 Hope Sabbath School | 20:00 Wake Up With Hope | 20:30 Stories of Hope | 21:00 It Is Written: Canada | 21:30 Lifestyle Magazine | 22:00 Spencerville Church | 22:30 Maranatha Mission Stories | 23:00 Wake Up With Hope | 23:30 Cliff! | 2025-02-19 00:00 It Is Written: Canada | 00:30 Lifestyle Magazine | 01:00 Reimagining God | 01:30 Jesus 101 | 02:00 Go Healthy for Good! | 03:00 IIW Sabbath School | 04:00 Bible Heroes Game Show | 04:30 The Torchlighters | 05:00 Into the Bible | 05:30 King's Kids | 06:00 Cliff! | 06:30 Cross Connection | 07:00 Faith and Life | 07:30 John 10:10 | 08:00 Love Me: Ready Scripture Songs | 09:00 Let's Pray! | 10:00 Hope at Night | 11:00 Five Good Reasons | 12:00 Let's Pray! | 13:00 Hope at Night | 14:00 Hope Channel Classics | 15:00 Hope Channel Classics | 15:30 Beyond the Search | 16:00 New Perceptions | 17:00 Prophecy Unsealed | 18:00 Inside the Bible | 18:30 CreationScapes | 19:00 Hope Sabbath School | 20:00 Wake Up With Hope | 20:30 Beyond the Search | 21:00 Authentic | 21:30 Inverse | 22:00 Mum's at the Table | 22:30 Stories of Hope | 23:00 Wake Up With Hope | 23:30 Let's Pray! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HSN - Home Shopping Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Home Sweet Home With Natasha -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 01:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 02:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 03:00 Tweak'd Haircare - All on Free Shipping | 04:00 La-Z-Boy Furniture 5th Anniversary | 05:00 Beekman 1802 Beauty - All On Free Shipping | 06:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 07:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 08:00 Beekman 1802 Beauty - All On Free Shipping | 09:00 Electronic Connection - Presidents' Day Sale | 10:00 Amy's Style Guide -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 11:00 Amy's Style Guide -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 12:00 DG2 by Diane Gilman Fashions | 13:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 14:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 15:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 16:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 17:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 18:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 19:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 20:00 HSN Today With Tina & Friends -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 21:00 HSN Today With Tina & Friends -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 22:00 HSN Today With Tina & Friends -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 23:00 Tweak'd Haircare - All on Free Shipping | 2025-02-19 00:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 01:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 02:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 03:00 IMPROVEMENTS for the Kitchen & Home | 04:00 Tweak'd Haircare - All on Free Shipping | 05:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 06:00 Now That's Tasty! With Guy -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 07:00 Now That's Tasty! With Guy -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 08:00 Presidents' Day Weekend Sale | 09:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 10:00 What a Girl Wants With Sarah -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 11:00 What a Girl Wants With Sarah -- Presidents' Weekend Sale | 12:00 Beautyrest Mattresses | 13:00 Benefit Cosmetics | 14:00 Gabor Wigs | 15:00 Benefit Cosmetics | 16:00 Benefit Cosmetics | 17:00 Benefit Cosmetics | 18:00 Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins | 19:00 Benefit Cosmetics | 20:00 HSN Today with Tina & Friends | 21:00 HSN Today with Tina & Friends | 22:00 HSN Today with Tina & Friends | 23:00 Pretty Amazing Beauty with Rebecca | 2025-02-20 00:00 Pretty Amazing Beauty with Rebecca | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hustler TV USA On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Hustler On Demand | 07:00 Hustler On Demand | 11:00 Hustler On Demand | 15:00 Hustler On Demand | 19:00 Hustler On Demand | 23:00 Hustler On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Hustler On Demand | 07:00 Hustler On Demand | 11:00 Hustler On Demand | 15:00 Hustler On Demand | 19:00 Hustler On Demand | 23:00 Hustler On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i24 News | 2025-02-18 00:00 News Room | 00:30 N24 | 01:00 Middle East Now | 02:00 RUNDOWN | 03:00 Middle East Now | 04:00 i24news Desk | 04:30 i24news Desk | 05:00 Main News Edition | 06:30 The Israelis | 07:30 The Business Club | 08:00 Middle East Now | 09:00 RUNDOWN | 10:00 Main News Edition | 11:30 N24 | 12:00 News Room | 12:30 News Room | 13:00 i24news Desk | 13:30 i24news Desk | 14:00 i24news Desk | 14:30 i24news Desk | 15:00 i24news Desk | 17:00 i24news Desk | 20:00 i24news Desk | 22:00 News Room | 22:30 News Room | 23:00 News Room | 23:30 News Room | 2025-02-19 00:00 News Room | 00:30 News Room | 01:00 Middle East Now | 02:00 RUNDOWN | 03:00 Jewish World Weekly | 03:30 NSP Podcast | 04:00 i24news Desk | 04:30 i24news Desk | 05:00 Main News Edition | 06:30 The Israelis | 07:30 The Business Club | 08:00 Middle East Now | 09:00 RUNDOWN | 10:00 Main News Edition | 11:30 Jewish World Weekly | 12:00 News Room | 12:30 News Room | 13:00 i24news Desk | 13:30 i24news Desk | 14:00 i24news Desk | 14:30 i24news Desk | 15:00 i24news Desk | 17:00 i24news Desk | 20:00 i24news Desk | 22:00 News Room | 22:30 News Room | 23:00 News Room | 23:30 News Room | 2025-02-20 00:00 News Room | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IFC HDTV (East) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Night Court | 00:30 Night Court | 01:00 Night Court | 01:30 Night Court | 02:00 Night Court | 02:30 Night Court | 03:00 Night Court | 03:30 Night Court | 04:00 Night Court | 04:30 Night Court | 05:00 Night Court | 05:30 Night Court | 06:00 Night Court | 06:30 Night Court | 07:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 12:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 12:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 13:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 13:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 14:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 14:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 15:00 Sanford and Son | 15:30 Sanford and Son | 16:00 Sanford and Son | 16:30 Sanford and Son | 17:00 Sanford and Son | 17:30 Sanford and Son | 18:00 Sanford and Son | 18:30 Sanford and Son | 19:00 Sanford and Son | 19:30 Sanford and Son | 20:00 Sanford and Son | 20:30 Sanford and Son | 21:00 Sanford and Son | 21:30 Sanford and Son | 22:00 Sanford and Son | 22:30 Sanford and Son | 23:00 Sanford and Son | 23:30 Sanford and Son | 2025-02-19 00:00 Night Court | 00:30 Night Court | 01:00 Night Court | 01:30 Night Court | 02:00 Night Court | 02:30 Night Court | 03:00 Night Court | 03:30 Night Court | 04:00 Night Court | 04:30 Night Court | 05:00 Night Court | 05:30 Night Court | 06:00 Night Court | 06:30 Night Court | 07:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:00 Two and a Half Men | 09:30 Two and a Half Men | 10:00 Two and a Half Men | 10:30 Two and a Half Men | 11:00 Two and a Half Men | 11:30 Two and a Half Men | 12:00 Two and a Half Men | 12:30 Two and a Half Men | 13:00 Two and a Half Men | 13:30 Two and a Half Men | 14:00 Two and a Half Men | 14:30 Two and a Half Men | 15:00 Rudy | 17:30 The Karate Kid Part II | 20:00 The A-Team | 21:00 The A-Team | 22:00 The A-Team | 23:00 The A-Team | 2025-02-20 00:00 The A-Team | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Impact Television Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Joseph Prince | 00:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 01:00 Max Life With Bishop I.V. Hilliard | 01:30 Grace for Today | 02:00 The Jim Bakker Show | 03:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 03:30 Grace for Today | 04:00 Life Today With James Robison | 04:30 The CrossOver With Bishop Clarence Langston | 05:00 Believer's Voice of Victory Week at Once | 05:30 Paid Programming | 06:00 Prosper Through Prophecy With Prophet Fred Brame | 06:30 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 07:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 07:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 08:00 The Church 3:20 With Bishop Stanley Williams | 08:30 Creflo Dollar Ministries | 09:00 Maximize Living Today With Bishop I.V. Hilliard | 10:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 11:00 Shriners and Wounded Warriors | 11:30 Time 4 Video Gospel With Dr. Bobby Jones | 12:00 Newton Media - Get Involved | 12:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 13:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 13:30 Miracles Today with David Taylor | 14:00 Dr Mike Murdock | 14:30 Ghana Mission Relief | 15:00 Joseph Prince Ministries | 15:30 Impact Special Programmig | 16:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 17:00 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 17:30 Enjoying Everyday Life | 18:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 19:00 Stem Cell Activators With Dr. Joseph Christiano | 19:30 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 20:00 Joseph Prince | 20:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 21:00 Creflo Dollar Ministries | 21:30 Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer | 22:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 22:30 Food For Your Soul with Apostle Ron Hill | 23:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 23:30 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 2025-02-19 00:00 Joseph Prince | 00:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 01:00 Max Life With Bishop I.V. Hilliard | 01:30 Grace for Today | 02:00 The Jim Bakker Show | 03:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 03:30 Grace for Today | 04:00 Life Today With James Robison | 04:30 The CrossOver With Bishop Clarence Langston | 05:00 Food For Your Soul | 05:30 Int'l Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 06:00 Prosper Through Prophecy With Prophet Fred Brame | 06:30 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 07:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 07:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 08:00 The Church 3:20 With Bishop Stanley Williams | 08:30 Creflo Dollar Ministries | 09:00 Maximize Living Today With Bishop I.V. Hilliard | 10:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 10:30 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 11:00 Impact Special | 11:30 Tony & Cynthia Brazelton | 12:00 Newton Media - Get Involved | 12:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 13:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 13:30 Miracles Today with David Taylor | 14:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 15:00 Joseph Prince Ministries | 15:30 Impact Special Programmig | 16:00 Inspiration Ministries Campmeeting | 17:00 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 17:30 Enjoying Everyday Life | 18:00 Ever Increasing Faith With Dr. Frederick K.C. Price | 19:00 Stem Cell Activators With Dr. Joseph Christiano | 19:30 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 20:00 Joseph Prince | 20:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 21:00 Creflo Dollar Ministries | 21:30 Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer | 22:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 22:30 Food For Your Soul with Apostle Ron Hill | 23:00 Miracles Do Happen With Apostle Wayne T. Jackson | 2025-02-20 00:00 Joseph Prince | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Independent Film Channel US | 2025-02-18 00:00 Night Court | 00:30 Night Court | 01:00 Night Court | 01:30 Night Court | 02:00 Night Court | 02:30 Night Court | 03:00 Night Court | 03:30 Night Court | 04:00 Night Court | 04:30 Night Court | 05:00 Night Court | 05:30 Night Court | 06:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 06:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 07:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 12:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 12:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 13:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 13:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 14:00 Sanford & Son | 14:30 Sanford & Son | 15:00 Sanford & Son | 15:30 Sanford & Son | 16:00 Sanford & Son | 16:30 Sanford & Son | 17:00 Sanford & Son | 17:30 Sanford & Son | 18:00 Sanford & Son | 18:30 Sanford & Son | 19:00 Sanford & Son | 19:30 Sanford & Son | 20:00 Sanford & Son | 20:30 Sanford & Son | 21:00 Sanford & Son | 21:30 Sanford & Son | 22:00 Sanford & Son | 22:30 Sanford & Son | 23:00 Night Court | 23:30 Night Court | 2025-02-19 00:00 Night Court | 00:30 Night Court | 01:00 Night Court | 01:30 Night Court | 02:00 Night Court | 02:30 Night Court | 03:00 Night Court | 03:30 Night Court | 04:00 Night Court | 04:30 Night Court | 05:00 Night Court | 05:30 Night Court | 06:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 06:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 07:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:00 Two and a Half Men | 08:30 Two and a Half Men | 09:00 Two and a Half Men | 09:30 Two and a Half Men | 10:00 Two and a Half Men | 10:30 Two and a Half Men | 11:00 Two and a Half Men | 11:30 Two and a Half Men | 12:00 Two and a Half Men | 12:30 Two and a Half Men | 13:00 Two and a Half Men | 13:30 Two and a Half Men | 14:00 Rudy | 16:30 The Karate Kid Part II | 19:00 The A-Team | 20:00 The A-Team | 21:00 The A-Team | 22:00 The A-Team | 23:00 The A-Team | 2025-02-20 00:00 The A-Team | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IndiePlex HDTV (INDIEHD) | 2025-02-18 01:07 Nancy | 02:33 House of 9 | 04:04 Tracers | 05:39 Free Fall | 07:10 Coming Home | 09:00 Nancy | 10:26 Kristy | 11:53 Summer Night | 13:27 Sunshine Cleaning | 14:59 Most Likely to Murder | 16:39 Coming Home | 18:29 Kristy | 19:56 Daniel Isn't Real | 21:39 I Carry You With Me | 23:32 Sunshine Cleaning | 2025-02-19 01:04 Civil Brand | 02:36 I Still See You | 04:15 Most Likely to Murder | 05:55 Resistance | 07:28 Sunshine Cleaning | 09:00 I Carry You With Me | 10:53 One More Time | 12:31 The Whistleblower | 14:24 Train | 16:01 I Carry You With Me | 17:54 My Man Is a Loser | 19:31 Parallel Mothers | 21:35 House of 9 | 23:07 A Mouthful of Air | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
INSP | 2025-02-18 00:00 Laramie | 01:00 The Rifleman | 01:30 The Rifleman | 02:00 The High Chaparral | 03:00 Wagon Train | 04:30 Gunsmoke | 05:00 Gunsmoke | 06:00 Laramie | 07:00 Cheyenne | 08:00 Gunsmoke | 08:30 Gunsmoke | 09:00 Gunsmoke | 09:30 Gunsmoke | 10:00 Gunsmoke | 11:00 Gunsmoke | 12:00 How the West Was Won | 14:00 Wild West Chronicles | 14:30 Wild West Chronicles | 15:00 Wagon Train | 16:30 Tales of Wells Fargo | 17:00 Campmeeting | 18:00 Campmeeting | 19:00 Campmeeting | 20:00 Gunsmoke | 21:00 Bonanza | 22:00 The Big Valley | 23:00 Laramie | 2025-02-19 00:00 Laramie | 01:00 The Rifleman | 01:30 The Rifleman | 02:00 The High Chaparral | 03:00 Wagon Train | 04:00 Wagon Train | 05:00 Gunsmoke | 06:00 Laramie | 07:00 Cheyenne | 08:00 Gunsmoke | 08:30 Gunsmoke | 09:00 Gunsmoke | 09:30 Gunsmoke | 10:00 Gunsmoke | 11:00 Gunsmoke | 12:00 How the West Was Won | 13:00 How the West Was Won | 14:00 Wild West Chronicles | 14:30 Wild West Chronicles | 15:00 Wagon Train | 16:30 Tales of Wells Fargo | 17:00 Campmeeting | 19:00 Campmeeting | 20:00 Gunsmoke | 21:00 Bonanza | 22:00 The Big Valley | 23:00 Laramie | 2025-02-20 00:00 Laramie | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigation Discovery USA - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 American Monster | 01:00 American Monster | 02:00 American Monster | 03:00 People Magazine Investigates | 04:00 People Magazine Investigates | 05:00 People Magazine Investigates | 06:00 People Magazine Investigates | 07:00 People Magazine Investigates | 08:00 People Magazine Investigates | 09:00 Who is Luigi Mangione? | 10:00 Death by Fame | 11:00 The Curious Case of... | 13:00 Death by Fame | 14:00 The Curious Case of... | 16:00 Who is Luigi Mangione? | 17:00 Fatal Vows | 18:00 Fatal Vows | 19:00 Ice Cold Killers | 20:00 Ice Cold Killers | 21:00 Ice Cold Killers | 22:00 Ice Cold Killers | 23:00 The Murder Tapes | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Murder Tapes | 01:00 The Murder Tapes | 02:00 Calls From the Inside | 03:00 Calls From the Inside | 04:00 Calls From the Inside | 05:00 Body Cam | 06:00 Body Cam | 07:00 Body Cam | 08:00 Body Cam | 09:00 Body Cam | 10:00 Road Rage | 10:30 Exposed: Naked Crimes | 11:00 The Murder Tapes | 12:00 The Murder Tapes | 13:00 Road Rage | 13:30 Exposed: Naked Crimes | 14:00 The Murder Tapes | 15:00 The Murder Tapes | 16:00 Body Cam | 17:00 Six Degrees of Murder | 18:00 Six Degrees of Murder | 19:00 Caught in the Net | 20:00 Caught in the Net | 21:00 Caught in the Net | 22:00 Caught in the Net | 23:00 In Pursuit With John Walsh | 2025-02-20 00:00 In Pursuit With John Walsh | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ION - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Criminal Minds | 01:00 Criminal Minds | 02:00 Criminal Minds | 03:00 Criminal Minds | 04:00 Criminal Minds | 05:00 Criminal Minds | 06:00 Criminal Minds | 07:00 Criminal Minds | 08:00 FBI | 09:00 FBI | 10:00 FBI | 11:00 FBI | 12:00 FBI | 13:00 FBI | 14:00 FBI | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Stories of Love to the Rescue by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 17:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Relief from Inflammation | 19:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 20:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 21:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 22:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 2025-02-19 00:00 Chicago Fire | 01:00 Chicago Fire | 02:00 Chicago Fire | 03:00 Chicago Fire | 04:00 Chicago Fire | 05:00 Chicago Fire | 06:00 Chicago Fire | 07:00 Chicago Fire | 08:00 Chicago Fire | 09:00 Chicago Fire | 10:00 Chicago Fire | 11:00 Chicago Fire | 12:00 Chicago Fire | 13:00 Chicago Fire | 14:00 Chicago Fire | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 18:00 HairClub. Regrow, Replace, Restore your Hair | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 20:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 21:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 22:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 23:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 2025-02-20 00:00 Blue Bloods | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ION Plus TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Private Eyes | 01:00 Hudson & Rex | 02:00 Hudson & Rex | 03:00 Hudson & Rex | 04:00 Hudson & Rex | 05:00 Hudson & Rex | 06:00 Hudson & Rex | 07:00 Hudson & Rex | 08:00 Hudson & Rex | 09:00 Hudson & Rex | 10:00 Hudson & Rex | 11:00 Hudson & Rex | 12:00 Hudson & Rex | 13:00 Hudson & Rex | 14:00 Hudson & Rex | 15:00 18 Wheels of Justice | 16:00 18 Wheels of Justice | 17:00 18 Wheels of Justice | 18:00 18 Wheels of Justice | 19:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 20:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 21:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 22:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 23:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 2025-02-19 00:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 01:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 02:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 03:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 04:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 05:00 Bull | 06:00 Bull | 07:00 Bull | 08:00 Bull | 09:00 Bull | 10:00 Bull | 11:00 Bull | 12:00 Bull | 13:00 Bull | 14:00 Bull | 15:00 Midsomer Murders | 17:00 Midsomer Murders | 19:00 The Listener | 20:00 The Listener | 21:00 The Listener | 22:00 The Listener | 23:00 The Listener | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Listener | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IVC Network - International | 2025-02-18 01:00 Dulce venganza | 02:00 Bahar | 03:00 El recetario de Sumito | 03:30 El recetario de Sumito | 04:00 Survivor | 05:00 Shark Tank | 06:00 Live: Play Top: La previa | 07:00 Código viajero | 08:00 Empleado del mes | 08:30 #Sinfiltro | 09:30 Survivor | 10:30 Shark Tank | 11:30 En defensa propia | 12:30 Madre Teresa de Calcuta | 14:00 Empleado del mes | 14:30 La bella Ceci y el imprudente | 15:30 Shark Tank | 16:30 Dulce venganza | 17:30 El recetario de Sumito | 18:00 A tiempo | 20:00 Live: Playtop | 20:30 Cosmos diario | 21:00 Bahar | 22:00 El recetario de Sumito | 22:30 El recetario de Sumito | 23:00 Lo mejor de Mundo de mujeres | 2025-02-19 01:00 Dulce venganza | 02:00 Bahar | 03:00 El recetario de Sumito | 03:30 El recetario de Sumito | 04:00 Survivor | 05:00 Shark Tank | 06:00 Play Top: La previa | 07:00 Película | 09:30 Survivor | 10:30 Shark Tank | 11:30 En defensa propia | 12:30 Película | 15:00 La bella Ceci y el imprudente | 16:00 Shark Tank | 17:00 Dulce venganza | 18:00 Dulce venganza | 19:00 Cosmos diario | 19:30 Live: A tiempo | 21:30 Cosmos diario | 22:00 Bahar | 23:00 Cocina al punto con Peña y Tamara | 2025-02-20 00:00 Lo mejor de Mundo de mujeres | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jewelry Television | 2025-02-18 01:00 Silver Jewelry Sale | 03:00 Bella Luce Jewelry | 05:00 Gold Jewelry Showcase | 07:00 Moda al Massimo Jewelry | 09:00 Warehouse Sale | 13:00 Bella Luce Jewelry | 15:00 Sparkle in Silver Jewelry | 17:00 Bella Luce Jewelry | 18:00 Sparkle in Silver Jewelry | 20:00 Precious World of Pearls | 23:00 Jewel School - Jewelry Making | 2025-02-19 01:00 Bella Luce Jewelry | 03:00 Moda al Massimo Jewelry | 05:00 Wrapped in Gold Jewelry | 07:00 Charles Winston for Bella Luce Jewelry | 09:00 Color Crush Jewelry | 11:00 Gold Jewelry Showcase | 13:00 Color Crush Jewelry | 15:00 Sparkle in Silver Jewelry | 17:00 Gold Jewelry Showcase | 18:00 Bella Luce Jewelry | 20:00 Exclusively Gold Jewelry | 23:00 Affordable Jewelry Luxuries | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jewish Life Television | 2025-02-18 00:00 Unpacked: The History of Israel Explained | 01:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 01:30 Vision of the Bible | 02:00 Good Week Israel | 02:30 Israel in Style | 03:00 Cruising Israel | 03:30 Flavors of Israel | 04:00 The Goldbergs | 04:30 The Soupy Sales Show | 05:00 You Bet Your Life | 05:30 The Jack Benny Program | 06:00 The J Report With Brad Pomerance | 07:00 Friends of Chabad | 07:30 Stand With Us | 08:00 ILTV News | 08:30 Bubbies Know Best | 09:00 Servant of the People | 09:30 Yidlife Crisis | 10:00 Good Week Israel | 10:30 The Word With Scott Rubin | 11:00 Laughter in Paradise | 11:30 LMAO | 12:00 Bubbies Know Best | 12:30 Yidlife Crisis | 13:00 Good Week Israel | 13:30 The Word With Scott Rubin | 14:00 Laughter in Paradise | 14:30 LMAO | 15:00 ILTV News | 15:30 Vision of the Bible | 16:00 You Bet Your Life | 16:30 The Jack Benny Program | 17:00 Bonanza | 18:00 Annie Oakley | 18:30 Stories of the Century | 19:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 19:30 Total Body Sculpt With Gilad | 20:00 A New Way 2 Move | 20:30 Israeli Krav Maga | 21:00 The J Report With Brad Pomerance | 22:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 22:30 Total Body Sculpt With Gilad | 23:00 A New Way 2 Move | 23:30 Alive and Well | 2025-02-19 00:00 Unpacked: The History of Israel Explained | 01:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 01:30 Vision of the Bible | 02:00 Good Week Israel | 02:30 Israel in Style | 03:00 Cruising Israel | 03:30 Flavors of Israel | 04:00 The Goldbergs | 04:30 The Soupy Sales Show | 05:00 You Bet Your Life | 05:30 The Jack Benny Program | 06:00 Miracles & Meals with Joanne Caras | 06:30 To Be Announced | 07:00 Insider | 07:30 Israel Weekly Review | 08:00 ILTV News | 08:30 Reviewish | 09:00 The J Report With Brad Pomerance | 10:00 Friends of Chabad | 10:30 Stand With Us | 11:00 Insider | 11:30 Israel Weekly Review | 12:00 The J Report With Brad Pomerance | 13:00 Friends of Chabad | 13:30 Stand With Us | 14:00 Insider | 14:30 Israel Weekly Review | 15:00 ILTV News | 15:30 Vision of the Bible | 16:00 You Bet Your Life | 16:30 The Jack Benny Program | 17:00 Bonanza | 18:00 Annie Oakley | 18:30 ILTV Insider | 19:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 19:30 Total Body Sculpt With Gilad | 20:00 Vitality 4 Life With Curtis Adams | 20:30 Israeli Krav Maga | 21:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 21:30 Total Body Sculpt With Gilad | 22:00 Vitality 4 Life With Curtis Adams | 22:30 Israeli Krav Maga | 23:00 Bodies in Motion With Gilad | 23:30 Vitality 4 Life With Curtis Adams | 2025-02-20 00:00 Stories of the Century | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Justice Central | 2025-02-18 00:00 Perry Mason | 01:00 In the Heat of the Night | 02:00 In the Heat of the Night | 03:00 In the Heat of the Night | 04:00 In the Heat of the Night | 05:00 Matlock | 06:00 Matlock | 07:00 Matlock | 08:00 Matlock | 09:00 Perry Mason | 10:00 Perry Mason | 11:00 Perry Mason | 12:00 Perry Mason | 13:00 In the Heat of the Night | 14:00 In the Heat of the Night | 15:00 In the Heat of the Night | 16:00 In the Heat of the Night | 17:00 Matlock | 18:00 Matlock | 19:00 Matlock | 20:00 Matlock | 21:00 Perry Mason | 22:00 Perry Mason | 23:00 Perry Mason | 2025-02-19 00:00 Perry Mason | 01:00 In the Heat of the Night | 02:00 In the Heat of the Night | 03:00 In the Heat of the Night | 04:00 In the Heat of the Night | 05:00 Matlock | 06:00 Matlock | 07:00 Matlock | 08:00 Matlock | 09:00 Perry Mason | 10:00 Perry Mason | 11:00 Perry Mason | 12:00 Perry Mason | 13:00 In the Heat of the Night | 14:00 In the Heat of the Night | 15:00 In the Heat of the Night | 16:00 In the Heat of the Night | 17:00 Matlock | 17:30 The Verdict With Judge Hatchett | 18:00 Supreme Justice With Judge Karen | 18:30 Supreme Justice With Judge Karen | 19:00 Justice With Judge Mablean | 19:30 Justice With Judge Mablean | 20:00 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 20:30 We the People With Judge Lauren Lake | 21:00 Equal Justice With Judge Eboni K. Williams | 21:30 Equal Justice With Judge Eboni K. Williams | 22:00 America's Court With Judge Ross | 22:30 America's Court With Judge Ross | 23:00 The Verdict With Judge Hatchett | 23:30 The Verdict With Judge Hatchett | 2025-02-20 00:00 Mathis Court With Judge Mathis | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Law and Crime | 2025-02-18 00:00 To Be Announced | 01:00 To Be Announced | 02:00 To Be Announced | 03:00 To Be Announced | 04:00 To Be Announced | 05:00 To Be Announced | 06:00 Sidebar | 06:30 Cops Reloaded | 07:00 Jail | 07:30 Jail | 08:00 Cops Reloaded | 08:30 Cops Reloaded | 09:00 Prime Crime | 09:30 Prime Crime | 10:00 Jail | 10:30 Jail | 11:00 Sidebar | 11:30 Prime Crime | 12:00 Jail | 12:30 Jail | 13:00 Trial File | 13:30 Justice Rules | 14:00 Cops Reloaded | 14:30 Prime Crime | 15:00 Cop Tales | 16:00 Cops Reloaded | 16:30 Cops Reloaded | 17:00 Trial File | 17:30 Justice Rules | 18:00 Justice Rules | 18:30 Justice Rules | 19:00 Jail | 19:30 Jail | 20:00 Jail | 20:30 Jail | 21:00 Switched | 21:30 Switched | 22:00 BodyCam by Law&Crime | 23:00 BodyCam by Law&Crime | 2025-02-19 00:00 BodyCam by Law&Crime | 01:00 Most Outrageous Crimes | 02:00 Most Outrageous Crimes | 03:00 Most Outrageous Crimes | 04:00 Surviving Mann | 04:30 Surviving Mann | 05:00 Interrogations by Law&Crime | 06:00 Interrogations by Law&Crime | 07:00 Jail | 07:30 Jail | 08:00 Jail | 08:30 Jail | 09:00 Jail | 09:30 Jail | 10:00 Cops Reloaded | 10:30 Cops Reloaded | 11:00 Cops Reloaded | 11:30 Cops Reloaded | 12:00 Cops Reloaded | 12:30 Cops Reloaded | 13:00 Serial Psyche | 14:00 Cult of Personality | 15:00 Interrogations by Law&Crime | 16:00 Interrogations by Law&Crime | 17:00 Most Outrageous Crimes | 18:00 Most Outrageous Crimes | 19:00 BodyCam by Law&Crime | 20:00 BodyCam by Law&Crime | 21:00 BodyCam by Law&Crime | 22:00 First on Scene | 22:30 First on Scene | 23:00 Cops Reloaded | 23:30 Cops Reloaded | 2025-02-20 00:00 Cops Reloaded | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lifetime Movies - East | 2025-02-18 01:00 Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini | 03:00 Suitcase Killer: The Melanie McGuire Story | 05:00 How to Murder Your Husband: The Nancy Brophy Story | 07:00 Gaslit by My Husband: The Morgan Metzer Story | 09:00 The Bad Guardian | 11:00 The Bad Orphan | 13:01 The Bad Guardian | 15:01 The Bad Orphan | 17:02 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 17:32 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:32 Paid Programming | 19:00 Honor Student | 21:00 Dead on Campus | 23:00 First Class Fear | 2025-02-19 01:00 Killing All My Sisters | 03:00 The Wrong High School Sweetheart | 05:00 My Daughter's Deadly Date | 07:00 Do You Trust Your Boyfriend? | 09:00 Her Boyfriend's Deadly Secret | 11:00 Cheerleader Abduction | 13:01 Her Boyfriend's Deadly Secret | 15:01 Cheerleader Abduction | 17:02 Paid Programming | 17:32 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:02 Paid Programming | 18:31 Cindy Crawford talks about the latest breakthroughs in skincare | 19:00 A Dangerous Date | 21:00 A Deadly Affair | 23:00 Dangerous Snow Day | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lifetime Network US - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Major Crimes | 01:00 Major Crimes | 02:00 Major Crimes | 03:00 Castle | 04:00 Castle | 05:00 Castle | 06:00 Castle | 07:00 Castle | 08:00 Castle | 09:00 Castle | 10:00 Castle | 11:03 Castle | 12:03 Castle | 13:01 Castle | 14:01 Castle | 15:04 Castle | 16:04 Castle | 17:02 Paid Programming | 17:32 Paid Programming | 18:02 Joseph Prince | 18:32 David Jeremiah | 19:00 Creflo Dollar | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 20:30 The Balancing Act | 21:00 The Closer | 22:00 The Closer | 23:00 The Closer | 2025-02-19 00:00 Major Crimes | 01:00 Major Crimes | 02:00 Major Crimes | 03:00 Castle | 04:00 Castle | 05:00 Castle | 06:00 The Rookie | 07:00 The Rookie | 08:00 The Rookie | 09:00 Married at First Sight | 11:03 Married at First Sight | 12:03 Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up | 13:01 Married at First Sight | 15:04 Married at First Sight | 16:04 Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up | 17:02 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:32 Paid Programming | 18:02 Joseph Prince | 18:32 David Jeremiah | 19:00 Creflo Dollar | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 20:30 The Balancing Act | 21:00 The Closer | 22:00 The Closer | 23:00 The Closer | 2025-02-20 00:00 Major Crimes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lifetime Real Women (LRW) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Little Women: LA | 01:00 Little Women: LA | 02:00 Little Women: LA | 03:00 Little Women: LA | 04:00 Little Women: LA | 05:00 Little Women: LA | 06:00 Little Women: LA | 07:00 Little Women: LA | 08:00 Little Women: LA | 09:00 Little Women: LA | 10:00 Little Women: LA | 11:00 Little Women: LA | 12:00 Little Women: LA | 13:00 Little Women: LA | 14:00 Little Women: LA | 15:00 Little Women: LA | 16:00 Little Women: LA | 17:00 The Magnesium Super Formula For Vibrant Days & Restful Nights | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 The Magnesium Super Formula For Vibrant Days & Restful Nights | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Stories of Love to the Rescue by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 20:00 Bring It! | 21:00 Bring It! | 22:00 Bring It! | 23:00 Bring It! | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bring It! | 01:00 Bring It! | 02:00 Bring It! | 03:00 Bring It! | 04:00 Bring It! | 05:00 Bring It! | 06:00 Bring It! | 07:00 Bring It! | 08:00 Bring It! | 09:00 Bring It! | 10:00 Bring It! | 11:00 Bring It! | 12:00 Bring It! | 13:00 Bring It! | 14:00 Bring It! | 15:00 Bring It! | 16:00 Bring It! | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Stories of Love to the Rescue by Shriners Hospitals for Children:registered: | 20:00 Dance Moms | 21:00 Dance Moms | 22:00 Dance Moms | 23:00 Dance Moms | 2025-02-20 00:00 Dance Moms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Link TV | 2025-02-18 02:00 Local Programming | 06:00 Local Programming | 10:00 Local Programming | 14:00 Local Programming | 18:00 Local Programming | 22:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 02:00 Local Programming | 06:00 Local Programming | 10:00 Local Programming | 14:00 Local Programming | 18:00 Local Programming | 22:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LOGO - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Facts of Life | 00:30 The Facts of Life | 01:00 The Facts of Life | 01:30 The Facts of Life | 02:00 The Facts of Life | 02:30 The Facts of Life | 03:00 The Facts of Life | 03:30 The Facts of Life | 04:00 The Facts of Life | 04:30 The Facts of Life | 05:00 The Facts of Life | 05:30 The Facts of Life | 06:00 Three's Company | 06:30 Three's Company | 07:00 Three's Company | 07:30 Three's Company | 08:00 Three's Company | 08:30 Three's Company | 09:00 Three's Company | 09:30 Three's Company | 10:00 Three's Company | 10:30 Three's Company | 11:00 Three's Company | 11:30 Three's Company | 12:00 Three's Company | 12:30 Three's Company | 13:00 Three's Company | 13:30 Three's Company | 14:00 Three's Company | 14:30 Three's Company | 15:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 16:30 RuPaul's Drag Race | 17:30 RuPaul's Drag Race | 19:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 20:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 21:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 22:00 The Facts of Life | 22:30 The Facts of Life | 23:00 The Facts of Life | 23:30 The Facts of Life | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Facts of Life | 00:30 The Facts of Life | 01:00 The Facts of Life | 01:30 The Facts of Life | 02:00 The Facts of Life | 02:30 The Facts of Life | 03:00 The Facts of Life | 03:30 The Facts of Life | 04:00 The Facts of Life | 04:30 The Facts of Life | 05:00 The Facts of Life | 05:30 The Facts of Life | 06:00 The Nanny | 06:30 The Nanny | 07:00 The Nanny | 07:30 The Nanny | 08:00 The Nanny | 08:30 The Nanny | 09:00 The Nanny | 09:30 The Nanny | 10:00 The Nanny | 10:30 The Nanny | 11:00 The Nanny | 11:30 The Nanny | 12:00 The Nanny | 12:30 The Nanny | 13:00 The Nanny | 13:30 The Nanny | 14:00 The Nanny | 14:30 The Nanny | 15:00 The Nanny | 15:30 The Nanny | 16:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 17:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 18:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 19:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 20:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 21:00 RuPaul's Drag Race | 22:00 The Facts of Life | 22:30 The Facts of Life | 23:00 The Facts of Life | 23:30 The Facts of Life | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Facts of Life | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LOVE | 2025-02-18 01:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 04:00 Best Mattress Topper | 07:00 Lose Your Crepey Skin! 65 Looks 45! | 09:00 TVON Live Fine Jewelry with Daniel | 12:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 13:00 Prostate Problems? Get Relief Fast! | 16:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 19:00 Better Hearing, Better Savings | 22:00 Best Mattress Topper | 2025-02-19 01:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 04:00 Auto Insurance for Seniors | 07:00 Best Mattress Topper | 09:00 TVON Live Fine Jewelry with Daniel | 12:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 13:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 16:00 Lose Your Crepey Skin! 65 Looks 45! | 19:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 22:00 Auto Insurance for Seniors | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magnolia - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 01:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 02:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 03:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 04:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 05:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 06:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 07:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 08:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 09:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 10:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 11:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 12:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 13:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 14:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 15:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 16:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 17:00 Barnwood Builders | 18:00 Barnwood Builders | 19:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 20:00 Inn the Works | 20:30 Inn the Works | 21:00 Inn the Works | 21:30 Inn the Works | 22:00 Inn the Works | 22:30 Inn the Works | 23:00 Inn the Works | 23:30 Inn the Works | 2025-02-19 00:00 Fixer Upper | 01:00 Fixer Upper | 02:00 Fixer Upper | 03:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 04:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 05:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 06:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 07:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 08:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 09:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 10:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 11:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 12:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 13:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 14:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 15:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 16:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation | 17:00 Barnwood Builders | 18:00 Barnwood Builders | 19:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 20:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 21:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 22:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 23:00 Maine Cabin Masters | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bargain Mansions | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Marquee Sports Network | 2025-02-18 02:00 Live: Foul Territory | 04:00 The Breakdown | 05:00 The Breakdown | 06:00 The Breakdown | 06:30 1984 Cubs Clincher: 40th Anniversary | 07:30 Live: Follow the Money | 08:00 Athletes Unlimited Pro Volleyball | 10:00 Athletes Unlimited Pro Volleyball | 12:00 Cubs Classics | 15:00 1 Day Bathroom Flip | 18:00 1 Day Bathroom Flip | 19:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 20:00 Live: VSiN Morning Line | 23:00 Cubs Classics | 2025-02-19 02:00 Live: Foul Territory | 04:00 In the Spotlight | 04:30 Cubs Classics | 07:00 Live: Follow the Money | 07:30 Bears on the Marquee | 08:30 Cubs Countdown | 09:00 Bears on the Marquee | 10:00 NWSL | 12:00 Cubs Classics | 15:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 18:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 19:00 1 Day Bathroom Flip | 20:00 Live: VSiN Morning Line | 23:00 Cubs Cornerstones | 23:30 Cubs Classics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MavTV USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Racers Roundtable With Danny Sullivan & Tony Stewart | 01:00 SpeedFreaks | 03:00 Racers Roundtable With Danny Sullivan & Tony Stewart | 04:00 SpeedFreaks | 06:00 2024 Kentucky Drag Boats | 07:00 Racers Roundtable With Danny Sullivan & Tony Stewart | 08:00 2025 King of the Motos | 09:00 The Life | 09:30 The Life | 10:00 The Life | 10:30 The Life | 11:00 2025 Monster Jam Primetime | 12:00 The Life | 12:30 The Life | 13:00 The Life | 13:30 The Life | 14:00 2025 Monster Jam Primetime | 15:00 Racers Roundtable With Danny Sullivan & Tony Stewart | 16:00 2025 King of the Motos | 17:00 2024 Kentucky Drag Boats | 18:00 2025 King of the Motos | 19:00 2024 TA2 | 20:00 Trans Am Series | 21:00 2025 King of the Hammers | 22:00 LOKAR Car Show | 22:30 My Classic Car | 23:00 Stacey David's GearZ | 23:30 Sam's Garage | 2025-02-19 00:00 Women With Drive | 00:30 Off-Road Travel TV | 01:00 AMA Arenacross Highlights | 02:00 Pressure to Rise | 02:45 2024 AMA U.S Hard Enduro Series | 03:00 Women With Drive | 03:30 Off-Road Travel TV | 04:00 AMA Arenacross Highlights | 05:00 Pressure to Rise | 05:45 2024 AMA U.S Hard Enduro Series | 06:00 2025 FIM X-Trial World Championship | 07:00 Racers Roundtable With Danny Sullivan & Tony Stewart | 08:00 2025 King of the Motos | 09:00 AMA Arenacross Series | 11:30 2024 AMA U.S Hard Enduro Series | 11:40 2024 AMA U.S Hard Enduro Series | 12:00 AMA Arenacross Series | 14:30 2024 AMA U.S Hard Enduro Series | 15:00 Racers Roundtable With Danny Sullivan & Tony Stewart | 16:00 2025 King of the Motos | 17:00 2025 FIM X-Trial World Championship | 18:00 2025 King of the Motos | 19:00 The Skinny | 20:00 2024 Crandon | 21:00 2025 King of the Hammers | 22:00 LOKAR Car Show | 22:30 My Classic Car | 23:00 Stacey David's GearZ | 23:30 Sam's Garage | 2025-02-20 00:00 2025 Monster Jam - Arena in 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MBC America (Korean) | 2025-02-18 00:00 MBC News Desk | 00:50 This Evening | 01:05 Good Day | 02:00 MSTOREBUY Home Shopping | 03:05 The Real Exploration Team | 04:00 The Late Night Horror Talk | 05:20 Popopo! Let's All Play | 05:50 A Daughter Just Like You | 06:25 Live: MBC News Today | 07:15 Blessing of the Sea | 07:55 I Live in This Taste | 08:30 Infinite Challenge | 09:30 PD Note | 10:25 On the Border Master-X | 12:00 MBC News Tonight | 13:10 Buddy into The Wild Special | 14:35 Good Day | 15:30 Witches Season 2 | 16:30 I Live Alone | 18:05 My Working Vlog | 19:25 Radio Star | 21:00 Blessing of the Sea | 21:40 Level 7 Civil Servant | 22:55 Live Today Morning | 2025-02-19 00:00 MBC News Desk | 00:50 Reel Talk | 01:05 Good Day | 02:00 MSTOREBUY Home Shopping | 03:05 MBC Documentary Prime | 03:55 How Do You Play? | 05:20 Popopo! Let's All Play | 05:50 A Daughter Just Like You | 06:25 Live: MBC News Today | 07:15 Blessing of the Sea | 07:55 I Live in This Taste | 08:30 Infinite Challenge | 09:30 Reel Talk | 10:40 Level 7 Civil Servant | 12:00 MBC News Tonight | 13:10 My Working Vlog | 14:35 PD Note | 15:30 Good Day | 16:25 The King of Mask Singer | 17:35 Oh Eun Yeong's Report | 18:50 Special Program 'Hope Note' | 19:25 The King of Mask Singer | 21:00 Bad Love | 21:40 Teacher Oh Soon Nam | 22:20 Desperate Mrs. Seon-joo | 22:55 Live Today Morning | 2025-02-20 00:00 MBC News Desk | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MBC Drama (Korean) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Otr Al Ams | 01:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 02:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 03:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 04:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 05:00 Ishq | 06:00 Otr Al Ams | 07:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 08:00 Fouq Mostawa Al Shobohat | 09:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 10:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 11:00 Ishq | 12:00 Otr Al Ams | 13:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 14:00 Fouq Mostawa Al Shobohat | 15:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 16:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 17:00 Ishq | 18:00 Otr Al Ams | 19:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 20:00 Fouq Mostawa Al Shobohat | 21:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 22:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 23:00 Ishq | 2025-02-19 00:00 Otr Al Ams | 01:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 02:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 03:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 04:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 05:00 Ishq | 06:00 Otr Al Ams | 07:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 08:00 Fouq Mostawa Al Shobohat | 09:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 10:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 11:00 Ishq | 12:00 Otr Al Ams | 13:00 Endama Yozher al Khareef | 14:00 Fouq Mostawa Al Shobohat | 15:00 Tareeq Al Moaalemat | 16:00 Sadeeq al Omor | 17:00 Ishq | 18:00 Nisr Al Saeed | 19:00 Badal Al Hadoota 3 | 20:00 Hibr El Ouyoun | 21:00 Al Jar Al Mithali | 21:30 Al Jar Al Mithali | 22:00 Wa Akheeran | 23:00 Jannat Hali | 2025-02-20 00:00 Nisr Al Saeed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mega TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Bayly | 01:00 Los implicados | 02:00 Corazones guerreros | 03:00 Primetime | 04:00 Código Secreto | 05:00 Mega News | 06:00 De Buena Fuente | 07:00 Sánchez Grass en América | 08:00 Al borde del abismo | 09:00 Bayly | 10:00 El toro loco show | 11:00 Mega News: Edición Nocturna | 12:00 De Buena Fuente | 13:00 Sánchez Grass en América | 14:00 Bayly | 15:00 El toro loco show | 16:00 Mega News: Edición Nocturna | 17:00 Primetime | 18:00 Radio en Televisión: El Circo | 20:00 Nación Z | 21:00 Radio en Televisión - El Vacilón de Nueva York | 22:00 Solórzano en la Red | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bayly | 01:00 Al borde del abismo | 02:00 Teresa | 03:00 Primetime | 04:00 Testigo directo | 05:00 Mega News | 06:00 De Buena Fuente | 07:00 Sánchez Grass en América | 08:00 Al borde del abismo | 09:00 Bayly | 10:00 El toro loco show | 11:00 Mega News: Edición Nocturna | 12:00 De Buena Fuente | 13:00 Sánchez Grass en América | 14:00 Bayly | 15:00 El toro loco show | 16:00 Mega News: Edición Nocturna | 17:00 Primetime | 18:00 Radio en Televisión: El Circo | 20:00 Nación Z | 21:00 Radio en Televisión - El Vacilón de Nueva York | 22:00 Solórzano en la Red | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bayly | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Merit Street | 2025-02-18 01:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 02:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 03:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 04:00 Dr. Phil: True Crime | 05:00 Jail | 05:30 Jail | 06:00 Cops Reloaded | 06:30 Cops Reloaded | 07:00 Crime Stories With Nancy Grace | 08:00 Live: The News on Merit Street | 09:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 10:00 Crime Stories With Nancy Grace | 11:00 The News on Merit Street | 12:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 13:00 Crime Stories With Nancy Grace | 14:00 The News on Merit Street | 15:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 16:00 Jail | 16:30 Jail | 17:00 Cops Reloaded | 17:30 Cops Reloaded | 18:00 The News on Merit Street | 19:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 20:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 21:00 Steve | 22:00 Steve | 23:00 Live: Morning on Merit TV | 2025-02-19 01:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 02:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 03:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 04:00 Dr. Phil: True Crime | 05:00 Jail | 05:30 Jail | 06:00 Cops Reloaded | 06:30 Cops Reloaded | 07:00 Crime Stories With Nancy Grace | 08:00 Live: The News on Merit Street | 09:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 10:00 Crime Stories With Nancy Grace | 11:00 The News on Merit Street | 12:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 13:00 Crime Stories With Nancy Grace | 14:00 The News on Merit Street | 15:00 Dr. Phil Primetime | 16:00 Jail | 16:30 Jail | 17:00 Cops Reloaded | 17:30 Cops Reloaded | 18:00 Farm To Fit: The Road to Regenerative Health | 18:30 Farm To Fit: The Road to Regenerative Health | 19:00 Sleep Science | 19:30 Farm To Fit: The Road to Regenerative Health | 20:00 Dr. Phil Wake Up | 21:00 Steve | 22:00 The Steve Harvey Show | 23:00 Live: Morning on Merit TV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mexicanal - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Película | 01:55 Viajes a Través del Espíritu | 02:25 Con el son de la marimba | 03:25 Café Nostalgia | 04:25 Herencias | 04:55 De Kiosco en Kiosco | 05:25 Película | 07:20 Café Nostalgia | 08:20 Con el son de la marimba | 09:20 Nuevo León ¡extraordinario! | 09:50 De Kiosco en Kiosco | 11:00 Película | 13:00 Talentos Musicales | 14:00 MXQ Noticias | 14:30 Enlace México | 15:00 A las 8 | 15:30 TV4 Noticias Norteamérica | 16:00 Herencias | 16:30 Estrellas del Jaripeo | 17:30 Ahí viene el toro | 18:00 Liga Mexicana de Jaripeo Profesional | 18:30 De Kiosco en Kiosco | 19:00 La Dr. Polo vida sin límites | 19:30 ¡Menos viajes al baño y salud urinaria con MyBladder! | 20:00 MyBiotin 5 en uno | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 TV4 Noticias Norteamérica | 22:58 Cada día | 23:00 Talentos Musicales | 2025-02-19 00:00 Película | 01:55 Con sabor Jarocho | 02:25 Con el son de la marimba | 03:25 Café Nostalgia | 04:25 Rostros y Raíces | 04:55 De Kiosco en Kiosco | 05:25 Película | 07:40 Café Nostalgia | 08:40 Con el son de la marimba | 09:40 Raíces de Michoacán | 10:10 De Kiosco en Kiosco | 11:00 Película | 13:00 Talentos Musicales | 14:00 MXQ Noticias | 14:30 Enlace México | 15:00 A las 8 | 15:30 TV4 Noticias Norteamérica | 16:00 Rostros y Raíces | 16:30 Película | 17:30 Ahí viene el toro | 18:00 Liga Mexicana de Jaripeo Profesional | 18:30 Con Caña y Carrete | 19:00 Programa pagado | 21:00 TV4 Noticias Norteamérica | 22:58 Cada día | 23:00 Talentos Musicales | 2025-02-20 00:00 Película | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MGM HD (USA) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MGM+ Drive-In (MGM+DI) | 2025-02-18 00:05 Runaway Bride | 02:05 Sleepless in Seattle | 03:55 Mystic Pizza | 05:40 We'll Never Have Paris | 07:15 A Guy Thing | 09:00 No Strings Attached | 10:50 Serendipity | 12:25 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | 14:20 A Guy Thing | 16:05 Swingers | 17:45 The Apartment | 19:55 Mansfield Park | 21:50 The Lovely Bones | 2025-02-19 00:10 No Strings Attached | 02:00 Serendipity | 03:35 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | 05:30 The Usual Suspects | 07:20 Snake Eyes | 09:00 Four Brothers | 10:50 Out of Time | 12:40 No Way Out | 14:35 Snake Eyes | 16:15 Showgirls | 18:30 The Party | 20:10 F/X | 22:00 Harsh Times | 2025-02-20 00:00 Kalifornia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MGM+ HDTV (East) (MGM+HD) | 2025-02-18 01:30 No Way Out | 03:25 Assassin Club | 05:20 Double Impact | 07:10 Out of Time | 09:00 Rogue Heroes | 10:00 Hollywood Black | 11:00 Hollywood Black | 12:00 Spectre | 14:30 Starship Troopers | 16:40 Original Sin | 18:40 At Close Range | 20:40 The Man in the Moon | 22:20 Days of Heaven | 23:55 Invasion U.S.A. | 2025-02-19 01:45 Disturbing Behavior | 03:10 Species II | 04:45 The Portable Door | 06:45 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves | 09:00 Transformers One | 10:45 IF | 12:30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem | 14:15 The Keep | 15:55 Rogue Heroes | 16:55 Sex Life | 17:55 Three Wishes | 19:55 Hair | 22:00 Stonewall | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MGM+ Hits HDTV (East) (MGM+HTHD) | 2025-02-18 00:50 Babylon | 04:00 Daddy's Home | 05:40 Planes, Trains and Automobiles | 07:15 Zoolander 2 | 09:00 Father of the Bride | 10:50 Shakespeare in Love | 12:55 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot | 14:50 Rogue Heroes | 15:50 Wild Bill | 17:30 Mr. Majestyk | 19:15 The Deep House | 20:40 Unseen | 22:00 Anomalisa | 23:35 Class | 2025-02-19 01:15 Marathon Man | 03:25 Clockstoppers | 05:00 The Core | 07:15 RoboCop | 09:00 Rogue Heroes | 10:00 A Quiet Place: Day One | 11:40 10 Cloverfield Lane | 13:25 The Passenger | 15:05 Dark Harvest | 16:40 Home of the Brave | 18:30 Summer Days, Summer Nights | 20:15 Eye of the Needle | 22:10 Of Mice and Men | 2025-02-20 00:00 A Quiet Place: Day One | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MGM+ Marquee HDTV (East) (MGM+MRQ) | 2025-02-18 01:15 Frank Miller's Sin City | 03:20 The Running Man | 05:05 Women Talking | 06:50 The Kite Runner | 09:00 Bob Marley: One Love | 10:50 Challengers | 13:05 American Fiction | 15:05 The Kite Runner | 17:15 The Warriors | 18:50 Elvis Goes There | 19:50 A Home of Our Own | 21:35 Igor | 23:05 Bob Marley: One Love | 2025-02-19 00:55 Challengers | 03:10 American Fiction | 05:10 Beautiful Girls | 07:05 Mermaids | 09:00 Father of the Bride | 10:50 Parenthood | 12:55 She's Having a Baby | 14:45 Mermaids | 16:40 The African Queen | 18:30 The Patsy | 20:15 The Secret of NIMH | 21:40 Sleepover | 23:10 She's Having a Baby | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mid-Atlantic Sports Network | 2025-02-18 01:00 Women's College Basketball | 03:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 03:30 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 04:00 World Poker Tour | 05:00 Live: Follow the Money | 08:00 Orioles Classics | 11:30 Inside ECU Athletics | 12:00 Carolina Insider | 12:30 Nationals Classics | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:00 Live: VSiN by the Books | 23:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 2025-02-19 01:00 Fight Sports WCK | 02:00 Nationals Classics | 05:00 Live: Follow the Money | 08:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 08:30 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 09:00 Inside ECU Athletics | 09:30 Carolina Insider | 10:00 Washington Nationals 2024 Season | 11:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 11:30 Touchdown Baltimore | 12:30 Orioles Classics | 17:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Live: VSiN by the Books | 23:00 Fight Sports: EFC | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mid-Atlantic Sports Network 2 | 2025-02-18 00:00 VSiN by the Books | 03:00 Triton Poker Series | 04:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 04:30 Black College Quiz | 05:00 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 05:30 Golf Life | 06:00 Washington Nationals 2024 Season | 07:00 World Chase Tag | 08:00 Fight Sports WCK | 09:00 Fight Sports: EFC | 10:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 12:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 13:00 Fight Sports WCK | 14:00 Fight Sports: EFC | 15:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 17:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:00 Fight Sports WCK | 21:00 BKFC 52 | 22:00 World Chase Tag | 23:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 2025-02-19 00:00 VSiN by the Books | 03:00 The Card Life | 03:30 Black College Quiz | 04:00 Fight Sports WCK | 05:00 Fight Sports: EFC | 06:00 Washington Nationals 2024 Season | 07:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 07:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 08:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 08:30 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 09:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 11:00 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 11:30 Black College Quiz | 12:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 13:00 Jai Alai | 16:00 World Chase Tag | 17:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:00 Nationals Classics | 23:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 2025-02-20 00:00 VSiN by the Books | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MLB Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Hot Stove | 02:00 All-Time Games | 04:00 MLB Network Countdown | 05:00 MLB Network Countdown | 06:00 MLB Network Countdown | 07:00 Live: MLB Tonight | 08:00 MLB Tonight | 09:00 Rookie of the Year | 11:00 MLB Tonight | 12:00 MLB Tonight | 13:00 MLB Tonight | 14:00 MLB Tonight | 15:00 MLB Tonight | 16:00 MLB Tonight | 17:00 MLB Tonight | 18:00 MLB Tonight | 19:00 MLB Tonight | 20:00 MLB Tonight | 21:00 MLB Tonight | 22:00 Live: Hot Stove | 2025-02-19 00:00 Hot Stove | 02:00 All-Time Games | 04:00 MLB Network Countdown | 05:00 MLB Network Countdown | 06:00 MLB Network Countdown | 07:00 Live: MLB Tonight | 08:00 MLB Tonight | 09:00 The Sandlot | 11:00 MLB Tonight | 12:00 MLB Tonight | 13:00 MLB Tonight | 14:00 MLB Tonight | 15:00 MLB Tonight | 16:00 MLB Tonight | 17:00 MLB Tonight | 18:00 MLB Tonight | 19:00 MLB Tonight | 20:00 MLB Tonight | 21:00 MLB Tonight | 22:00 Live: Hot Stove | 2025-02-20 00:00 Hot Stove | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MLB Network HDTV (DISH) (MLBHD) | 2025-02-18 03:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 07:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 11:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 15:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 19:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 23:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 2025-02-19 03:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 07:30 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 08:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 11:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 11:30 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 15:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 19:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | 23:00 Upcoming - MLB Network Strike Zone | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MLB San Diego Padres | 2025-02-18 00:30 Padres Baseball | 04:30 Padres Baseball | 08:30 Padres Baseball | 14:00 Padres Baseball | 18:00 Padres Baseball | 22:00 Padres Baseball | 2025-02-19 02:00 Padres Baseball | 06:00 Padres Baseball | 10:00 Padres Baseball | 14:00 Padres Baseball | 18:00 Padres Baseball | 22:00 Padres Baseball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monumental Sports Network | 2025-02-18 01:00 Caps Classics | 03:00 Wizards Classics | 05:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 05:30 Beyond the Buzzer | 06:00 Caps Red Line | 06:30 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 07:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 07:30 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 08:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 08:30 Beyond the Buzzer | 09:00 Caps Red Line | 09:30 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 10:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 10:30 Beyond the Buzzer | 11:00 Wizards Classics | 13:00 Caps Classics | 15:00 The Magnesium Super Formula For Vibrant Days & Restful Nights | 15:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 16:00 Pain Relief TV | 16:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:00 Live: The Sports Junkies | 23:00 Caps Classics | 2025-02-19 01:00 Wizards Classics | 03:00 Caps Classics | 05:00 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 05:30 Beyond the Buzzer | 06:00 Caps Red Line | 06:30 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 07:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 07:30 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 08:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 08:30 Beyond the Buzzer | 09:00 Caps Red Line | 09:30 Politics Aside with Chris Cillizza | 10:00 Hometown With Rachel Nichols | 10:30 SBJ: Inside the Industry | 11:00 Caps Classics | 13:00 Wizards Classics | 15:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 15:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 16:00 Pain Relief TV | 16:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:00 Live: The Sports Junkies | 23:00 Caps Classics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monumental Sports Network 2 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 07:30 Local Programming | 11:30 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MoreMax Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:00 Scream | 02:52 Scream 2 | 04:53 Scream 3 | 06:50 The Wolfpack | 08:19 Banshee | 09:11 Banshee | 10:00 17 Again | 11:42 In Time | 13:32 127 Hours | 15:06 Ismael's Ghosts | 17:21 Love & Other Drugs | 19:14 Last Christmas | 20:58 A Star Is Born | 23:14 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love | 2025-02-19 00:56 My Big Fat Greek Wedding | 02:31 Dim Sum Funeral | 04:08 The Wrecking Crew | 05:51 Everything Everywhere All at Once | 08:11 Banshee | 09:00 Banshee | 10:00 Moonlight | 11:51 Ondine | 13:35 Pulse | 15:35 Inherent Vice | 18:04 Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead | 19:49 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love | 21:31 Paranoia | 23:18 The Kill Team | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Motor Trend HD | 2025-02-18 00:00 FantomWorks | 01:00 FantomWorks | 02:00 Junkyard Empire | 03:00 Garage Squad | 04:00 Iron Resurrection | 05:00 Iron Resurrection | 06:00 Iron Resurrection | 07:00 Iron Resurrection | 08:00 Iron Resurrection | 09:00 Iron Resurrection | 10:00 Iron Resurrection | 11:00 Iron Resurrection | 12:00 Iron Resurrection | 13:00 Iron Resurrection | 14:00 Iron Resurrection | 15:00 Iron Resurrection | 16:00 Iron Resurrection | 17:00 Iron Resurrection | 18:00 Iron Resurrection | 19:00 Wheeler Dealers | 20:00 Roadkill Garage | 20:30 Roadkill Garage | 21:00 Roadkill Garage | 21:30 Roadkill Garage | 22:00 Roadkill | 23:00 Roadkill | 2025-02-19 00:00 FantomWorks | 01:00 FantomWorks | 02:00 Junkyard Empire | 03:00 Garage Squad | 04:00 Bitchin' Rides | 05:00 Bitchin' Rides | 06:00 Bitchin' Rides | 07:00 Bitchin' Rides | 08:00 Bitchin' Rides | 09:00 Bitchin' Rides | 10:00 Bitchin' Rides | 11:00 Ride of Your Life With Courtney Hansen | 12:00 Ride of Your Life With Courtney Hansen | 13:00 Bitchin' Rides | 14:00 Ride of Your Life With Courtney Hansen | 15:00 Ride of Your Life With Courtney Hansen | 16:00 Bitchin' Rides | 17:00 Bitchin' Rides | 18:00 Bitchin' Rides | 19:00 Wheeler Dealers | 20:00 Roadkill Garage | 20:30 Roadkill Garage | 21:00 Roadkill Garage | 21:30 Roadkill Garage | 22:00 Roadkill | 23:00 Roadkill | 2025-02-20 00:00 FantomWorks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MovieMax (Max 6) - East | 2025-02-18 00:01 Black Adam | 02:06 San Andreas | 04:01 Machete Kills | 05:49 The Kill Team | 07:17 Last Christmas | 09:00 Moonlight | 10:51 Immortals | 12:42 Sunset Song | 14:58 The Last Black Man in San Francisco | 16:59 Backtrack | 18:30 The Wrecking Crew | 20:12 17 Again | 21:54 The Glass Castle | 2025-02-19 00:01 Life After | 00:14 Inherent Vice | 02:44 Monsters and Men | 04:21 It Comes at Night | 05:53 The Hole in the Ground | 07:24 Blood Simple | 09:00 The Extra Man | 10:48 Sisters | 12:46 Free Fire | 14:17 The Secrets We Keep | 15:55 American Honey | 18:39 Troll Hunter | 20:23 It | 23:31 The Hole in the Ground | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MoviePlex East (MPLEX) | 2025-02-18 00:10 Big Trip 2: Special Delivery | 01:41 Lena and Snowball | 03:12 The Wolf and the Lion | 04:53 Peacock | 06:25 Searching | 08:08 The Shallows | 09:35 The Wolf and the Lion | 11:16 Lena and Snowball | 12:47 The Big Trip | 14:12 Big Trip 2: Special Delivery | 15:43 The Happy Elf | 16:29 The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute | 17:58 Birds Like Us | 19:22 A Stork's Journey | 20:47 Lena and Snowball | 22:18 Bernie the Dolphin | 23:47 Bernie the Dolphin 2 | 2025-02-19 01:27 The Wolf and the Lion | 03:08 Against the Wild | 04:41 Against the Wild: Survive the Serengeti | 06:14 Bernie the Dolphin | 07:43 Bernie the Dolphin 2 | 09:23 Ground Control | 11:02 The Last Warrior | 12:38 Against the Wild | 14:11 Against the Wild: Survive the Serengeti | 15:44 A Stork's Journey | 17:09 Bernie the Dolphin | 18:38 Bernie the Dolphin 2 | 20:18 The Last Warrior | 21:54 Ground Control | 23:33 Against the Wild | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MSG (Madison Square Gardens) | 2025-02-18 01:00 Knicks Rewind | 03:00 MSG Shorts | 03:30 MSG Shorts | 04:00 Knicks Rewind | 06:00 MSG Shorts | 06:30 MSG Shorts | 07:00 MSG Shorts | 07:30 MSG Shorts | 08:00 Club 30 | 09:00 2024 Mutua Madrid Open Tennis | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 15:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 16:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 16:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 17:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 18:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 21:00 2024 Mutua Madrid Open Tennis | 2025-02-19 01:00 Giants Access Blue | 01:30 NY Giants Chronicles '23 | 02:00 Club 30 | 03:00 2024 Mutua Madrid Open Tennis | 07:00 MSG Shorts | 07:30 MSG Shorts | 08:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 10:30 MSG Shorts | 11:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 13:00 Club 30 | 14:00 Club 30 | 15:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 15:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 16:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 16:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 17:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 20:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 21:00 One Course with JB Smoove | 21:30 One Course with JB Smoove | 22:00 One Course with JB Smoove | 22:30 One Course with JB Smoove | 23:00 One Course with JB Smoove | 23:30 One Course with JB Smoove | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Up & Adams | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MSG - Syracuse | 2025-02-18 01:00 Knicks Rewind | 03:00 MSG Shorts | 03:30 MSG Shorts | 04:00 Knicks Rewind | 06:00 MSG Shorts | 06:30 MSG Shorts | 07:00 MSG Shorts | 07:30 MSG Shorts | 08:00 Club 30 | 09:00 2024 Mutua Madrid Open Tennis | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 15:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 16:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 16:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 17:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 18:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 21:00 2024 Mutua Madrid Open Tennis | 2025-02-19 01:00 Giants Access Blue | 01:30 NY Giants Chronicles '23 | 02:00 Club 30 | 03:00 2024 Mutua Madrid Open Tennis | 07:00 MSG Shorts | 07:30 MSG Shorts | 08:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 10:30 MSG Shorts | 11:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 13:00 Club 30 | 14:00 Club 30 | 15:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 15:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 16:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 16:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 17:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 17:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 18:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 19:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 20:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 20:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 21:00 One Course with JB Smoove | 21:30 One Course with JB Smoove | 22:00 One Course with JB Smoove | 22:30 One Course with JB Smoove | 23:00 One Course with JB Smoove | 23:30 One Course with JB Smoove | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Up & Adams | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MSG 2 | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MSG Plus | 2025-02-18 00:00 Poker | 01:00 Live: FanDuel Racing | 08:00 Poker | 09:00 Poker | 10:00 Poker | 11:00 Poker | 12:00 College Football | 16:00 Giants Access Blue | 16:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 17:00 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 17:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 18:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 18:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 19:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 20:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 The Bettor Half Hour | 23:00 Poker | 2025-02-19 00:00 Poker | 01:00 Poker | 02:00 Pro Padel League | 04:00 Pro Padel League | 06:00 Pro Padel League | 08:00 MSG Shorts | 08:30 MSG Shorts | 09:00 Fight Sports: Boxing | 11:00 Fight Sports MMA | 12:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 13:00 Fight Sports: Boxing | 15:00 Fight Sports MMA | 16:00 The Bettor Half Hour | 16:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 17:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 17:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 19:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:00 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 20:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 21:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:30 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 22:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 22:30 The Bettor Half Hour | 23:00 Fight Sports: Boxing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MSG Plus - Syracuse | 2025-02-18 00:00 Poker | 01:00 Live: FanDuel Racing | 08:00 Poker | 09:00 Poker | 10:00 Poker | 11:00 Poker | 12:00 College Football | 16:00 Giants Access Blue | 16:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 17:00 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 17:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 18:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 18:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 19:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 20:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 The Bettor Half Hour | 23:00 Poker | 2025-02-19 00:00 Poker | 01:00 Poker | 02:00 Pro Padel League | 04:00 Pro Padel League | 06:00 Pro Padel League | 08:00 MSG Shorts | 08:30 MSG Shorts | 09:00 Fight Sports: Boxing | 11:00 Fight Sports MMA | 12:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 13:00 Fight Sports: Boxing | 15:00 Fight Sports MMA | 16:00 The Bettor Half Hour | 16:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 17:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 17:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 19:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 19:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:00 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 20:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 21:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 21:30 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 22:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 22:30 The Bettor Half Hour | 23:00 Fight Sports: Boxing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MSNBC USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: José Díaz-Balart Reports | 01:00 Live: MSNBC Reports | 02:00 Live: Chris Jansing Reports | 03:00 Live: Chris Jansing Reports | 04:00 Live: Katy Tur Reports | 05:00 Live: Deadline: White House | 07:00 Live: The Beat With Ari Melber | 08:00 Live: The ReidOut | 09:00 Live: Inside With Jen Psaki | 10:00 Live: The Rachel Maddow Show | 11:00 Live: The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell | 12:00 Live: The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle | 13:00 The Rachel Maddow Show | 14:00 The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell | 15:00 The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle | 16:00 Inside With Jen Psaki | 17:00 The Rachel Maddow Show | 18:00 Live: Way Too Early With Ali Vitali | 19:00 Live: Morning Joe | 23:00 Live: Ana Cabrera Reports | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: José Díaz-Balart Reports | 01:00 Live: MSNBC Reports | 02:00 Live: Chris Jansing Reports | 03:00 Live: Chris Jansing Reports | 04:00 Live: Katy Tur Reports | 05:00 Live: Deadline: White House | 07:00 Live: The Beat With Ari Melber | 08:00 Live: The ReidOut | 09:00 Live: All In With Chris Hayes | 10:00 Live: The Rachel Maddow Show | 11:00 Live: The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell | 12:00 Live: The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle | 13:00 The Rachel Maddow Show | 14:00 The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell | 15:00 The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle | 16:00 All In With Chris Hayes | 17:00 The Rachel Maddow Show | 18:00 Live: Way Too Early With Ali Vitali | 19:00 Live: Morning Joe | 23:00 Live: Ana Cabrera Reports | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: José Díaz-Balart Reports | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTV 2 - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ink Master | 01:00 Ink Master | 02:00 Ink Master | 03:00 Ink Master | 04:00 Ink Master | 05:00 Ink Master | 06:00 Ink Master | 07:00 Ink Master | 08:00 Ink Master | 09:00 Ink Master | 10:00 Ink Master | 11:00 Ink Master | 12:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 13:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 13:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 14:00 The Wayans Bros. | 14:30 The Wayans Bros. | 15:00 The Wayans Bros. | 15:30 The Wayans Bros. | 16:00 Living Single | 16:30 Living Single | 17:00 Living Single | 17:30 Living Single | 18:00 Living Single | 18:30 Living Single | 19:00 The Challenge | 20:30 The Challenge | 22:00 The Challenge | 23:30 The Challenge | 2025-02-19 01:00 The Challenge | 02:30 The Challenge | 04:00 The Challenge | 05:30 The Challenge | 07:00 The Challenge | 08:00 The Challenge | 09:00 The Challenge | 10:30 The Challenge | 12:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 12:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 13:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 13:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 14:00 The Wayans Bros. | 14:30 The Wayans Bros. | 15:00 The Wayans Bros. | 15:30 The Wayans Bros. | 16:00 Living Single | 16:30 Living Single | 17:00 Living Single | 17:30 Living Single | 18:00 Living Single | 18:30 Living Single | 19:00 The Challenge | 20:30 The Challenge | 22:00 The Challenge | 23:30 The Challenge | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTV Classic - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 MTV Classic | 01:00 MTV Classic | 02:00 MTV Classic | 03:00 MTV Classic | 04:00 MTV Classic | 05:00 MTV Classic | 06:00 MTV Classic | 07:00 MTV Classic | 08:00 MTV Classic | 09:00 MTV Classic | 10:00 MTV Classic | 11:00 MTV Classic | 12:00 MTV Classic | 13:00 MTV Classic | 14:00 MTV Classic | 15:00 MTV Classic | 16:00 MTV Classic | 17:00 MTV Classic | 18:00 Classic Videos | 19:00 Classic Videos | 20:00 Classic Videos | 21:00 I Want My 80s | 22:00 I Want My 80s | 23:00 I Want My 80s | 2025-02-19 00:00 I Want My 80s | 01:00 I Want My 80s | 02:00 Rock Block | 03:00 Rock Block | 04:00 Rock Block | 05:00 Rock Block | 06:00 Total Request Playlist | 07:00 Total Request Playlist | 08:00 Total Request Playlist | 09:00 Total Request Playlist | 10:00 Yo! Hip Hop Mix | 11:00 Yo! Hip Hop Mix | 12:00 Yo! Hip Hop Mix | 13:00 Yo! Hip Hop Mix | 14:00 Classic Videos | 15:00 Classic Videos | 16:00 Classic Videos | 17:00 Classic Videos | 18:00 Classic Videos | 19:00 Classic Videos | 20:00 Classic Videos | 21:00 90s Nation | 22:00 90s Nation | 23:00 90s Nation | 2025-02-20 00:00 90s Nation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTV India | 2025-02-18 00:00 Anything For Love | 01:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 02:00 Anything For Love | 03:00 Pump Up | 03:30 Pump Up | 04:00 Anything For Love | 05:00 Smash Hours | 07:30 Mtv Trending | 09:00 Love Bytes | 10:00 Roadies | 11:00 Pump Up | 12:00 Pump Up | 13:00 Pump Up | 14:00 Pump Up | 15:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 16:00 Pump Up | 17:00 Roadies | 18:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 19:00 Anything For Love | 20:00 Pump Up | 21:00 Anything For Love | 22:00 Anything For Love | 23:00 Pump Up | 2025-02-19 00:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 01:00 Pump Up | 02:00 Anything For Love | 03:00 Anything For Love | 03:30 Anything For Love | 04:00 Pump Up | 05:00 Smash Hours | 07:30 Mtv Trending | 09:00 Love Bytes | 10:00 Roadies | 11:00 Pump Up | 12:00 Pump Up | 13:00 Pump Up | 14:00 Pump Up | 15:00 Anything For Love | 16:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 17:00 Pump Up | 18:00 Roadies | 19:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 20:00 Anything For Love | 21:00 Pump Up | 22:00 Hit & Hot Top 20 | 23:00 Pump Up | 2025-02-20 00:00 Pump Up | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTV Live HD | 2025-02-18 00:30 MTV Live Vault! | 01:00 Global Beats | 02:00 Rock.Alt.Indie | 03:00 MTV Push Live 2020: Yungblud | 03:20 Fall Out Boy: I Want My MTV | 03:45 MTV World Stage | 04:30 HD Hits | 06:00 MTV Rewind | 07:00 Ed Sheeran x Adele x Lewis Capaldi | 08:30 MTV Live Vault! | 09:00 Rock.Alt.Indie | 10:00 Eric Clapton Unplugged... Over.. | 11:30 HD Hits | 13:00 Global Beats | 14:00 MTV Rewind | 15:00 20 Happy Love Songs! | 16:30 HD Hits | 17:00 Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat! | 18:00 Rock.Alt.Indie | 19:00 Eric Clapton Unplugged... Over.. | 20:30 HD Hits | 22:00 MTV Rewind | 23:00 20 Happy Love Songs! | 2025-02-19 00:30 HD Hits | 01:00 Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat! | 02:00 The Weeknd & Friends | 03:00 MTV World Stage | 03:45 MTV World Stage | 04:05 Dua Lipa: MTV Live Stage | 04:30 HD Hits | 06:00 MTV Rewind | 07:00 20 Happy Love Songs! | 08:30 HD Hits | 09:00 Rock.Alt.Indie | 10:00 MTV Push Live 2020: Yungblud | 10:20 Fall Out Boy: I Want My MTV | 10:45 MTV World Stage | 11:30 HD Hits | 13:00 Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat! | 14:00 MTV Rewind: 2013 | 15:00 SZA x Taylor Swift x Ariana Grande | 16:30 MTV Live Vault! | 17:00 Global Beats | 18:00 Rock.Alt.Indie | 19:00 MTV Push Live 2020: Yungblud | 19:20 Fall Out Boy: I Want My MTV | 19:45 MTV World Stage | 20:30 HD Hits | 22:00 MTV Rewind: 2013 | 23:00 SZA x Taylor Swift x Ariana Grande | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTV Tr3s - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Éxitos | 01:00 Éxitos | 02:00 Éxitos | 03:00 Éxitos | 03:30 ReMexa | 04:30 Éxitos | 05:00 2 x 1 | 05:30 Éxitos | 06:30 Éxitos | 07:00 Éxitos | 08:00 Éxitos | 09:00 Éxitos | 10:00 Tropicalisimo | 11:00 Fresh | 11:30 2 x 1 | 12:00 Éxitos | 13:00 Éxitos | 14:00 Éxitos | 15:00 ReMexa | 16:00 Fresh | 16:30 Éxitos | 17:00 2 x 1 | 17:30 Éxitos | 18:30 Éxitos | 19:00 Éxitos | 20:00 Éxitos | 21:00 Éxitos | 22:00 Tropicalisimo | 23:00 Fresh | 23:30 2 x 1 | 2025-02-19 00:00 Éxitos | 01:00 Éxitos | 02:00 Éxitos | 03:00 Éxitos | 03:30 ReMexa | 04:30 Éxitos | 05:00 2 x 1 | 05:30 Éxitos | 06:30 Éxitos | 07:00 Éxitos | 08:00 Éxitos | 09:00 Éxitos | 10:00 Tropicalisimo | 11:00 Fresh | 11:30 2 x 1 | 12:00 Éxitos | 13:00 Éxitos | 14:00 Éxitos | 15:00 ReMexa | 16:00 Fresh | 16:30 Éxitos | 17:00 2 x 1 | 17:30 Éxitos | 18:30 Éxitos | 19:00 Éxitos | 20:00 Éxitos | 21:00 Éxitos | 22:00 Tropicalisimo | 23:00 Fresh | 23:30 2 x 1 | 2025-02-20 00:00 Éxitos | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTV USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 01:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 02:00 The Big Bang Theory | 02:30 The Big Bang Theory | 03:00 The Big Bang Theory | 03:30 The Big Bang Theory | 04:00 The Big Bang Theory | 04:30 The Big Bang Theory | 05:00 The Big Bang Theory | 05:30 The Big Bang Theory | 06:00 The Big Bang Theory | 06:30 The Big Bang Theory | 07:00 The Big Bang Theory | 07:30 The Big Bang Theory | 08:00 Tammy | 10:15 Joe Dirt | 12:15 Tammy | 14:30 Ridiculousness | 15:00 Ridiculousness | 15:30 Ridiculousness | 16:00 Ridiculousness | 16:30 Ridiculousness | 17:00 Ridiculousness | 17:30 Ridiculousness | 18:00 Ridiculousness | 18:30 Ridiculousness | 19:00 Ridiculousness | 19:30 Ridiculousness | 20:00 Ridiculousness | 20:30 Ridiculousness | 21:00 Ridiculousness | 21:30 Ridiculousness | 22:00 Ridiculousness | 22:30 Ridiculousness | 23:00 Ridiculousness | 23:30 Ridiculousness | 2025-02-19 00:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 01:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 02:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 03:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 04:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 05:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 06:00 Catfish: The TV Show | 07:00 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta | 08:00 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta | 09:00 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta | 10:00 Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship! | 11:00 Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship! | 12:00 Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship! | 13:00 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta | 14:00 Caught in the Act: Unfaithful | 15:00 Caught in the Act: Unfaithful | 16:00 Ridiculousness | 16:30 Ridiculousness | 17:00 Ridiculousness | 17:30 Ridiculousness | 18:00 Ridiculousness | 18:30 Ridiculousness | 19:00 Ridiculousness | 19:30 Ridiculousness | 20:00 Ridiculousness | 20:30 Ridiculousness | 21:00 Ridiculousness | 21:30 Ridiculousness | 22:00 Ridiculousness | 22:30 Ridiculousness | 23:00 Ridiculousness | 23:30 Ridiculousness | 2025-02-20 00:00 Catfish: The TV Show | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NASA Public Educational Channel | 2025-02-18 03:00 Education Hour | 07:00 Education Hour | 11:00 Education Hour | 15:00 Education Hour | 19:00 Education Hour | 23:00 Education Hour | 2025-02-19 03:00 Education Hour | 07:00 Education Hour | 11:00 Education Hour | 15:00 Education Hour | 19:00 Education Hour | 23:00 Education Hour | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Geographic Mundo | 2025-02-18 00:00 El increíble Dr. Pol | 01:00 El increíble Dr. Pol | 02:00 El increíble Dr. Pol | 03:00 El increíble Dr. Pol | 04:00 El increíble Dr. Pol | 05:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 06:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 07:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 08:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 09:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 10:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 11:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 12:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 13:00 Los depredadores más peligrosos de África | 14:00 Peligros de la naturaleza | 15:00 Peligros de la naturaleza | 16:00 Peligros de la naturaleza | 17:00 Peligros de la naturaleza | 18:00 Los más peligrosos de América | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 La vida bajo cero | 22:00 La vida bajo cero | 23:00 La vida bajo cero | 2025-02-19 00:00 La vida bajo cero | 01:00 La vida bajo cero | 02:00 La vida bajo cero | 03:00 La vida bajo cero | 04:00 La vida bajo cero | 05:00 La vida bajo cero | 06:00 La vida bajo cero | 07:00 La vida bajo cero | 08:00 La vida bajo cero | 09:00 La vida bajo cero | 10:00 La vida bajo cero | 11:00 La vida bajo cero | 12:00 La vida bajo cero | 13:00 La vida bajo cero | 14:00 La vida bajo cero | 15:00 La vida bajo cero | 16:00 La vida bajo cero | 17:00 La vida bajo cero | 18:00 La vida bajo cero | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Rusia salvaje | 22:00 Rusia salvaje | 23:00 Rusia salvaje | 2025-02-20 00:00 Sobrevolando | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Geographic US - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 America's National Parks | 01:00 America's National Parks | 02:00 America's National Parks | 03:00 JFK: One Day in America | 04:00 JFK: One Day in America | 05:00 JFK: One Day in America | 06:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Madrid | 07:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 08:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 09:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 10:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 11:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 12:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 13:00 To Catch a Smuggler: Peru | 14:00 Drugs, Inc.: The Fix | 15:00 Drugs, Inc.: The Fix | 16:00 Drugs, Inc.: The Fix | 17:00 Drugs, Inc.: The Fix | 18:00 Drugs, Inc.: The Fix | 19:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:30 Official US Mint Star Privy Silver Eagle from CSN Mint! | 20:00 Car Repair Secrets! | 20:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:30 Looking for a Medicare plan? Tune in now! | 22:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 23:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 2025-02-19 00:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 01:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 02:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 03:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 04:00 Life Below Zero | 05:00 Life Below Zero | 06:00 Life Below Zero | 07:00 Life Below Zero | 08:00 Life Below Zero | 09:00 Life Below Zero | 10:00 Life Below Zero | 11:00 Port Protection Alaska | 12:00 Life Below Zero | 13:00 Life Below Zero | 14:00 Port Protection Alaska | 15:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 16:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 17:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 18:00 Life Below Zero: Next Generation | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Official Donald J. Trump Silver American Eagle from CSN Mint! | 20:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 20:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 21:00 Pain Relief TV | 21:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 22:00 Catch a Smuggler: South Pacific | 22:30 Catch a Smuggler: South Pacific | 23:00 Catch a Smuggler: South Pacific | 23:30 Catch a Smuggler: South Pacific | 2025-02-20 00:00 Catch a Smuggler: South Pacific | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Geographic Wild | 2025-02-18 00:00 Alaska Animal Rescue | 01:00 Alaska Animal Rescue | 02:00 Alaska Animal Rescue | 03:00 Alaska Animal Rescue | 04:00 Alaska Animal Rescue | 05:00 Alaska Animal Rescue | 06:00 Northwoods Survival | 07:00 Northwoods Survival | 08:00 Northwoods Survival | 09:00 Northwoods Survival | 10:00 Northwoods Survival | 11:00 Northwoods Survival | 12:00 Northwoods Survival | 13:00 Northwoods Survival | 14:00 Northwoods Survival | 15:00 Northwoods Survival | 16:00 Pain Relief TV | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 18:30 Pain Relief TV | 19:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 19:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 20:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 21:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 22:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 23:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 2025-02-19 00:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 01:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 02:00 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet | 03:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 04:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 05:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 06:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 07:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 08:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 09:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 10:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 11:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 12:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 13:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 14:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 15:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol | 16:00 Pain Relief TV | 17:00 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 18:30 Pain Relief TV | 19:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 19:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 20:00 Life Below Zero | 21:00 Life Below Zero | 22:00 Life Below Zero | 23:00 Life Below Zero | 2025-02-20 00:00 Life Below Zero | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Religious Broadcasting - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Dr. Marla | 00:30 Unlimited w/Dr. Karia Bunting | 01:00 New Life Live | 02:00 The 700 Club | 03:00 Financial Issues With Shana Burt | 03:30 Faithwalk With Ron Susek | 04:00 Life Today With James Robison | 04:30 Pray in Jesus' Name | 05:00 Focus on Israel | 05:30 Freedom Alive! | 06:00 Washington Watch With Tony Perkins | 07:00 Christian World News | 07:30 CBN Newswatch | 08:00 Deep Dive | 08:30 Kingdom in Konflict | 09:00 Cold Case Christianity | 09:30 Road Trip to Truth | 10:00 Summit Lectures | 10:30 The Alex McFarland Show | 11:00 Bethlehem Conferences | 12:00 Wretched | 12:30 Faith Nation | 13:00 Israel: The Prophetic Connection | 13:30 John MacArthur: Grace to You | 14:00 Power Walk Ministries with Pastor Paul Cannings, Ph.D | 14:30 Jim Cantelon Today | 15:00 Radiant TV | 17:00 Radiant TV | 19:00 Your Life | 19:30 Renewing Your Mind w/ R.C. Sproul | 20:00 Bible Discovery TV | 20:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 21:00 Love Israel | 21:30 Robert Jeffress | 22:00 David Jeremiah | 22:30 Joy With Danette Crawford | 23:00 Shaped by Faith | 23:30 Faithful Workouts | 2025-02-19 00:00 Dr. Marla | 00:30 Unlimited w/Dr. Karia Bunting | 01:00 New Life Live | 02:00 The 700 Club | 03:00 Financial Issues With Shana Burt | 03:30 Faithwalk With Ron Susek | 04:00 Life Today With James Robison | 04:30 Pray in Jesus' Name | 05:00 Focus on Israel | 05:30 Freedom Alive! | 06:00 Washington Watch With Tony Perkins | 07:00 Christian World News | 07:30 CBN Newswatch | 08:00 Deep Dive | 08:30 Kingdom in Konflict | 09:00 Cold Case Christianity | 09:30 Road Trip to Truth | 10:00 Summit Lectures | 10:30 The Alex McFarland Show | 11:00 Bethlehem Conferences | 12:00 Wretched | 12:30 Faith Nation | 13:00 The 700 Club | 14:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 14:30 Tony Evans | 15:00 Radiant TV | 17:00 Radiant TV | 19:00 Love a Child | 19:30 Renewing Your Mind w/ R.C. Sproul | 20:00 Bible Discovery TV | 20:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 21:00 CrossTalk | 21:30 Robert Jeffress | 22:00 David Jeremiah | 22:30 Life Recovery Today With Stephen Arterburn | 23:00 Shaped by Faith | 23:30 Faithful Workouts | 2025-02-20 00:00 Dr. Marla | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBA TV USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 NBA All-Star | 00:45 2025 NBA All-Star Game | 02:45 NBA All-Star | 03:30 Dunk Contest | 04:00 2025 NBA All-Star Saturday Night | 05:30 Dunk Contest | 06:00 Run It Back | 07:00 Basketball Stories: Bay Area Hoops | 08:00 Run It Back | 09:00 2025 NBA All-Star Saturday Night | 10:30 Basketball Stories: Bay Area Hoops | 11:30 2025 NBA All-Star Game | 13:30 Basketball Stories: Bay Area Hoops | 14:30 2025 NBA All-Star Saturday Night | 16:00 2025 NBA All-Star Game | 18:00 Basketball Stories: Bay Area Hoops | 19:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 21:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 23:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 2025-02-19 01:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 03:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 05:00 Run It Back | 06:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 08:00 Run It Back | 09:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 11:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 13:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 15:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 17:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 19:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 21:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | 23:00 NBA TV Marquee Matchup | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC (KNBC) Los Angeles, CA | 2025-02-18 01:00 Today 3rd Hour | 02:00 Today With Jenna & Friends | 03:00 NBC4 News at 11am | 03:30 California Live | 04:00 NBC News Daily | 05:00 Access Daily With Mario & Kit | 06:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 07:00 NBC4 News at 3pm | 07:30 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 08:00 NBC4 News at 4pm | 09:00 NBC4 News at 5pm | 10:00 6PM: NBC4 News at 6PM | 10:30 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 11:00 NBC4 News at 7pm | 11:30 Access Hollywood | 12:00 The Voice | 14:00 The Hunting Party | 15:00 NBC4 News at 11pm | 15:34 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon | 16:37 Late Night With Seth Meyers | 17:37 NBC4 News at 11pm | 18:07 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 18:37 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 19:30 Early Today | 20:00 Today in LA @ 4AM | 20:30 Today in LA @ 4:30AM | 21:00 Today in LA @ 5AM | 22:00 Today in LA @ 6AM | 23:00 Today | 2025-02-19 01:00 Today 3rd Hour | 02:00 Today With Jenna & Friends | 03:00 NBC4 News at 11am | 03:30 California Live | 04:00 NBC News Daily | 05:00 Access Daily With Mario & Kit | 06:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 07:00 NBC4 News at 3pm | 07:30 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 08:00 NBC4 News at 4pm | 09:00 NBC4 News at 5pm | 10:00 6PM: NBC4 News at 6PM | 10:30 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 11:00 NBC4 News at 7pm | 11:30 Access Hollywood | 12:00 St. Denis Medical | 12:30 Night Court | 13:00 Deal or No Deal Island | 14:00 The Irrational | 15:00 NBC4 News at 11pm | 15:34 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon | 16:37 Late Night With Seth Meyers | 17:37 NBC4 News at 11pm | 18:07 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 18:37 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 19:30 Early Today | 20:00 Today in LA @ 4AM | 20:30 Today in LA @ 4:30AM | 21:00 Today in LA @ 5AM | 22:00 Today in LA @ 6AM | 23:00 Today | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC (WNBC) New York, NY | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: News 4 NY at 11AM | 00:30 Live: New York Live | 01:00 NBC News Daily | 02:00 Dateline | 03:00 Access Daily With Mario & Kit | 04:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 05:00 Live: News 4 NY at 4 | 05:30 Live: News 4 NY at 4:30 | 06:00 Live: News 4 NY at 5 | 06:30 Live: News 4 NY at 5:30 | 07:00 Live: News 4 NY at 6 | 07:30 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 08:00 News 4 NY at 7 | 08:30 Access Hollywood | 09:00 The Voice | 11:00 The Hunting Party | 12:00 Live: News 4 NY at 11 | 12:34 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon | 13:37 Late Night With Seth Meyers | 14:37 News 4 NY at 11 | 15:07 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 15:37 Access Hollywood | 16:07 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 17:00 Early Today | 17:30 Today in New York | 18:00 Today in New York | 20:00 Today | 22:00 Today 3rd Hour | 23:00 Today With Jenna & Friends | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: News 4 NY at 11AM | 00:30 Live: New York Live | 01:00 NBC News Daily | 02:00 Dateline | 03:00 Access Daily With Mario & Kit | 04:00 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 05:00 Live: News 4 NY at 4 | 05:30 Live: News 4 NY at 4:30 | 06:00 Live: News 4 NY at 5 | 06:30 Live: News 4 NY at 5:30 | 07:00 Live: News 4 NY at 6 | 07:30 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 08:00 News 4 NY at 7 | 08:30 Access Hollywood | 09:00 St. Denis Medical | 09:30 Night Court | 10:00 Deal or No Deal Island | 11:00 The Irrational | 12:00 Live: News 4 NY at 11 | 12:34 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon | 13:37 Late Night With Seth Meyers | 14:37 News 4 NY at 11 | 15:07 NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt | 15:37 Access Hollywood | 16:07 The Kelly Clarkson Show | 17:00 Early Today | 17:30 Today in New York | 18:00 Today in New York | 20:00 Today | 22:00 Today 3rd Hour | 23:00 Today With Jenna & Friends | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: News 4 NY at 11AM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports | 2025-02-19 10:00 Dakar Rally | 13:00 Dakar Rally | 14:00 Dakar Rally | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports Bay Area | 2025-02-18 00:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 00:30 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 01:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 01:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 02:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 02:30 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 03:00 Paid Programming | 04:00 On the Rise: JuJu Watkins | 04:30 FIBA World Basketball | 05:00 WNBL Basketball | 07:00 Air Force Super Girl Surf Pro 2024 | 08:00 Triton Poker Series | 09:00 World Chase Tag | 10:00 The Wager | 10:30 The Card Life | 11:00 World Poker Tour | 12:00 Poker Night in America | 12:30 Poker Night in America | 13:00 World Chase Tag | 14:00 Legends | 15:00 Triton Poker Series | 16:00 World Chase Tag | 17:00 Legends | 18:00 World Poker Tour | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 20:00 Triton Poker Series | 21:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 21:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 22:00 Premier League Soccer | 2025-02-19 00:00 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 00:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 01:00 Paid Programming | 01:30 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 02:00 Rare Silver & Gold Coins | 02:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 03:00 Rare Silver & Gold Coins | 03:30 Relief from Inflammation | 04:00 World Chase Tag | 05:00 Track and Field | 07:00 On the Rise: JuJu Watkins | 07:30 On the Rise: JuJu Watkins | 08:00 World Poker Tour | 09:00 Dubs Talk | 09:30 The Card Life | 10:00 Men's Six Nations Rugby | 12:00 Premier League Soccer | 14:00 On the Rise: JuJu Watkins | 14:30 On the Rise: JuJu Watkins | 15:00 World Poker Tour | 16:00 Dubs Talk | 16:30 Dubs Talk | 17:00 The Wager | 17:30 The Card Life | 18:00 Poker Night in America | 18:30 Poker Night in America | 19:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 19:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 20:00 World Poker Tour | 21:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 21:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 22:00 The Golf Fix | 22:30 Destination Golf | 23:00 Saturday Foursome | 23:30 Destination Golf | 2025-02-20 00:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports Bay Area/California Plus | 2025-02-18 06:00 Local Programming | 09:30 Local Programming | 12:30 Local Programming | 13:00 Local Programming | 14:00 Local Programming | 22:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 06:00 Local Programming | 11:30 Local Programming | 12:00 Local Programming | 14:30 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 22:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports Bay Area/California Plus HD | 2025-02-18 06:00 Local Programming | 09:30 Local Programming | 12:30 Local Programming | 13:00 Local Programming | 14:00 Local Programming | 22:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 06:00 Local Programming | 11:30 Local Programming | 12:00 Local Programming | 14:30 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 22:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports Boston | 2025-02-18 03:00 Live: Felger & Mazz Radio | 07:00 Live: Early Edition | 08:00 Early Edition | 09:00 Best of Felger & Mazz Radio | 10:00 Best of Zolak and Bertrand | 11:00 Live: Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 12:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 13:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 14:00 World Poker Tour | 15:00 Transform your home today, fast & easy! | 15:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 16:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Emeril's Dual Zone Air Fryer Oven! | 17:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 18:00 Pain Relief TV | 18:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 19:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 20:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 21:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 22:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 23:00 Live: Zolak and Bertrand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Live: Felger & Mazz Radio | 07:00 Live: Early Edition | 08:00 Early Edition | 09:00 Best of Felger & Mazz Radio | 10:00 Best of Zolak and Bertrand | 11:00 Live: Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 12:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 13:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 14:00 World Poker Tour | 15:00 Transform your home today, fast & easy! | 15:30 The OmegaXL Investigation | 16:00 Emeril's Dual Zone Air Fryer Oven! | 16:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 17:00 Pain Relief TV | 17:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 18:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 18:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 19:30 Transform your home today, fast & easy! | 20:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 21:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 22:00 Boston Sports Tonight with Felger and Holley | 23:00 Live: Zolak and Bertrand | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports California | 2025-02-18 00:00 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 00:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 01:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 01:30 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 02:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 02:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 03:00 Pain Relief TV | 03:30 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 04:00 Paid Programming | 04:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 05:00 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 05:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 06:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 06:30 Paid Programming | 07:00 The National Dog Show | 09:00 Fight Sports MMA | 10:00 The Immortals | 10:30 Invincible | 11:00 The National Dog Show | 13:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 15:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 15:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 16:00 World Championship Kickboxing | 17:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 17:30 In This Corner | 18:00 Chasing Gold: Milan Cortina 2026 | 19:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 19:30 Invincible | 20:00 The Immortals | 20:30 Pure Outdoor | 21:00 Emerald Tails | 21:30 Goliath Fishing | 22:00 49ers Cal-Hi Sports Report | 23:00 The Wager | 23:30 Pure Outdoor | 2025-02-19 00:00 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 00:30 Promote Normal Bladder Control & Urinary Tract Health with MyBladder | 01:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 01:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 02:00 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 02:30 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 03:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 03:30 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 04:00 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 04:30 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 05:00 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 05:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 06:00 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 06:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 07:00 The Wager | 07:30 FIBA World Basketball | 08:00 2024 Incredible Dog Challenge | 09:00 World Championship Kickboxing | 10:00 Life in Between Gates | 11:00 49ers Cal-Hi Sports Report | 12:00 Kings Central | 12:30 On the Rise: JuJu Watkins | 13:00 Fight Sports MMA | 14:00 United Fight Alliance | 15:00 United Fight Alliance | 16:00 World Championship Sumo | 17:00 World Championship Kickboxing | 18:00 Kings Central | 18:30 Kings Central | 19:00 The National Dog Show | 20:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 21:30 Angler West | 22:00 Premier League Soccer | 2025-02-20 00:00 Pain Relief TV | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports Philadelphia HDTV (NBCSPAHD) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Inside Golf | 00:30 Snow Motion | 01:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 02:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 02:30 Paid Programming | 03:00 Live: The Best Show Ever? | 07:00 Live: Birds Huddle | 07:30 Birds Huddle | 08:00 The Best Show Ever? | 11:00 Birds Huddle | 11:30 Inside Villanova Basketball With Kyle Neptune | 12:00 Women's College Hockey | 14:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 The Magnesium Super Formula For Vibrant Days & Restful Nights | 16:00 Cleaning Secret Weapon! | 16:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 17:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Relieve your foot pain with WalkFit! | 18:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 19:00 SportsNet Central | 20:00 SportsNet Central | 21:00 SportsNet Central | 22:00 SportsNet Central | 23:00 SportsNet Central | 2025-02-19 00:00 World Poker Tour | 01:00 Paid Programming | 01:30 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 02:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 02:30 Let's Make Medicare Easier | 03:00 Live: The Best Show Ever? | 07:00 Live: Birds Huddle | 07:30 A-10 Hoops Talk: Beyond the Paint | 08:00 Hank Gathers: Made in Philly | 09:00 Chocolate Thunder: The Story of Darryl Dawkins | 10:00 Wilt Chamberlain: The Greatest of All Time | 11:00 Birds Huddle | 11:30 A-10 Hoops Talk: Beyond the Paint | 12:00 The Card Life | 12:30 The Best Show Ever? | 14:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 16:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 16:30 Relief from Inflammation | 17:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Relieve your foot pain with WalkFit! | 18:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 19:00 SportsNet Central | 20:00 SportsNet Central | 21:00 SportsNet Central | 22:00 SportsNet Central | 23:00 SportsNet Central | 2025-02-20 00:00 FIBA World Basketball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Sports Philadelphia Plus (NBCSPA+) | 2025-02-18 01:00 Paid Programming | 01:30 Paid Programming | 02:00 Paid Programming | 02:30 Paid Programming | 03:00 Paid Programming | 03:30 Paid Programming | 04:00 Paid Programming | 04:30 Paid Programming | 05:00 Paid Programming | 05:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 06:00 Inside Villanova Basketball With Kyle Neptune | 06:30 Pure Outdoor | 07:00 A Fishing Story | 07:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 08:00 What's Brewing | 08:30 Inside Golf | 09:00 Traveling Golfer | 09:30 Snow Motion | 10:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 12:00 United Fight Alliance | 13:00 Paid Programming | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 19:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 21:00 Looking for a Medicare Plan? Tune in now! | 23:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 2025-02-19 01:00 1 Day Bathroom Flip | 03:00 Do You Need a Stairlift? | 05:00 Paid Programming | 05:30 Paid Programming | 06:00 World Chase Tag | 07:00 The Short List | 07:30 The Immortals | 08:00 Premier League Soccer | 10:00 Premier League Soccer | 12:00 Triton Poker Series | 13:00 Paid Programming | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 Prostate Problems? Get Relief Fast! | 17:00 Achy Legs? Get Relief! | 18:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | 19:00 Premier League Soccer | 21:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 23:00 Operation Smile: Celebrate World Smile Day | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NBC Universo - Eastern feed | 2025-02-18 02:00 Infiel: Historia de un engaño | 03:00 Los herederos del monte | 04:00 Dra. Lucía: Un don extraordinario | 05:00 Escape perfecto | 06:00 Historias de la Virgen morena | 07:00 Acércate a Rocío | 08:00 Caso cerrado | 09:00 Caso cerrado | 10:00 Caso cerrado | 11:00 La familia | 12:00 Dra. Lucía: Un don extraordinario | 13:00 Caso cerrado | 14:00 Caso cerrado | 15:00 12 corazones | 16:00 12 corazones | 17:00 12 corazones | 18:00 12 corazones | 19:00 Funniest Pets and People | 19:30 Funniest Pets and People | 20:00 Life's Funniest Moments | 20:30 Life's Funniest Moments | 21:00 Caso cerrado | 22:00 Caso cerrado | 23:00 Top Chef VIP | 23:58 Top Chef VIP | 2025-02-19 02:00 Infiel: Historia de un engaño | 03:00 Los herederos del monte | 04:00 Dra. Lucía: Un don extraordinario | 05:00 Escape perfecto | 06:00 Historias de la Virgen morena | 07:00 Acércate a Rocío | 08:00 Caso cerrado | 09:00 Caso cerrado | 10:00 Caso cerrado | 11:00 La jefa | 12:00 Dra. Lucía: Un don extraordinario | 13:00 Caso cerrado | 14:00 Caso cerrado | 15:00 12 corazones | 16:00 12 corazones | 17:00 12 corazones | 18:00 12 corazones | 19:00 Funniest Pets and People | 19:30 Funniest Pets and People | 20:00 Life's Funniest Moments | 20:30 Life's Funniest Moments | 21:00 Caso cerrado | 22:00 Caso cerrado | 23:00 Top Chef VIP | 23:58 Top Chef VIP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New England Sports Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 NESN Rundown | 02:00 Bruins Academy | 02:30 Behind the B | 03:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 05:00 Live: Professional Women's Hockey League | 07:30 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 08:00 My Story | 08:30 My Story | 09:00 Lou Montgomery: A Legacy Restored | 10:00 Lou Montgomery: His Story is Our Story | 11:00 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 11:30 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 12:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 12:30 Travel Moore with Anthony Moore | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 Golf America | 15:30 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 16:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 18:00 NESN Retro | 19:00 Behind the B | 19:30 Behind the B | 20:00 Live: VSiN by the Books | 22:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 23:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 2025-02-19 00:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 NESN Rundown | 02:00 Meet Boston with Billy & Jenny | 02:30 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 03:00 Wicked Bites | 03:30 A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green | 04:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 06:00 Boston Globe Today | 06:30 NESN Rundown | 07:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 07:30 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 08:00 Live: Professional Women's Hockey League | 10:30 Up The Hearts Documentary | 11:00 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 11:30 NESN Clubhouse | 12:00 New England Hockey Journal | 12:30 New England Ski Journal | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 16:00 Fight Sports MMA | 17:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 18:00 NESN Retro | 19:00 Behind the B | 19:30 Boston Globe Today | 20:00 Live: VSiN by the Books | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 23:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 23:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 2025-02-20 00:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New England Sports Network HDTV (NESNHD) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 NESN Rundown | 02:00 Bruins Academy | 02:30 Behind the B | 03:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 05:00 Live: Professional Women's Hockey League | 07:30 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 08:00 My Story | 08:30 My Story | 09:00 Lou Montgomery: A Legacy Restored | 10:00 Lou Montgomery: His Story is Our Story | 11:00 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 11:30 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 12:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 12:30 Travel Moore with Anthony Moore | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 Golf America | 15:30 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 16:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 18:00 NESN Retro | 19:00 Behind the B | 19:30 Behind the B | 20:00 Live: VSiN by the Books | 22:00 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 23:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 2025-02-19 00:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 NESN Rundown | 02:00 Meet Boston with Billy & Jenny | 02:30 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 03:00 Wicked Bites | 03:30 A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green | 04:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 06:00 Boston Globe Today | 06:30 NESN Rundown | 07:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 07:30 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 08:00 Live: Professional Women's Hockey League | 10:30 Up The Hearts Documentary | 11:00 Red Sox from Fort Myers | 11:30 NESN Clubhouse | 12:00 New England Hockey Journal | 12:30 New England Ski Journal | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 16:00 Fight Sports MMA | 17:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 18:00 NESN Retro | 19:00 Behind the B | 19:30 Boston Globe Today | 20:00 Live: VSiN by the Books | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 23:00 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 23:30 Best Cooling Topper for Back & Hip Pain! | 2025-02-20 00:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
New England Sports Network Plus | 2025-02-18 00:00 Red Sox Classics | 02:00 Bruins: On This Day | 04:00 Golf America | 04:30 Golf Destination | 05:00 Follow the Money | 08:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 10:00 Fight Sports MMA | 11:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 12:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 12:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 13:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 13:30 Sports Spotlight Series | 14:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 16:00 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 16:30 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 17:00 Dirty Water TV | 17:30 Dirty Water TV | 18:00 History of the Boston Bruins | 20:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 22:00 VSiN by the Books | 23:00 NESN Rundown | 2025-02-19 00:00 Red Sox Classics | 02:00 Bruins: On This Day | 04:00 Meet Boston with Billy & Jenny | 04:30 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 05:00 Follow the Money | 08:00 TNA iMPACT! | 10:00 OVW Wrestling | 12:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 12:30 Boston Globe Today | 13:00 Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 14:00 Fight Sports MMA | 15:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 16:00 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 16:30 Dining Playbook With Billy and Jenny | 17:00 Dirty Water TV | 17:30 Dirty Water TV | 18:00 Goliath Fishing | 18:30 Lindner's Angling Edge | 19:00 Texas Trophy Hunters | 19:30 Raised Hunting | 20:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 22:00 VSiN by the Books | 23:00 NESN Rundown | 2025-02-20 00:00 Red Sox Classics | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
News 12 New Jersey | 2025-02-18 00:00 News 12 New Jersey | 00:30 News 12 New Jersey | 01:00 News 12 New Jersey | 01:30 News 12 New Jersey | 02:00 News 12 New Jersey | 02:30 News 12 New Jersey | 03:00 News 12 New Jersey | 03:30 News 12 New Jersey | 04:00 News 12 New Jersey | 04:30 News 12 New Jersey | 05:00 News 12 New Jersey | 05:30 News 12 New Jersey | 06:00 News 12 New Jersey | 06:30 News 12 New Jersey | 07:00 News 12 New Jersey | 07:30 News 12 New Jersey | 08:00 News 12 New Jersey | 08:30 News 12 New Jersey | 09:00 News 12 New Jersey | 09:30 News 12 New Jersey | 10:00 News 12 New Jersey | 10:30 News 12 New Jersey | 11:00 News 12 New Jersey | 11:30 News 12 New Jersey | 12:00 News 12 New Jersey | 12:30 News 12 New Jersey | 13:00 News 12 New Jersey | 13:30 News 12 New Jersey | 14:00 Paid Programming | 14:30 Paid Programming | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 News 12 New Jersey | 16:30 News 12 New Jersey | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 News 12 New Jersey | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 News 12 New Jersey | 19:30 News 12 New Jersey | 20:00 News 12 New Jersey | 20:30 News 12 New Jersey | 21:00 News 12 New Jersey | 21:30 News 12 New Jersey | 22:00 News 12 New Jersey | 22:30 News 12 New Jersey | 23:00 News 12 New Jersey | 23:30 News 12 New Jersey | 2025-02-19 00:00 News 12 New Jersey | 00:30 News 12 New Jersey | 01:00 News 12 New Jersey | 01:30 News 12 New Jersey | 02:00 News 12 New Jersey | 02:30 News 12 New Jersey | 03:00 News 12 New Jersey | 03:30 News 12 New Jersey | 04:00 News 12 New Jersey | 04:30 News 12 New Jersey | 05:00 News 12 New Jersey | 05:30 News 12 New Jersey | 06:00 News 12 New Jersey | 06:30 News 12 New Jersey | 07:00 News 12 New Jersey | 07:30 News 12 New Jersey | 08:00 News 12 New Jersey | 08:30 News 12 New Jersey | 09:00 News 12 New Jersey | 09:30 News 12 New Jersey | 10:00 News 12 New Jersey | 10:30 News 12 New Jersey | 11:00 News 12 New Jersey | 11:30 News 12 New Jersey | 12:00 News 12 New Jersey | 12:30 News 12 New Jersey | 13:00 News 12 New Jersey | 13:30 News 12 New Jersey | 14:00 News 12 New Jersey | 14:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 15:00 News 12 New Jersey | 15:30 Who Has Access to Your Data | 16:00 News 12 New Jersey | 16:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 17:00 News 12 New Jersey | 17:30 News 12 New Jersey | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 News 12 New Jersey | 19:00 News 12 New Jersey | 19:30 News 12 New Jersey | 20:00 News 12 New Jersey | 20:30 News 12 New Jersey | 21:00 News 12 New Jersey | 21:30 News 12 New Jersey | 22:00 News 12 New Jersey | 22:30 News 12 New Jersey | 23:00 News 12 New Jersey | 23:30 News 12 New Jersey | 2025-02-20 00:00 News 12 New Jersey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NewsMax TV | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live: Newsline | 03:00 Live: American Agenda | 05:00 Live: The Chris Salcedo Show | 06:00 Live: Carl Higbie Frontline | 07:00 Live: The Record with Greta Van Susteren | 08:00 Live: Rob Schmitt Tonight | 09:00 Live: Finnerty | 10:00 Live: Greg Kelly Reports | 11:00 Live: Chris Plante The Right Squad | 12:00 Rob Schmitt Tonight | 13:00 Finnerty | 14:00 Greg Kelly Reports | 15:00 The Record with Greta Van Susteren | 16:00 Wendy Bell Common Sense | 16:30 Rob Carson's What in the World? | 17:00 Michael Savage: Savage Nation | 18:00 Stand Up Trump: Making America Fun Again | 18:30 Stand Up Trump: Making America Fun Again | 19:00 Rob Carson's What in the World? | 19:30 Live: Wake Up America | 22:00 Live: The National Report | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live: Newsline | 03:00 Live: American Agenda | 05:00 Live: The Chris Salcedo Show | 06:00 Live: Carl Higbie Frontline | 07:00 Live: The Record with Greta Van Susteren | 08:00 Live: Rob Schmitt Tonight | 09:00 Live: Finnerty | 10:00 Live: Greg Kelly Reports | 11:00 Live: Chris Plante The Right Squad | 12:00 Rob Schmitt Tonight | 13:00 Finnerty | 14:00 Greg Kelly Reports | 15:00 The Record with Greta Van Susteren | 16:00 The Chris Salcedo Show | 17:00 9/11: The Day That Shook the World | 18:00 Cops Under Fire | 19:00 Greg Kelly This Week | 19:30 Live: Wake Up America | 22:00 Live: The National Report | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NewsNation - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: NewsNation Live | 01:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 02:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 03:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 04:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 05:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 06:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 07:00 Live: The Hill | 08:00 Live: Elizabeth Vargas Reports | 09:00 Live: Cuomo | 10:00 Live: On Balance With Leland Vittert | 11:00 Live: Banfield | 12:00 Cuomo | 13:00 On Balance With Leland Vittert | 14:00 Banfield | 15:00 Cuomo | 16:00 On Balance With Leland Vittert | 17:00 Banfield | 18:00 The Hill | 19:00 Live: Morning in America | 20:00 Live: Morning in America | 21:00 Live: Morning in America | 22:00 Live: NewsNation Live | 23:00 Live: NewsNation Live | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: NewsNation Live | 01:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 02:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 03:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 04:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 05:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 06:00 Live: NewsNation Now | 07:00 Live: The Hill | 08:00 Live: Elizabeth Vargas Reports | 09:00 Live: Cuomo | 10:00 Live: On Balance With Leland Vittert | 11:00 Live: Banfield | 12:00 Cuomo | 13:00 On Balance With Leland Vittert | 14:00 Banfield | 15:00 Cuomo | 16:00 On Balance With Leland Vittert | 17:00 Banfield | 18:00 The Hill | 19:00 Live: Morning in America | 20:00 Live: Morning in America | 21:00 Live: Morning in America | 22:00 Live: NewsNation Live | 23:00 Live: NewsNation Live | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: NewsNation Live | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Next Level Sports | 2025-02-18 00:00 Bundesliga Basketball | 02:00 The Immortals | 02:30 The Short List | 03:00 Liga ACB Basketball | 05:00 Rivals | 05:30 Rivals | 06:00 Lacrosse | 07:30 Jai Alai | 09:30 CEBL Basketball | 11:30 Blackjack | 12:00 World Poker Tour | 13:00 World Poker Tour | 14:00 World Poker Tour | 15:00 World Poker Tour | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Boys High School Basketball | 19:00 Bundesliga Basketball | 21:00 Get Growing | 21:30 The Immortals | 22:00 FlingGolf: San Diego Open | 22:30 FlingGolf: San Diego Open | 23:00 The Short List | 23:30 The Short List | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Immortals | 00:30 How Good is Golf | 01:00 FlingGolf: San Diego Open | 01:30 The Short List | 02:00 WNBL Basketball | 04:00 Bundesliga Basketball | 06:00 Boys High School Basketball | 07:30 All In: More to Gain | 08:30 The Short List | 09:00 Italian Basket Serie A League | 11:00 Sportswoman | 11:30 Blackjack | 14:00 Blackjack | 15:00 World Poker Tour | 16:00 World Poker Tour | 17:00 Italian Basket Serie A League | 19:00 Bundesliga Basketball | 21:00 Sports Quest | 21:30 Sports Quest | 22:00 Rivals | 22:30 Rivals | 23:00 Lacrosse | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NFL Network | 2025-02-18 02:00 NFL Football | 05:00 NFL Football | 08:00 The Insiders | 09:00 NFL 360 | 10:30 NFL 360 | 12:00 The Insiders | 13:00 NFL Football | 16:00 NFL Football | 19:00 The Insiders | 20:00 NFL Football | 23:00 NFL Football | 2025-02-19 02:00 NFL Football | 05:00 NFL Football | 08:00 The Insiders | 09:00 A Football Life | 10:00 A Football Life | 11:00 A Football Life | 12:00 The Insiders | 13:00 NFL Football | 16:00 NFL Football | 19:00 The Insiders | 20:00 NFL Football | 23:00 NFL Football | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NFL RedZone | 2025-02-18 05:00 Every Sunday Afternoon | 13:00 Every Sunday Afternoon | 21:00 Every Sunday Afternoon | 2025-02-19 05:00 Every Sunday Afternoon | 13:00 Every Sunday Afternoon | 21:00 Every Sunday Afternoon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NHL Network USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Breaking Down Barriers | 00:30 Breaking Down Barriers | 01:00 Top Shelf | 02:00 NHL Classics | 03:00 NHL Classics | 04:00 NHL Network Countdown | 04:30 2025 Navy Federal Credit Union NHL Stadium Series Preview Show | 05:00 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 07:00 Top Shelf | 08:00 Live: NHL Tonight | 09:00 NHL Classics | 10:00 NHL Classics | 11:00 NHL Network Countdown | 11:30 Live: NHL Tonight | 12:30 NHL Tonight | 13:30 NHL Tonight | 14:30 NHL Tonight | 15:30 NHL Tonight | 16:30 NHL Tonight | 17:30 NHL Tonight | 18:00 NHL Tonight | 19:00 NHL Tonight | 20:00 NHL Tonight | 21:00 NHL Tonight | 22:00 NHL Tonight | 23:00 NHL Tonight | 2025-02-19 00:00 NHL Tonight | 01:00 NHL Tonight | 02:00 NHL Tonight | 03:00 Live: Champions Hockey League | 05:30 NHL Hockey | 07:30 NHL Hockey | 09:30 NHL Hockey | 11:30 2025 Navy Federal Credit Union NHL Stadium Series Preview Show | 12:00 The Cannons | 13:00 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 15:00 NHL Hockey | 17:00 NHL Hockey | 19:00 NHL Hockey | 21:00 NHL Hockey | 23:00 NHL Hockey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NHL Network USA Alternate | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nick Jr. - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Bubble Guppies | 01:00 PAW Patrol | 02:00 The Adventures of Paddington | 02:30 Peppa Pig | 04:00 PAW Patrol: The Movie | 06:00 PAW Patrol | 06:30 DORA | 07:00 PAW Patrol | 09:00 PAW Patrol | 09:30 PAW Patrol | 10:00 PAW Patrol | 10:30 PAW Patrol | 11:00 PAW Patrol | 11:30 PAW Patrol | 12:00 Rubble & Crew | 12:30 Rubble & Crew | 13:00 Bubble Guppies | 13:28 Bubble Guppies | 13:56 Bubble Guppies | 14:24 Team Umizoomi | 14:51 Team Umizoomi | 15:15 Bubble Guppies | 15:39 Bubble Guppies | 16:04 Peppa Pig | 16:28 Peppa Pig | 16:52 Peppa Pig | 17:17 PAW Patrol | 17:41 PAW Patrol | 18:05 PAW Patrol | 18:30 PAW Patrol | 19:00 PAW Patrol | 19:30 PAW Patrol | 20:00 Bubble Guppies | 20:30 Bubble Guppies | 21:00 Bubble Guppies | 21:30 DORA | 22:00 Peppa Pig | 22:30 Peppa Pig | 23:00 Bubble Guppies | 23:30 Bubble Guppies | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bubble Guppies | 00:30 Bubble Guppies | 01:00 PAW Patrol | 01:30 PAW Patrol | 02:00 The Adventures of Paddington | 02:30 Peppa Pig | 03:00 Bubble Guppies | 03:30 Bubble Guppies | 04:00 Rubble & Crew | 04:30 Rubble & Crew | 05:00 PAW Patrol | 05:30 PAW Patrol | 06:00 PAW Patrol | 06:30 DORA | 07:00 PAW Patrol | 07:30 PAW Patrol | 08:00 The Smurfs 2 | 10:00 PAW Patrol | 11:00 PAW Patrol | 11:30 PAW Patrol | 12:00 Rubble & Crew | 12:30 Rubble & Crew | 13:00 Bubble Guppies | 13:28 Bubble Guppies | 13:56 Bubble Guppies | 14:24 Team Umizoomi | 14:51 Team Umizoomi | 15:15 Bubble Guppies | 15:39 Bubble Guppies | 16:04 Peppa Pig | 16:28 Peppa Pig | 16:52 Peppa Pig | 17:17 PAW Patrol | 17:41 PAW Patrol | 18:05 PAW Patrol | 18:30 PAW Patrol | 19:00 PAW Patrol | 19:30 PAW Patrol | 20:00 Bubble Guppies | 20:30 Bubble Guppies | 21:00 Bubble Guppies | 21:30 DORA | 22:00 Peppa Pig | 22:30 Peppa Pig | 23:00 Bubble Guppies | 23:30 Bubble Guppies | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bubble Guppies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nick Music (NICM) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Videos We Heart | 01:00 Party Playlist | 02:00 Mega Hits | 03:00 Pop Paradise | 04:00 Videos We Heart | 05:00 Party Playlist | 06:00 Mega Hits | 07:00 Pop Paradise | 08:00 Videos We Heart | 09:00 Party Playlist | 10:00 Mega Hits | 11:00 Pop Paradise | 12:00 Videos We Heart | 13:00 Party Playlist | 14:00 Mega Hits | 15:00 Pop Paradise | 16:00 Videos We Heart | 17:00 Party Playlist | 18:00 Mega Hits | 19:00 Pop Paradise | 20:00 Videos We Heart | 21:00 Party Playlist | 22:00 Mega Hits | 23:00 Pop Paradise | 2025-02-19 00:00 Videos We Heart | 01:00 Party Playlist | 02:00 Mega Hits | 03:00 Pop Paradise | 04:00 Videos We Heart | 05:00 Party Playlist | 06:00 Mega Hits | 07:00 Pop Paradise | 08:00 Videos We Heart | 09:00 Party Playlist | 10:00 Mega Hits | 11:00 Pop Paradise | 12:00 Videos We Heart | 13:00 Party Playlist | 14:00 Mega Hits | 15:00 Pop Paradise | 16:00 Videos We Heart | 17:00 Party Playlist | 18:00 Mega Hits | 19:00 Pop Paradise | 20:00 Videos We Heart | 21:00 Party Playlist | 22:00 Mega Hits | 23:00 Pop Paradise | 2025-02-20 00:00 Videos We Heart | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nickelodeon USA - East Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 DORA | 00:30 PAW Patrol | 01:00 Rubble & Crew | 01:30 Rubble & Crew | 02:00 SpongeBob SquarePants | 04:00 Trolls | 06:00 Despicable Me | 08:00 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 08:30 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 09:00 Friends | 09:30 Friends | 10:00 Friends | 10:30 Friends | 11:00 Friends | 11:30 Friends | 12:00 Friends | 12:30 Friends | 13:00 The Big Bang Theory | 13:30 The Big Bang Theory | 14:00 The Big Bang Theory | 14:30 The Big Bang Theory | 15:00 Friends | 15:30 Friends | 16:00 Modern Family | 16:30 Modern Family | 17:00 Modern Family | 17:30 Modern Family | 18:00 Modern Family | 18:24 Modern Family | 19:00 Modern Family | 19:30 SpongeBob SquarePants | 20:00 PAW Patrol | 20:30 PAW Patrol | 21:00 PAW Patrol | 21:30 Trolls | 23:30 PAW Patrol | 2025-02-19 00:00 DORA | 00:30 PAW Patrol | 01:00 Rubble & Crew | 01:30 Rubble & Crew | 02:00 The Smurfs | 04:00 Despicable Me | 06:00 Despicable Me 2 | 08:00 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 08:30 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 09:00 Friends | 09:30 Friends | 10:00 Friends | 10:30 Friends | 11:00 Friends | 11:30 Friends | 12:00 Friends | 12:35 Friends | 13:10 The Big Bang Theory | 13:45 The Big Bang Theory | 14:20 The Big Bang Theory | 14:55 The Big Bang Theory | 15:30 Friends | 16:05 Friends | 16:39 Modern Family | 17:16 Modern Family | 17:42 Modern Family | 18:08 Modern Family | 18:36 Modern Family | 19:00 Modern Family | 19:30 SpongeBob SquarePants | 20:00 PAW Patrol | 20:30 PAW Patrol | 21:00 PAW Patrol | 21:30 The Smurfs | 23:30 PAW Patrol | 2025-02-20 00:00 DORA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nickelodeon USA - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 PAW Patrol | 00:30 PAW Patrol | 02:30 PAW Patrol | 03:00 DORA | 03:30 PAW Patrol | 04:00 Rubble & Crew | 04:30 Rubble & Crew | 05:00 SpongeBob SquarePants | 07:00 Trolls | 09:00 Despicable Me | 11:00 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 11:30 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 12:00 Friends | 12:30 Friends | 13:00 Friends | 13:30 Friends | 14:00 Friends | 14:30 Friends | 15:00 Friends | 15:30 Friends | 16:00 The Big Bang Theory | 16:30 The Big Bang Theory | 17:00 The Big Bang Theory | 17:30 The Big Bang Theory | 18:00 Friends | 18:30 Friends | 19:05 Friends | 19:39 Modern Family | 20:16 Modern Family | 20:50 Modern Family | 21:24 Modern Family | 22:00 Modern Family | 22:30 SpongeBob SquarePants | 23:00 PAW Patrol | 23:30 PAW Patrol | 2025-02-19 00:00 PAW Patrol | 00:30 Trolls | 02:30 PAW Patrol | 03:00 DORA | 03:30 PAW Patrol | 04:00 Rubble & Crew | 04:30 Rubble & Crew | 05:00 The Smurfs | 07:00 Despicable Me | 09:00 Despicable Me 2 | 11:00 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 11:30 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 12:00 Friends | 12:30 Friends | 13:00 Friends | 13:30 Friends | 14:00 Friends | 14:30 Friends | 15:00 Friends | 15:35 Friends | 16:10 The Big Bang Theory | 16:45 The Big Bang Theory | 17:20 The Big Bang Theory | 17:55 The Big Bang Theory | 18:30 Friends | 19:05 Friends | 19:39 Modern Family | 20:16 Modern Family | 20:42 Modern Family | 21:08 Modern Family | 21:36 Modern Family | 22:00 Modern Family | 22:30 SpongeBob SquarePants | 23:00 PAW Patrol | 23:30 PAW Patrol | 2025-02-20 00:00 PAW Patrol | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nickelodeon USA On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 07:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 11:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 15:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 19:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 23:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 07:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 11:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 15:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 19:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | 23:00 Nickelodeon On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nicktoons - East | 2025-02-18 00:08 SpongeBob SquarePants | 00:36 SpongeBob SquarePants | 01:04 SpongeBob SquarePants | 01:32 SpongeBob SquarePants | 02:00 SpongeBob SquarePants | 02:28 SpongeBob SquarePants | 02:56 SpongeBob SquarePants | 03:24 The Patrick Star Show | 03:52 SpongeBob SquarePants | 04:20 SpongeBob SquarePants | 04:48 SpongeBob SquarePants | 05:16 SpongeBob SquarePants | 05:44 The Patrick Star Show | 06:12 SpongeBob SquarePants | 06:40 SpongeBob SquarePants | 07:08 SpongeBob SquarePants | 07:36 The Patrick Star Show | 08:04 SpongeBob SquarePants | 08:32 SpongeBob SquarePants | 09:00 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 09:28 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 09:56 SpongeBob SquarePants | 10:24 SpongeBob SquarePants | 10:52 SpongeBob SquarePants | 11:20 The Patrick Star Show | 11:48 SpongeBob SquarePants | 12:16 SpongeBob SquarePants | 12:44 SpongeBob SquarePants | 13:12 SpongeBob SquarePants | 13:40 SpongeBob SquarePants | 14:08 SpongeBob SquarePants | 14:34 SpongeBob SquarePants | 15:00 The Patrick Star Show | 15:25 SpongeBob SquarePants | 15:50 SpongeBob SquarePants | 16:15 SpongeBob SquarePants | 16:30 SpongeBob SquarePants | 16:55 The Patrick Star Show | 17:20 SpongeBob SquarePants | 17:45 SpongeBob SquarePants | 18:10 SpongeBob SquarePants | 18:35 SpongeBob SquarePants | 19:00 SpongeBob SquarePants | 19:28 SpongeBob SquarePants | 19:56 SpongeBob SquarePants | 20:24 The Patrick Star Show | 20:52 SpongeBob SquarePants | 21:20 SpongeBob SquarePants | 21:48 SpongeBob SquarePants | 22:16 SpongeBob SquarePants | 22:44 SpongeBob SquarePants | 23:12 The Patrick Star Show | 23:40 SpongeBob SquarePants | 2025-02-19 00:08 SpongeBob SquarePants | 00:36 SpongeBob SquarePants | 01:04 SpongeBob SquarePants | 01:32 SpongeBob SquarePants | 02:00 SpongeBob SquarePants | 02:28 SpongeBob SquarePants | 02:56 SpongeBob SquarePants | 03:24 The Patrick Star Show | 03:52 SpongeBob SquarePants | 04:20 SpongeBob SquarePants | 04:48 SpongeBob SquarePants | 05:16 SpongeBob SquarePants | 05:44 The Patrick Star Show | 06:12 SpongeBob SquarePants | 06:40 SpongeBob SquarePants | 07:08 SpongeBob SquarePants | 07:36 The Patrick Star Show | 08:04 SpongeBob SquarePants | 08:32 SpongeBob SquarePants | 09:00 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 09:28 Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | 09:56 SpongeBob SquarePants | 10:24 SpongeBob SquarePants | 10:52 SpongeBob SquarePants | 11:20 The Patrick Star Show | 11:48 SpongeBob SquarePants | 12:16 SpongeBob SquarePants | 12:44 SpongeBob SquarePants | 13:12 SpongeBob SquarePants | 13:40 SpongeBob SquarePants | 14:08 SpongeBob SquarePants | 14:34 SpongeBob SquarePants | 15:00 The Patrick Star Show | 15:25 SpongeBob SquarePants | 15:50 SpongeBob SquarePants | 16:15 SpongeBob SquarePants | 16:30 SpongeBob SquarePants | 16:55 The Patrick Star Show | 17:20 SpongeBob SquarePants | 17:45 SpongeBob SquarePants | 18:10 SpongeBob SquarePants | 18:35 SpongeBob SquarePants | 19:00 SpongeBob SquarePants | 19:28 SpongeBob SquarePants | 19:56 SpongeBob SquarePants | 20:24 The Patrick Star Show | 20:52 SpongeBob SquarePants | 21:20 SpongeBob SquarePants | 21:48 SpongeBob SquarePants | 22:16 SpongeBob SquarePants | 22:44 SpongeBob SquarePants | 23:12 The Patrick Star Show | 23:40 SpongeBob SquarePants | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuestra Tele | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ponte al día con Cata Robayo | 01:00 Buen día, Colombia | 01:30 Noticias RCN | 03:30 En la jugada | 04:30 Lo mejor de la liga | 05:00 Girls O'clock | 05:30 Tenemos que hablar | 06:00 El despecho | 07:00 Trendiando | 08:00 Noticias RCN | 09:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 10:00 Charla técnica | 11:00 Noticias RCN | 11:30 El despecho | 12:30 Lo mejor de la liga | 13:00 Trendiando | 14:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 15:00 Charla técnica | 16:00 El despecho | 17:00 Tenemos que hablar | 17:30 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 18:30 Entrevistas con Hernán | 18:45 Alerta Bogotá | 19:00 RCN La Radio | 21:00 Mañana express | 22:30 Buen día, Colombia | 2025-02-19 00:00 Ponte al día con Cata Robayo | 01:00 Buen día, Colombia | 01:30 Noticias RCN | 03:30 En la jugada | 05:00 Yo, José Gabriel | 05:30 Tenemos que hablar | 06:00 El show de las estrellas | 07:00 Trendiando | 08:00 Noticias RCN | 09:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 10:00 Charla técnica | 11:00 Noticias RCN | 11:30 El despecho | 12:30 Entrevistas con Hernán | 13:00 Trendiando | 14:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 15:00 Charla técnica | 16:00 El despecho | 17:00 Tenemos que hablar | 17:30 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 18:30 Yo, José Gabriel | 20:30 Mañana express | 22:30 Buen día, Colombia | 23:00 Ponte al día con Cata Robayo | 2025-02-20 00:00 Programa pagado | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Olympic Channel | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 23:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 23:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
One America News Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 OAN News 11 am With Stephanie Myers | 01:00 OAN News 12pm ET / 9 am PT | 02:00 OAN News 1pm ET / 10 am PT | 03:00 OAN News 2 pm ET / 5 pm PT | 04:00 OAN News 3pm ET / 12 pm PT | 05:00 OAN News 4pm ET / 1 pm PT | 06:00 OAN News 5pm ET / 2 pm PT | 07:00 The Real Story With Riley Lewis | 08:00 OAN News 7pm ET / 4 pm PT | 09:00 Real America With Dan Ball | 10:00 The Matt Gaetz Show | 11:00 Fine Point With Chanel Rion | 12:00 Tipping Point With Kara McKinney | 13:00 OAN News 12am ET / 9 pm PT | 14:00 OAN News 1am ET / 10 pm PT | 15:00 OAN News 2am ET / 11 pm PT | 16:00 Real America With Dan Ball | 17:00 The Matt Gaetz Show | 18:00 Tipping Point With Kara McKinney | 19:00 Real America With Dan Ball | 20:00 OAN News 7am ET / 4 am PT | 21:00 OAN News 8 am With Stephanie Myers | 22:00 OAN News 9am ET / 6 am PT | 23:00 OAN News 10am ET / 7 am PT | 2025-02-19 00:00 OAN News 11 am With Stephanie Myers | 01:00 OAN News 12pm ET / 9 am PT | 02:00 OAN News 1pm ET / 10 am PT | 03:00 OAN News 2 pm ET / 5 pm PT | 04:00 OAN News 3pm ET / 12 pm PT | 05:00 OAN News 4pm ET / 1 pm PT | 06:00 OAN News 5pm ET / 2 pm PT | 07:00 OAN News 6pm ET / 3 pm PT | 08:00 OAN News 7pm ET / 4 pm PT | 09:00 Real America With Dan Ball | 10:00 The Matt Gaetz Show | 11:00 Fine Point With Chanel Rion | 12:00 OAN News 11pm ET / 8 pm PT | 13:00 OAN News 12am ET / 9 pm PT | 14:00 OAN News 1am ET / 10 pm PT | 15:00 OAN News 2am ET / 11 pm PT | 16:00 Real America With Dan Ball | 17:00 The Matt Gaetz Show | 18:00 Tipping Point With Kara McKinney | 19:00 Real America With Dan Ball | 20:00 OAN News 7am ET / 4 am PT | 21:00 OAN News 8 am With Stephanie Myers | 22:00 OAN News 9am ET / 6 am PT | 23:00 OAN News 10am ET / 7 am PT | 2025-02-20 00:00 OAN News 11 am With Stephanie Myers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oprah Winfrey Network USA Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Dr. Phil | 01:00 Dr. Phil | 02:00 Judge Mathis | 03:00 Judge Mathis | 04:00 Judge Mathis | 05:00 20/20 on OWN | 06:00 20/20 on OWN | 07:00 20/20 on OWN | 08:00 20/20 on OWN | 09:00 20/20 on OWN | 10:00 20/20 on OWN | 11:00 20/20 on OWN | 12:00 20/20 on OWN | 13:00 20/20 on OWN | 14:00 20/20 on OWN | 15:00 20/20 on OWN | 16:00 20/20 on OWN | 17:00 Dr. Phil | 18:00 Dr. Phil | 19:00 Dr. Phil | 20:00 Dr. Phil | 21:00 Dr. Phil | 22:00 Dr. Phil | 23:00 Dr. Phil | 2025-02-19 00:00 Dr. Phil | 01:00 Dr. Phil | 02:00 Judge Mathis | 03:00 Judge Mathis | 04:00 Judge Mathis | 05:00 Dr. Phil | 06:00 Dr. Phil | 07:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 08:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 09:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 10:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 11:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 12:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 13:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 14:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 15:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 16:00 Deadline: Crime With Tamron Hall | 17:00 Dr. Phil | 18:00 Dr. Phil | 19:00 Dr. Phil | 20:00 Dr. Phil | 21:00 Dr. Phil | 22:00 Dr. Phil | 23:00 Dr. Phil | 2025-02-20 00:00 Dr. Phil | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Outdoor Channel US | 2025-02-18 00:00 Crush With Lee & Tiffany | 00:30 Bone Collector | 01:00 Unfathomed | 01:30 BigWater Adventures | 02:00 The Seahunter | 02:30 Wild at heart | 03:00 Drop Zone | 03:30 The Lindsey Way | 04:00 Eastman's Hunting TV | 04:30 Beyond the Hunt | 05:00 Heartland Bowhunter | 05:30 Buck Commander | 06:00 Two Conchs Sportfishing | 06:30 Spear Life | 07:00 Gregg Ritz's Hunt Masters | 07:30 Man Eats Wild | 08:00 Fishing the Wild With Mike Robinson | 08:30 WildFed | 09:00 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 09:30 McMillan | 10:00 Life of Fire | 10:30 Dead Meat | 11:00 Fishing the Wild With Mike Robinson | 11:30 WildFed | 12:00 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 12:30 McMillan | 13:00 Life of Fire | 13:30 Dead Meat | 14:00 Fishing the Wild With Mike Robinson | 14:30 WildFed | 15:00 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 15:30 McMillan | 16:00 Life of Fire | 16:30 Dead Meat | 17:00 Fishing the Wild With Mike Robinson | 17:30 WildFed | 18:00 Life of Fire | 18:30 Dead Meat | 19:00 Realtree Outdoors | 19:30 Jim Shockey's Shock Therapy | 20:00 Guns & Ammo TV | 20:30 American Rifleman TV | 21:00 Unfathomed | 21:30 Two Conchs Sportfishing | 22:00 The Seahunter | 22:30 Spear Life | 23:00 Whitetail Freaks | 23:30 Addicted to the Outdoors | 2025-02-19 00:00 Guns & Ammo TV | 00:30 American Rifleman TV | 01:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 01:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 02:00 The VanDam Experience | 02:30 The Obsession of Carter Andrews | 03:00 Drop Zone | 03:30 The Lindsey Way | 04:00 Eastman's Hunting TV | 04:30 Beyond the Hunt | 05:00 Heartland Bowhunter | 05:30 Buck Commander | 06:00 Lindner's Angling Edge | 06:30 Facts of Fishing | 07:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 07:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 08:00 The Fowl Life With Chad Belding | 08:30 American Archer | 09:00 Driven With Pat & Nicole | 09:30 The One | 10:00 In Fisherman TV | 10:30 Lake Commandos | 11:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 11:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 12:00 The Fowl Life With Chad Belding | 12:30 American Archer | 13:00 Driven With Pat & Nicole | 13:30 The One | 14:00 In Fisherman TV | 14:30 Lake Commandos | 15:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 15:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 16:00 The Fowl Life With Chad Belding | 16:30 American Archer | 17:00 Driven With Pat & Nicole | 17:30 The One | 18:00 In Fisherman TV | 18:30 Lake Commandos | 19:00 Buckmasters | 19:30 Bone Collector | 20:00 The Fowl Life With Chad Belding | 20:30 American Archer | 21:00 Facts of Fishing | 21:30 Fishing University | 22:00 Lindner's Angling Edge | 22:30 Lake Commandos | 23:00 Driven With Pat & Nicole | 23:30 Headhunters TV | 2025-02-20 00:00 Small Town Hunting | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OuterMax - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:20 Deadpool | 02:09 Hercules | 03:48 Forgetting Sarah Marshall | 05:39 Sisters | 07:37 Save Yourselves! | 09:11 The Water Diviner | 11:03 Out of the Furnace | 13:00 Homefront | 14:41 A Bigger Splash | 16:46 A Ghost Story | 18:19 Walkabout | 20:00 Godzilla Raids Again | 21:22 For All Mankind | 22:42 The Family Meeting | 22:58 Talk Black | 23:11 Joy | 2025-02-19 01:16 Godzilla vs. Hedorah | 02:42 Fruitvale Station | 04:08 Arthur | 05:58 What's Your Number? | 07:45 The Player | 09:50 Mechanic: Resurrection | 11:29 The Bling Ring | 13:00 War on Everyone | 14:39 The Blackcoat's Daughter | 16:15 Midsommar | 18:43 Another Earth | 20:16 Gods of Egypt | 22:24 A Hard Day's Night | 23:52 Fruitvale Station | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ovation | 2025-02-18 00:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 01:00 Sue Thomas F.B.Eye | 02:00 Sue Thomas F.B.Eye | 03:00 Midsomer Murders | 05:30 Midsomer Murders | 08:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 09:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 10:00 Hope Street | 11:00 Murdoch Mysteries | 12:00 Midsomer Murders | 14:30 Walker, Texas Ranger | 15:30 The Art Of | 16:00 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 16:30 Relief from Inflammation | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:00 The Art Of | 19:30 The Art Of | 20:00 The Art Of | 20:30 The Art Of | 21:00 Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Investigators | 22:00 Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Investigators | 23:00 Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Investigators | 2025-02-19 00:00 Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Investigators | 01:00 Sue Thomas F.B.Eye | 02:00 Sue Thomas F.B.Eye | 03:00 Midsomer Murders | 05:30 Midsomer Murders | 08:00 Leverage | 09:00 Leverage | 10:00 Leverage | 11:00 Leverage | 12:00 Midsomer Murders | 14:30 Walker, Texas Ranger | 15:30 The Art Of | 16:00 Forgotten Jews | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:00 NUWAVE FOREVER, AIR PURIFIER WITH NEVER REPLACE FILTERS | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 The Art Of | 19:30 The Art Of | 20:00 The Art Of | 20:30 The Art Of | 21:00 Doc Martin | 22:00 Doc Martin | 23:00 Doc Martin | 2025-02-20 00:00 Doc Martin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oxygen - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 New York Homicide | 01:00 Snapped | 02:00 Snapped | 03:00 Snapped | 04:00 Snapped | 05:00 Snapped | 06:00 Snapped | 07:00 Snapped | 08:00 Snapped | 09:00 Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker Tapes | 10:30 Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker Tapes | 12:00 Snapped | 13:00 Snapped | 14:00 Fatal Family Feuds | 15:00 Fatal Family Feuds | 16:00 Dateline | 17:00 Dateline | 18:00 Dateline | 19:00 Deadly Waters With Captain Lee | 20:00 Deadly Waters With Captain Lee | 21:00 Deadly Waters With Captain Lee | 22:00 The Disappearance of Maura Murray | 23:00 The Disappearance of Maura Murray | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Disappearance of Maura Murray | 01:00 The Disappearance of Maura Murray | 02:00 The Disappearance of Maura Murray | 03:00 The Disappearance of Maura Murray | 04:00 Lady of the Dunes | 05:00 Lady of the Dunes | 06:00 Lady of the Dunes | 07:00 Snapped | 08:00 Snapped | 09:00 Forensic Files | 09:30 Forensic Files | 10:00 Forensic Files | 10:30 Forensic Files | 11:00 Forensic Files | 11:30 Forensic Files | 12:00 Snapped | 13:00 Snapped | 14:00 Cold Justice | 15:00 Cold Justice | 16:00 Dateline | 17:00 Dateline | 18:00 Dateline | 19:00 Deadly Waters With Captain Lee | 20:00 Family Secrets: The Disappearance of Alissa Turney | 22:00 Family Massacre | 23:00 Family Massacre | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fatal Family Feuds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paramount Network USA - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:38 Yellowstone | 01:49 Yellowstone | 03:03 Yellowstone | 04:15 Yellowstone | 05:30 Yellowstone | 06:36 Yellowstone | 08:01 Yellowstone | 10:00 Yellowstone: 1923 | 11:22 Yellowstone: 1923 | 12:30 Gladiator | 15:30 The Office | 16:00 The Office | 16:30 The Office | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Bar Rescue | 21:00 Bar Rescue | 22:00 Bar Rescue | 23:00 Bar Rescue | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bar Rescue | 01:00 Bar Rescue | 02:00 Bar Rescue | 03:00 Bar Rescue | 04:00 Bar Rescue | 05:00 Two and a Half Men | 05:30 Two and a Half Men | 06:00 Two and a Half Men | 06:30 Two and a Half Men | 07:00 Two and a Half Men | 07:30 Two and a Half Men | 08:00 Two and a Half Men | 08:30 Two and a Half Men | 09:00 The Hangover Part II | 11:35 The Hangover Part III | 13:55 The Hangover Part II | 16:00 Bar Rescue | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Jane Seymour, Kate Walsh share their skin secrets | 20:00 Bar Rescue | 21:00 Bar Rescue | 22:00 Bar Rescue | 23:00 Bar Rescue | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bar Rescue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paramount+ with Showtime West | 2025-02-18 01:00 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | 03:00 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | 05:15 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull | 07:25 The Untouchables | 09:25 Gladiator | 12:00 Dexter: Original Sin | 13:00 Yellowjackets | 14:00 Yellowjackets | 15:00 School Spirits | 16:00 Yellowjackets | 17:00 Yellowjackets | 18:00 Dexter: Original Sin | 19:00 Tropic Thunder | 21:00 I.S.S. | 22:45 Slingshot | 2025-02-19 00:35 Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon | 02:30 The Dead Don't Hurt | 04:40 Shaft | 06:20 The Aviator | 09:10 Interstellar | 12:00 Yellowjackets | 13:00 Yellowjackets | 14:00 Dexter: Original Sin | 15:00 Slingshot | 17:00 Drive Angry | 18:45 Menace II Society | 20:25 Thriller 40 | 22:00 The Nanny Diaries | 23:45 My Boss's Daughter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paramount+ with Showtime - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | 02:15 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull | 04:25 The Untouchables | 06:25 Gladiator | 09:00 Dexter: Original Sin | 10:00 Yellowjackets | 11:00 Yellowjackets | 12:00 School Spirits | 13:00 Yellowjackets | 14:00 Yellowjackets | 15:00 Dexter: Original Sin | 16:00 Tropic Thunder | 18:00 I.S.S. | 19:45 Slingshot | 21:35 Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon | 23:30 The Dead Don't Hurt | 2025-02-19 01:40 Shaft | 03:20 The Aviator | 06:10 Interstellar | 09:00 Yellowjackets | 10:00 Yellowjackets | 11:00 Dexter: Original Sin | 12:00 Slingshot | 14:00 Drive Angry | 15:45 Menace II Society | 17:25 Thriller 40 | 19:00 The Nanny Diaries | 20:45 My Boss's Daughter | 22:10 Who's Your Caddy? | 23:45 48 HRS. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 07:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 11:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 15:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 19:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 23:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 07:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 11:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 15:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 19:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | 23:00 Paramount+ with Showtime On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pasiones USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Adela | 01:00 Tres hermanas | 02:00 La esclava Isaura | 03:00 Génesis | 04:00 Enfermeras | 05:00 Amar una vez más | 06:00 Oro verde | 07:00 Adela | 08:00 Tres hermanas | 09:00 La esclava Isaura | 10:00 Génesis | 11:00 Enfermeras | 12:00 Adela | 13:00 La esclava Isaura | 14:00 Génesis | 15:00 Adela | 16:00 Amar una vez más | 17:00 Tres hermanas | 18:00 Oro verde | 19:00 La esclava Isaura | 20:00 Génesis | 21:00 Adela | 22:00 Tres hermanas | 23:00 Oro verde | 2025-02-19 00:00 Adela | 01:00 Tres hermanas | 02:00 La esclava Isaura | 03:00 Génesis | 04:00 Enfermeras | 05:00 Amar una vez más | 06:00 Oro verde | 07:00 Adela | 08:00 Tres hermanas | 09:00 La esclava Isaura | 10:00 Génesis | 11:00 Enfermeras | 12:00 Adela | 13:00 La esclava Isaura | 14:00 Génesis | 15:00 Adela | 16:00 Amar una vez más | 17:00 Tres hermanas | 18:00 Oro verde | 19:00 La esclava Isaura | 20:00 Génesis | 21:00 Adela | 22:00 Tres hermanas | 23:00 Oro verde | 2025-02-20 00:00 Adela | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PBS - Network HD - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Donkey Hodie | 00:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific | 01:00 Elinor Wonders Why | 01:30 Nature Cat | 02:00 Molly of Denali | 02:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum | 03:00 In Julia's Kitchen With Master Chefs | 03:30 This Old House | 04:00 Life at the Waterhole | 05:00 Antiques Roadshow | 06:00 Antiques Roadshow | 07:00 Antiques Roadshow | 08:00 PBS News Hour | 09:00 Antiques Roadshow | 10:00 Antiques Roadshow | 11:00 Independent Lens | 12:30 Amanpour and Company | 13:30 Antiques Roadshow | 14:30 Antiques Roadshow | 15:30 In Julia's Kitchen With Master Chefs | 16:00 Miss Scarlet on Masterpiece | 17:00 All Creatures Great and Small on Masterpiece | 18:00 Funny Woman | 19:00 Arthur | 19:30 Odd Squad | 20:00 Wild Kratts | 20:30 Alma's Way | 21:00 Lyla in the Loop | 21:30 Carl the Collector | 22:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 22:30 Rosie's Rules | 23:00 Sesame Street | 23:30 Work It Out Wombats! | 2025-02-19 00:00 Donkey Hodie | 00:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific | 01:00 Elinor Wonders Why | 01:30 Nature Cat | 02:00 Molly of Denali | 02:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum | 03:00 In Julia's Kitchen With Master Chefs | 03:30 This Old House | 04:00 Life at the Waterhole | 05:00 Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | 06:00 Great Migrations: A People on the Move | 07:00 Antiques Roadshow | 08:00 PBS News Hour | 09:00 Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | 10:00 Great Migrations: A People on the Move | 11:00 Frontline | 12:00 Amanpour and Company | 13:00 Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | 14:00 Great Migrations: A People on the Move | 15:00 Frontline | 16:00 Independent Lens | 17:30 In Julia's Kitchen With Master Chefs | 18:00 Antiques Roadshow | 19:00 Arthur | 19:30 Odd Squad | 20:00 Wild Kratts | 20:30 Alma's Way | 21:00 Lyla in the Loop | 21:30 Carl the Collector | 22:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 22:30 Rosie's Rules | 23:00 Sesame Street | 23:30 Work It Out Wombats! | 2025-02-20 00:00 Donkey Hodie | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Penthouse TV USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Sesame Street | 00:30 Work It Out Wombats! | 01:00 Odd Squad | 01:30 Elinor Wonders Why | 02:00 As Time Goes By | 03:30 Midsomer Murders | 04:30 Rick Steves' Europe | 05:00 This Old House | 05:30 America the Bountiful | 06:00 New Scandinavian Cooking | 06:30 BBC News America | 07:00 BBC News The Context | 07:30 PBS News Hour | 08:30 His-Vis: Ten Years of Public Art | 09:00 Antiques Roadshow | 10:00 100 Years from Mississippi | 11:00 ACL Presents: Willie Nelson & Family | 12:00 Amanpour and Company | 13:00 Bare Feet With Mickela Mallozzi | 13:30 Bare Feet With Mickela Mallozzi | 14:00 America Outdoors With Baratunde Thurston | 15:00 Queens of Mystery | 16:00 Up the Women | 16:30 Good Karma Hospital | 17:29 Mum | 18:00 BBC News | 18:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific | 19:00 Classical Stretch: By Essentrics | 19:30 Alma's Way | 20:00 Wild Kratts | 20:30 Arthur | 21:00 Lyla in the Loop | 21:30 Carl the Collector | 22:00 Molly of Denali | 22:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 23:00 Rosie's Rules | 23:30 Donkey Hodie | 2025-02-19 00:00 Sesame Street | 00:30 Work It Out Wombats! | 01:00 Odd Squad | 01:30 Elinor Wonders Why | 02:00 As Time Goes By | 02:30 Midsomer Murders | 03:30 Midsomer Murders | 04:30 Rick Steves' Europe | 05:00 This Old House | 05:30 Pati's Mexican Table | 06:00 Sara's Weeknight Meals | 06:30 BBC News America | 07:00 BBC News The Context | 07:30 PBS News Hour | 08:30 Canada Files | 09:00 Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | 10:00 Great Migrations: A People on the Move | 11:00 Frontline | 12:00 Amanpour and Company | 13:00 Nature | 14:00 American Masters | 15:30 Fat Boy: The Billy Stewart Story | 16:30 Don Lewis and the Live Electronic Orchestra | 17:30 Awadagin Pratt: Black in America | 18:00 BBC News | 18:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific | 19:00 Classical Stretch: By Essentrics | 19:30 Alma's Way | 20:00 Wild Kratts | 20:30 Arthur | 21:00 Lyla in the Loop | 21:30 Carl the Collector | 22:00 Molly of Denali | 22:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 23:00 Rosie's Rules | 23:30 Donkey Hodie | 2025-02-20 00:00 Sesame Street | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Perú Mágico | 2025-02-18 00:00 Dulces secretos | 00:30 Más rico | 01:00 La 4ta pantalla | 01:30 Ximena en casa | 02:00 Celebra Perú | 02:30 Cocina en un toque | 03:00 Antesala | 04:00 Fútbol Peruano Primera División | 06:00 Perú Surf | 06:30 Jamás perfectas | 07:30 Antesala | 08:00 Fútbol Peruano Primera División | 10:00 Live: 2021 con Mávila Huertas | 11:00 Live: Al ángulo | 12:30 Cocina en un toque | 13:00 Fútbol Peruano Primera División | 15:00 Perú Surf | 15:30 La 4ta pantalla | 16:00 Jamás perfectas | 17:00 Al ángulo | 18:30 Celebra Perú | 19:00 Live: N Noticias | 22:00 Jamás perfectas | 23:00 El camerino | 2025-02-19 00:00 Wantan digital | 01:00 Dulces secretos | 01:30 Al ángulo | 03:00 Live: N Noticias | 06:00 El camerino | 07:00 Entre cuchillos y fuego | 07:30 La gran despensa | 08:00 Wantan digital | 09:00 Live: Primero a las 8 | 10:00 Live: 2021 con Mávila Huertas | 11:00 Live: Al ángulo | 12:30 La 4ta pantalla | 13:00 Fútbol Peruano Primera División | 15:00 Full ruedas | 15:30 Jamás perfectas | 16:30 Entre cuchillos y fuego | 17:00 Al ángulo | 18:30 Ximena en casa | 19:00 Live: Mañana al día | 22:00 Perú surf | 22:30 Dulces secretos | 23:00 Más rico | 23:30 5 destinos | 2025-02-20 00:00 Ximena en casa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pets TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 The L.A. Pet Fairs/Shows | 00:30 The Ultimate Horse Show | 01:00 Amazing Aquariums | 01:30 Super Sanctuaries | 02:00 Just Ask the Pet Vet | 02:30 Canine Countdown | 03:00 Animal Control Patrol | 03:30 Animal Control Patrol | 04:00 For the Love of Animals | 04:30 Amazing Mini-Horses! | 05:00 For the Love of Animals | 05:30 The Gentle Barn | 06:00 The L.A. Pet Fairs/Shows | 06:30 The Ultimate Horse Show | 07:00 Amazing Aquariums | 07:30 Super Sanctuaries | 08:00 Just Ask the Pet Vet | 08:30 Canine Countdown | 09:00 Animal Control Patrol | 09:30 Animal Control Patrol | 10:00 For the Love of Animals | 10:30 Amazing Mini-Horses! | 11:00 For the Love of Animals | 11:30 The Gentle Barn | 12:00 The L.A. Pet Fairs/Shows | 12:30 The Ultimate Horse Show | 13:00 Amazing Aquariums | 13:30 Super Sanctuaries | 14:00 Just Ask the Pet Vet | 14:30 Canine Countdown | 15:00 Animal Control Patrol | 15:30 Animal Control Patrol | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 For the Love of Animals | 22:30 Canine Countdown Show | 23:00 For the Love of Animals | 23:30 Animal Control Patrol | 2025-02-19 00:00 Animal Control Patrol | 00:30 A Day in the Life of a Goat | 01:00 Animal Control Patrol | 01:30 Pet Careers | 02:00 Animal Control Patrol | 02:30 Canine Countdown | 03:00 Annual Canine Countdown | 03:30 About Dogs | 04:00 For the Love of Animals | 04:30 Canine Countdown Show | 05:00 For the Love of Animals | 05:30 Animal Control Patrol | 06:00 Animal Control Patrol | 06:30 A Day in the Life of a Goat | 07:00 Animal Control Patrol | 07:30 Pet Careers | 08:00 Animal Control Patrol | 08:30 Canine Countdown | 09:00 Annual Canine Countdown | 09:30 About Dogs | 10:00 Canine Countdown 2023 | 10:30 A Day in the Life of an Animal Keeper | 11:00 Pets.TV - Famous Falcons of Dubai | 11:30 Pets.TV | 12:00 Animal Control Patrol | 12:30 A Day in the Life of a Goat | 13:00 Animal Control Patrol | 13:30 Pet Careers | 14:00 Animal Control Patrol | 14:30 Canine Countdown | 15:00 Annual Canine Countdown | 15:30 About Dogs | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Pets.TV | 22:30 Pets.TV - The Great Wildebeest Migration | 23:00 Pets.TV - Raptors of the Sky | 23:30 Animal Control Patrol | 2025-02-20 00:00 Animal Control Patrol | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phoenix InfoNews | 2025-02-18 00:00 Phoenix Intercontinental Express | 00:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 01:00 News On The Hour 0100 | 01:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 01:30 Financial Journal | 02:00 News On The Hour 0100 | 02:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 02:30 Phoenix Financial Daily Report | 03:00 News On The Hour 0300 | 03:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 03:30 Chief Editor's Time | 04:00 News On The Hour 0300 | 04:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 04:30 News On The Hour 0300 | 04:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 05:00 News on the Hour | 05:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 05:30 News Talk | 06:00 News on the Hour | 06:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 06:30 Zoom In | 07:00 Phoenix Midnight Express | 07:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 08:00 Phoenix Midnight Express | 08:30 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 09:00 News On The Hour 0900 | 09:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 09:30 Financial Journal | 10:00 News On The Hour 1000 | 10:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 11:00 News On The Hour 1100 | 11:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 11:30 Chief Editor's Time | 12:00 China Tourism Group Phoenix Midday Express | 12:55 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 13:00 News On The Hour 1300 | 13:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 13:30 News On The Hour 1300 | 13:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 14:00 News On The Hour 1400 | 14:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 15:00 News On The Hour 1500 | 15:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 16:00 News On The Hour 1600 | 16:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 17:00 Phoenix Focus 1700 | 17:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 17:30 Financial Journal | 18:00 Phoenix Focus 1800 | 18:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 18:30 News Talk | 19:00 News Live | 19:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 20:00 Phoenix Focus 2000 | 20:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 20:30 Phoenix Financial Daily Report | 21:00 Phoenix Evening Express | 22:00 Chief Editor's Time | 22:30 News Talk | 23:00 Phoenix Focus 2300 | 23:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 23:30 Phoenix Focus 2300 | 23:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 2025-02-19 00:00 Phoenix Intercontinental Express | 00:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 01:00 News On The Hour 0100 | 01:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 01:30 Financial Journal | 02:00 News On The Hour 0100 | 02:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 02:30 Phoenix Financial Daily Report | 03:00 News On The Hour 0300 | 03:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 03:30 Chief Editor's Time | 04:00 News On The Hour 0300 | 04:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 04:30 News On The Hour 0300 | 04:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 05:00 News on the Hour | 05:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 05:30 News Talk | 06:00 News on the Hour | 06:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 06:30 Zoom In | 07:00 Phoenix Midnight Express | 07:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 08:00 Phoenix Midnight Express | 08:30 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 09:00 News On The Hour 0900 | 09:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 09:30 Financial Journal | 10:00 News On The Hour 1000 | 10:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 11:00 News On The Hour 1100 | 11:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 11:30 Chief Editor's Time | 12:00 China Tourism Group Phoenix Midday Express | 12:55 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 13:00 News On The Hour 1300 | 13:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 13:30 News On The Hour 1300 | 13:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 14:00 News On The Hour 1400 | 14:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 15:00 News On The Hour 1500 | 15:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 16:00 News On The Hour 1600 | 16:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 17:00 Phoenix Focus 1700 | 17:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 17:30 Financial Journal | 18:00 Phoenix Focus 1800 | 18:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 18:30 News Talk | 19:00 News Live | 19:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 20:00 Phoenix Focus 2000 | 20:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 20:30 Phoenix Financial Daily Report | 21:00 Phoenix Evening Express | 22:00 Chief Editor's Time | 22:30 News Talk | 23:00 Phoenix Focus 2300 | 23:27 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 23:30 Phoenix Focus 2300 | 23:57 Phoenix Weather Forecast | 2025-02-20 00:00 Phoenix Intercontinental Express | |||||||||||||||||||||
PIXL | 2025-02-18 01:00 Return to Sender | 02:30 Love's Long Journey | 04:00 Win, Lose or Love | 05:30 The Shell Seekers | 07:00 The Yearling | 08:30 Shadow on the Mesa | 10:00 The Wish List | 11:30 Reading, Writing & Romance | 13:00 Return to Sender | 14:30 Love's Long Journey | 16:00 Win, Lose or Love | 17:30 The Shell Seekers | 19:00 The Yearling | 20:30 Shadow on the Mesa | 22:00 The Wish List | 23:30 Reading, Writing & Romance | 2025-02-19 01:00 Soldier Love Story | 02:30 A Moving Romance | 04:00 Resting Place | 05:30 Love Comes Softly | 07:00 The Wedding Do Over | 08:30 Bound by a Secret | 10:00 How Not to Propose | 11:30 By Dawn's Early Light | 13:00 Soldier Love Story | 14:30 A Moving Romance | 16:00 Resting Place | 17:30 Love Comes Softly | 19:00 The Wedding Do Over | 20:30 Bound by a Secret | 22:00 How Not to Propose | 23:30 By Dawn's Early Light | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Playboy | 2025-02-18 00:00 Foursome: Walk of Shame | 00:30 Foursome: Walk of Shame | 01:00 Swing | 02:00 Swing | 03:00 Swing | 04:00 Swing | 05:00 Silk and Satin | 05:30 Playmate Anthology | 06:00 Early Bird Yoga | 06:30 Playboy Shootout | 07:00 Eternal Allure | 07:30 Playboy Girlfriends | 08:00 Dream Dates | 08:30 Bare Bliss | 09:00 Fantasy Flirt | 09:30 Playboy Centerfolds | 10:00 Adult Stars: Up Close | 10:30 Backstage Confessions | 11:00 Silk and Satin | 11:30 Eternal Allure | 12:00 Adult Stars: Up Close | 12:30 Bare Bliss | 13:00 Silk and Satin | 13:30 Playmates! | 14:00 Naked Happy Girls | 14:30 Badass! | 15:00 Sexcape | 16:00 Femme Fit | 16:30 Secret Retreat | 17:00 A Girl Knows | 17:30 The Warm Up | 18:00 Lights, Camera, Play | 18:30 SexArt | 19:00 Secret Sessions | 19:30 Seduction Weapons | 20:00 Adult Stars: Up Close | 20:30 Eternal Allure | 21:00 Jazmin's Touch | 21:30 Hot Babes Doing Stuff Naked | 22:00 Sexcape | 23:00 Lights, Camera, Play | 23:30 Pleasure Parlour | 2025-02-19 00:00 Secret Sessions | 00:30 Seduction Principles | 01:00 Best of the Playboy Morning Show | 02:00 SexArt | 02:30 Lights, Camera, Play | 03:00 Duality Part 2 | 04:00 SexArt | 04:30 Spa X | 05:00 Foursome: Walk of Shame | 05:30 Cougar Club L.A. | 06:00 Triple Play | 06:30 Lights, Camera, Play | 07:00 Playboy Trip: Patagonia | 07:30 Party of 1-2-3 | 08:00 Just the Girls | 08:30 Playboy Trip: Back in Argentina | 09:00 Secret Sessions | 09:30 Seduction Weapons | 10:00 Suite Rendezvous: Behind Closed Doors | 10:30 Intimate Tales | 11:00 Passion Diaries | 11:30 Just the Girls | 12:00 Swing | 13:00 Passion Diaries | 13:30 Secret Retreat | 14:00 Playboy Trip: Back in Argentina | 14:30 Femme Fit | 15:00 Undercover | 15:30 Bare Bliss | 16:00 Playboy Shootout | 16:30 Fantasy Flirt | 17:00 Playboy Girlfriends | 17:30 Cougar Club L.A. | 18:00 Spa X | 18:30 Intimate Tales | 19:00 The Tryst List | 19:30 Party of 1-2-3 | 20:00 Naked Happy Girls | 20:30 Badass! | 21:00 Sexcape | 22:00 Femme Fit | 22:30 Secret Retreat | 23:00 A Girl Knows | 23:30 The Warm Up | 2025-02-20 00:00 Lights, Camera, Play | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Playboy HD | 2025-02-18 00:00 Foursome: Walk of Shame | 00:30 Foursome: Walk of Shame | 01:00 Swing | 02:00 Swing | 03:00 Swing | 04:00 Swing | 05:00 Silk and Satin | 05:30 Playmate Anthology | 06:00 Early Bird Yoga | 06:30 Playboy Shootout | 07:00 Eternal Allure | 07:30 Playboy Girlfriends | 08:00 Dream Dates | 08:30 Bare Bliss | 09:00 Fantasy Flirt | 09:30 Playboy Centerfolds | 10:00 Adult Stars: Up Close | 10:30 Backstage Confessions | 11:00 Silk and Satin | 11:30 Eternal Allure | 12:00 Adult Stars: Up Close | 12:30 Bare Bliss | 13:00 Silk and Satin | 13:30 Playmates! | 14:00 Naked Happy Girls | 14:30 Badass! | 15:00 Sexcape | 16:00 Femme Fit | 16:30 Secret Retreat | 17:00 A Girl Knows | 17:30 The Warm Up | 18:00 Lights, Camera, Play | 18:30 SexArt | 19:00 Secret Sessions | 19:30 Seduction Weapons | 20:00 Adult Stars: Up Close | 20:30 Eternal Allure | 21:00 Jazmin's Touch | 21:30 Hot Babes Doing Stuff Naked | 22:00 Sexcape | 23:00 Lights, Camera, Play | 23:30 Pleasure Parlour | 2025-02-19 00:00 Secret Sessions | 00:30 Seduction Principles | 01:00 Best of the Playboy Morning Show | 02:00 SexArt | 02:30 Lights, Camera, Play | 03:00 Duality Part 2 | 04:00 SexArt | 04:30 Spa X | 05:00 Foursome: Walk of Shame | 05:30 Cougar Club L.A. | 06:00 Triple Play | 06:30 Lights, Camera, Play | 07:00 Playboy Trip: Patagonia | 07:30 Party of 1-2-3 | 08:00 Just the Girls | 08:30 Playboy Trip: Back in Argentina | 09:00 Secret Sessions | 09:30 Seduction Weapons | 10:00 Suite Rendezvous: Behind Closed Doors | 10:30 Intimate Tales | 11:00 Passion Diaries | 11:30 Just the Girls | 12:00 Swing | 13:00 Passion Diaries | 13:30 Secret Retreat | 14:00 Playboy Trip: Back in Argentina | 14:30 Femme Fit | 15:00 Undercover | 15:30 Bare Bliss | 16:00 Playboy Shootout | 16:30 Fantasy Flirt | 17:00 Playboy Girlfriends | 17:30 Cougar Club L.A. | 18:00 Spa X | 18:30 Intimate Tales | 19:00 The Tryst List | 19:30 Party of 1-2-3 | 20:00 Naked Happy Girls | 20:30 Badass! | 21:00 Sexcape | 22:00 Femme Fit | 22:30 Secret Retreat | 23:00 A Girl Knows | 23:30 The Warm Up | 2025-02-20 00:00 Lights, Camera, Play | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Playboy Interactive | 2025-02-18 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | 2025-02-19 03:00 Test Channel 1 | 07:00 Test Channel 1 | 11:00 Test Channel 1 | 15:00 Test Channel 1 | 19:00 Test Channel 1 | 23:00 Test Channel 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Playboy On Demand | 2025-02-18 02:00 Playboy On Demand | 06:00 Playboy On Demand | 10:00 Playboy On Demand | 14:00 Playboy On Demand | 18:00 Playboy On Demand | 22:00 Playboy On Demand | 2025-02-19 02:00 Playboy On Demand | 06:00 Playboy On Demand | 10:00 Playboy On Demand | 14:00 Playboy On Demand | 18:00 Playboy On Demand | 22:00 Playboy On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Playboy TV en espanol | 2025-02-18 00:07 Bare Bliss | 00:33 Crave | 00:59 Crave | 01:25 e-Rotic | 01:51 Playboy's Amateur Girls | 02:17 Toyride | 02:42 Toyride | 03:07 e-Rotic | 03:32 e-Rotic | 03:58 e-Rotic | 04:24 Dream Dates Elite | 04:48 Bare Bliss | 05:14 Playboy's Amateur Girls | 05:40 Amber J. Sex Addict | 06:39 Crave | 07:05 Playboy Trip: Back in Argentina | 07:31 Bare Bliss | 07:57 e-Rotic | 08:23 Playboy's Amateur Girls | 08:49 Playboy's Amateur Girls | 09:15 My Horny Latin Stepsister | 10:49 Toyride | 11:14 Playboy's Amateur Girls | 11:40 E-Rotic | 12:06 Crave | 12:32 Bare Bliss | 12:58 Bare Bliss | 13:24 Dream Dates Elite | 13:48 Playboy Trip: Back in Argentina | 14:14 Nasty Beasts Of Seduction | 15:51 Playboy Shootout | 17:00 Nasty Beasts Of Seduction | 18:37 Surfing Attraction | 19:01 Surfing Attraction | 19:26 Surfing Attraction | 19:49 Gymsutra | 20:13 Foursome | 20:39 Praia Brava | 21:03 Insatiable Young Sluts | 22:29 Patients hungry for c... | 2025-02-19 00:13 Gymsutra | 00:38 Foursome | 01:04 Secretos de una obsesión | 01:28 Secretos de una obsesión | 01:53 Praia Brava | 02:17 Secret Sessions | 02:41 Surfing Attraction | 03:05 Surfing Attraction | 03:30 Praia Brava | 03:54 Praia Brava | 04:18 Praia Brava | 04:42 Praia Brava | 05:06 Foursome | 05:32 Gymsutra | 05:55 Spanking the Pleasure of Punishment | 07:16 Secretos de una obsesión | 07:39 Secretos de una obsesión | 08:03 Foursome | 08:29 Praia Brava | 08:54 Gymsutra | 09:19 My Black Hotwife | 10:38 Surfing Attraction | 11:02 Secret Sessions | 11:26 Praia Brava | 11:50 Secretos de una obsesión | 12:14 Foursome | 12:40 Foursome | 13:06 Secretos de una obsesión | 13:30 B... My New Boss | 15:06 Young And Nasty 6 | 17:00 Girlfriends Share a Man | 17:59 Playboy Girlfriends | 18:23 Playboy Girlfriends | 18:47 XConfessions | 19:13 Brooklyn Kinda Love | 19:40 Brooklyn Kinda Love | 20:08 Labios Calientes | 20:31 Trophy Wives Crave Big D... | 22:13 B... My New Boss | 23:50 Labios Calientes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
POP - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Law & Order | 01:00 Law & Order | 02:00 Law & Order | 03:00 Law & Order | 04:00 Law & Order | 05:00 Law & Order | 06:00 Law & Order | 07:00 Law & Order | 08:00 Law & Order | 09:00 Law & Order | 10:00 Law & Order | 11:00 Law & Order | 12:00 Law & Order | 13:00 FBI | 14:00 FBI | 15:00 FBI | 16:00 FBI | 17:00 FBI | 18:00 FBI | 19:00 ER | 20:00 ER | 21:00 ER | 21:55 ER | 23:00 ER | 2025-02-19 00:00 ER | 01:00 Criminal Minds | 02:00 Criminal Minds | 03:00 Criminal Minds | 04:00 Criminal Minds | 05:00 Criminal Minds | 06:00 Criminal Minds | 07:00 Criminal Minds | 08:00 Criminal Minds | 09:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 10:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 11:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 12:00 NCIS: New Orleans | 13:00 FBI | 13:52 FBI | 14:44 FBI | 15:35 FBI | 16:26 FBI | 17:18 FBI | 18:09 FBI | 19:00 ER | 20:00 ER | 21:00 ER | 21:55 ER | 23:00 ER | 2025-02-20 00:00 ER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posi TV (POSITIVE TV) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Stranger Story 2 | 02:00 Heaven Is Waiting | 04:00 Pieces of Easter | 06:30 I Forgive | 09:00 Faith, Hope and Love | 11:30 Faith, Hope and Love | 14:00 Escape From Hell | 16:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 16:30 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 20:00 Joseph Prince | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Know the Cause | 22:00 The Perfect Stranger | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Ron Clark Story | 02:00 Grandma's House | 04:00 All Roads Lead Home | 06:30 Beautiful One | 09:00 The Painted Veil | 12:00 The Painted Veil | 15:00 Sarah's Choice | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Relieve your foot pain with WalkFit! | 18:00 Going To The Bathroom Too Much? | 18:30 Ideal Prostate+ Provides Safe Natural Relief | 19:00 Health and Wellness Insights for Older Adults Dr. Laolu | 19:30 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 21:30 Know the Cause | 22:00 Home Sweet Home | 2025-02-20 00:00 Like Arrows | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prime TNF | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pursuit Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Texas Team Trail | 00:30 National Walleye Tour | 01:00 Archer's Choice | 01:30 Scott Martin Challenge | 02:00 Lindner's Angling Edge | 02:30 North American Trapper | 03:00 Paid Programming | 03:30 McWhorter Rifles' Precision Hunting TV | 04:00 The High Road With Keith Warren | 04:30 Sportsman's Journal Tv | 05:00 The Bearded Buck | 05:30 Paid Programming | 06:00 Dean Partridge's Canadian Whitetail | 06:30 Dna Outdoors Presented By Bilson Arms | 07:00 Pursuit's Pre-Game Show | 07:30 Dominating The Night - The Shinenyx Equation | 08:00 On The Hook | 08:30 Wiebe Trapline Adventures | 09:00 Hunting With HECS | 09:30 Red Arrow Tv | 10:00 For Love Or Likes | 10:30 The American Way | 11:00 Dream Makers | 11:30 Bear Whisperer | 12:00 MidWest Outdoors | 12:30 Pursuit's Pre-Game Show | 13:00 Chasin The Wild Outdoors Tv | 13:30 A Legacy With Laramy Sasquatch Miller | 14:00 Jimmy Houston Outdoors | 14:30 Dream Makers | 15:00 Trophy Pond | 15:30 Fly Rod Chronicles | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Ted Nugent Spirit Of The Wild | 17:00 The American Way | 17:30 Hank Parker's Outdoor Magazine | 18:00 Skeeter Bass Champs | 18:30 Angler's Channel Bass Wrap Up | 19:00 Pursuit's Pre-Game Show | 19:30 Gunwerks Long Range | 20:00 Man vs. Elk | 20:30 The Bearded Buck | 21:00 Shark PowerDetect with DuoClean Detect Technology | 21:30 Red Arrow Tv | 22:00 Fly Rod Chronicles | 22:30 McWhorter Rifles' Precision Hunting TV | 23:00 Power XL Stirmax Multicooker | 23:30 The High Road With Keith Warren | 2025-02-19 00:00 For Love Or Likes | 00:30 Texas Outdoor Lifestyles | 01:00 MidWest Outdoors | 01:30 Ted Nugent Spirit Of The Wild | 02:00 Hunting With HECS | 02:30 Viral Outdoors | 03:00 USOC Adventures TV | 03:30 Deer & Wildlife Stories | 04:00 Dominating The Night - The Shinenyx Equation | 04:30 Deertopia | 05:00 On The Road | 05:30 Shark CarpetXpert Carpet Cleaner | 06:00 Dean Partridge's Canadian Whitetail | 06:30 Viejo Creek Outdoors | 07:00 Sportsman's Adventures With Captain Rick Murphy | 07:30 Fly Rod Chronicles | 08:00 Jimmy Houston Outdoors | 08:30 National Walleye Tour | 09:00 Federation Angler TV | 09:30 Texas Team Trail | 10:00 Scott Martin Challenge | 10:30 Hank Parker's Outdoor Magazine | 11:00 Bass Pro Shop's Fisherman's Handbook | 11:30 Bass Pro Shop's Collegiate Bass Series | 12:00 Federation Angler TV | 12:30 Texas Team Trail | 13:00 National Walleye Tour | 13:30 Hank Parker's Outdoor Magazine | 14:00 Bass Pro Shop's Fisherman's Handbook | 14:30 Bass Pro Shop's Collegiate Bass Series | 15:00 Josh White Outdoor Adventures | 15:30 Viral Outdoors | 16:00 Nano Hearing Aid | 16:30 Mark Peterson's The Journey Within | 17:00 The High Road With Keith Warren | 17:30 Carnivore | 18:00 A Legacy With Laramy Sasquatch Miller | 18:30 Hunting With HECS | 19:00 Lindner's Angling Edge | 19:30 Skeeter Bass Champs | 20:00 Waterfowl Obsession Tv Presented By Sx Decoys | 20:30 Shark PowerDetect with DuoClean Detect Technology | 21:00 Bass Pro Shop's Collegiate Bass Series | 21:30 Josh White Outdoor Adventures | 22:00 Tails From The Bayou | 22:30 Viejo Creek Outdoors | 23:00 Power XL Stirmax Multicooker | 23:30 Deer & Wildlife Stories | 2025-02-20 00:00 Trigger Time Tv | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
QVC | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: Gardening Made Easy by Cottage Farms | 01:00 Live: Q Check - A Big Deal | 02:00 Live: American West Jewelry | 04:00 Live: Presidents' Day Sale | 05:00 Live: LOGO by Lori Goldstein Clearance | 07:00 Live: PM Style With Amy Stran | 09:00 Live: iNNOVATIONS in Electronics - Apple Products | 10:00 Live: Shawn on Style | 12:00 Live: Presidents' Day Sale | 13:00 Live: Love Who You Are by Kim Gravel | 14:00 Live: Peace Love World - Fashion | 15:00 Women With Control | 16:00 Love Who You Are by Kim Gravel | 17:00 PM Style With Amy Stran | 19:00 Live: Shoe Shopping | 20:00 Live: Me by Jennie Garth - Fashion | 21:00 Live: Get Ready, Gorgeous | 22:00 Live: Love Who You Are by Kim Gravel | 23:00 Denim & Co. | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live: Q Check - A Big Deal | 02:00 Live: Vionic -- Footwear -- All Free Shipping | 03:00 Live: Love Who You Are by Kim Gravel | 04:00 Gourmet Holiday | 07:00 Live: Love Who You Are by Kim Gravel | 08:00 Live: Me by Jennie Garth - Fashion | 09:00 Live: by Stacy London - Fashion | 10:00 Live: Kim Gravel Fashion & Beauty | 13:00 Live: Kitchen Must-Haves | 14:00 Live: Cleaning Solutions | 15:00 Live: Garden Reflections | 16:00 Kitchen Must-Haves | 17:00 Gardening Made Easy by Cottage Farms | 18:00 Mally Color Cosmetics x TATCHA Skin Care | 19:00 Live: Kitchen Must-Haves | 20:00 Live: Morning Connection | 22:00 Live: Belle by Kim Gravel -- Fashion | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Temp-tations Presentable Kitchen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
QVC2 | 2025-02-18 00:00 What Does Nancy Fancy? - Garden Edition | 02:00 Ready, Set, Grow -- Live Plants | 03:00 Outdoor Living | 04:00 Storage Solutions | 05:00 Home & Garden Update | 07:00 House to Home by Valerie | 08:00 Roberta's Unique Gardens | 10:00 HP Computer Workshop | 11:00 Pat's Garden Guide | 13:00 Saturday Morning Q | 17:00 Look on the Bright Side With Pat & Rick | 19:00 Gardening Made Easy by Cottage Farms | 20:00 In the Kitchen With David | 2025-02-19 00:00 EV Rider Mobility Scooters | 01:00 Storage Solutions | 02:00 Fitness at Home | 03:00 Temp-tations Presentable Kitchen | 04:00 Northern Nights Mattress | 05:00 Gemstone Jewelry | 06:00 Audien Hearing - Rechargeable Hearing Aids | 07:00 Rastelli's Family & Friends | 09:00 Amazon Fire Tablet | 10:00 JAI Jewelry | 11:00 Facets of Diamonique Jewelry | 12:00 Kallati -- Fine Jewelry | 13:00 Denim & Co. | 15:00 LOGO by Lori Goldstein Clearance | 17:00 Gourmet Holiday | 20:00 PM Style With Amy Stran | 22:00 American Leather Co. | 23:00 EV Rider Mobility Scooters | 2025-02-20 00:00 Peace Love World - Fashion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
QVC3 | 2025-02-18 01:00 American Leather Co. | 02:00 Roberta's Unique Gardens | 03:00 Susan Graver Style | 05:00 Skechers | 06:00 TATCHA - Skin Care | 07:00 Temp-tations Presentable Kitchen | 08:00 Mally Color Cosmetics x TATCHA Skin Care | 09:00 In the Kitchen With David | 13:00 iNNOVATIONS in Electronics - Apple Products | 14:00 In the Kitchen With David | 18:00 Susan Graver Style | 20:00 Fashion Deals With Leah Williams | 23:00 Skechers | 2025-02-19 00:00 Temp-tations Presentable Kitchen | 01:00 PM Style With Amy Stran | 03:00 Women With Control | 04:00 Shawn on Style | 06:00 LOGO by Lori Goldstein Clearance | 08:00 Roberta's Unique Gardens | 09:00 Mally Color Cosmetics x TATCHA Skin Care | 10:00 HomeWorx by Slatkin & Co. Candles & Home Fragrance | 11:00 Vionic -- Footwear -- All Free Shipping | 12:00 Gardening Made Easy by Cottage Farms | 13:00 Love Who You Are by Kim Gravel | 14:00 Shawn on Style | 16:00 Get Ready, Gorgeous | 17:00 PM Style With Amy Stran | 19:00 Vionic -- Footwear -- All Free Shipping | 20:00 Denim & Co. | 22:00 Roberta's Unique Gardens | 23:00 by Stacy London - Fashion | 2025-02-20 00:00 Gourmet Holiday | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RCN Nuestra Tele | 2025-02-18 00:00 Ponte al día con Cata Robayo | 01:00 Buen día, Colombia | 01:30 Noticias RCN | 03:30 En la jugada | 04:30 Lo mejor de la liga | 05:00 Girls O'clock | 05:30 Tenemos que hablar | 06:00 El despecho | 07:00 Trendiando | 08:00 Noticias RCN | 09:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 10:00 Charla técnica | 11:00 Noticias RCN | 11:30 El despecho | 12:30 Lo mejor de la liga | 13:00 Trendiando | 14:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 15:00 Charla técnica | 16:00 El despecho | 17:00 Tenemos que hablar | 17:30 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 18:30 Entrevistas con Hernán | 18:45 Alerta Bogotá | 19:00 RCN La Radio | 21:00 Mañana express | 22:30 Buen día, Colombia | 2025-02-19 00:00 Ponte al día con Cata Robayo | 01:00 Buen día, Colombia | 01:30 Noticias RCN | 03:30 En la jugada | 05:00 Yo, José Gabriel | 05:30 Tenemos que hablar | 06:00 El show de las estrellas | 07:00 Trendiando | 08:00 Noticias RCN | 09:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 10:00 Charla técnica | 11:00 Noticias RCN | 11:30 El despecho | 12:30 Entrevistas con Hernán | 13:00 Trendiando | 14:00 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 15:00 Charla técnica | 16:00 El despecho | 17:00 Tenemos que hablar | 17:30 Diomedes, el Cacique de La Junta | 18:30 Yo, José Gabriel | 20:30 Mañana express | 22:30 Buen día, Colombia | 23:00 Ponte al día con Cata Robayo | 2025-02-20 00:00 Programa pagado | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Real Americas Voice | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live: The Charlie Kirk Show | 03:00 Live: Human Events Daily | 04:00 Live: America's Voice Live | 05:00 Live: RAV Special Report | 06:00 Live: War Room: Special Coverage | 07:00 Live: Just The News No Noise | 08:00 Live: Stinchfield Tonight | 09:00 Live: Live From Studio 6B | 11:00 Live: The Root Reaction | 12:00 America's Voice Live | 13:00 RAV Special Report | 14:00 War Room: Special Coverage | 15:00 Just The News No Noise | 16:00 Stinchfield Tonight | 17:00 Live From Studio 6B | 18:00 Live: Securing America | 19:00 Live: The Steve Gruber Show | 20:00 Live: Outside the Beltway | 21:00 Live: American Sunrise | 23:00 Live: The War Room | 2025-02-19 01:00 Live: The Charlie Kirk Show | 03:00 Live: Human Events Daily | 04:00 Live: America's Voice Live | 05:00 Live: RAV Special Report | 06:00 Live: War Room: Special Coverage | 07:00 Live: Just The News No Noise | 08:00 Live: Stinchfield Tonight | 09:00 Live: Live From Studio 6B | 11:00 Live: The Root Reaction | 12:00 America's Voice Live | 13:00 RAV Special Report | 14:00 War Room: Special Coverage | 15:00 Just The News No Noise | 16:00 Stinchfield Tonight | 17:00 Live From Studio 6B | 18:00 Live: Securing America | 19:00 Live: The Steve Gruber Show | 20:00 Live: American Sunrise Early Edition | 21:00 Live: American Sunrise | 23:00 Live: The War Room | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recipe.TV HDTV (RCPHD) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 00:30 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 01:00 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 01:30 Eleni's Greek Odyssey | 02:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 02:30 Paris Bistro Cooking | 03:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 03:30 The French Pub | 04:00 The French Pub | 04:30 Eleni's Greek Odyssey | 05:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 05:30 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 06:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 06:30 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 07:00 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 07:30 Eleni's Greek Odyssey | 08:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 08:30 Paris Bistro Cooking | 09:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 09:30 The French Pub | 10:00 The French Pub | 10:30 Eleni's Greek Odyssey | 11:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 11:30 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 12:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 12:30 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 13:00 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 13:30 Eleni's Greek Odyssey | 14:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 14:30 Paris Bistro Cooking | 15:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 15:30 The French Pub | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 America's Comfort Food | 22:30 A Taste of London | 23:00 Paris Bistro Cooking | 23:30 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 2025-02-19 00:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 00:30 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 01:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 01:30 The French Pub | 02:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 02:30 The French Pub | 03:00 Paris Bistro Cooking | 03:30 The French Pub | 04:00 America's Comfort Food | 04:30 A Taste of London | 05:00 Paris Bistro Cooking | 05:30 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 06:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 06:30 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 07:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 07:30 The French Pub | 08:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 08:30 The French Pub | 09:00 Paris Bistro Cooking | 09:30 The French Pub | 10:00 America's Comfort Food | 10:30 A Taste of London | 11:00 Paris Bistro Cooking | 11:30 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 12:00 Celebrating With Lorna Maseko | 12:30 Ericka's Mexican Cocina | 13:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 13:30 The French Pub | 14:00 Baking at Ballyknocken | 14:30 The French Pub | 15:00 Paris Bistro Cooking | 15:30 The French Pub | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 French Country Cooking With Edward Delling-Williams | 22:30 A Taste of Ireland | 23:00 A Taste of Ireland | 23:30 Paris Bistro Cooking | 2025-02-20 00:00 Tastes of the World | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ReelzChannel | 2025-02-18 01:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 02:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 03:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 04:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 05:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 06:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 07:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 08:00 Cops Reloaded | 08:30 Cops Reloaded | 09:00 Cops Reloaded | 09:30 Cops Reloaded | 10:00 Whitesnake: Breaking the Band | 11:00 Poison: Breaking The Band | 12:00 Twisted Sister: Breaking The Band | 13:00 Whitesnake: Breaking the Band | 14:00 Poison: Breaking The Band | 15:00 Twisted Sister: Breaking The Band | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Mercy Ships | 17:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Lung Cancer From Asbestos? | 19:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 20:00 Sex, Lies & Murder | 21:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 21:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 22:00 On Patrol: Live | 2025-02-19 01:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 02:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 03:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 04:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 05:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 06:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 07:00 Untold Stories of the E.R. | 08:00 Cops | 08:30 Cops | 09:00 Cops | 09:30 Cops | 10:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 10:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 11:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 11:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 12:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 12:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 13:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 13:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 14:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 14:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 15:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 15:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Lung Cancer From Asbestos? | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 19:00 Harrison Ford: Fortune Fight | 20:00 Johnny Depp: Fortune Fight | 21:00 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 21:30 Sheriffs of El Dorado County | 22:00 On Patrol: Live | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RetroPlex HDTV (RETROHD) | 2025-02-18 00:35 The Homesman | 02:39 Pros & Ex-Cons | 04:12 Night of the Living Dead | 05:49 Red Canyon | 07:12 Purple Violets | 09:00 The Homesman | 11:04 Night of the Living Dead | 12:41 Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon | 13:50 Purple Violets | 15:38 Smoke Signal | 17:07 The Emperor Jones | 18:21 Dressed to Kill | 19:33 Rare Birds | 21:15 Two Mules for Sister Sara | 23:01 Showdown | 2025-02-19 00:21 The Duel | 02:12 Smoke Signal | 03:41 Two Mules for Sister Sara | 05:27 Rare Birds | 07:09 The Duel | 09:00 Showdown | 10:20 Two Mules for Sister Sara | 12:06 The Joe Louis Story | 13:35 Tales of an Ancient Empire | 15:05 The Way of the West | 16:28 South of Heaven, West of Hell | 18:41 The Duel | 20:32 The Woman in Green | 21:40 Tales of an Ancient Empire | 23:10 Shoot First and Pray You Live (Because Luck Has Nothing to Do With It) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Revolt TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Best of Anderson .Paak | 01:00 Verified Videos | 02:00 Verified Videos | 02:30 Internationally Known | 03:00 Black Girl Stuff | 04:00 Verified Videos | 05:00 The Jason Lee Show | 06:00 Short & Fresh | 07:00 Verified Videos | 08:00 Caresha Please | 09:00 Short & Fresh | 10:00 The Crew League: 3-Point Contest | 10:30 Overtime Hustle | 11:00 The Baller Alert Show | 12:00 Untapped | 13:00 The Crew League: 3-Point Contest | 13:30 Overtime Hustle | 14:00 The Baller Alert Show | 15:00 Verified Videos: After Hours | 15:30 Internationally Known | 16:00 Verified Videos: After Hours | 17:00 Big Facts | 18:00 Kingdom Culture With T.D. Jakes | 19:00 Verified Videos | 20:00 Verified Videos | 21:00 Verified Videos | 22:00 The Best of Lil Uzi Vert | 23:00 The Best of Kendrick Lamar 2 | 2025-02-19 00:00 The Best of Joey Bada$$ | 01:00 Verified Videos | 02:00 Verified Videos | 03:00 Black Girl Stuff | 04:00 Verified Videos | 05:00 The Jason Lee Show | 06:00 Short & Fresh | 07:00 The Crew League: 3-Point Contest | 07:30 Overtime Hustle | 08:00 The Baller Alert Show | 09:00 Short & Fresh | 10:00 Black Girl Stuff | 11:00 Tez on Ten | 12:00 Internationally Known | 12:30 Verified Videos: After Hours | 13:00 Black Girl Stuff | 14:00 Tez on Ten | 15:00 Internationally Known | 15:30 Verified Videos: After Hours | 16:00 Verified Videos: After Hours | 17:00 Big Facts | 18:00 Kingdom Culture With T.D. Jakes | 19:00 Verified Videos | 20:00 Verified Videos | 21:00 Verified Videos | 22:00 The Best of Gucci Mane | 23:00 The Best of Kevin Gates | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Best of Jhené Aiko | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RFD-TV | 2025-02-18 00:00 Hee Haw | 01:00 Hee Haw | 02:00 Hee Haw | 03:00 The Malpass Brothers Show | 03:30 FFA Today | 04:00 Better Horses TV | 04:30 I Love Toy Trains | 05:00 Positively Paula | 05:30 DocTalk | 06:00 Trains & Locomotives | 07:00 Live: Rural Health Matters | 08:00 Postcards From Nebraska | 08:30 Rural Evening News | 09:00 Live: Rural America Live | 10:00 The American Rancher | 10:30 Red Steagall West of Wall Street | 11:00 DocTalk | 11:30 Better Horses TV | 12:00 Postcards From Nebraska | 12:30 Rural Evening News | 13:00 Rural America Live | 14:00 The American Rancher | 14:30 Red Steagall West of Wall Street | 15:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 16:00 Best Mattress Topper Ever! | 17:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Coop Dreams | 19:30 Presleys' Country Jubilee | 20:00 Ray's Roadhouse | 20:30 Dr. David Jeremiah | 21:00 Rural Evening News | 21:30 AgDay | 22:00 Live: Market Day Report | 2025-02-19 03:00 Live: Cow Guy Close | 03:30 Total Acre Farming | 04:00 Gentle Giants | 04:30 Chris Cox Horsemanship | 05:00 Better Horses TV | 05:30 Rural Heritage | 06:00 Machinery Pete | 06:30 Classic Tractor Fever | 07:30 NTPA Championship Pulling | 08:00 Texas Agriculture Matters | 08:30 Rural Evening News | 09:00 Ag PhD | 09:30 Cattlemen to Cattlemen | 10:00 RanchHer | 10:30 SharkFarmer TV | 11:00 Chris Cox Horsemanship | 11:30 Saddle Up With Dennis Brouse | 12:00 Best of America by Horseback | 12:30 Rural Evening News | 13:00 Ag PhD | 13:30 Cattlemen to Cattlemen | 14:00 RanchHer | 14:30 SharkFarmer TV | 15:00 Relief from Inflammation | 16:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 17:00 Under Eye Bags? SOLUTION! | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 19:00 Hee Haw | 20:00 The Dailey & Vincent Show | 20:30 Dr. David Jeremiah | 21:00 Rural Evening News | 21:30 AgDay | 22:00 Live: Market Day Report | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Root Sports Northwest | 2025-02-18 00:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 00:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 01:00 Northwest Fishing TV | 01:30 The Short List | 02:00 Pure Outdoor | 02:30 Invincible | 03:00 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 03:30 Snow Motion | 04:00 College Hockey | 06:30 FIBA World Basketball | 07:00 WNBL Basketball | 09:00 Perfect Game TV | 09:30 Mariners All Access | 10:00 Seattle Mariners - Best of 2024 | 13:00 Rizzs Remembers | 13:30 The Card Life | 14:00 Jai Alai | 16:00 World Chase Tag | 17:00 World Poker Tour | 18:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 19:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 19:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 20:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 22:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 22:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 2025-02-19 00:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 00:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 01:00 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin | 01:30 Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin | 02:00 Breaking Par | 02:30 Destination Golf | 03:00 Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 04:00 The Card Life | 04:30 The Immortals | 05:00 The Short List | 05:30 Pure Outdoor | 06:00 Invincible | 06:30 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 07:00 Jai Alai | 09:00 Perfect Game TV | 09:30 Mariners All Access | 10:00 Seattle Mariners - Best of 2024 | 13:00 Rizzs Remembers | 13:30 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 14:00 Footvolley | 15:00 Footvolley | 16:00 WNBL Basketball | 18:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 19:00 United Fight Alliance | 20:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 21:00 Fight Sports MMA | 22:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 22:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 2025-02-20 00:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ROOT Sports Northwest PLUS | 2025-02-18 00:00 Paid Programming | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 Northwest Fishing TV | 01:30 The Short List | 02:00 Pure Outdoor | 02:30 Invincible | 03:00 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 03:30 Snow Motion | 04:00 College Hockey | 06:30 FIBA World Basketball | 07:00 WNBL Basketball | 09:00 Perfect Game TV | 09:30 Mariners All Access | 10:00 Seattle Mariners - Best of 2024 | 13:00 Rizzs Remembers | 13:30 The Card Life | 14:00 Jai Alai | 16:00 World Chase Tag | 17:00 World Poker Tour | 18:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 19:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 19:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 20:00 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-19 00:00 Paid Programming | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin | 01:30 Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin | 02:00 Breaking Par | 02:30 Destination Golf | 03:00 Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 04:00 The Card Life | 04:30 The Immortals | 05:00 The Short List | 05:30 Pure Outdoor | 06:00 Invincible | 06:30 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 07:00 Jai Alai | 09:00 Perfect Game TV | 09:30 Mariners All Access | 10:00 Seattle Mariners - Best of 2024 | 13:00 Rizzs Remembers | 13:30 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 14:00 Footvolley | 15:00 Footvolley | 16:00 WNBL Basketball | 18:00 SportsWrap With Jason Page | 19:00 United Fight Alliance | 20:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 21:00 Fight Sports MMA | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-20 00:00 Paid Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RTVi | 2025-02-18 00:00 Aziya Segodnya | 00:25 900 sekund | 00:45 Novosti izrailya | 01:00 Bolshoy nyuztok | 02:00 Vy derzhites` | 03:00 Redaktsiya | 04:00 Respirator Babushkina | 05:00 Amerikanskie istorii | 05:30 Sdelano v Izraile | 06:30 Redaktsiya. Spetsvypusk | 07:00 Spetsialnoe intervyu | 08:00 Ohota | 09:00 Ohota | 10:00 Vy derzhites` | 11:00 Spetsialnoe intervyu | 12:00 Respirator Babushkina | 13:00 Bolshoy nyuztok | 14:00 Korni chelovechestva. Poiski istokov | 14:50 Za porogom | 15:00 Sdelano v Izraile | 16:00 Ohota | 17:00 Ohota | 18:00 Novosti | 18:30 Nauka Protiv | 19:00 Na Paltsah | 19:30 Almatinskie Istorii | 20:00 Novosti | 20:30 Mul'tfil'my | 21:30 Us: Obstoyatelstva | 22:00 Novosti | 22:30 Aziya. V Tsentre | 23:30 Korni chelovechestva. Poiski istokov | 2025-02-19 00:20 Za porogom | 00:30 Paralleli | 01:00 Bolshoy nyuztok | 02:00 Sdelano v Izraile | 03:00 Redaktsiya. Spetsvypusk | 03:30 Vzyal I Poehal | 05:00 Us: Obstoyatelstva | 05:30 Nam nado pogovorit` | 06:30 Amerikanskie istorii | 07:00 Dezhurnyy Po Amerike | 08:00 Ohota | 09:00 Ohota | 10:00 US: Novosti | 10:30 Us: Obstoyatelstva | 11:00 Dezhurnyy Po Amerike | 12:00 Redaktsiya | 13:00 Bolshoy nyuztok | 14:00 Korni chelovechestva. Poiski istokov | 14:50 Za porogom | 15:00 Legenda | 16:00 Ohota | 17:00 Ohota | 18:00 Novosti | 18:30 Interesnaya zhizn | 20:00 Novosti | 20:30 Mul'tfil'my | 21:30 Us: Obstoyatelstva | 22:00 Novosti | 22:30 Almatinskie Istorii | 23:00 Drobyshevskiy plyus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SALE Network | 2025-02-18 02:00 To Be Announced | 08:00 To Be Announced | 14:00 To Be Announced | 20:00 To Be Announced | 2025-02-19 02:00 To Be Announced | 08:00 To Be Announced | 14:00 To Be Announced | 20:00 To Be Announced | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Salem News Channel (SNC) | 2025-02-18 01:00 To Be Announced | 04:00 To Be Announced | 07:00 To Be Announced | 10:00 To Be Announced | 13:00 To Be Announced | 16:00 To Be Announced | 19:00 To Be Announced | 22:00 To Be Announced | 2025-02-19 01:00 To Be Announced | 04:00 To Be Announced | 07:00 To Be Announced | 10:00 To Be Announced | 13:00 To Be Announced | 16:00 To Be Announced | 19:00 To Be Announced | 22:00 To Be Announced | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SBS (Korean) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Sweet Enemy | 00:50 Good Morning | 01:50 Hit the Road, Chef | 03:10 Today | 04:00 News Night Line | 04:30 Movie World | 05:00 TV Cultwo Show | 06:00 Live: Morning Wide 1 | 06:30 Live: Morning Wide 2 | 07:10 My Little Old Boy | 08:40 Fantastic Duo | 10:00 SBS News | 10:30 Today Special | 10:50 Life Experts | 12:00 SBS Evening News | 13:00 You Are My Destiny | 14:30 Love Temperature | 16:00 Life Experts | 16:50 SBS Evening News | 17:50 Happy-Game-Lucky | 19:00 Today Special | 20:00 Live: SBS 8 News | 20:50 Movie World | 21:20 Morning Wide 3 | 22:00 Good Morning | 23:00 SBS 8 News | 2025-02-19 00:00 Sweet Enemy | 00:50 Good Morning | 01:50 Incredible Moment | 03:10 Today | 04:00 News Night Line | 04:30 Movie World | 05:00 TV Cultwo Show | 06:00 Live: Morning Wide 1 | 06:30 Live: Morning Wide 2 | 07:10 You Are My Destiny | 08:30 Love Temperature | 10:00 SBS News | 10:30 Today Special | 10:50 E-News Exclusive | 12:00 SBS Evening News | 13:00 The Fab Singles | 14:30 Love Temperature | 16:00 E-News Exclusive | 16:50 SBS Evening News | 17:10 SBS Golf Academy | 18:30 'VOA-My America | 19:00 Good Morning | 20:00 SBS News | 20:30 Today Special | 21:30 Network Home | 22:30 Golf With Aimee | 23:00 Morning Wide | 2025-02-20 00:00 SBS 8 News | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scares by Shudder | 2025-02-18 01:17 The Seed | 03:01 Mad God | 04:36 Blood Glacier | 06:28 The Sadness | 08:21 Creepshow 2 | 10:03 C.H.U.D. | 11:53 The Hallow | 13:43 Boar | 15:32 Death Valley | 17:17 Glorious | 18:47 Revealer | 20:26 Scare Package | 22:28 Teddy | 2025-02-19 00:09 Almost Human | 01:39 Blood Quantum | 03:30 One Cut of the Dead | 05:19 Peninsula | 07:30 Castle Freak | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Science | 2025-02-18 00:00 Lost Cities of the Amazon | 01:00 Lost Cities of the Amazon | 02:00 Lost Cities of the Amazon | 03:00 Expedition Unknown | 04:00 Expedition Unknown | 05:00 Expedition Unknown | 06:00 Expedition Unknown | 07:00 Expedition Unknown | 08:00 Expedition Unknown | 09:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 10:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 11:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 12:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 13:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 14:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 15:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 16:00 Six Schizophrenic Brothers | 17:00 Expedition Unknown | 18:00 Expedition Unknown | 19:00 NASA's Unexplained Files | 20:00 NASA's Unexplained Files | 21:00 NASA's Unexplained Files | 22:00 How the Universe Works | 23:00 How the Universe Works | 2025-02-19 00:00 Strangest Things | 01:00 Strangest Things | 02:00 Strangest Things | 03:00 Strangest Things | 04:00 Strangest Things | 05:00 Strangest Things | 06:00 Strangest Things | 07:00 Strange Evidence | 08:00 Strange Evidence | 09:00 Strange Evidence | 10:00 Strange Evidence | 11:00 Strange Evidence | 12:00 Strange Evidence | 13:00 Strange Evidence | 14:00 Strange Evidence | 15:00 Strange Evidence | 16:00 Strange Evidence | 17:00 Strangest Things | 18:00 Strangest Things | 19:00 NASA's Unexplained Files | 20:00 NASA's Unexplained Files | 21:00 NASA's Unexplained Files | 22:00 How the Universe Works | 23:00 How the Universe Works | 2025-02-20 00:00 BattleBots | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ScreenPix | 2025-02-18 00:40 The Night They Raided Minsky's | 02:20 Popi | 04:15 Park Row | 05:40 The Noose Hangs High | 07:00 The Organization | 08:50 The Emerald Forest | 10:45 Attack! | 12:35 A Prayer for the Dying | 14:25 Foreign Intrigue | 16:05 Melody Parade | 17:20 House of 1,000 Dolls | 19:00 The Organization | 20:50 The Emerald Forest | 22:45 Attack! | 2025-02-19 00:35 A Prayer for the Dying | 02:25 Foreign Intrigue | 04:05 Melody Parade | 05:20 Sea Fury | 07:00 The Gravedancers | 08:40 Unspeakable | 10:30 Christina's House | 12:10 Scissors | 14:00 The Initiation of Sarah | 15:40 Legends of Flight | 16:25 Little Norse Prince Valiant | 17:50 Alias John Preston | 19:00 The Gravedancers | 20:40 Unspeakable | 22:30 Christina's House | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ScreenPix Action | 2025-02-18 00:45 Rage | 02:20 Hercules Against Karate | 04:05 Kill a Dragon | 05:40 Operation Bottleneck | 07:00 Child in the Night | 08:40 Shattered | 10:20 Midnight Heat | 12:00 Night Drive | 13:15 The Calendar Girl Murders | 14:55 The Man in the Net | 16:35 Fanfare for a Death Scene | 17:50 Timbuktu | 19:25 Carve Her Name With Pride | 21:25 Child in the Night | 23:05 Shattered | 2025-02-19 00:45 Midnight Heat | 02:25 Night Drive | 03:40 The Calendar Girl Murders | 05:20 The Man in the Net | 07:00 99 River Street | 08:25 Nightmare | 09:55 The Big Knife | 11:50 Lady of Vengeance | 13:05 Counterplot | 14:25 My Gun Is Quick | 16:00 The Secret Place | 17:40 Big House, U.S.A. | 19:05 Hell Bound | 20:20 Diary of a Madman | 22:00 99 River Street | 23:25 Nightmare | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ScreenPix Voices | 2025-02-18 00:00 Salt and Pepper | 01:45 Bloody Mama | 03:20 Amazing Grace | 05:00 The Monkey Hustle | 06:35 Crack House | 08:10 Slaughter | 09:45 Original Gangstas | 11:25 Odds Against Tomorrow | 13:05 I Escaped From Devil's Island | 14:35 Crack House | 16:10 Slaughter | 17:45 Original Gangstas | 19:25 Odds Against Tomorrow | 21:05 I Escaped From Devil's Island | 22:35 Crack House | 2025-02-19 00:10 Slaughter | 01:45 Original Gangstas | 03:25 Odds Against Tomorrow | 05:05 I Escaped From Devil's Island | 06:35 Black Girl | 08:15 Anna Lucasta | 09:55 Visit to a Chief's Son | 11:30 A Life of Sin | 13:20 The Kitchen Toto | 15:00 Black Girl | 16:40 Anna Lucasta | 18:20 Visit to a Chief's Son | 19:55 A Life of Sin | 21:45 The Kitchen Toto | 23:25 Black Girl | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ScreenPix Westerns | 2025-02-18 00:15 Invitation to a Gunfighter | 01:50 Whiskey and Ghosts | 03:35 The Hallelujah Trail | 06:05 Sonora Stagecoach | 07:00 Bat Masterson | 07:30 Bat Masterson | 08:00 Tombstone Territory | 08:30 Tombstone Territory | 09:00 The Dalton Girls | 10:15 The Return of a Man Called Horse | 12:25 Buffalo Bill and the Indians | 14:30 Barquero | 16:20 Oklahoma Territory | 17:30 The Iroquois Trail | 19:00 Bat Masterson | 19:30 Bat Masterson | 20:00 Tombstone Territory | 20:30 Tombstone Territory | 21:00 The Dalton Girls | 22:15 The Return of a Man Called Horse | 2025-02-19 00:25 Buffalo Bill and the Indians | 02:30 Barquero | 04:20 Oklahoma Territory | 05:30 Comanche | 07:00 Bat Masterson | 07:30 Bat Masterson | 08:00 Tombstone Territory | 08:30 Tombstone Territory | 09:00 Terror in a Texas Town | 10:25 The Mercenary | 12:15 Captain John Smith and Pocahontas | 13:35 Gun Fever | 15:00 Red River | 16:40 Another Man, Another Chance | 19:00 Bat Masterson | 19:30 Bat Masterson | 20:00 Tombstone Territory | 20:30 Tombstone Territory | 21:00 Terror in a Texas Town | 22:25 The Mercenary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scripps News Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Morning Rush | 01:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 02:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 03:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 04:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 05:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 06:00 Happening Now in America | 07:00 Today as It Happened | 08:00 It Takes a Killer | 08:30 It Takes a Killer | 09:00 It Takes a Killer | 09:30 It Takes a Killer | 10:00 It Takes a Killer | 10:30 It Takes a Killer | 11:00 Today as It Happened | 12:00 The National Report | 13:00 Today as It Happened | 14:00 The National Report | 15:00 Today as It Happened | 16:00 The National Report | 17:00 Today as It Happened | 18:00 The National Report | 19:00 The National Report | 20:00 Morning Rush | 21:00 Morning Rush | 22:00 Morning Rush | 23:00 Morning Rush | 2025-02-19 00:00 Morning Rush | 01:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 02:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 03:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 04:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 05:00 Scripps News On The Scene | 06:00 Happening Now in America | 07:00 Today as It Happened | 08:00 Corrupt Crimes | 08:30 Corrupt Crimes | 09:00 Corrupt Crimes | 09:30 Corrupt Crimes | 10:00 Corrupt Crimes | 10:30 Corrupt Crimes | 11:00 Today as It Happened | 12:00 The National Report | 13:00 Today as It Happened | 14:00 The National Report | 15:00 Today as It Happened | 16:00 The National Report | 17:00 Today as It Happened | 18:00 The National Report | 19:00 The National Report | 20:00 Morning Rush | 21:00 Morning Rush | 22:00 Morning Rush | 23:00 Morning Rush | 2025-02-20 00:00 Morning Rush | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SEC Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 SEC Now | 00:30 Women's College Gymnastics | 02:00 Women's College Basketball | 04:00 The Paul Finebaum Show | 08:00 SEC Inside | 08:30 TrueSouth | 09:00 Live: Women's College Basketball | 11:00 College Basketball | 13:00 College Basketball | 15:00 Women's College Basketball | 17:00 SEC Start Up | 18:00 ESPN Original Documentaries | 19:00 College Football | 22:00 Women's College Basketball | 2025-02-19 00:00 SEC Inside | 00:30 College Football | 03:30 SEC Inside | 04:00 The Paul Finebaum Show | 08:00 Live: College Basketball | 10:00 Live: College Basketball | 12:00 Live: SEC Now | 12:30 SEC Now | 13:00 SEC Now | 13:30 SEC Now | 14:00 SEC Now | 14:30 SEC Now | 15:00 SEC Now | 15:30 SEC Now | 16:00 College Football | 19:00 Giant Killers: The Story of the Lady Longhorns | 20:00 SEC Now | 20:30 SEC Now | 21:00 SEC Now | 21:30 SEC Now | 22:00 SEC Now | 22:30 SEC Now | 23:00 SEC Inside | 23:30 College Basketball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SEC Network Alternate | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 23:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 07:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 15:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 23:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shop LC (WLWT3) Cincinnati, OH | 2025-02-18 00:00 Shopping | 01:00 Shopping | 02:00 Shopping | 03:00 Shopping | 04:00 Shopping | 05:00 Shopping | 06:00 Shopping | 07:00 Shopping | 08:00 Shopping | 09:00 Shopping | 10:00 Shopping | 11:00 Shopping | 12:00 Shopping | 13:00 Shopping | 14:00 Shopping | 15:00 Shopping | 16:00 Shopping | 17:00 Shopping | 18:00 Shopping | 19:00 Shopping | 20:00 Shopping | 21:00 Shopping | 22:00 Shopping | 23:00 Shopping | 2025-02-19 00:00 Shopping | 01:00 Shopping | 02:00 Shopping | 03:00 Shopping | 04:00 Shopping | 05:00 Shopping | 06:00 Shopping | 07:00 Shopping | 08:00 Shopping | 09:00 Shopping | 10:00 Shopping | 11:00 Shopping | 12:00 Shopping | 13:00 Shopping | 14:00 Shopping | 15:00 Shopping | 16:00 Shopping | 17:00 Shopping | 18:00 Shopping | 19:00 Shopping | 20:00 Shopping | 21:00 Shopping | 22:00 Shopping | 23:00 Shopping | 2025-02-20 00:00 Shopping | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOPHQ | 2025-02-18 00:00 President's Day Diamond Sale & Clearance | 01:00 Helios Health President's Day Sale | 02:00 Kate & Mallory-President's Day Sale | 03:00 Christopher & Banks-President's Day Sale | 04:00 President's Day Diamond Sale & Clearance | 05:00 Presidents Day Jewelry Sale ft. Sorrento | 06:00 Helios Health President's Day Sale | 07:00 Kate & Mallory-President's Day Sale | 08:00 Christopher & Banks-President's Day Sale | 09:00 President's Day Watch Sale Up to 65% Off | 10:00 Presidents Day Home Sale ft. Jorge Perez | 11:00 Helios Health President's Day Sale | 12:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 13:00 Waterford Crystal | 14:00 Galerie de Bijoux Jewelry Sale & CLR | 15:00 Waggoner Chocolates | 16:00 Joyce Giraud // Coin of Harmony | 17:00 LifeVac Medical Device | 18:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 19:00 Indigo Thread Co. Fashions | 20:00 Kate & Mallory Fashions | 21:00 Christopher & Banks Apparel & Access. | 22:00 Collagen Burn | 23:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 2025-02-19 00:00 Morris & David Jewelry Sale & Clearance | 01:00 Diamonds by Peace Jewelers | 02:00 Collagen Burn | 03:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 04:00 Pajar Canada Footwear | 05:00 Wolf Mattress in a Box | 06:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 07:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 08:00 Tiffany Style Lighting | 09:00 Tiffany Style Lighting | 10:00 Mark Roberts Collectibles | 11:00 At Home with Jorge Perez | 12:00 At Home with Jorge Perez | 13:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 14:00 Joyce Giraud Haircare | 15:00 Dermaclara Ageless Beauty | 16:00 Sigma Beauty | 17:00 Consult Beaute & Health/Coin of Harmony | 18:00 Quick N Brite Cleaning | 19:00 Tiffany Style Lighting | 20:00 Mark Roberts Collectibles | 21:00 Wolf Mattress in a Box | 22:00 At Home with Jorge Perez | 23:00 Gems of Distinction Sale & Clearance | 2025-02-20 00:00 Tiffany Style Lighting | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOPZ1 | 2025-02-18 02:00 Cindy Crawford's Skin Secrets | 05:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 08:00 Rechargeable Hearing Aid. No More Batteries! | 11:00 TVON - Fine Jewerly Shopping Network | 14:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 17:00 Best Mattress Topper | 20:00 Achy Legs? Get Relief! | 23:00 Auto Insurance for Seniors | 2025-02-19 02:00 1 Day Bathroom Flip | 05:00 Rechargeable Hearing Aid. No More Batteries! | 08:00 Achy Legs? Get Relief! | 11:00 Prostate Problems? Get Relief Fast! | 13:00 Freezer to Plate in 10 Minutes! | 14:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 17:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 20:00 Better Hearing, Better Savings | 23:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOPZ3-TCT FAMILY HD | 2025-02-18 02:00 Freezer to Plate in 10 Minutes! | 05:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | 08:00 Fine Art Auction - Live! | 13:00 Achy Legs? Get Relief! | 16:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | 17:00 Risk-Free Hearing Aid! | 20:00 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 23:00 Income For Life! | 2025-02-19 02:00 Best Mattress Topper | 05:00 NEW Shark Vacuum! Your Pet Hair Solution! | 08:00 COIN - Collectible Coins with Steve and Allison | 13:00 Reduce swelling in your legs, ankles and feet | 16:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 17:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 20:00 NEW Shark Deep Carpet Cleaner | 23:00 Income For Life! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOPZ4 | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Texan | 01:00 The Texan | 02:00 The Texan | 03:00 The Texan | 04:00 The Texan | 05:00 The Texan | 06:00 The Texan | 07:00 The Texan | 08:00 Looking for a Medicare plan? Tune in now! | 09:00 Save On Car Repairs with Endurance | 10:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 11:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 12:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 13:00 Crepe Erase NEW | 14:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 15:00 Cindy Crawford, Ellen Pompeo! | 16:00 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Les Feldick Ministries | 19:30 Danger Man | 20:00 21 Jump Street | 21:00 The Real McCoys | 22:00 The Real McCoys | 23:00 Hunter | 2025-02-19 00:00 Hunter | 01:00 Hunter | 02:00 Hunter | 03:00 Hunter | 04:00 Hunter | 05:00 Hunter | 06:00 Hunter | 07:00 Hunter | 08:00 Looking for a Medicare plan? | 09:00 Cindy Crawford, Ellen Pompeo! | 10:00 Save On Car Repairs with Endurance | 11:00 Car Repair with Danica Patrick | 12:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 13:00 Transform your home today, fast & easy! | 13:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 14:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 15:00 Cindy Crawford, Ellen Pompeo! | 16:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:30 Transform your home today, fast & easy! | 18:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Les Feldick Ministries | 19:30 Danger Man | 20:00 21 Jump Street | 21:00 The Real McCoys | 22:00 The Real McCoys | 23:00 Renegade | 2025-02-20 00:00 Renegade | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOPZ5-INDEPENDENT | 2025-02-18 01:00 1 Day Bathroom Flip | 04:00 Do You Need a Stairlift? | 07:00 Income For Life! | 08:00 The Coin Vault | 13:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | 16:00 Trick to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes | 19:00 Achy Legs? Get Relief! | 22:00 Cindy Crawford's Skin Secrets | 2025-02-19 01:00 Embarrassed by Hearing Loss? | 04:00 Cindy Crawford's Skin Secrets | 07:00 Rechargeable Hearing Aid. No More Batteries! | 08:00 The Coin Vault | 13:00 Better Hearing, Better Savings | 16:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | 19:00 Embarrassed by Hearing Loss? | 22:00 Inogen Portable Oxygen - No More Tanks! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOPZ6 | 2025-02-18 00:00 Paid Programming | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 Paid Programming | 01:30 Paid Programming | 02:00 Paid Programming | 02:30 Paid Programming | 03:00 Paid Programming | 03:30 Paid Programming | 04:00 Paid Programming | 04:30 Paid Programming | 05:00 Paid Programming | 05:30 Paid Programming | 06:00 Paid Programming | 06:30 Paid Programming | 07:00 Paid Programming | 07:30 Paid Programming | 08:00 Paid Programming | 08:30 Paid Programming | 09:00 Paid Programming | 09:30 Paid Programming | 10:00 Paid Programming | 10:30 Paid Programming | 11:00 Paid Programming | 11:30 Paid Programming | 12:00 Paid Programming | 12:30 Paid Programming | 13:00 Paid Programming | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 Paid Programming | 14:30 Paid Programming | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-19 00:00 Paid Programming | 00:30 Paid Programming | 01:00 Paid Programming | 01:30 Paid Programming | 02:00 Paid Programming | 02:30 Paid Programming | 03:00 Paid Programming | 03:30 Paid Programming | 04:00 Paid Programming | 04:30 Paid Programming | 05:00 Paid Programming | 05:30 Paid Programming | 06:00 Paid Programming | 06:30 Paid Programming | 07:00 Paid Programming | 07:30 Paid Programming | 08:00 Paid Programming | 08:30 Paid Programming | 09:00 Paid Programming | 09:30 Paid Programming | 10:00 Paid Programming | 10:30 Paid Programming | 11:00 Paid Programming | 11:30 Paid Programming | 12:00 Paid Programming | 12:30 Paid Programming | 13:00 Paid Programming | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 Paid Programming | 14:30 Paid Programming | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-20 00:00 Paid Programming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shorts HD | 2025-02-18 00:00 Animazing | 01:00 Real Stories | 02:00 Family Ties | 03:00 Just For Laughs | 04:00 ShortsTV Selects Period Dramas | 05:00 Family Ties | 06:00 Just For Laughs | 07:00 ShortsTV Selects Period Dramas | 08:00 Family Ties | 09:00 Black History Month #3 | 10:00 Happy Hour | 11:00 Criminal Intent | 12:00 Black History Month #3 | 13:00 Midnight Horror | 14:00 Criminal Intent | 15:00 Black History Month #3 | 16:00 Midnight Horror | 17:00 The Hot Ticket | 18:00 Happy Hour | 19:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 20:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 21:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 22:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 23:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 2025-02-19 00:00 Animazing | 01:00 Real Stories | 02:00 Family Ties | 03:00 Men VS. Women Comedies | 04:00 Shortstv Selects: Thrillers | 05:00 Family Ties | 06:00 Men VS. Women Comedies | 07:00 Shortstv Selects: Thrillers | 08:00 Family Ties | 09:00 The Hot Ticket | 10:00 Unmissable Shorts | 11:00 Awards Season | 12:00 Unmissable Shorts | 13:00 Midnight Horror | 14:00 Awards Season | 15:00 Unmissable Shorts | 16:00 Midnight Horror | 17:00 Criminal Intent | 18:00 Black History Month #3 | 19:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 20:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 21:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 22:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 23:00 Breakfast With Shorts | 2025-02-20 00:00 Animazing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showtime 2 - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:40 Geostorm | 03:35 Brokeback Mountain | 05:50 Selma | 08:00 The Godfather | 11:00 The Godfather, Part II | 14:25 The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone | 17:05 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas | 18:40 The Godfather | 21:40 The Last Voyage of the Demeter | 23:40 Indecent Proposal | 2025-02-19 01:40 Irena's Vow | 03:40 Defiance | 06:00 No Country for Old Men | 08:05 Death Without Mercy | 09:30 Murder Company | 11:00 The Hunt for Red October | 13:15 Mafia Mamma | 15:00 Sexy Wives Sindrome | 16:20 No Country for Old Men | 18:30 Forces of Nature | 20:20 A Dog's Purpose | 22:00 The Long Kiss Goodnight | 2025-02-20 00:00 A Mighty Heart | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showtime Extreme - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:30 Red Eye | 02:00 Good Kill | 03:45 K-19: The Widowmaker | 06:05 Hell or High Water | 07:50 Murder Company | 09:15 Universal Soldier | 11:00 Allied | 13:05 The Firm | 15:40 The Babysitter | 17:10 2 Days in the Valley | 19:00 Confess, Fletch | 20:40 A Perfect Day | 22:30 Warrior Strong | 2025-02-19 00:10 The Two Jakes | 02:30 The Untouchables | 04:30 Agent Game | 06:00 I.S.S. | 07:35 The Civil Dead | 09:20 The D Train | 11:00 Zack and Miri Make a Porno | 12:45 Tropic Thunder | 14:35 Sex and a Double Date | 15:55 Primal Fear | 18:10 The Inspection | 19:45 S.O.G.: The Book of Ward | 21:30 NYC Point Gods | 22:55 Macho: The Hector Camacho Story | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showtime FamilyZone (East) (SHOFe) | 2025-02-18 01:10 Marvin's Room | 03:00 The Man Who Knew Infinity | 05:00 Shall We Dance? | 07:00 Mansfield Park | 09:00 A Dog's Purpose | 10:40 Marvin's Room | 12:30 Jersey Girl | 14:15 Spotlights: A Showtime Short Film Series | 14:30 Walkaway Joe | 16:00 Poppy | 17:40 Mansfield Park | 19:35 Spotlights: A Showtime Short Film Series | 19:50 Spotlights: A Showtime Short Film Series | 20:00 Dream Horse | 22:00 A Wonderful Time of the Year | 23:30 Love Means Zero | 2025-02-19 01:05 Come Away | 02:40 The Nanny Diaries | 04:30 The Christmas Classic | 06:00 Echo in the Canyon | 07:30 Mistletoe Ranch | 09:00 Boys and Girls | 10:35 Just My Luck | 12:20 Dream Horse | 14:15 Spotlights: A Showtime Short Film Series | 14:30 The Christmas Classic | 16:00 Echo in the Canyon | 17:30 A Wonderful Time of the Year | 19:00 The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water | 20:35 The Honeymooners | 22:05 Labyrinth | 23:50 The Perfect Game | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showtime Next HD - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Anesthesia | 01:30 Outlaw Posse | 03:30 Interstellar | 06:25 Adventureland | 08:15 40 Days and 40 Nights | 10:00 My Boss's Daughter | 11:30 Interstellar | 14:30 Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon | 16:30 Pig | 18:05 1-800-Hot-Nite | 19:45 The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain | 21:10 Deadly Cuts | 22:45 Fanboys | 2025-02-19 00:15 Extra Ordinary | 02:00 Vindicta | 03:30 Wuthering Heights | 05:00 Born to Be Blue | 06:45 What Remains | 08:30 Tammy's Always Dying | 10:00 Trainspotting | 11:35 Singularity | 13:15 The Longest War | 14:45 The Score | 16:30 Close | 18:15 Wuthering Heights | 19:45 Good Mourning | 21:30 Miles to Go Before I Sleep | 22:10 Billionaire Boys Club | 2025-02-20 00:00 The Preppie Connection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showtime Showcase HD - East | 2025-02-18 00:20 Jack Reacher | 02:30 No Country for Old Men | 04:35 Forrest Gump | 07:00 Ride | 09:00 Jack Reacher | 11:10 Vanilla Sky | 13:30 The Last Voyage of the Demeter | 15:30 Panama | 17:05 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind | 19:00 Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark | 21:00 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | 23:00 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | 2025-02-19 01:10 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull | 03:15 Daddy's Home 2 | 05:00 Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark | 07:00 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | 09:00 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | 11:10 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull | 13:15 Basic Instinct | 15:30 Factory Girl | 17:05 The Riot Club | 18:55 Daddy's Home 2 | 20:35 Good Boy | 22:00 I.S.S. | 23:40 Hell or High Water | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showtime Women HD - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:10 Lady of the Manor | 02:50 The Fabulous Four | 04:30 Bad Moms | 06:10 Citizen Ruth | 08:00 Florence Foster Jenkins | 10:00 Suffragette | 12:00 Doubt | 13:45 Factory Girl | 15:20 God's Waiting Room | 17:00 Florence Foster Jenkins | 19:00 All the World Is Sleeping | 21:00 Together Together | 22:35 Comet | 2025-02-19 00:10 Earth Mama | 02:00 Ain't Them Bodies Saints | 03:40 In a Relationship | 05:15 Alfie | 07:05 All the World Is Sleeping | 09:00 Breathe | 10:35 Parallel | 12:05 The Night Clerk | 13:35 Teaching Mrs. Tingle | 15:15 Monstrous | 16:45 The Boy | 18:25 Comet | 20:00 The Whale | 22:00 Secret in Their Eyes | 2025-02-20 00:00 Revolutionary Road | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOXBET - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Boomerang | 02:00 Critical Condition | 03:45 48 HRS. | 05:25 Another 48 HRS. | 07:00 Hustle & Flow | 09:00 Loudmouth | 11:05 Burn Mother...ker, Burn! | 12:45 Paid in Full | 14:30 Menace II Society | 16:10 Juice | 17:45 Coach Carter | 20:05 You're Watching Video Music Box | 21:40 The Resurgence: DeMarcus Cousins | 23:00 Attica | 2025-02-19 01:00 The Aggressives | 02:15 Step Up Revolution | 04:00 The Honeymooners | 05:30 A Thousand Words | 07:05 The Wood | 09:00 O | 10:35 An Officer and a Gentleman | 12:40 Mr. Malcolm's List | 14:40 A Murder in the Park | 16:15 A Crime on the Bayou | 17:50 Passion Play: Russell Westbrook | 19:35 Out of Darkness | 21:05 16 Shots | 22:45 The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Smithsonian Channel USA HD | 2025-02-18 00:00 Aerial America | 01:00 Aerial America | 02:00 Aerial America | 03:00 Aerial America | 04:00 Aerial America | 05:00 Aerial America | 06:00 Aerial America | 07:00 Aerial America | 08:00 Aerial America | 09:00 The Obama Years: The Power of Words | 10:00 Aerial America | 11:00 Air Disasters | 12:00 Extreme Airport Africa | 13:00 Aerial America | 14:00 Aerial America | 15:00 Aerial America | 16:00 Aerial America | 17:00 Aerial America | 18:00 Aerial America | 19:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 20:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 21:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 22:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 23:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 2025-02-19 00:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 01:00 Mighty Trains | 02:00 Mighty Trains | 03:00 Mighty Trains | 04:00 Mighty Ships | 05:00 Mighty Ships | 06:00 Mighty Ships | 07:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 08:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 09:00 Mighty Planes | 10:00 Mighty Trains | 11:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 12:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 13:00 Mighty Trains | 14:00 Mighty Trains | 15:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 16:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 17:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 18:00 Mighty Cruise Ships | 19:00 Air Disasters | 20:00 Air Disasters | 21:00 Air Disasters | 22:00 Air Disasters | 23:00 Air Disasters | 2025-02-20 00:00 Air Disasters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SNY: SportsNet New York (Comcast) | 2025-02-18 00:00 SportsNite | 00:30 SportsNite | 01:00 SportsNite | 01:30 SportsNite | 02:00 Women's College Hockey | 04:30 College Hockey | 07:00 Women's College Basketball | 09:00 Amazin' Finishes | 09:30 Mets Classics | 12:00 Live: SportsNite | 12:30 Live: SportsNite | 13:00 Live: SportsNite | 13:30 Live: SportsNite | 14:00 Live: SportsNite | 14:30 Live: SportsNite | 15:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 15:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 16:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 16:30 Pain Relief TV | 17:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 17:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 18:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 18:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 19:00 SportsNite | 19:30 SportsNite | 20:00 SportsNite | 20:30 SportsNite | 21:00 SportsNite | 21:30 SportsNite | 22:00 The Real Story of Pain Relief with Blair Underwood | 22:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 23:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 23:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 2025-02-19 00:00 SportsNite | 00:30 SportsNite | 01:00 SportsNite | 01:30 SportsNite | 02:00 Doc 16 | 02:30 Mets Classics | 05:00 Live: Evan & Tiki | 07:00 Live: Baseball Night in N.Y. | 07:30 Amazin' Finishes | 08:00 Huskies All Access | 08:30 Huskies All Access | 09:00 Mets Classics | 12:00 Live: SportsNite | 12:30 Live: SportsNite | 13:00 Live: SportsNite | 13:30 Live: SportsNite | 14:00 Live: SportsNite | 14:30 Live: SportsNite | 15:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 15:30 Men's Health - All-Natural Secret for Prostate Health | 16:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 16:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 17:00 The Real Story of Pain Relief with Blair Underwood | 17:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 18:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 18:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 19:00 SportsNite | 19:30 SportsNite | 20:00 SportsNite | 20:30 SportsNite | 21:00 SportsNite | 21:30 SportsNite | 22:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 22:30 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 23:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 23:30 Unlock Your Mobility | 2025-02-20 00:00 SportsNite | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
So Yummy | 2025-02-18 00:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | 00:30 Flat Out Food | 01:00 Come Dine with Me | 03:00 Come Dine With Me | 04:00 Flat Out Food | 04:30 The Toque 12 | 05:00 Top 10 | 05:30 Top Down Challenge | 06:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | 06:30 How to Cake It | 07:00 Come Dine with Me | 08:00 The Food Files | 08:30 Street Food Around The World | 09:00 Bake With Anna Olson | 09:30 The Chocolate Queen | 10:00 Nadia's Family Feasts | 12:00 Come Dine With Me | 13:00 Flat Out Food | 13:30 The Toque 12 | 14:00 Top 10 | 14:30 Top Down Challenge | 15:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | 15:30 How to Cake It | 16:00 Come Dine with Me | 17:00 The Food Files | 17:30 Street Food Around The World | 18:00 Bake With Anna Olson | 18:30 The Chocolate Queen | 19:00 Nadia's Family Feasts | 21:00 Come Dine With Me | 22:00 Flat Out Food | 22:30 The Toque 12 | 23:00 Top 10 | 23:30 Top Down Challenge | 2025-02-19 00:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | 00:30 How to Cake It | 01:00 Come Dine with Me | 02:00 The Food Files | 02:30 Street Food Around The World | 03:00 Bake With Anna Olson | 03:30 The Chocolate Queen | 04:00 Nadia's Family Feasts | 05:00 Top 10 | 05:30 Top Down Challenge | 06:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | 06:30 Street Food Around The World | 07:00 Come Dine with Me | 08:00 The Toque 12 | 08:30 Karena and Kasey's Foreign Flavours | 09:00 Ainsley's Food We Love | 10:00 Asia Unplated with Diana Chan | 10:30 Asia Unplated with Diana Chan | 11:01 The Food Files | 11:30 Street Food Around The World | 12:00 Bake With Anna Olson | 12:30 The Chocolate Queen | 13:00 Nadia's Family Feasts | 14:00 Top 10 | 14:30 Top Down Challenge | 15:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | 15:30 Street Food Around The World | 16:00 Come Dine with Me | 17:00 The Toque 12 | 17:30 Karena and Kasey's Foreign Flavours | 18:00 Ainsley's Food We Love | 18:59 Asia Unplated with Diana Chan | 19:29 Asia Unplated with Diana Chan | 20:00 The Food Files | 20:30 Street Food Around The World | 21:00 Bake With Anna Olson | 21:30 The Chocolate Queen | 22:00 Nadia's Family Feasts | 23:00 Top 10 | 23:30 Top Down Challenge | 2025-02-20 00:00 Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SonLife Network | 2025-02-18 04:00 Live: February Share-A-Thon | 12:00 Live: February Share-A-Thon | 14:00 February Share-A-Thon | 19:00 Live: February Share-A-Thon | 20:00 Live: February Share-A-Thon | 2025-02-19 04:00 Live: February Share-A-Thon | 12:00 Live: February Share-A-Thon | 14:00 February Share-A-Thon | 19:00 FWC Music | 20:00 A Study in the Word | 20:30 FWC Music | 21:00 Live: The Message of the Cross | 22:00 FWC Music | 22:30 Live: Insight | 23:00 Live: Frances and Friends | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sony Cine | 2025-02-18 00:39 Vantage Point | 02:19 The Marine 5: Battleground | 04:03 In the Line of Fire | 06:23 A Few Good Men | 08:53 Air Force One | 11:07 Second in Command | 12:50 Air Force One | 14:54 A Few Good Men | 17:14 The Shepherd | 18:50 Maximum Risk | 20:32 Jack Reed: One of Our Own | 22:17 A Better Way to Die | 2025-02-19 00:10 Kill Your Darlings | 02:03 Squatters | 04:02 Home Invasion | 05:45 The Perfect Guy | 07:36 Hero Wanted | 09:22 The Professional | 11:23 Colombiana | 13:10 The Professional | 15:01 Colombiana | 16:48 Oldboy | 18:32 Just Go With It | 20:29 Aloha | 22:24 Darling Companion | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sony KAL | 2025-02-18 00:14 Baal Veer | 00:40 Tenali Rama | 01:06 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 01:33 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 02:30 Baal Veer | 03:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 03:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 03:50 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 04:14 Baal Veer | 04:40 Tenali Rama | 05:06 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 05:33 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 06:30 Baal Veer | 07:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 07:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 07:50 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 08:14 Baal Veer | 08:40 Tenali Rama | 09:06 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 09:33 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 10:30 Baal Veer | 11:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 11:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 11:50 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 12:14 Baal Veer | 12:40 Tenali Rama | 13:06 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 13:33 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 14:30 Baal Veer | 15:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 15:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 15:50 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 16:14 Baal Veer | 16:40 Tenali Rama | 17:06 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 17:33 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 18:30 Baal Veer | 19:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 19:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 19:48 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 20:13 Baal Veer | 20:39 Tenali Rama | 21:05 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 21:32 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 22:30 Baal Veer | 23:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 23:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 23:48 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 2025-02-19 00:13 Baal Veer | 00:39 Tenali Rama | 01:05 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 01:32 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 02:30 Baal Veer | 03:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 03:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 03:48 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | 04:13 Baal Veer | 04:39 Tenali Rama | 05:05 Sankatmochan Mahabali Hanuman | 05:32 Crime Patrol Dial 100 | 06:30 Baal Veer | 07:00 Vighnaharta Ganesh | 07:25 Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah | 07:48 Aladdin naam toh suna hoga | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sony Movies | 2025-02-18 00:36 Sunset | 02:35 The Whole Nine Yards | 04:29 Striking Distance | 06:24 Company of Heroes | 08:17 Ike: Countdown to D-Day | 10:01 The Shadow Riders | 11:52 Ike: Countdown to D-Day | 13:29 The Shadow Riders | 15:13 Gunfighters | 16:50 Alvarez Kelly | 18:48 The Guns of Navarone | 21:33 The Last Frontier | 23:26 Comanche Station | 2025-02-19 00:54 Texas | 02:43 The Principal | 04:46 Edge of Winter | 06:27 Gattaca | 08:26 Angel of Death | 09:57 Drive | 11:49 Angel of Death | 13:13 Drive | 14:58 The Blob | 16:38 Warlords of Atlantis | 18:23 Okinawa | 19:38 The Beast | 21:34 Urban Justice | 23:22 Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of the Fourth Reich | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SONYHD | 2025-02-18 00:36 Sunset | 02:35 The Whole Nine Yards | 04:29 Striking Distance | 06:24 Company of Heroes | 08:17 Ike: Countdown to D-Day | 10:01 The Shadow Riders | 11:52 Ike: Countdown to D-Day | 13:29 The Shadow Riders | 15:13 Gunfighters | 16:50 Alvarez Kelly | 18:48 The Guns of Navarone | 21:33 The Last Frontier | 23:26 Comanche Station | 2025-02-19 00:54 Texas | 02:43 The Principal | 04:46 Edge of Winter | 06:27 Gattaca | 08:26 Angel of Death | 09:57 Drive | 11:49 Angel of Death | 13:13 Drive | 14:58 The Blob | 16:38 Warlords of Atlantis | 18:23 Okinawa | 19:38 The Beast | 21:34 Urban Justice | 23:22 Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of the Fourth Reich | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Space City Home Network | 2025-02-18 01:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 02:00 The Immortals | 02:30 The Short List | 03:00 Pure Outdoor | 03:30 Invincible | 04:00 Sports Stars of Tomorrow | 04:30 H-Town High School Sports | 05:00 Baseball | 07:00 Supergirl Surf Pro 2024 | 08:00 H-Town High School Sports | 08:30 Rockets All Access | 09:00 Houston Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2025 | 09:30 Countdown to Rodeo | 10:00 United Fight Alliance | 11:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 11:30 Fight Sports: World Class Championship Boxing | 13:30 Fight Sports MMA | 14:30 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 15:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 16:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 16:30 Pure Outdoor | 17:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 17:30 Bass Pro Shops Fisherman's Handbook | 18:00 Texas Team Trail | 18:30 On the Hook | 19:00 Elite Fishing Series Television | 19:30 Fisherman's Digest | 20:00 Astros Playback | 22:30 Astros Bases Loaded | 23:00 Astros Playback | 2025-02-19 01:00 Astros Bases Loaded | 01:30 Fairways of Life with Matt Adams | 02:30 Supergirl Surf Pro 2024 | 03:30 Supergirl Surf Pro 2024 | 04:30 H-Town High School Sports | 05:00 Houston Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2025 | 05:30 Astros Bases Loaded | 06:00 World Chase Tag | 07:00 World Chase Tag | 08:00 Rockets All Access | 08:30 Countdown to Rodeo | 09:00 Astros Playback | 12:00 Astros Playback | 14:30 Fight Sports MMA | 15:30 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 16:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 17:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 17:30 Scott Martin Challenge | 18:00 Jimmy Houston Adventures | 18:30 No Limits Hunting | 19:00 Americana Outdoors | 19:30 Collegiate Bass Fishing | 20:00 Astros Playback | 22:30 Astros Bases Loaded | 23:00 Astros Playback | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spectrum SportsNet | 2025-02-18 01:00 Lakers Top 10 Chick Hearn Moments | 02:00 Lakers Top 10 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Moments | 03:00 Lakers Top 10 | 04:00 Lakers Top 10 | 05:00 Lakers Top 10: Shaq Moments | 06:00 Lakers Top 10 | 07:00 Lakers Top 10 | 08:00 Lakers Top 10 Kobe Bryant Moments | 09:00 CIF Southern Section: This Week | 09:30 Backstage: Lakers | 10:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 11:00 College Basketball | 13:00 CIF Southern Section: This Week | 13:30 Backstage: Lakers | 14:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 15:00 High Stakes Poker | 16:00 Poker Masters | 17:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 VSiN by the Books | 2025-02-19 01:00 Birth of a Dynasty | 02:00 Birth of a Dynasty | 02:30 Birth of a Dynasty | 03:30 Birth of a Dynasty | 04:30 Backstage: Lakers | 05:00 Beyond the Sport | 05:30 CIF Southern Section: This Week | 06:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 07:00 High Stakes Poker | 08:00 College Basketball | 10:00 Poker Masters | 11:00 Backstage: Lakers | 11:30 Backstage: Lakers | 12:00 Backstage: Lakers | 12:30 Backstage: Lakers | 13:00 Poker Masters | 14:00 High Stakes Poker | 15:00 Beyond the Sport | 15:30 Beyond the Sport | 16:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 17:00 High Stakes Poker | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 VSiN by the Books | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spectrum Sportsnet Dodgers | 2025-02-18 00:00 2022 Poker Masters | 01:00 The Early Line | 04:00 High Stakes Poker | 05:00 Fernando Valenzuela Jersey Retirement Ceremony | 06:00 Fernandomania | 07:00 Dodgers FanFest | 08:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 09:00 High Stakes Poker | 10:00 Live: Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 11:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 12:00 2022 Poker Masters | 13:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 14:00 High Stakes Poker | 15:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 16:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 17:00 2022 Poker Masters | 18:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 22:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 23:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 2025-02-19 00:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 01:00 The Early Line | 04:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 05:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 05:30 Beyond the Sport | 06:00 Backstage: Dodgers | 06:30 Backstage: Dodgers | 07:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 08:00 High Stakes Poker | 09:00 2022 Poker Masters | 10:00 Live: Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 11:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 12:00 Dodgers FanFest | 15:30 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 16:30 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 17:30 Beyond the Sport | 18:00 High Stakes Poker | 19:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 The Fight Against Joint Pain | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 23:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | 2025-02-20 00:00 Access SportsNet: Dodgers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spectrum Sportsnet Lakers | 2025-02-18 01:00 Lakers Top 10 Chick Hearn Moments | 02:00 Lakers Top 10 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Moments | 03:00 Lakers Top 10 | 04:00 Lakers Top 10 | 05:00 Lakers Top 10: Shaq Moments | 06:00 Lakers Top 10 | 07:00 Lakers Top 10 | 08:00 Lakers Top 10 Kobe Bryant Moments | 09:00 CIF Southern Section: This Week | 09:30 Backstage: Lakers | 10:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 11:00 College Basketball | 13:00 CIF Southern Section: This Week | 13:30 Backstage: Lakers | 14:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 15:00 High Stakes Poker | 16:00 Poker Masters | 17:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 VSiN by the Books | 2025-02-19 01:00 Birth of a Dynasty | 02:00 Birth of a Dynasty | 02:30 Birth of a Dynasty | 03:30 Birth of a Dynasty | 04:30 Backstage: Lakers | 05:00 Beyond the Sport | 05:30 CIF Southern Section: This Week | 06:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 07:00 High Stakes Poker | 08:00 College Basketball | 10:00 Poker Masters | 11:00 Backstage: Lakers | 11:30 Backstage: Lakers | 12:00 Backstage: Lakers | 12:30 Backstage: Lakers | 13:00 Poker Masters | 14:00 High Stakes Poker | 15:00 Beyond the Sport | 15:30 Beyond the Sport | 16:00 U.S. Poker Open 2023 | 17:00 High Stakes Poker | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 VSiN by the Books | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sportsman Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Extreme Angler TV | 00:30 Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures | 01:00 M2D Camo's Livin' the Dream | 01:30 Dead Meat | 02:00 Man Eats Wild | 02:30 Steve's Outdoor Adventures | 03:00 Adventures of Chapo Gringo | 03:30 Gun Stories | 04:00 Two Conchs Adventures | 04:30 Livin' the Dream With Captain Jimmy Nelson | 05:00 Realtree Monster Bucks | 05:30 The Gamekeepers of Mossy Oak | 06:00 Wardens | 06:30 Roger Raglin Outdoors | 07:00 MeatEater | 07:30 MeatEater | 08:00 Winchester Deadly Passion | 08:30 Red Rising | 09:00 Night Crew | 09:30 Steve's Outdoor Adventures | 10:00 Become 1 | 10:30 Predator Pursuit | 11:00 MOJO TV | 11:30 The Trail | 12:00 MeatEater | 12:30 MeatEater | 13:00 Night Crew | 13:30 Steve's Outdoor Adventures | 14:00 Become 1 | 14:30 Predator Pursuit | 15:00 MOJO TV | 15:30 Hit Squad Outdoors With Tim Sylvia | 16:00 Become 1 | 16:30 Grace Camo and Lace | 17:00 The Canadian Experience | 17:30 The Gamekeepers of Mossy Oak | 18:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 18:30 Two Conchs Adventures | 19:00 Catching Bass With Dustin Wilks | 19:30 Final Draw | 20:00 Ducks Unlimited TV | 20:30 Winchester Deadly Passion | 21:00 Winchester & Drury's Natural Born | 21:30 Mountain Top Outdoors | 22:00 Everything Eichler | 22:30 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 23:00 JT Kenney's Florida Bass | 23:30 Fishing the Midwest | 2025-02-19 00:00 Jon Thelen's Destination Fish | 00:30 Become 1 | 01:00 MOJO TV | 01:30 Predator Pursuit | 02:00 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 02:30 Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures | 03:00 The Trail | 03:30 Guns & Ammo TV | 04:00 Fishing the Midwest | 04:30 Larry Smith Outdoors | 05:00 Heartland Waterfowl | 05:30 Dead Meat | 06:00 Relentless Pursuit | 06:30 Pigman: The Series | 07:00 MeatEater | 07:30 MeatEater | 08:00 Realtree Monster Bucks | 08:30 Backwoods Life | 09:00 Roger Raglin Outdoors | 09:30 Canada in the Rough | 10:00 Wardens | 10:30 The Given Right | 11:00 Backwoods Life | 11:30 Small Town Hunting | 12:00 MeatEater | 12:30 MeatEater | 13:00 Roger Raglin Outdoors | 13:30 Canada in the Rough | 14:00 Wardens | 14:30 The Given Right | 15:00 Trekin Outdoors | 15:30 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 16:00 Red Rising | 16:30 Small Town Hunting | 17:00 Canada in the Rough | 17:30 Everything Eichler | 18:00 Larry Smith Outdoors | 18:30 Fishing the Midwest | 19:00 A Fishing Story With Ronnie Green | 19:30 M2D Camo's Livin' the Dream | 20:00 Pigman: The Series | 20:30 Roger Raglin Outdoors | 21:00 North American Whitetail | 21:30 Rough Cuts with Steven Rinella | 22:00 Become 1 | 22:30 Dead Meat | 23:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 23:30 ArmyRedfishAnglers | 2025-02-20 00:00 Catching Bass With Dustin Wilks | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SportsNet Pittsburgh | 2025-02-18 00:00 Inside Pirates Baseball | 01:00 Life in Between Gates | 02:00 College Hockey | 04:00 Liverpool Football | 06:00 LFC Trending | 07:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 07:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 08:00 Pirates Classics | 10:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 12:00 Fight Sports MMA | 13:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 14:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 14:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 15:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 15:30 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 16:00 Pirates Classics | 18:00 World Jai-Alai League | 20:00 The Raw Tapes | 20:30 Steel City Chronicles | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Paid Programming | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 Paid Programming | 23:00 Relief from Inflammation | 23:30 Paid Programming | 2025-02-19 00:00 Spotlight: Pittsburgh's All-Star Game History | 00:30 Spotlight | 01:00 Inside Pirates Baseball | 04:00 Inside Pirates Baseball | 04:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 05:00 World Poker Tour | 06:00 Pirates Classics | 08:00 Live: Professional Women's Hockey League | 10:30 Inside Penguins Hockey | 11:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 13:00 Pirates Classics | 15:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 17:00 United Fight Alliance | 18:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 20:00 The Raw Tapes | 20:30 The Raw Tapes | 21:00 Paid Programming | 21:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 22:00 Paid Programming | 22:30 One Day, One Bathroom: Quality Remodeling With FREE Installation! | 23:00 Paid Programming | 23:30 Relief from Inflammation | 2025-02-20 00:00 Life in Between Gates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SportsNet Pittsburgh+ | 2025-02-18 01:00 Charlie Moore Outdoors | 01:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 02:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 04:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 04:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 08:00 World Poker Tour | 11:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 11:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 13:00 World Class Championship Boxing | 15:00 Fight Sports MMA | 16:00 Fight Sports: World Championship Kickboxing | 17:00 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 17:30 Fight Sports: Grand Sumo | 18:00 MLB Baseball | 23:00 Pirates Classics | 2025-02-19 01:30 Spotlight | 02:00 Pirates Classics | 04:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 04:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 08:00 Liverpool Football | 11:00 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 11:30 Charlie Moore: No Offense | 13:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | 15:00 United Fight Alliance | 16:00 Fight Sports Martial Arts | 16:30 In Depth With Graham Bensinger | 18:00 Pirates Classics | 23:00 Professional Women's Hockey League | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stadium College Sports - Atlantic | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stadium College Sports - Central | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stadium College Sports - Pacific | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:30 Transporter 2 | 02:00 Power Book IV: Force | 03:00 Power Book IV: Force | 04:00 Sisu | 05:35 About My Father | 07:10 47 Ronin | 09:10 Book Club: The Next Chapter | 11:00 The Couple Next Door | 12:00 About My Father | 13:35 Emperor | 15:25 Power Book IV: Force | 16:25 The Tomb | 18:00 Imaginary | 19:50 About My Father | 21:25 Book Club: The Next Chapter | 23:15 A Journal for Jordan | 2025-02-19 01:30 Power Book IV: Force | 02:32 Power Book IV: Force | 03:35 Power Book IV: Force | 04:35 The Silent Twins | 06:30 Polite Society | 08:20 Joy Ride | 10:00 Every Body | 11:35 Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 13:57 Polite Society | 15:45 ECCO | 17:53 The Silent Twins | 19:50 A Journal for Jordan | 22:05 Star Wars: The Force Awakens | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz - Pacific | 2025-02-18 00:02 Emperor | 01:55 The Transporter | 03:30 Transporter 2 | 05:00 Power Book IV: Force | 06:00 Power Book IV: Force | 07:00 Sisu | 08:35 About My Father | 10:10 47 Ronin | 12:10 Book Club: The Next Chapter | 14:00 The Couple Next Door | 15:00 About My Father | 16:35 Emperor | 18:25 Power Book IV: Force | 19:25 The Tomb | 21:00 Imaginary | 22:50 About My Father | 2025-02-19 00:25 Book Club: The Next Chapter | 02:15 A Journal for Jordan | 04:30 Power Book IV: Force | 05:32 Power Book IV: Force | 06:35 Power Book IV: Force | 07:35 The Silent Twins | 09:30 Polite Society | 11:20 Joy Ride | 13:00 Every Body | 14:35 Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 16:57 Polite Society | 18:45 ECCO | 20:53 The Silent Twins | 22:50 A Journal for Jordan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Cinema HD - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:56 99 Homes | 02:49 The Spore | 04:21 Pusher | 05:52 The Flock | 07:38 Allure | 09:24 Small Time | 11:00 The Couple Next Door | 11:55 Pusher | 13:26 The Couple Next Door | 14:21 Everly | 15:54 The Last Vermeer | 17:53 Only Child | 19:32 Wonderland | 21:17 Alice | 22:58 The Last Vermeer | 2025-02-19 00:57 Concussion | 02:34 Pretty Red Dress | 04:25 Alice | 06:06 The Couple Next Door | 07:01 The Last Vermeer | 09:00 The Couple Next Door | 09:55 Wonderland | 11:40 Concussion | 13:17 Gutshot Straight | 14:47 Tanner Hall | 16:24 Anything | 17:59 10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up | 19:15 Nancy | 20:42 Elizabeth | 22:47 Elizabeth: The Golden Age | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Comedy HD - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:05 Bandslam | 02:00 Man Up | 03:33 Wild Oats | 05:03 Mother's Day | 07:05 Bandslam | 09:00 Love Wrecked | 10:30 School Dance | 11:59 Man Up | 13:30 Getting Played | 14:58 Meet Monica Velour | 16:38 Borderlands | 18:22 Renfield | 19:58 School for Scoundrels | 21:42 Long Weekend | 23:16 American Ultra | 2025-02-19 00:54 Meet Monica Velour | 02:34 Renfield | 04:10 I Really Hate My Ex! | 05:39 Novocaine | 07:16 School for Scoundrels | 09:00 Borderlands | 10:43 American Ultra | 12:21 Renfield | 13:57 Happy Endings | 16:12 Easter Sunday | 17:51 Sprung | 19:42 Habit | 21:05 Novocaine | 22:42 Happy Endings | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Edge - Eastern | 2025-02-18 02:13 Polite Society | 03:59 The Couple Next Door | 04:56 Rosé All Day | 06:16 M3GAN | 08:00 The Couple Next Door | 08:57 Funny People | 11:26 Escape Room: Tournament of Champions | 12:58 The Couple Next Door | 13:55 A Thousand and One | 15:56 Half Sisters | 17:17 Rosé All Day | 18:38 Spoiler Alert | 20:33 Miracles From Heaven | 22:26 Night Shift | 23:52 The Couple Next Door | 2025-02-19 00:49 John Wick: Chapter 4 | 03:41 Of an Age | 05:24 Spoiler Alert | 07:19 Grind House: Planet Terror | 09:07 John Wick: Chapter 4 | 12:00 The Couple Next Door | 12:58 Tumbledown | 14:45 Spider-Man: No Way Home | 17:16 Silent Night | 19:02 John Wick: Chapter 4 | 21:54 Cowboys | 23:22 Kin | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:34 Jurassic Park III | 02:11 Ordinary Angels | 04:13 Rock the Kasbah | 06:04 Miss Bala | 07:51 Wall Street | 10:00 Paul | 11:47 Rock the Kasbah | 13:37 The Island | 15:15 Captain America: The Winter Soldier | 17:35 Ordinary Angels | 19:37 Wall Street | 21:46 10 Years | 23:30 The Blackening | 2025-02-19 01:09 Man About Town | 02:51 Brian and Charles | 04:25 Captain America: The Winter Soldier | 06:44 The Blackening | 08:24 The Island | 10:00 The Commando | 11:37 Captain America: The Winter Soldier | 13:56 Cowboys & Aliens | 15:58 Devil's Workshop | 17:27 Deadly Code | 19:12 The Commando | 20:49 Rosé All Day | 22:10 Clawfoot | 23:39 Dawn of the Dead | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore - Pacific | 2025-02-18 01:22 The Lost World: Jurassic Park | 03:34 Jurassic Park III | 05:11 Ordinary Angels | 07:13 Rock the Kasbah | 09:04 Miss Bala | 10:51 Wall Street | 13:00 Paul | 14:47 Rock the Kasbah | 16:37 The Island | 18:15 Captain America: The Winter Soldier | 20:35 Ordinary Angels | 22:37 Wall Street | 2025-02-19 00:46 10 Years | 02:30 The Blackening | 04:09 Man About Town | 05:51 Brian and Charles | 07:25 Captain America: The Winter Soldier | 09:44 The Blackening | 11:24 The Island | 13:00 The Commando | 14:37 Captain America: The Winter Soldier | 16:56 Cowboys & Aliens | 18:58 Devil's Workshop | 20:27 Deadly Code | 22:12 The Commando | 23:49 Rosé All Day | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore Action - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:38 The Courier | 02:20 Monsters: Dark Continent | 04:22 Prey | 05:53 Dragon Eyes | 07:27 Road to Paloma | 09:00 Contraband | 10:52 The Tournament | 12:30 Monsters: Dark Continent | 14:32 Heist | 16:07 Don't Breathe 2 | 17:48 Jawbone | 19:22 99 Homes | 21:16 ECCO | 23:22 The Anomaly | 2025-02-19 01:01 13 | 02:34 Played | 04:03 Retribution | 05:37 In the Shadows | 07:24 Killing Gunther | 09:00 Heist | 10:35 Retribution | 12:09 Don't Breathe | 13:40 Jurassic Park | 15:49 The Kid | 17:31 99 Homes | 19:25 Retribution | 20:59 Hellboy: Sword of Storms | 22:19 Hellboy: Blood and Iron | 23:37 Don't Breathe | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore Black - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:30 Waist Deep | 02:09 Nine Days | 04:15 Phat Beach | 05:46 Freedom Hair | 07:28 MR-9: Do or Die | 09:18 Small Town Crime | 10:53 Nine Days | 13:00 Ghostbusters: Afterlife | 15:06 Every Secret Thing | 16:41 Phat Beach | 18:12 Small Town Crime | 19:47 A Day in the Life | 21:19 She Paradise | 22:36 The Fourth Angel | 2025-02-19 00:13 Every Secret Thing | 01:48 MR-9: Do or Die | 03:38 Ghostbusters: Afterlife | 05:44 Cutaway | 07:31 Tapped Out | 09:22 The Fourth Angel | 11:00 Ghostbusters: Afterlife | 13:06 Blood Brother | 14:34 SnakeEater II: The Drug Buster | 16:10 She Paradise | 17:27 Slayer | 18:57 Ray Jr's Legit Paper | 20:08 Bull | 22:00 Body Count | 23:31 57 Seconds | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore Classic - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:08 Law Abiding Citizen | 02:58 Georgia Rule | 04:52 Highlander 2: Renegade Version | 06:43 Drunk Parents | 08:21 Premium | 10:00 Law Abiding Citizen | 11:50 Highlander 2: Renegade Version | 13:41 House of 9 | 15:12 The Lost World: Jurassic Park | 17:21 Broadcast News | 19:34 The Wicker Tree | 21:11 House of 9 | 22:42 Broadcast News | 2025-02-19 00:55 Steel Dawn | 02:37 Grindhouse: Death Proof | 04:31 The Wicker Tree | 06:08 The Lost World: Jurassic Park | 08:18 Steel Dawn | 10:00 Broadcast News | 12:13 Grindhouse: Death Proof | 14:08 Nine | 16:08 Nothing Like the Holidays | 17:47 Eye of the Beholder | 19:29 Jurassic Park III | 21:02 Nine | 23:02 Drowning Mona | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore Family - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:41 Ghostbusters | 02:39 Paws P.I. | 04:06 A Stork's Journey | 05:32 Hope Springs Eternal | 06:52 Ghostbusters | 08:50 Tarzan | 10:26 A Stork's Journey | 11:52 Yellowbird | 13:23 Jurassic Tale | 14:48 The Royal | 16:28 Red Dog | 18:02 Tarzan | 19:38 The Little Penguin: Pororo's Racing Adventure | 20:56 The Little Penguin: Pororo's Dinosaur Island Adventure | 22:16 Pororo: Treasure Island Adventure | 23:37 A Cowgirl's Song | 2025-02-19 01:11 Red Dog | 02:44 Monsters at Large | 04:16 The Royal | 05:55 Jurassic Tale | 07:20 My Best Friend | 09:00 Red Dog | 10:33 The Royal | 12:12 A Cowgirl's Song | 13:46 Wings | 15:15 Wings: Sky Force Heroes | 16:39 Go Fish | 17:55 Pit Pony | 18:19 Joey & Ella | 19:49 My Sweet Monster | 21:29 The Nutty Professor | 22:47 Wings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore on Demand | 2025-02-18 02:00 Movie | 06:00 Movie | 10:00 Movie | 14:00 Movie | 18:00 Movie | 22:00 Movie | 2025-02-19 02:00 Movie | 06:00 Movie | 10:00 Movie | 14:00 Movie | 18:00 Movie | 22:00 Movie | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore Suspense - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:21 In the Blood | 02:10 Five Fingers | 03:38 Shanghai | 05:24 No One Lives | 06:51 The Disappearance of Alice Creed | 08:32 Five Fingers | 10:00 The Girl in the Spider's Web | 11:56 Shanghai | 13:42 Cocaine Bear | 15:18 The Girl in the Spider's Web | 17:14 The Liability | 18:41 Slow Burn | 20:15 Bad Karma | 21:44 Desert Saints | 23:13 Unknown | 2025-02-19 00:39 The Liability | 02:06 Holmes & Watson | 03:38 Cocaine Bear | 05:14 Fair Game | 07:03 Horsemen | 08:34 Unknown | 10:00 Holmes & Watson | 11:32 Fair Game | 13:21 The Hatching | 14:53 Bait | 16:28 Dressed to Kill | 17:40 Monsters: Dark Continent | 19:40 Liberty Stands Still | 21:17 A Viking Saga: The Darkest Day | 22:47 The Courier | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Encore Westerns - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:13 Frank & Jesse | 03:00 The Virginian | 04:16 The Virginian | 05:31 Wanted: Dead or Alive | 05:57 Tales of Wells Fargo | 06:24 Lawman | 06:50 Cheyenne | 07:39 Cheyenne | 08:28 Maverick | 09:20 Maverick | 10:10 Wells Fargo | 11:48 The Texan | 13:09 Seminole | 14:37 The Cowboy and the Senorita | 15:29 The Virginian | 17:01 The Texan | 18:22 Wells Fargo | 20:00 Maverick | 20:51 Tales of Wells Fargo | 21:19 Cheyenne | 22:09 Jericho | 23:52 Calamity Jane and Sam Bass | 2025-02-19 01:20 A Cowgirl's Story | 03:00 The Virginian | 04:16 The Virginian | 05:32 Wanted: Dead or Alive | 05:58 Tales of Wells Fargo | 06:25 Lawman | 06:51 Cheyenne | 07:42 Cheyenne | 08:34 Maverick | 09:24 Maverick | 10:16 The War Wagon | 11:58 Bend of the River | 13:30 The Virginian | 15:02 A Cowgirl's Story | 16:43 Rough Night in Jericho | 18:28 Bend of the River | 20:00 Maverick | 20:50 Tales of Wells Fargo | 21:17 Cheyenne | 22:08 Column South | 23:33 Rough Night in Jericho | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz In Black - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:49 Alice | 03:31 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes | 06:11 Kite | 07:43 Black and Blue | 09:33 Woo | 11:00 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes | 13:40 Jurassic World Dominion: Extended Edition | 16:24 Woo | 17:53 Monster Hunter | 19:39 Black and Blue | 21:29 Not Another Church Movie | 23:01 Pretty Red Dress | 2025-02-19 00:53 Jurassic World Dominion: Extended Edition | 03:36 Midas | 05:05 Stealth Fighter | 06:35 Freedom Hair | 08:17 Jurassic World Dominion: Extended Edition | 11:00 Pretty Red Dress | 12:52 Not Another Church Movie | 14:24 Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul | 16:11 Stealth Fighter | 17:42 Midas | 19:11 Pretty Red Dress | 21:04 I Am Ali | 22:58 A Southern Haunting | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz Kids and Family - Eastern | 2025-02-18 01:15 Brave New Girl | 02:45 Bandslam | 04:37 Pups United | 06:07 My Best Friend | 07:47 Battle for Terra | 09:07 Brave New Girl | 10:37 Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker | 12:11 Bandslam | 14:03 Monster Zone | 15:29 Paradise Hills | 17:05 Guardians of Oz | 18:34 Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil | 20:01 Pinocchio | 21:26 Monster Zone | 22:52 Love Wrecked | 2025-02-19 00:20 Guardians of Oz | 01:49 Opposite Day | 03:11 Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil | 04:38 Love Wrecked | 06:06 Hero Dog: The Journey Home | 07:37 Monster Zone | 09:03 Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil | 10:30 Guardians of Oz | 11:59 Love Wrecked | 13:27 Pinocchio: A True Story | 15:02 Yellowbird | 16:33 Pit Pony | 16:56 Pit Pony | 17:19 Pegasus: Pony With a Broken Wing | 18:46 The Big Trip | 20:11 Big Trip 2: Special Delivery | 21:42 Birds Like Us | 23:06 Jungle Master | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Starz On Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 STARZ On Demand | 07:00 STARZ On Demand | 11:00 STARZ On Demand | 15:00 STARZ On Demand | 19:00 STARZ On Demand | 23:00 STARZ On Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 STARZ On Demand | 07:00 STARZ On Demand | 11:00 STARZ On Demand | 15:00 STARZ On Demand | 19:00 STARZ On Demand | 23:00 STARZ On Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SundanceTV USA - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 The A-Team | 01:00 Sanford & Son | 01:30 Sanford & Son | 02:00 Sanford & Son | 02:30 Sanford & Son | 03:00 Sanford & Son | 03:30 Sanford & Son | 04:00 Sanford & Son | 04:30 Sanford & Son | 05:00 Sanford & Son | 05:30 Sanford & Son | 06:00 Sanford & Son | 06:30 Sanford & Son | 07:00 Sanford & Son | 07:30 Sanford & Son | 08:00 Sanford & Son | 08:30 Sanford & Son | 09:00 Sanford & Son | 09:30 Sanford & Son | 10:00 Sanford & Son | 10:30 Sanford & Son | 11:00 Sanford & Son | 11:30 Sanford & Son | 12:00 Sanford & Son | 12:30 Sanford & Son | 13:00 Sanford & Son | 13:30 Sanford & Son | 14:00 The A-Team | 15:00 The A-Team | 16:00 The A-Team | 17:00 The A-Team | 18:00 The A-Team | 19:00 The A-Team | 20:00 The A-Team | 21:00 The A-Team | 22:00 The A-Team | 23:00 S.W.A.T. | 2025-02-19 00:00 S.W.A.T. | 01:00 S.W.A.T. | 02:00 S.W.A.T. | 03:00 S.W.A.T. | 04:00 S.W.A.T. | 05:00 NCIS | 06:00 NCIS | 07:00 NCIS | 08:00 NCIS | 09:00 NCIS | 10:00 NCIS | 11:00 NCIS | 12:00 NCIS | 13:00 NCIS | 14:00 The A-Team | 15:00 The A-Team | 16:00 The A-Team | 17:00 The A-Team | 18:00 The A-Team | 19:00 S.W.A.T. | 20:00 S.W.A.T. | 21:00 S.W.A.T. | 22:00 S.W.A.T. | 23:00 S.W.A.T. | 2025-02-20 00:00 S.W.A.T. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sur Peru - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 ¡Menos viajes al baño y salud urinaria con MyBladder! | 00:30 Mejore la salud del corazón y la función cerebral con Krill | 01:00 Mande quien mande | 03:00 América Noticias: Edición mediodía | 04:00 Solamente milagros | 05:00 Autosemanal | 06:00 Arriba mi gente | 08:00 Día D | 10:00 Luz de luna | 11:00 Solamente milagros | 12:00 América Noticias: Edición central | 13:00 Ocho locos | 14:00 Magaly TV, la firme | 15:30 Solamente milagros | 16:30 Luz de luna | 17:30 Mar y fuego | 18:00 América Noticias: Primera edición | 22:30 Con sabor a Perú | 23:30 Mar y fuego | 2025-02-19 00:00 Programa pagado | 00:30 La Dr. Polo vida sin límites | 01:00 Mande quien mande | 03:00 América Noticias: Edición mediodía | 04:00 Solamente milagros | 05:00 Con sabor a Perú | 06:00 Arriba mi gente | 08:00 Dulce compañía | 08:30 Magaly TV, la firme | 10:00 Luz de luna | 11:00 Solamente milagros | 12:00 América Noticias: Edición central | 13:00 Ocho locos | 14:00 Magaly TV, la firme | 15:30 Solamente milagros | 16:30 Luz de luna | 17:30 Mar y fuego | 18:00 América Noticias: Primera edición | 22:30 Alto al crimen | 23:30 Mar y fuego | 2025-02-20 00:00 Joint Gel: Un avance innovador en el cuidado del cartílago articular | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Syfy - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:56 The Amazing Spider-Man | 03:54 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | 06:53 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 | 09:58 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 | 12:58 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | 16:00 The Twilight Zone | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Total Gym 50 Years of Moving You | 19:00 The Twilight Zone | 20:00 Punisher: War Zone | 22:00 The Darkest Hour | 2025-02-19 00:00 Come Play | 02:00 After Earth | 04:03 Kingsman: The Secret Service | 07:00 Blade | 09:30 Blade II | 12:00 Kingsman: The Secret Service | 15:00 Punisher: War Zone | 17:00 The Darkest Hour | 19:00 After Earth | 21:03 Prey for the Devil | 23:03 The Green Hornet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tastemade Travel Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 01:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 02:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 03:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 04:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 05:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 06:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 07:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 08:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 09:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 10:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 11:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 12:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 13:00 Jamie Oliver Cooks the Mediterranean | 14:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 15:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 16:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 17:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 18:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 19:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 20:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 21:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 22:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 23:00 Europe's Greatest Train Journeys | 2025-02-19 00:00 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 00:30 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 01:00 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 01:30 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 02:00 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 02:30 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 03:00 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 03:30 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 04:00 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 04:30 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 05:00 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 05:30 Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong | 06:00 Luke Nguyen's Street Food Asia | 07:00 Luke Nguyen's Street Food Asia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TBN - Trinity Broadcasting Network - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Steven Furtick | 00:30 Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin | 01:00 Robert Jeffress | 01:30 The Winning Walk With Dr. Ed Young | 02:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 02:30 Better Together | 03:30 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 04:00 The 700 Club | 05:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 05:30 Steven Furtick | 06:00 Harvest With Pastor Greg Laurie | 06:30 The Potter's Touch | 07:00 New Season With Pastor Sam Rodriguez | 07:30 Charlie Kirk Today | 08:00 Allen Jackson NOW | 08:30 Stakelbeck Tonight | 09:00 Drive Thru History Specials | 10:00 Takeaways With Kirk Cameron | 11:00 Harvest With Pastor Greg Laurie | 11:30 Stakelbeck Tonight | 12:00 Drive Thru History Specials | 13:00 Joseph Prince | 13:30 Takeaways With Kirk Cameron | 14:30 Daniah Greenberg: Heritage | 15:00 Vinia | 15:30 Jordan Rubin: MCP Advanced Lean | 16:00 Praise | 17:00 Jordan Rubin: Multi Collagen Protein | 17:30 Huckabee's Health Secret | 18:00 Allen Jackson Ministries | 18:30 Steven Furtick | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 20:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 20:30 Joseph Prince | 21:00 Robert Jeffress | 21:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 22:00 Creflo Dollar | 22:30 Hagee Ministries | 23:00 Joel Osteen | 23:30 Allen Jackson Ministries | 2025-02-19 00:00 Steven Furtick | 00:30 Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin | 01:00 Robert Jeffress | 01:30 The Winning Walk With Dr. Ed Young | 02:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 02:30 Better Together | 03:30 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 04:00 The 700 Club | 05:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 05:30 Steven Furtick | 06:00 Harvest With Pastor Greg Laurie | 06:30 The Potter's Touch | 07:00 BillyGraham.TV | 07:30 Charlie Kirk Today | 08:00 Allen Jackson NOW | 08:30 Stakelbeck Tonight | 09:00 Praise | 10:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 10:30 Better Together | 11:30 Stakelbeck Tonight | 12:00 Praise | 13:00 Joseph Prince | 13:30 Michael Youssef | 14:00 Sekulow | 14:30 Christine Caine | 15:00 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 15:30 Huckabee's Health Secret | 16:00 Praise | 17:00 Christine Caine | 17:30 Jordan Rubin: MCP Advanced Lean | 18:00 Allen Jackson Ministries | 18:30 Steven Furtick | 19:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 19:30 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 20:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 20:30 Joseph Prince | 21:00 Robert Jeffress | 21:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 22:00 Creflo Dollar | 22:30 Hagee Ministries | 23:00 Joel Osteen | 23:30 Allen Jackson Ministries | 2025-02-20 00:00 Steven Furtick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TBN Inspire (K64FT) Alexandria, LA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 00:30 Better Together | 01:30 Gaither Vocal Band: Love Songs | 02:30 Allen Jackson Ministries | 03:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 03:30 Joseph Prince | 04:00 Steven Furtick | 04:30 Billy Graham Classics | 05:00 Better Together | 06:00 Christine Caine | 06:30 BillyGraham.TV | 07:00 Voice of God With Joseph Z | 07:30 The Potter's Touch | 08:00 Joel Osteen | 08:30 Paid Programming | 09:00 Life Today With James Robison | 09:30 Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin | 10:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 10:30 Joseph Prince | 11:00 Praise | 12:00 Stakelbeck Tonight | 12:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 13:00 Rick Renner | 13:30 Max Lucado: Traveling Light | 14:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 14:30 The Nicole Crank Show | 15:00 Stakelbeck Tonight | 15:30 The Eric Metaxas Radio Show | 16:00 Main Stage | 16:30 Xtreme Life | 17:00 Alicia Britt Chole: Anonymous | 17:30 Steven Furtick: Unqualified | 18:00 Praise | 19:00 Life Today With James Robison | 19:30 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 20:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 20:30 Steven Furtick | 21:00 Joseph Prince | 21:30 Robert Jeffress | 22:00 Life Today With James Robison | 22:30 Joseph Prince | 23:00 Rick Renner | 23:30 The Potter's Touch | 2025-02-19 00:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | 00:30 Better Together | 01:30 Drive Thru History Specials | 02:30 Allen Jackson Ministries | 03:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 03:30 Joseph Prince | 04:00 Steven Furtick | 04:30 Billy Graham Classics | 05:00 Better Together | 06:00 Christine Caine | 06:30 Faithful Galileans | 07:00 Voice of God With Joseph Z | 07:30 The Potter's Touch | 08:00 Joel Osteen | 08:30 Paid Programming | 09:00 Life Today With James Robison | 09:30 Kingdom Connection With Jentezen Franklin | 10:00 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 10:30 Joseph Prince | 11:00 Praise | 12:00 Stakelbeck Tonight | 12:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 13:00 Rick Renner | 13:30 Max Lucado: Traveling Light | 14:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 14:30 Faith Family Church | 15:00 Stakelbeck Tonight | 15:30 Life Today With James Robison | 16:00 Main Stage | 16:30 Xtreme Life | 17:00 Alicia Britt Chole: Anonymous | 17:30 Steven Furtick: Unqualified | 18:00 Praise | 19:00 Joseph Prince | 19:30 Turning Point With Dr. David Jeremiah | 20:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 20:30 Steven Furtick | 21:00 Joseph Prince | 21:30 Robert Jeffress | 22:00 Life Today With James Robison | 22:30 Joseph Prince | 23:00 Rick Renner | 23:30 The Potter's Touch | 2025-02-20 00:00 Andrew Wommack: Gospel Truth | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TBS - East | 2025-02-18 01:00 Men in Black 2 | 02:45 Men in Black 3 | 05:00 The Big Bang Theory | 05:30 The Big Bang Theory | 06:00 The Big Bang Theory | 06:30 The Big Bang Theory | 07:00 The Big Bang Theory | 07:30 The Big Bang Theory | 08:00 The Big Bang Theory | 08:30 The Big Bang Theory | 09:00 The Big Bang Theory | 09:30 The Big Bang Theory | 10:00 The Big Bang Theory | 10:30 The Big Bang Theory | 11:00 American Dad! | 11:30 American Dad! | 12:00 American Dad! | 12:30 American Dad! | 13:00 American Dad! | 13:30 American Dad! | 14:00 American Dad! | 14:30 American Dad! | 15:00 American Dad! | 15:30 American Dad! | 16:00 American Dad! | 16:30 American Dad! | 17:00 Family Matters | 17:30 Family Matters | 18:00 Family Matters | 18:30 Family Matters | 19:00 Family Matters | 19:30 Family Matters | 20:00 Young Sheldon | 20:30 Young Sheldon | 21:00 Young Sheldon | 21:30 Young Sheldon | 22:00 Young Sheldon | 22:30 Young Sheldon | 23:00 Friends | 23:30 Friends | 2025-02-19 00:00 Friends | 00:30 Friends | 01:00 Friends | 01:30 Friends | 02:00 Friends | 02:30 Friends | 03:00 Friends | 03:30 Friends | 04:00 Friends | 04:30 Friends | 05:00 The Big Bang Theory | 05:30 The Big Bang Theory | 06:00 The Big Bang Theory | 06:30 The Big Bang Theory | 07:00 The Big Bang Theory | 07:30 The Big Bang Theory | 08:00 The Big Bang Theory | 08:30 The Big Bang Theory | 09:00 The Big Bang Theory | 09:30 The Big Bang Theory | 10:00 The Joe Schmo Show | 11:00 Modern Family | 11:30 Modern Family | 12:00 Modern Family | 12:30 Modern Family | 13:00 Modern Family | 13:30 Modern Family | 14:00 Modern Family | 14:30 Modern Family | 15:00 Modern Family | 15:30 Modern Family | 16:00 Modern Family | 16:30 Modern Family | 17:00 Modern Family | 17:30 Modern Family | 18:00 Family Matters | 18:30 Family Matters | 19:00 Family Matters | 19:30 Family Matters | 20:00 Young Sheldon | 20:30 Young Sheldon | 21:00 Young Sheldon | 21:30 Young Sheldon | 22:00 Young Sheldon | 22:30 Young Sheldon | 23:00 Friends | 23:30 Friends | 2025-02-20 00:00 Friends | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TeenNick - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:23 Victorious | 00:51 Victorious | 01:19 Victorious | 01:47 Victorious | 02:15 Victorious | 02:42 Victorious | 03:09 Victorious | 03:37 Victorious | 04:04 Victorious | 04:31 Victorious | 04:58 Victorious | 05:26 Victorious | 05:54 Victorious | 06:22 Victorious | 06:50 Victorious | 07:18 Victorious | 07:45 Victorious | 08:13 Victorious | 08:41 Victorious | 09:09 Victorious | 09:37 Victorious | 10:05 Victorious | 10:32 Victorious | 10:59 Victorious | 11:26 Victorious | 11:53 Victorious | 12:20 Victorious | 12:46 Victorious | 13:13 Victorious | 13:40 Victorious | 14:07 Victorious | 14:34 Victorious | 15:00 Victorious | 15:24 Victorious | 15:48 Victorious | 16:12 Victorious | 16:36 Victorious | 17:00 Victorious | 17:24 Victorious | 17:48 Victorious | 18:12 Victorious | 18:36 The Loud House | 19:00 The Loud House | 19:27 The Loud House | 19:54 The Loud House | 20:22 The Loud House | 20:50 The Loud House | 21:18 The Loud House | 21:46 The Loud House | 22:14 The Smurfs | 22:42 The Smurfs | 23:09 The Smurfs | 23:36 The Smurfs | 2025-02-19 00:02 Monster High | 00:29 Monster High | 00:57 Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years | 01:25 Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years | 01:53 Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years | 02:21 Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years | 02:48 Rock Paper Scissors | 03:15 Rock Paper Scissors | 03:43 The Fairly OddParents | 04:10 The Fairly OddParents | 04:37 The Fairly OddParents | 05:04 The Fairly OddParents | 05:32 The Fairly OddParents | 06:00 Max and the Midknights | 06:28 The Loud House | 06:58 To Be Announced | 07:23 The Loud House | 07:50 The Loud House | 08:17 The Loud House | 08:44 The Loud House | 09:12 Henry Danger | 09:39 Henry Danger | 10:05 Henry Danger | 10:32 Henry Danger | 10:59 The Thundermans | 11:26 The Thundermans: Undercover | 11:53 The Thundermans | 12:20 The Thundermans | 12:46 iCarly | 13:13 iCarly | 13:40 iCarly | 14:07 iCarly | 14:34 iCarly | 15:00 iCarly | 15:24 iCarly | 16:12 iCarly | 16:36 iCarly | 17:00 Sam & Cat | 17:24 Sam & Cat | 17:48 The Loud House | 18:12 The Loud House | 18:36 The Loud House | 19:00 The Loud House | 19:27 The Loud House | 19:54 The Loud House | 20:22 The Loud House | 20:50 The Loud House | 21:18 The Loud House | 21:46 The Loud House | 22:14 The Smurfs | 22:42 The Smurfs | 23:09 The Smurfs | 23:36 The Smurfs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Telecentro | 2025-02-18 02:00 Hola El Salvador | 04:00 Noti 7 Vespertino | 05:00 Hechos del Medio Día | 06:00 Informe 11 | 07:00 Acción 10 | 08:00 Impacto VTV | 09:00 Noticias Repretel | 10:00 Telediario Nocturno | 11:00 Hechos de la noche | 12:00 T13 Noticias | 13:00 Noti 7 Nocturno | 14:00 Impacto VTV Estelar | 15:00 Área Grande | 16:00 Combate Guatemala | 18:00 NC Once | 19:00 RR Impacto VTV | 20:00 Acción 10 | 21:00 Noti 7 Matutino | 23:30 Nuestro mundo | 2025-02-19 02:00 Hola El Salvador | 04:00 Noti 7 Vespertino | 05:00 Hechos del Medio Día | 06:00 Informe 11 | 07:00 Acción 10 | 08:00 Impacto VTV | 09:00 Noticias Repretel | 10:00 Telediario Nocturno | 11:00 Hechos de la noche | 12:00 T13 Noticias | 13:00 Noti 7 Nocturno | 14:00 Impacto VTV Estelar | 15:00 Área Grande | 16:00 Combate Guatemala | 18:00 NC Once | 19:00 RR Impacto VTV | 20:00 Acción 10 | 21:00 Noti 7 Matutino | 23:30 Nuestro mundo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Telefe International | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: El noticiero de la gente | 01:30 Live: Cortá por Lozano | 03:30 #Viajeros | 03:35 Sabores de campo | 04:00 Descubrir América | 05:00 Fanny, la fan | 06:00 Los Exitosos Pells | 07:00 Live: Telefe noticias | 08:15 Juego chino | 08:45 El elegido | 09:45 Fanny, la fan | 10:45 Gravedad zero | 11:00 Live: Staff | 11:15 Vinos y placeres | 11:45 El arqui | 12:15 Rizhoma Hotel | 12:45 #Viajeros | 13:00 Los Exitosos Pells | 14:00 El elegido | 15:00 Fanny, la fan | 16:00 Descubrir América | 17:00 Vinos y placeres | 17:25 Plano x plano | 18:00 Live: Buen Telefe | 20:30 Live: A la Barbarossa | 22:30 Live: Ariel en su salsa | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: El noticiero de la gente | 01:30 Live: Cortá por Lozano | 03:30 #Viajeros | 03:35 Sabores de campo | 04:00 Descubrir América | 05:00 Fanny, la fan | 06:00 Los Exitosos Pells | 07:00 Live: Telefe noticias | 08:15 Juego chino | 08:45 El elegido | 09:45 Susana Giménez | 11:45 Live: Staff | 12:15 Live: Staff | 12:45 #Viajeros | 13:00 Los Exitosos Pells | 14:00 El elegido | 15:00 Fanny, la fan | 16:00 Descubrir América | 17:00 Vinos y placeres | 17:25 Plano x plano | 18:00 Live: Buen Telefe | 20:30 Live: A la Barbarossa | 22:30 Live: Ariel en su salsa | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: El noticiero de la gente | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Telemundo - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Caso cerrado | 00:30 La impostora | 01:00 En otra piel | 01:30 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 02:00 En casa con Telemundo | 03:00 En casa con Telemundo | 03:58 La mesa caliente | 04:58 Al rojo vivo | 06:00 En casa con Telemundo | 07:00 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 07:30 Noticias Telemundo | 08:00 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 08:58 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 11:00 La familia | 12:00 Noticias Telemundo | 12:35 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 13:00 Sed de venganza | 14:00 Caso cerrado | 15:00 En casa con Telemundo | 16:00 En casa con Telemundo | 17:00 La mesa caliente | 18:00 Caso cerrado | 18:30 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 19:00 Al rojo vivo | 20:00 Hoy día | 2025-02-19 00:00 Caso cerrado | 00:30 La impostora | 01:00 En otra piel | 01:30 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 02:00 En casa con Telemundo | 03:00 En casa con Telemundo | 03:58 La mesa caliente | 04:58 Al rojo vivo | 06:00 En casa con Telemundo | 07:00 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 07:30 Noticias Telemundo | 08:00 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 08:58 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 11:00 La jefa | 12:00 Noticias Telemundo | 12:35 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 13:00 Sed de venganza | 14:00 Caso cerrado | 15:00 En casa con Telemundo | 16:00 En casa con Telemundo | 17:00 La mesa caliente | 18:00 Caso cerrado | 18:30 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 19:00 Al rojo vivo | 20:00 Hoy día | 2025-02-20 00:00 Caso cerrado | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Telemundo - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 03:00 Caso cerrado | 03:30 La impostora | 04:00 En otra piel | 04:30 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 05:00 En casa con Telemundo | 06:00 En casa con Telemundo | 06:58 La mesa caliente | 07:58 Al rojo vivo | 09:00 En casa con Telemundo | 10:00 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 10:30 Noticias Telemundo | 11:00 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 11:58 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 14:00 La familia | 15:00 Noticias Telemundo | 15:35 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 16:00 Sed de venganza | 17:00 La familia | 18:00 En casa con Telemundo | 19:00 En casa con Telemundo | 20:00 La mesa caliente | 21:00 Caso cerrado | 21:30 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 22:00 Al rojo vivo | 23:00 Hoy día | 2025-02-19 03:00 Caso cerrado | 03:30 La impostora | 04:00 En otra piel | 04:30 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 05:00 En casa con Telemundo | 06:00 En casa con Telemundo | 06:58 La mesa caliente | 07:58 Al rojo vivo | 09:00 En casa con Telemundo | 10:00 Noticias Telemundo mediodía | 10:30 Noticias Telemundo | 11:00 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 11:58 La casa de los famosos: All-stars | 14:00 La jefa | 15:00 Noticias Telemundo | 15:35 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 16:00 Sed de venganza | 17:00 La jefa | 18:00 En casa con Telemundo | 19:00 En casa con Telemundo | 20:00 La mesa caliente | 21:00 Caso cerrado | 21:30 Noticias Telemundo en la noche | 22:00 Al rojo vivo | 23:00 Hoy día | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TFC - The Filipino Channel | 2025-02-18 01:15 Kapamilya Deal or No Deal | 01:45 Oh my G | 02:30 Playhouse | 03:00 James & Pat & Dave | 05:00 TV Patrol Global Edition | 06:30 Kapamilya Daily Mass | 07:00 Gising Pilipinas | 08:00 Teleradyo Serbisyo Balita | 08:30 Gising Pilipinas | 09:00 Kabayan | 10:00 Magandang Buhay | 11:00 Playhouse | 11:30 Lorenzo's Time | 12:00 Oh my G | 12:30 BRGY | 13:00 It's Showtime | 15:30 TFC Kids' Zone | 16:00 Incognito | 16:30 FPJ's Batang Quiapo | 17:00 How To Spot A Red Flag | 17:30 Lorenzo's Time | 18:00 BRGY | 18:30 TV Patrol Express | 18:45 Kapamilya Deal or No Deal | 19:30 TV Patrol Live | 21:00 FPJ's Batang Quiapo | 21:45 Incognito | 22:30 How To Spot A Red Flag | 23:15 It's Showtime | 2025-02-19 01:15 Kapamilya Deal or No Deal | 01:45 Oh my G | 02:30 Playhouse | 03:00 No Other Woman | 05:00 TV Patrol Global Edition | 06:30 Kapamilya Daily Mass | 07:00 Gising Pilipinas | 08:00 Teleradyo Serbisyo Balita | 08:30 Gising Pilipinas | 09:00 Kabayan | 10:00 Magandang Buhay | 11:00 Playhouse | 11:30 Lorenzo's Time | 12:00 Oh my G | 12:30 BRGY | 13:00 It's Showtime | 15:30 TFC Kids' Zone | 16:00 Incognito | 16:30 FPJ's Batang Quiapo | 17:00 How To Spot A Red Flag | 17:30 Lorenzo's Time | 18:00 BRGY | 18:30 TV Patrol Express | 18:45 Kapamilya Deal or No Deal | 19:30 TV Patrol Live | 21:00 FPJ's Batang Quiapo | 21:45 Incognito | 22:30 How To Spot A Red Flag | 23:15 It's Showtime | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Africa Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Housewives | 01:00 African Royale | 01:30 African Royale | 02:00 My Design Rules | 02:30 My Design Rules | 03:00 Africa on a Plate | 03:30 African Royale | 04:00 Minjiba Entertains | 04:30 My Design Rules | 05:00 My Design Rules | 05:30 Africa on a Plate | 06:00 The Rising | 06:30 The Rising | 07:00 Focus on Africa | 07:30 Africa on a Plate | 08:00 First Time Africa | 08:30 My Africa | 09:00 My Africa | 10:00 Minjiba Entertains | 10:30 Minjiba Entertains | 11:00 What Makes a Man | 11:30 What Makes a Man | 12:00 First Time Africa | 12:30 My Africa | 13:00 My Africa | 14:00 African Royale | 14:30 African Royale | 15:00 What Makes a Man | 15:30 What Makes a Man | 16:00 Focus on Africa | 16:30 Africa on a Plate | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 5 Color Fitness | 19:30 My Design Rules | 20:00 Expresso Daily | 21:30 Expresso Daily | 23:00 Traffic | 23:30 Traffic | 2025-02-19 00:00 Housewives | 01:00 Movie | 03:30 Movie | 05:30 Music for Wildlife | 06:00 The Rising | 06:30 The Rising | 07:00 Focus on Africa | 07:30 Africa on a Plate | 08:00 SA Inc | 08:30 SA Inc | 09:00 African Royale | 09:30 African Royale | 10:00 Housewives | 11:00 Housewives | 12:00 SA Inc | 12:30 SA Inc | 13:00 African Royale | 13:30 African Royale | 14:00 Housewives | 15:00 Housewives | 16:00 Focus on Africa | 16:30 Africa on a Plate | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Paid Programming | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 5 Color Fitness | 19:30 My Design Rules | 20:00 Expresso Daily | 21:30 Expresso Daily | 23:00 Traffic | 23:30 Traffic | 2025-02-20 00:00 Housewives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Cooking Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 Burgers, Brew & 'Que | 00:30 Burgers, Brew & 'Que | 01:00 Carnival Eats | 01:30 Carnival Eats | 02:00 Carnival Eats | 02:30 Carnival Eats | 03:00 Man v. Food | 03:30 Man v. Food | 04:00 Man v. Food | 04:30 Man v. Food | 05:00 Man v. Food | 05:30 Man v. Food | 06:00 Man v. Food | 06:30 Man v. Food | 07:00 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 07:30 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 08:00 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 08:30 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 09:00 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 09:30 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 10:00 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 10:30 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 11:00 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 11:30 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 12:00 The Zimmern List | 12:30 The Zimmern List | 13:00 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 13:30 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 14:00 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 14:30 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 15:00 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 15:30 Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations | 16:00 The Zimmern List | 16:30 The Zimmern List | 17:00 The OmegaXL Investigation | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Relief from Inflammation | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 Unwrapped | 20:30 Unwrapped | 21:00 Bizarre Foods America | 22:00 Bizarre Foods America | 22:30 Bizarre Foods America | 23:00 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 23:30 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 00:30 Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern | 01:00 Man Fire Food | 01:30 Man Fire Food | 02:00 Man Fire Food | 02:30 Man Fire Food | 03:00 Man's Greatest Food | 04:00 Man's Greatest Food | 05:00 Man's Greatest Food | 06:00 Man's Greatest Food | 07:00 Man v. Food | 07:30 Man v. Food | 08:00 Man v. Food | 08:30 Man v. Food | 09:00 Man v. Food | 09:30 Man v. Food | 10:00 Adam Richman Eats Britain | 10:30 Adam Richman Eats Britain | 11:00 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations | 12:00 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations | 13:00 Man v. Food | 13:30 Man v. Food | 14:00 Adam Richman Eats Britain | 14:30 Adam Richman Eats Britain | 15:00 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations | 16:00 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations | 17:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 17:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 18:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Shark CarpetXpertTM with StainStrikerTM 2-in-1 deep carpet cleaner with built-in spot & stain remove | 20:00 The Best Thing I Ever Ate | 20:30 The Best Thing I Ever Ate | 21:00 Cheap Eats | 21:30 Cheap Eats | 22:00 Cheap Eats | 22:30 Carnival Eats | 23:00 Carnival Eats | 23:30 Carnival Eats | 2025-02-20 00:00 Carnival Eats | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Fight Network (United States) (TFN) | 2025-02-18 00:59 Fight Network Recharged | 02:00 Lion Fight 33 | 04:59 OVW Weekend | 05:55 TNA in 60 | 07:00 OVW Weekend | 08:00 OVW Weekend | 08:55 Impact! | 09:55 International Wrestling Syndicate | 10:30 International Wrestling Syndicate | 11:00 OVW TV: Primetime | 12:00 OVW TV: Primetime | 12:55 IMPACT in 60 | 13:55 Impact! | 15:00 OVW Weekend | 16:00 OVW Weekend | 16:55 Impact! | 17:55 International Wrestling Syndicate | 18:30 International Wrestling Syndicate | 19:00 OVW TV: Primetime | 20:00 OVW TV: Primetime | 20:55 IMPACT in 60 | 21:55 Impact! | 23:00 OVW Weekend | 2025-02-19 00:00 OVW Weekend | 00:55 Impact! | 01:55 International Wrestling Syndicate | 02:30 International Wrestling Syndicate | 03:00 OVW TV: Primetime | 04:00 OVW TV: Primetime | 04:55 IMPACT in 60 | 05:55 Impact! | 07:00 BKFC Fight Night: Tampa | 08:59 Fight Network Recharged | 10:00 Lion Fight 34 | 13:00 OVW Weekend | 13:55 TNA in 60 | 15:00 BKFC Fight Night: Tampa | 16:59 Fight Network Recharged | 18:00 Lion Fight 34 | 21:00 OVW Weekend | 21:55 TNA in 60 | 23:00 BKFC Fight Night: Tampa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The First | 2025-02-18 00:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 01:00 The Dana Show | 02:00 The Dana Show | 03:00 The Dana Show | 04:00 The President's Daily Brief Situation Report | 05:00 Can California Be Saved? | 06:00 The Dana Show | 07:00 The Dana Show | 08:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 09:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 10:00 I'm Right...With Jesse Kelly | 11:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 12:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 13:00 I'm Right...With Jesse Kelly | 14:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 15:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 16:00 The Dana Show | 17:00 The Dana Show | 18:00 I'm Right...With Jesse Kelly | 19:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 20:00 The Dana Show | 21:00 The Dana Show | 22:00 The Jesse Kelly Show | 23:00 The Jesse Kelly Show | 2025-02-19 00:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 01:00 The Dana Show | 02:00 The Dana Show | 03:00 The Dana Show | 04:00 Jesse Kelly's Anti-communist Manifesto | 05:00 The President's Daily Brief Situation Report | 06:00 The Dana Show | 07:00 The Dana Show | 08:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 09:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 10:00 I'm Right...With Jesse Kelly | 11:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 12:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 13:00 I'm Right...With Jesse Kelly | 14:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 15:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | 16:00 The Dana Show | 17:00 The Dana Show | 18:00 I'm Right...With Jesse Kelly | 19:00 The Sean Spicer Show | 20:00 The Dana Show | 21:00 The Dana Show | 22:00 The Jesse Kelly Show | 23:00 The Jesse Kelly Show | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Movie Channel HDTV (East) | 2025-02-18 01:00 The Stepford Wives | 02:35 Ida Red | 04:30 Breathe | 06:05 My One and Only | 08:00 Mr. Malcolm's List | 10:00 The Stepford Wives | 11:35 The First Wives Club | 13:20 Tommy Boy | 15:00 Swingers | 16:40 Varsity Blues | 18:30 5 to 7 | 20:10 Kelly & Cal | 22:05 Nana's Boys | 23:30 The Man Who Knew Infinity | 2025-02-19 01:20 The Infiltrator | 03:30 The Yards | 05:25 6 Days | 07:00 Walkaway Joe | 08:30 First Shift | 10:00 The Yards | 12:00 Transporter 3 | 13:45 War | 15:30 Mercy | 17:00 Cabin Fever | 18:40 The Gift | 20:30 On the Edge | 22:15 The Two Jakes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Tennis Channel | 2025-02-18 07:00 Live: Center Court Live | 10:00 Center Court | 15:00 Live: Center Court Live | 23:00 Live: Center Court Live | 2025-02-19 07:00 Live: Center Court Live | 10:00 Center Court | 15:00 Live: Center Court Live | 23:00 Live: Center Court Live | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Weather Channel | 2025-02-18 00:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 01:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 02:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 03:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 04:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 05:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 06:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 07:00 Weather Unfiltered | 08:00 Weather Unfiltered | 09:00 Weather Unfiltered | 10:00 Weather Unfiltered | 11:00 Weird Earth | 12:00 Weird Earth | 13:00 Weird Earth | 14:00 Weird Earth | 15:00 Heavy Rescue: 401 | 16:00 Heavy Rescue: 401 | 17:00 Heavy Rescue: 401 | 18:00 Heavy Rescue: 401 | 19:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 20:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 21:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 22:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 23:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 2025-02-19 00:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 01:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 02:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 03:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 04:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 05:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 06:00 The Weather Channel LIVE | 07:00 Weather Unfiltered | 08:00 Weather Unfiltered | 09:00 Weather Unfiltered | 10:00 Weather Unfiltered | 11:00 Backroad Truckers | 12:00 Backroad Truckers | 13:00 Backroad Truckers | 14:00 Backroad Truckers | 15:00 Deep Water Salvage | 16:00 Deep Water Salvage | 17:00 Storm Stories: The Next Chapter | 18:00 Storm Stories: The Next Chapter | 19:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 20:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 21:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 22:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 23:00 America's Morning Headquarters | 2025-02-20 00:00 America's Morning Headquarters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Word Network | 2025-02-18 00:00 David Bibey | 00:30 Bill Winston Ministries | 01:00 Marilyn Hickey | 01:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 02:00 Joseph Prince | 02:30 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 03:00 Stem Cell Activators with Joseph Christiano ND | 03:30 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 04:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 04:30 Life Today With James Robison | 05:00 Damon Davis | 05:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 06:00 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 06:30 Miracles Now with Brian Bolt | 07:00 Peter Popoff Ministries | 07:30 Word Special | 08:00 David Taylor | 08:30 Anthony Wynn | 09:00 Charles Ellis III | 09:30 Inspiration Ministries | 10:30 David Taylor | 11:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 11:30 Life Today With James Robison | 12:00 Bishop Herman Murray | 12:30 Woody Martin | 13:00 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 13:30 Murthlene Sampson | 14:00 David Bibey | 14:30 Word Special | 15:00 Inspiration Ministries | 16:00 Randy Brodhagen | 16:30 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 17:00 Joseph Prince | 17:30 Apostle Ronald C. Hill Sr. | 18:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 18:30 Joseph Prince | 19:00 Rod Parsley | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 David Taylor | 20:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 21:00 Faith for Every Nation With Mark and Trina Hankins | 21:30 Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis | 22:00 Joseph Prince | 22:30 The Potter's Touch With Bishop T.D. Jakes | 23:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 23:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 2025-02-19 00:00 Operation Smile | 00:30 Bill Winston Ministries | 01:00 Marilyn Hickey | 01:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 02:00 Joseph Prince | 02:30 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 03:00 Stem Cell Activators with Joseph Christiano ND | 03:30 Life Today With James Robison | 04:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 04:30 Joseph Prince | 05:00 Dr. Willard Maxwell, Jr. and New Beech Grove | 05:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 06:00 Fellowship of Christians and Jews | 06:30 Miracles Now with Brian Bolt | 07:00 Peter Popoff Ministries | 07:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 08:00 Apostle Ronald C. Hill Sr. | 08:30 Tony Alamo | 09:00 Charles Ellis III | 09:30 Bobby Hogan | 10:00 Fellowship of Christians & Jews | 10:30 David Taylor | 11:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 11:30 Life Today With James Robison | 12:00 Word Special | 12:30 Darrell Dumas | 13:00 Word Special | 13:30 Word Special | 14:00 Word Special | 14:30 James Brodnax | 15:00 Anthony Wynn | 15:30 Life Today With James Robison | 16:00 Nancy Dadd | 16:30 Word Special | 17:30 David Taylor | 18:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 18:30 Joseph Prince | 19:00 Rod Parsley | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 David Taylor | 20:30 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 21:00 Faith for Every Nation With Mark and Trina Hankins | 21:30 Woody Martin | 22:00 Joseph Prince | 22:30 The Potter's Touch With Bishop T.D. Jakes | 23:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 23:30 Breakthrough With Rod Parsley | 2025-02-20 00:00 Bobby Hogan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ThrillerMax - East | 2025-02-18 00:22 Menashe | 01:45 What's Your Number? | 03:32 Whose Streets? | 05:14 Justice League: Throne of Atlantis | 06:27 Monsters and Men | 08:03 The Roads Not Taken | 09:29 The Hole in the Ground | 11:00 Pulse | 13:00 A Hologram for the King | 14:39 D...: The Musical | 16:06 Spring Breakers | 17:41 Shirley | 19:28 50/50 | 21:08 Priscilla | 23:01 The Wolfpack | 2025-02-19 00:31 Mass Ave | 00:52 Scream 2 | 02:53 User Zero | 03:10 The Lodge | 04:59 Godzilla | 06:36 Paranoia | 08:23 The Revenant | 11:00 The Outlaws | 12:34 The Boondock Saints | 14:23 Viva | 16:03 Under the Silver Lake | 18:23 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla | 19:48 127 Hours | 21:22 Everything Everywhere All at Once | 23:42 Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TLC USA - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 7 Little Johnstons | 01:00 7 Little Johnstons | 02:00 7 Little Johnstons | 03:00 Baylen Out Loud | 04:00 Baylen Out Loud | 05:00 Baylen Out Loud | 06:00 Baylen Out Loud | 07:00 90 Day: The Last Resort | 08:00 90 Day: The Last Resort | 09:00 90 Day: The Last Resort | 10:08 Baylen Out Loud | 11:10 90 Day: The Last Resort | 12:10 7 Little Johnstons | 13:00 90 Day: The Last Resort | 14:08 Baylen Out Loud | 15:10 90 Day: The Last Resort | 16:10 7 Little Johnstons | 16:11 7 Little Johnstons | 17:00 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days | 19:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 20:00 Four Weddings | 21:00 Four Weddings | 22:00 Four Weddings | 23:00 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 23:30 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 2025-02-19 00:00 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 00:30 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 01:00 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 01:30 I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant | 02:00 90 Day Fiancé | 04:00 Baylen Out Loud | 05:00 Baylen Out Loud | 06:00 Baylen Out Loud | 07:00 Baylen Out Loud | 08:00 7 Little Johnstons | 09:00 7 Little Johnstons | 10:00 7 Little Johnstons | 11:02 Baylen Out Loud | 12:02 90 Day: The Last Resort | 13:00 7 Little Johnstons | 14:00 7 Little Johnstons | 15:02 Baylen Out Loud | 16:02 90 Day: The Last Resort | 17:00 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days | 19:00 The Jennifer Hudson Show | 20:00 My Feet Are Killing Me | 21:00 My Feet Are Killing Me | 22:00 Too Large | 23:00 Too Large | 2025-02-20 00:00 Sex Sent Me to the E.R. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TMC (US) - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Stepford Wives | 01:35 Ida Red | 03:30 Breathe | 05:05 My One and Only | 07:00 Mr. Malcolm's List | 09:00 The Stepford Wives | 10:35 The First Wives Club | 12:20 Tommy Boy | 14:00 Swingers | 15:40 Varsity Blues | 17:30 5 to 7 | 19:10 Kelly & Cal | 21:05 Nana's Boys | 22:30 The Man Who Knew Infinity | 2025-02-19 00:20 The Infiltrator | 02:30 The Yards | 04:25 6 Days | 06:00 Walkaway Joe | 07:30 First Shift | 09:00 The Yards | 11:00 Transporter 3 | 12:45 War | 14:30 Mercy | 16:00 Cabin Fever | 17:40 The Gift | 19:30 On the Edge | 21:15 The Two Jakes | 23:35 Cinéma | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TMC (US) - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 01:15 The Running Man | 03:00 The Stepford Wives | 04:35 Ida Red | 06:30 Breathe | 08:05 My One and Only | 10:00 Mr. Malcolm's List | 12:00 The Stepford Wives | 13:35 The First Wives Club | 15:20 Tommy Boy | 17:00 Swingers | 18:40 Varsity Blues | 20:30 5 to 7 | 22:10 Kelly & Cal | 2025-02-19 00:05 Nana's Boys | 01:30 The Man Who Knew Infinity | 03:20 The Infiltrator | 05:30 The Yards | 07:25 6 Days | 09:00 Walkaway Joe | 10:30 First Shift | 12:00 The Yards | 14:00 Transporter 3 | 15:45 War | 17:30 Mercy | 19:00 Cabin Fever | 20:40 The Gift | 22:30 On the Edge | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TMC on Demand | 2025-02-18 03:00 TMC on Demand | 07:00 TMC on Demand | 11:00 TMC on Demand | 15:00 TMC on Demand | 19:00 TMC on Demand | 23:00 TMC on Demand | 2025-02-19 03:00 TMC on Demand | 07:00 TMC on Demand | 11:00 TMC on Demand | 15:00 TMC on Demand | 19:00 TMC on Demand | 23:00 TMC on Demand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TMC Xtra HD - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 The Infiltrator | 02:10 Black Noise | 03:40 The D Train | 05:25 Cold Mountain | 08:00 The Soloist | 10:00 The Doors | 12:30 Get Rich or Die Tryin' | 14:30 Erotic Emergency | 15:40 Men, Women & Children | 17:40 Runaway Jury | 19:50 American Cherry | 21:25 The Loneliest Boy in the World | 23:00 Supernova | 2025-02-19 00:35 One Life | 02:30 Treasure | 04:30 You Hurt My Feelings | 06:05 My One and Only | 08:00 One Life | 10:00 Treasure | 12:00 Sleeping With Other People | 13:45 Tale of Tales | 16:00 Savage | 17:40 Poppy | 19:20 The Bigfoot Trap | 20:45 Mistletoe Ranch | 22:15 Focus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TNT - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Supernatural | 01:00 Impractical Jokers | 01:30 Live: NHL on TNT Face Off | 02:00 Live: 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 05:00 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | 08:00 Live: NHL on TNT Face Off | 09:00 Live: 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 12:00 Live: NHL Post-Game on TNT | 12:30 Out of Time | 14:45 Into the Blue | 17:00 Cold Case | 18:00 Cold Case | 19:00 Charmed | 20:00 Charmed | 21:00 Charmed | 22:00 Charmed | 23:00 Supernatural | 2025-02-19 00:00 Supernatural | 01:00 Supernatural | 02:00 Supernatural | 03:00 Mortal Kombat | 05:00 American Sniper | 08:00 Live: Unrivaled Pregame | 08:30 Live: Unrivaled Basketball | 09:45 Live: Unrivaled Basketball | 11:00 American Sniper | 14:00 Knox Goes Away | 16:30 Impractical Jokers | 17:00 Cold Case | 18:00 Cold Case | 19:00 Charmed | 20:00 Charmed | 21:00 Charmed | 22:00 Charmed | 23:00 Supernatural | 2025-02-20 00:00 Supernatural | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Travel US - East | 2025-02-18 00:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 01:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 02:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 03:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 04:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 05:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 06:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 07:00 Mysteries of the Unknown | 09:00 Mysteries of the Unknown | 11:00 Mysteries of the Unknown | 13:00 Mysteries of the Unknown | 15:00 Mysteries of the Unknown | 17:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 17:30 Paid Programming | 18:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 20:30 Paid Programming | 21:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 22:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 23:00 Hotel Paranormal | 2025-02-19 00:00 Hotel Paranormal | 01:00 Hotel Paranormal | 02:00 Hotel Paranormal | 03:00 Hotel Paranormal | 04:00 Hotel Paranormal | 05:00 Hotel Paranormal | 06:00 Hotel Paranormal | 07:00 Hotel Paranormal | 08:00 Hotel Paranormal | 09:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 10:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 11:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 12:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 13:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 14:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 15:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 16:00 Paranormal Nightshift | 17:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 17:30 Supplemental Power Assisted Movement to strengthen & tone your legs | 18:00 Save On Your Grocery Bills! | 18:30 Paid Programming | 19:00 Natural Blood Pressure Management | 19:30 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 20:00 Car Repair Secrets! | 20:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 21:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 22:00 Mysteries at the Museum | 23:00 Paranormal Caught on Camera | 2025-02-20 00:00 Paranormal Caught on Camera | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TruTV on Demand | 2025-02-18 00:00 Sesame Street | 00:30 Work It Out Wombats! | 01:00 Odd Squad | 01:30 Elinor Wonders Why | 02:00 As Time Goes By | 03:30 Midsomer Murders | 04:30 Rick Steves' Europe | 05:00 This Old House | 05:30 America the Bountiful | 06:00 New Scandinavian Cooking | 06:30 BBC News America | 07:00 BBC News The Context | 07:30 PBS News Hour | 08:30 His-Vis: Ten Years of Public Art | 09:00 Antiques Roadshow | 10:00 100 Years from Mississippi | 11:00 ACL Presents: Willie Nelson & Family | 12:00 Amanpour and Company | 13:00 Bare Feet With Mickela Mallozzi | 13:30 Bare Feet With Mickela Mallozzi | 14:00 America Outdoors With Baratunde Thurston | 15:00 Queens of Mystery | 16:00 Up the Women | 16:30 Good Karma Hospital | 17:29 Mum | 18:00 BBC News | 18:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific | 19:00 Classical Stretch: By Essentrics | 19:30 Alma's Way | 20:00 Wild Kratts | 20:30 Arthur | 21:00 Lyla in the Loop | 21:30 Carl the Collector | 22:00 Molly of Denali | 22:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 23:00 Rosie's Rules | 23:30 Donkey Hodie | 2025-02-19 00:00 Sesame Street | 00:30 Work It Out Wombats! | 01:00 Odd Squad | 01:30 Elinor Wonders Why | 02:00 As Time Goes By | 02:30 Midsomer Murders | 03:30 Midsomer Murders | 04:30 Rick Steves' Europe | 05:00 This Old House | 05:30 Pati's Mexican Table | 06:00 Sara's Weeknight Meals | 06:30 BBC News America | 07:00 BBC News The Context | 07:30 PBS News Hour | 08:30 Canada Files | 09:00 Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | 10:00 Great Migrations: A People on the Move | 11:00 Frontline | 12:00 Amanpour and Company | 13:00 Nature | 14:00 American Masters | 15:30 Fat Boy: The Billy Stewart Story | 16:30 Don Lewis and the Live Electronic Orchestra | 17:30 Awadagin Pratt: Black in America | 18:00 BBC News | 18:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific | 19:00 Classical Stretch: By Essentrics | 19:30 Alma's Way | 20:00 Wild Kratts | 20:30 Arthur | 21:00 Lyla in the Loop | 21:30 Carl the Collector | 22:00 Molly of Denali | 22:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood | 23:00 Rosie's Rules | 23:30 Donkey Hodie | 2025-02-20 00:00 Sesame Street | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
truTV USA - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 World's Dumbest ... | 01:00 Impractical Jokers | 01:30 Live: NHL on TNT Face Off | 02:00 Live: 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 05:00 Impractical Jokers | 05:30 Impractical Jokers | 06:00 Impractical Jokers | 06:30 Impractical Jokers | 07:00 Impractical Jokers | 07:30 Impractical Jokers | 08:00 Live: NHL on TNT Face Off | 09:00 Live: 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 12:00 Live: NHL Post-Game on TNT | 12:30 2025 4 Nations Face-Off | 15:30 Impractical Jokers | 16:00 Impractical Jokers | 16:30 Impractical Jokers | 17:00 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 17:30 Cook Family Size Meals Faster | 18:30 "Trump: Make Money Online" | 19:00 Paid Programming | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes | 21:00 World's Dumbest ... | 22:00 World's Dumbest ... | 23:00 World's Dumbest ... | 2025-02-19 00:00 World's Dumbest ... | 01:00 Impractical Jokers | 01:30 Impractical Jokers | 02:00 Impractical Jokers | 02:30 Impractical Jokers | 03:00 Impractical Jokers | 03:30 Impractical Jokers | 04:00 Impractical Jokers | 04:30 Impractical Jokers | 05:00 Impractical Jokers | 05:30 Impractical Jokers | 06:00 Impractical Jokers | 06:30 Impractical Jokers | 07:00 Impractical Jokers | 07:30 Impractical Jokers | 08:00 Live: Unrivaled Pregame | 08:30 Live: Unrivaled Basketball | 09:45 Live: Unrivaled Basketball | 11:00 Live: Unrivaled Postgame | 11:30 Semi-Pro | 13:30 Foul Play With Anthony Davis | 14:00 Poker On TRU | 15:00 Impractical Jokers | 15:30 Impractical Jokers | 16:00 Impractical Jokers | 16:30 Impractical Jokers | 17:00 Paid Programming | 18:00 Pain Relief TV | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Paid Programming | 20:00 Overwhelmed with IRS Debt? Keys to Resolving Tax Debt | 20:30 Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes | 21:00 World's Dumbest ... | 22:00 World's Dumbest ... | 23:00 World's Dumbest ... | 2025-02-20 00:00 World's Dumbest ... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TUDN | 2025-02-18 00:00 Liga MX en 60 | 01:00 Contacto deportivo | 02:00 UEL/UECL Magazine | 03:00 La jugada | 04:00 Liga MX en 60 | 05:00 Liga MX en 60 | 06:00 Liga MX en 60 | 07:00 La jugada | 08:00 Live: Faitelson sin censura | 09:00 Live: Línea de cuatro | 10:00 UEFA Champions League en 60 | 11:00 Live: Contacto deportivo | 12:00 Live: Línea de cuatro | 13:00 Live: Contacto deportivo | 14:00 Línea de cuatro | 15:00 Contacto deportivo | 16:00 Liga MX en 60 | 17:00 Faitelson sin censura | 18:00 Contacto deportivo | 19:00 Contacto deportivo | 20:00 Liga MX en 60 | 21:00 Contacto deportivo | 22:00 UEFA Champions League en 60 | 23:00 Línea de cuatro | 2025-02-19 00:00 UEFA Champions League en 60 | 01:00 Live: Fútbol central | 01:25 Live: Fútbol UEFA Champions League | 03:50 Live: Fútbol UEFA Champions League | 06:00 Live: Misión Europa | 07:00 Tricolor al día | 08:00 Live: Fútbol central | 08:30 Live: Copa de Campeones de la Concacaf | 11:00 Live: Fútbol Mexicano Primera División | 13:00 Live: Línea de cuatro | 14:00 Copa de Campeones de la Concacaf | 15:00 Contacto deportivo | 16:00 UEFA Champions League en 60 | 17:00 Tricolor al día | 18:00 Contacto deportivo | 19:00 Contacto deportivo | 20:00 Copa de Campeones de la Concacaf | 21:00 Contacto deportivo | 22:00 UEFA Champions League en 60 | 23:00 Contacto deportivo | 2025-02-20 00:00 UEFA Champions League en 60 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Turner Classic Movies USA | 2025-02-18 01:00 The Burmese Harp | 03:00 Babette's Feast | 05:00 Mon Oncle | 07:00 La Strada | 09:00 All the King's Men | 11:00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington | 13:15 The Best Man | 15:15 Abe Lincoln in Illinois | 17:15 Sunrise at Campobello | 19:45 The Gorgeous Hussy | 21:30 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | 23:15 Pygmalion | 2025-02-19 01:00 Room at the Top | 03:00 The Blackboard Jungle | 04:45 Father of the Bride | 06:30 Friendly Persuasion | 09:00 Hamlet | 11:45 Henry V | 14:15 Romeo and Juliet | 16:30 Julius Caesar | 18:45 Air Force | 21:00 Odd Man Out | 23:00 Cinéma | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TV Chile | 2025-02-18 00:00 24 Tarde | 02:00 Conectados | 03:30 Carmen Gloria a tu servicio | 05:00 Programa pagado | 05:30 Programa pagado | 06:00 Hoy se habla | 07:00 Sucupira | 07:55 24 horas central | 09:40 Lleve de lo bueno | 10:45 Buenas Noches | 12:00 Hoy se habla | 13:30 Carmen Gloria a tu servicio | 15:00 Sabores de nuestra vida | 16:00 Conectados | 17:30 24 AM | 19:00 Buenos días a todos | 2025-02-19 00:00 24 Tarde | 02:00 Conectados | 03:30 Carmen Gloria a tu servicio | 05:00 Programa pagado | 05:30 Programa pagado | 06:00 Hoy se habla | 07:00 Sucupira | 07:55 24 horas central | 09:40 ¿Cuál es tu huella? | 10:45 Buenas Noches | 12:00 Hoy se habla | 13:30 Carmen Gloria a tu servicio | 15:00 Medianoche | 16:00 Conectados | 17:30 24 AM | 19:00 Buenos días a todos | 2025-02-20 00:00 24 Tarde | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TV Globo | 2025-02-18 00:00 Live: Globo Esporte | 00:25 Live: Jornal Hoje | 01:45 História de Amor - Edição Especial | 02:25 Espelho, Espelho Meu | 04:05 Vale a Pena Ver de Novo - Tieta | 05:25 Garota do Momento | 06:10 Live: Praça TV - 2ª Edição | 06:40 Volta por Cima | 07:30 Live: Jornal Nacional | 08:20 Mania de Você | 09:25 Live: Big Brother Brasil | 10:30 A Lista | 12:10 Live: Jornal da Globo | 13:00 Volta por Cima | 13:45 Vai que Cola | 14:20 Vai que Cola | 15:00 Live: Hora 1 | 17:00 Live: Bom Dia Praça | 19:30 Live: Bom Dia Brasil | 20:30 Live: Encontro com Patrícia Poeta | 21:35 Live: Mais Você | 22:45 Live: Praça TV - 1ª Edição | 2025-02-19 00:00 Live: Globo Esporte | 00:25 Live: Jornal Hoje | 01:45 História de Amor - Edição Especial | 02:25 Roubo nas Alturas | 04:05 Vale a Pena Ver de Novo - Tieta | 05:25 Garota do Momento | 06:10 Live: Praça TV - 2ª Edição | 06:40 Volta por Cima | 07:30 Live: Jornal Nacional | 08:20 Mania de Você | 09:25 Live: Big Brother Brasil | 11:00 Profissão Repórter | 11:40 Live: Jornal da Globo | 12:30 Volta por Cima | 13:15 Vai que Cola | 14:05 Vai que Cola | 15:00 Live: Hora 1 | 17:00 Live: Bom Dia Praça | 19:30 Live: Bom Dia Brasil | 20:30 Live: Encontro com Patrícia Poeta | 21:35 Live: Mais Você | 22:45 Live: Praça TV - 1ª Edição | 2025-02-20 00:00 Live: Globo Esporte | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TV Land - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 M*A*S*H | 00:30 M*A*S*H | 01:00 M*A*S*H | 01:30 M*A*S*H | 02:00 M*A*S*H | 02:30 M*A*S*H | 03:00 M*A*S*H | 03:30 M*A*S*H | 04:00 M*A*S*H | 04:30 M*A*S*H | 05:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 05:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 07:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 07:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 12:00 The King of Queens | 12:30 The King of Queens | 13:00 The King of Queens | 13:30 The King of Queens | 14:00 The King of Queens | 14:30 The King of Queens | 15:00 Seinfeld | 15:30 Seinfeld | 16:00 Seinfeld | 16:30 Seinfeld | 17:00 Mom | 17:30 Mom | 18:00 Mom | 18:30 Mom | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Paid Programming | 20:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 20:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 22:00 M*A*S*H | 22:35 M*A*S*H | 23:10 M*A*S*H | 23:45 Bonanza | 2025-02-19 00:50 Gunsmoke | 01:55 Gunsmoke | 03:00 Gunsmoke | 04:00 Gunsmoke | 05:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 05:36 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:12 The Andy Griffith Show | 06:48 The Andy Griffith Show | 07:24 The Andy Griffith Show | 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond | 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond | 09:45 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:20 Everybody Loves Raymond | 10:55 Everybody Loves Raymond | 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond | 12:05 The King of Queens | 12:40 The King of Queens | 13:15 The King of Queens | 13:50 The King of Queens | 14:25 The King of Queens | 15:00 Seinfeld | 15:30 Seinfeld | 16:00 Seinfeld | 16:30 Seinfeld | 17:00 Mom | 17:30 Mom | 18:00 Mom | 18:30 Mom | 19:00 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 20:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 20:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:00 The Andy Griffith Show | 21:30 The Andy Griffith Show | 22:00 M*A*S*H | 22:35 M*A*S*H | 23:10 M*A*S*H | 23:45 Bonanza | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TV One | 2025-02-18 00:00 Fatal Attraction | 01:00 Fatal Attraction | 02:00 For My Man | 03:00 For My Man | 04:00 For My Man | 05:00 A Different World | 05:30 A Different World | 06:00 A Different World | 06:30 A Different World | 07:00 The Cosby Show | 07:30 The Cosby Show | 08:00 The Cosby Show | 08:30 The Cosby Show | 09:00 Fatal Attraction | 10:00 Fatal Attraction | 11:00 Fatal Attraction | 12:00 ATL Homicide | 13:00 ATL Homicide | 14:00 Sins of the City | 15:00 Sins of the City | 16:00 Peter Popoff Ministries | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 House Call TV: New Hope For Aging Joints | 17:30 Peter Popoff Ministries | 18:00 Love That Girl | 18:20 Love That Girl | 18:40 Love That Girl | 19:00 A Different World | 19:30 A Different World | 20:00 The Cosby Show | 20:30 The Cosby Show | 21:00 The Cosby Show | 21:30 The Cosby Show | 22:00 Living Single | 22:30 Living Single | 23:00 Living Single | 23:30 Living Single | 2025-02-19 00:00 Fatal Attraction | 01:00 Fatal Attraction | 02:00 For My Man | 03:00 For My Man | 04:00 For My Man | 05:00 A Different World | 05:30 A Different World | 06:00 A Different World | 06:30 A Different World | 07:00 The Cosby Show | 07:30 The Cosby Show | 08:00 The Cosby Show | 08:30 The Cosby Show | 09:00 black-ish | 09:30 black-ish | 10:00 black-ish | 10:30 black-ish | 11:00 black-ish | 11:30 black-ish | 12:00 black-ish | 12:30 black-ish | 13:00 black-ish | 13:30 black-ish | 14:00 black-ish | 14:30 black-ish | 15:00 black-ish | 15:30 black-ish | 16:00 Peter Popoff Ministries | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 17:30 The Real Story of Pain Relief with Blair Underwood | 18:00 Love That Girl | 18:20 Love That Girl | 18:40 Love That Girl | 19:00 A Different World | 19:30 A Different World | 20:00 The Cosby Show | 20:30 The Cosby Show | 21:00 The Cosby Show | 21:30 The Cosby Show | 22:00 Living Single | 22:30 Living Single | 23:00 Living Single | 23:30 Living Single | 2025-02-20 00:00 Fatal Attraction | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TVBS (Mandarin) | 2025-02-18 02:00 TVB | 08:00 TVB | 14:00 TVB | 20:00 TVB | 2025-02-19 02:00 TVB | 08:00 TVB | 14:00 TVB | 20:00 TVB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TVBV (Vietnamese) | 2025-02-18 02:00 TVB | 08:00 TVB | 14:00 TVB | 20:00 TVB | 2025-02-19 02:00 TVB | 08:00 TVB | 14:00 TVB | 20:00 TVB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TVV TV Venezula - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:30 La buena onda | 02:00 Calle Luna Calle Sol | 03:00 Juana, la virgen | 04:00 Mundo de mujeres | 05:30 Programa pagado | 06:00 Fragamente hablando | 06:30 La buena onda | 08:00 Entre líneas | 08:30 El mundo al día | 09:00 Con Gladys Rodríguez | 10:00 El show de George Harris | 11:00 En conexión | 12:00 Con Gladys Rodríguez | 13:00 El mundo al día | 13:30 Fragamente hablando | 14:00 El show de George Harris | 15:00 Entre líneas | 15:30 En conexión | 16:30 Mundo de mujeres | 18:00 El show de George Harris | 19:00 En conexión | 20:00 Live: Por la mañana | 22:00 Fragamente hablando | 22:30 Por la mañana | 2025-02-19 00:30 La buena onda | 02:00 Calle Luna Calle Sol | 03:00 Juana, la virgen | 04:00 Mundo de mujeres | 05:30 Programa pagado | 06:00 Fragamente hablando | 06:30 La buena onda | 08:00 Entre líneas | 08:30 El mundo al día | 09:00 Con Gladys Rodríguez | 10:00 Esgoi | 11:00 En conexión | 12:00 Con Gladys Rodríguez | 13:00 El mundo al día | 13:30 Fragamente hablando | 14:00 Esgoi | 15:00 Entre líneas | 15:30 En conexión | 16:30 Mundo de mujeres | 17:30 La última | 18:30 El mundo al día | 19:00 Con Gladys | 20:00 Por la mañana en América | 22:00 En conexión | 2025-02-20 00:00 Por la mañana en América | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TyC Sports | 2025-02-18 01:00 Live: Líbero | 03:00 Live: Sportia | 06:00 Presión alta | 08:00 Fútbol argentino Primera Nacional | 10:00 La noche de TyC Sports | 11:00 Sportia | 12:00 Carburando PGM | 13:00 Sportia | 14:00 Sportia | 15:00 Sportia | 16:00 Sportia | 17:00 Sportia | 18:00 Sportia | 19:00 La noche de TyC Sports | 20:00 Sportia | 21:00 Live: Superfútbol | 22:00 Sportia | 23:00 Dale al medio | 2025-02-19 01:00 Líbero | 03:00 Sportia | 04:15 FIFA Eliminatorias Copa Mundial 2026 | 06:30 Presión alta | 07:30 FIFA Eliminatorias Copa Mundial 2026 | 10:00 FIFA Eliminatorias Copa Mundial 2026 | 10:45 La noche de TyC Sports | 12:00 Sportia | 13:00 Sportia | 14:00 Sportia | 15:00 Sportia | 16:00 FIFA Eliminatorias Copa Mundial 2026 | 17:00 Sportia | 18:00 Sportia | 19:00 Sportia | 20:00 Sportia | 21:00 Live: Superfútbol | 22:00 Live: Sportia | 23:00 Live: Dale al medio | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UniMás - Network Pacific | 2025-02-18 00:00 Goin' Loco | 00:05 Clase 406 | 01:00 Sin pecado concebido | 03:00 Como dice el dicho | 04:00 Corona de lágrimas | 06:00 Muchacha italiana viene a casarse | 08:00 Como tú no hay dos | 09:00 Como dice el dicho | 10:00 Si nos dejan | 11:00 Vence a las estrellas | 12:00 Live: Enamorándonos | 14:00 Pecado original | 15:00 Vence a las estrellas | 16:00 Pecado original | 17:00 El Chapulín Colorado | 17:30 El Chapulín Colorado | 18:00 Si nos dejan | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Veredicto final | 22:00 Esta historia me suena | 23:00 El Chavo | 23:30 El Chavo | 2025-02-19 00:00 Clase 406 | 01:00 Live: Fútbol central | 01:25 Live: Fútbol UEFA Champions League | 03:50 Live: Fútbol UEFA Champions League | 06:00 El Chavo | 06:30 El Chavo | 07:00 Getaway | 09:00 Como dice el dicho | 10:00 Si nos dejan | 11:00 Vence a las estrellas | 12:00 Live: Enamorándonos | 14:00 Pecado original | 15:00 Vence a las estrellas | 16:00 Pecado original | 17:00 El Chapulín Colorado | 17:30 El Chapulín Colorado | 18:00 Si nos dejan | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Programa pagado | 20:30 Programa pagado | 21:00 Veredicto final | 22:00 Esta historia me suena | 23:00 El Chavo | 23:30 El Chavo | 2025-02-20 00:00 Clase 406 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Universal Kids | 2025-02-18 00:00 Spirit Untamed | 01:45 Masha and the Bear | 01:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 02:00 Masha and the Bear | 02:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 03:00 Masha and the Bear | 03:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 04:00 Masha and the Bear | 04:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 05:00 Masha and the Bear | 06:00 Masha and the Bear | 07:00 Masha and the Bear | 08:00 Masha and the Bear | 09:00 Masha and the Bear | 10:00 Masha and the Bear | 11:00 Masha and the Bear | 12:00 Masha and the Bear | 13:00 Masha and the Bear | 14:00 Masha and the Bear | 15:00 Masha and the Bear | 16:00 Masha and the Bear | 17:00 Masha and the Bear | 18:00 Go Jetters | 18:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 18:30 Go Jetters | 18:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 19:00 Go Jetters | 19:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 19:30 Go Jetters | 19:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 20:00 Cocomelon | 20:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 21:00 Cocomelon | 21:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 22:00 Cocomelon | 22:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 23:00 Cocomelon | 23:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 2025-02-19 00:00 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | 00:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 00:30 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | 00:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 01:00 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | 01:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 01:30 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | 01:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 02:00 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | 02:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 02:30 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | 02:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 03:00 Cocomelon | 03:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 04:00 Cocomelon | 04:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 05:00 Cocomelon | 05:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 06:00 Masha and the Bear | 07:00 Masha and the Bear | 08:00 Masha and the Bear | 09:00 Masha and the Bear | 09:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 10:00 Masha and the Bear | 10:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 11:00 Floogals | 11:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 11:30 Floogals | 11:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 12:00 Floogals | 12:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 12:30 Floogals | 12:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 13:00 Trolls: The Beat Goes On! | 14:00 Trolls: The Beat Goes On! | 15:00 Trolls: The Beat Goes On! | 16:00 The Adventures of Puss in Boots | 16:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 16:30 The Adventures of Puss in Boots | 16:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 17:00 The Adventures of Puss in Boots | 17:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 17:30 The Adventures of Puss in Boots | 17:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 18:00 Go Jetters | 18:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 18:30 Go Jetters | 18:57 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 19:00 Go Jetters | 19:27 Masha's Karaoke and Songs | 19:30 Go Jetters | 19:57 Masha and the Bear Shorties | 20:00 Cocomelon | 20:57 Masha and the Bear Shorties | 21:00 Cocomelon | 21:57 Masha and the Bear Shorties | 22:00 Cocomelon | 22:57 Masha and the Bear Shorties | 23:00 Cocomelon | 23:57 Masha and the Bear Shorties | 2025-02-20 00:00 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet & Dave | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Univision - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Amores verdaderos | 01:00 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 01:30 Nosotros los guapos | 02:00 ¡Siéntese quien pueda! | 03:30 Desiguales | 05:00 Live: El gordo y la flaca | 06:00 Live: Primer impacto | 07:00 Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 07:30 Live: Noticiero Univisión | 08:00 La rosa de Guadalupe | 09:00 Papás por conveniencia | 10:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 11:00 C.D.I. Código de investigación | 12:00 Noticiero Univisión | 12:30 Sabor de mañana | 12:35 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 13:00 Live: Contacto deportivo | 14:00 Como dice el dicho | 15:00 Amores verdaderos | 16:00 Vecinos | 16:30 La familia P. Luche | 17:00 El gordo y la flaca | 18:00 Nosotros los guapos | 18:35 Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 19:00 Como dice el dicho | 20:00 Live: ¡Despierta América! | 2025-02-19 00:00 Amores verdaderos | 01:00 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 01:30 Nosotros los guapos | 02:00 El ángel de Aurora | 03:00 ¡Siéntese quien pueda! | 04:00 Desiguales | 05:00 Live: El gordo y la flaca | 06:00 Live: Primer impacto | 07:00 Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 07:30 Live: Noticiero Univisión | 08:00 La rosa de Guadalupe | 09:00 Papás por conveniencia | 10:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 11:00 C.D.I. Código de investigación | 12:00 Noticiero Univisión | 12:30 Sabor de mañana | 12:35 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 13:00 Live: Contacto deportivo | 14:00 Como dice el dicho | 15:00 Amores verdaderos | 16:00 Vecinos | 16:30 La familia P. Luche | 17:00 El gordo y la flaca | 18:00 Nosotros los guapos | 18:35 Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 19:00 Como dice el dicho | 20:00 Live: ¡Despierta América! | 2025-02-20 00:00 Amores verdaderos | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Univision - Pacific Feed | 2025-02-18 03:00 Amores verdaderos | 04:00 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 04:30 Nosotros los guapos | 05:00 ¡Siéntese quien pueda! | 06:30 Desiguales | 08:00 Live: El gordo y la flaca | 09:00 Live: Primer impacto | 10:00 Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 10:30 Live: Noticiero Univisión | 11:00 La rosa de Guadalupe | 12:00 Papás por conveniencia | 13:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 14:00 C.D.I. Código de investigación | 15:00 Noticiero Univisión | 15:30 Sabor de mañana | 15:35 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 16:00 Live: Contacto deportivo | 17:00 C.D.I. Código de investigación | 18:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 19:00 Vecinos | 19:30 La familia P. Luche | 20:00 Como dice el dicho | 21:00 Nosotros los guapos | 21:35 Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 22:00 Como dice el dicho | 23:00 Live: ¡Despierta América! | 2025-02-19 03:00 Amores verdaderos | 04:00 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 04:30 Nosotros los guapos | 05:00 El ángel de Aurora | 06:00 ¡Siéntese quien pueda! | 07:00 Desiguales | 08:00 Live: El gordo y la flaca | 09:00 Live: Primer impacto | 10:00 Noticiero Univision: Edición digital | 10:30 Live: Noticiero Univisión | 11:00 La rosa de Guadalupe | 12:00 Papás por conveniencia | 13:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 14:00 C.D.I. Código de investigación | 15:00 Noticiero Univisión | 15:30 Sabor de mañana | 15:35 Live: Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 16:00 Live: Contacto deportivo | 17:00 C.D.I. Código de investigación | 18:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 19:00 Vecinos | 19:30 La familia P. Luche | 20:00 Como dice el dicho | 21:00 Nosotros los guapos | 21:35 Noticiero Univision: Edición nocturna | 22:00 Como dice el dicho | 23:00 Live: ¡Despierta América! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Univisión Network (East) | 2025-02-18 01:00 Amores verdaderos | 02:00 Noticiero Univisión - Edición Digital | 02:30 Nosotros Los Guapos | 03:00 ¡Siéntese Quien Pueda! | 04:30 Desiguales | 06:00 El gordo y la flaca | 07:00 Primer impacto | 08:00 Noticiero Univisión - Edición Digital | 08:30 Noticiero Univisión | 09:00 La Rosa de Guadalupe | 10:00 Papás por Conveniencia | 11:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 12:00 C.D.I. Codigo de Investigación | 13:00 Noticiero Univisión | 13:30 Sabor de mañana | 13:35 Noticiero Univisión: Edición nocturna | 14:00 Contacto deportivo | 15:00 Como dice el dicho | 16:00 Amores verdaderos | 17:00 Vecinos | 17:30 Familia P. Luche | 18:00 El gordo y la flaca | 19:00 Nosotros Los Guapos | 19:35 Noticiero Univisión: Edición nocturna | 20:00 Como dice el dicho | 21:00 Despierta América | 2025-02-19 01:00 Amores verdaderos | 02:00 Noticiero Univisión - Edición Digital | 02:30 Nosotros Los Guapos | 03:00 El ángel de Aurora | 04:00 ¡Siéntese Quien Pueda! | 05:00 Desiguales | 06:00 El gordo y la flaca | 07:00 Primer impacto | 08:00 Noticiero Univisión - Edición Digital | 08:30 Noticiero Univisión | 09:00 La Rosa de Guadalupe | 10:00 Papás por Conveniencia | 11:00 Las hijas de la señora García | 12:00 C.D.I. Codigo de Investigación | 13:00 Noticiero Univisión | 13:30 Sabor de mañana | 13:35 Noticiero Univisión: Edición nocturna | 14:00 Contacto deportivo | 15:00 Como dice el dicho | 16:00 Amores verdaderos | 17:00 Vecinos | 17:30 Familia P. Luche | 18:00 El gordo y la flaca | 19:00 Nosotros Los Guapos | 19:35 Noticiero Univisión: Edición nocturna | 20:00 Como Dice el Dicho | 21:00 Despierta América | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Univision Telenovelas | 2025-02-18 00:00 Porque el amor manda | 01:00 Amor bravío | 02:00 Abismo de pasión | 03:00 Lola, érase una vez | 04:00 Amor de barrio | 05:00 Carrusel | 06:00 Porque el amor manda | 07:00 Amor bravío | 08:00 Abismo de pasión | 09:00 Lola, érase una vez | 10:00 Amor de barrio | 11:00 Carrusel | 12:00 Porque el amor manda | 13:00 Amor bravío | 14:00 Abismo de pasión | 15:00 Lola, érase una vez | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Abismo de pasión | 21:00 Lola, érase una vez | 22:00 Amor de barrio | 23:00 Carrusel | 2025-02-19 00:00 Porque el amor manda | 01:00 Amor bravío | 02:00 Abismo de pasión | 03:00 Lola, érase una vez | 04:00 Amor de barrio | 05:00 Carrusel | 06:00 Porque el amor manda | 07:00 Amor bravío | 08:00 Abismo de pasión | 09:00 Lola, érase una vez | 10:00 Amor de barrio | 11:00 Carrusel | 12:00 Porque el amor manda | 13:00 Amor bravío | 14:00 Abismo de pasión | 15:00 Lola, érase una vez | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 18:00 Programa pagado | 18:30 Programa pagado | 19:00 Programa pagado | 19:30 Programa pagado | 20:00 Abismo de pasión | 21:00 Lola, érase una vez | 22:00 Amor de barrio | 23:00 Carrusel | 2025-02-20 00:00 Porque el amor manda | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UP | 2025-02-18 00:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 01:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 02:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 03:00 Reba | 03:30 Reba | 04:00 Reba | 04:30 Reba | 05:00 Reba | 05:30 Reba | 06:00 Reba | 06:30 Reba | 07:00 Last Man Standing | 07:30 Last Man Standing | 08:00 Last Man Standing | 08:30 Last Man Standing | 09:00 Last Man Standing | 09:30 Last Man Standing | 10:00 Last Man Standing | 10:30 Last Man Standing | 11:00 Blue Bloods | 12:00 Blue Bloods | 13:00 Blue Bloods | 14:00 Blue Bloods | 15:00 Hudson & Rex | 16:00 Paid Programming | 16:30 Paid Programming | 17:00 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 17:30 NEW Secret to Younger Skin | 18:00 Joseph Prince | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 20:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 21:00 Heartland | 22:00 Heartland | 23:00 Heartland | 2025-02-19 00:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 01:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 02:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 03:00 Reba | 03:30 Reba | 04:00 Reba | 04:30 Reba | 05:00 Reba | 05:30 Reba | 06:00 Reba | 06:30 Reba | 07:00 Last Man Standing | 07:30 Last Man Standing | 08:00 Last Man Standing | 08:30 Last Man Standing | 09:00 Last Man Standing | 09:30 Last Man Standing | 10:00 Last Man Standing | 10:30 Last Man Standing | 11:00 Blue Bloods | 12:00 Blue Bloods | 13:00 Blue Bloods | 14:00 Blue Bloods | 15:00 Hudson & Rex | 16:00 NEW Secret to Younger Skin | 16:30 Cindy Crawford and Ellen Pompeo share secrets | 17:00 Paid Programming | 17:30 A Better Pain Pill | 18:00 Joseph Prince | 18:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 19:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 20:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | 21:00 Heartland | 22:00 Heartland | 23:00 Heartland | 2025-02-20 00:00 Walker, Texas Ranger | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USA Network - East Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Chicago Fire | 01:00 Chicago Fire | 02:00 Chicago Fire | 03:00 Chicago Fire | 04:00 Chicago Fire | 05:00 Chicago Fire | 06:00 Chicago Fire | 07:00 Chicago Fire | 08:00 Chicago Fire | 09:00 Chicago Fire | 10:00 Chicago Fire | 11:00 Chicago Fire | 12:00 Chicago Fire | 13:00 Chicago Fire | 14:00 Chicago Fire | 15:00 Chicago Fire | 16:00 Dateline | 17:00 Dateline | 18:00 Dateline | 19:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 20:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 21:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 22:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 2025-02-19 00:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 01:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 02:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 03:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 04:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 05:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 06:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 07:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 08:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 09:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 10:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 11:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 12:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 13:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 14:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 15:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 16:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 17:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 18:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 19:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 20:00 NCIS: Los Angeles | 21:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 22:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | 2025-02-20 00:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V-Me Television HD | 2025-02-18 00:00 Saludables | 00:30 De categoría | 01:00 David Rocco: En casa | 01:30 El gusto es mío | 02:00 Viaja con estilo | 02:30 Curiosos por el mundo | 03:00 Contra Reloj | 04:00 Los nuevos detectives | 05:00 Los archivos del F.B.I. | 06:00 Casos sin resolver | 07:00 Planeta feroz | 08:00 Factores económicos | 08:30 Vivir vale la pena | 09:00 Don Matteo | 10:00 Tierra Indomable | 11:00 Los archivos del F.B.I. | 12:00 Vivir vale la pena | 12:30 Vivir vale la pena | 13:00 Factores económicos | 13:30 La ciencia del bienestar | 14:00 Tierra Indomable | 15:00 Los nuevos detectives | 16:00 Casos sin resolver | 17:00 Planeta feroz | 18:00 Vivir vale la pena | 18:30 Vivir vale la pena | 19:00 Factores económicos | 19:30 En forma con la mamá fitness | 20:00 En forma con la mamá fitness | 20:30 Reflexiones con Maytte | 21:00 Babar y las aventuras de Badou | 21:30 El mundo de Rosie | 21:45 Jueza Julia | 22:00 Pororo | 22:15 Animales Extraordinarios | 22:30 En forma con la mamá fitness | 23:00 Reflexiones con Maytte | 23:30 Hola Maytte | 2025-02-19 00:00 Saludables | 00:30 La cocina del garabato | 01:00 David Rocco: En casa | 01:30 La cocina de Juan Luis | 02:00 Estadías extraordinarias | 02:30 Curiosos por el mundo | 03:00 El caso de mi vida | 04:00 Los nuevos detectives | 05:00 Los archivos del F.B.I. | 06:00 Casos sin resolver | 07:00 Planeta feroz | 08:00 Factores económicos | 08:30 Vivir vale la pena | 09:00 Don Matteo | 10:00 El legado | 11:00 Los archivos del F.B.I. | 12:00 Vivir vale la pena | 12:30 Vivir vale la pena | 13:00 Factores económicos | 13:30 La ciencia del bienestar | 14:00 El legado | 15:00 Los nuevos detectives | 16:00 Casos sin resolver | 17:00 Planeta feroz | 18:00 Vivir vale la pena | 18:30 Vivir vale la pena | 19:00 Los mejores de todos los tiempos | 19:30 En forma con la mamá fitness | 20:00 En forma con la mamá fitness | 20:30 Reflexiones con Maytte | 21:00 Babar y las aventuras de Badou | 21:30 El mundo de Rosie | 21:45 Jueza Julia | 22:00 Pororo | 22:15 Animales Extraordinarios | 22:21 Animales Extraordinarios | 22:30 En forma con la mamá fitness | 23:00 Reflexiones con Maytte | 23:30 Espléndida | 2025-02-20 00:00 Saludables | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vegas Stats and Information Network (VSIN) | 2025-02-18 00:00 A Numbers Game with Gill Alexander | 01:00 A Numbers Game with Gill Alexander | 02:00 Money Moves | 03:00 Money Moves | 04:00 Prop Points | 05:00 Make It Rain | 06:00 Follow the Money | 07:00 Follow the Money | 08:00 Follow the Money | 09:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 10:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 11:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 12:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 13:00 Cashing Out | 14:00 Cashing Out | 15:00 Cashing Out | 16:00 Cashing Out | 17:00 Cashing Out | 18:00 Cashing Out | 19:00 Cashing Out | 20:00 Cashing Out | 21:00 VSiN By The Books | 22:00 VSiN By The Books | 23:00 VSiN By The Books | 2025-02-19 00:00 A Numbers Game with Gill Alexander | 01:00 A Numbers Game with Gill Alexander | 02:00 Money Moves | 03:00 Money Moves | 04:00 Prop Points | 05:00 Make It Rain | 06:00 Follow the Money | 07:00 Follow the Money | 08:00 Follow the Money | 09:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 10:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 11:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 12:00 VSiN PrimeTime | 13:00 Cashing Out | 14:00 Cashing Out | 15:00 Cashing Out | 16:00 Cashing Out | 17:00 Cashing Out | 18:00 Cashing Out | 19:00 Cashing Out | 20:00 Cashing Out | 21:00 VSiN By The Books | 22:00 VSiN By The Books | 23:00 VSiN By The Books | 2025-02-20 00:00 A Numbers Game with Gill Alexander | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VGNTV (Saigon Broadcasting Television Network) | 2025-02-18 00:30 B?p vui bùng v? | 02:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 03:00 Chon Ai Day | 04:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 04:30 Ghe do | 05:00 Hang Xom Lam Chieu | 05:30 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 06:30 Tham my Vien | 07:15 Tham my Vien | 08:00 Ca Nhac | 08:45 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 09:00 Chuyen tu nhung con duong | 09:30 Len Nham Kieu Hoa | 10:15 Len Nham Kieu Hoa | 11:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 11:30 Tham my Vien | 12:15 Tham my Vien | 13:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 13:30 Chuyen tu nhung con duong | 14:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 14:30 Len Nham Kieu Hoa | 15:15 Len Nham Kieu Hoa | 16:00 Ban Sac Viet | 16:30 Bo cap tim Tap | 17:15 Bo cap tim Tap | 18:00 Thu tai thach tri | 19:00 Com Tam Tinh Yeu | 20:00 Nghe Thuat & Cuoc Song | 20:30 Cuoc Chien Nhung Thien Than | 21:15 Giai Tri | 22:45 Tham my Vien | 23:30 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 2025-02-19 00:30 Len Nham Kieu Hoa | 01:15 Len Nham Kieu Hoa | 02:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 02:30 Be lam nguoi lon | 03:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 03:30 Tieu Lam Bach NGHE | 04:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 04:30 Chuyen tu nhung con duong | 05:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 06:30 Tham my Vien | 07:15 Tham my Vien | 08:00 Sao HOa Sao Kim | 09:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 09:30 Tan Tieu Thap Nhat Lang | 10:15 Tan Tieu Thap Nhat Lang | 11:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 11:30 Tham my Vien | 12:15 Tham my Vien | 13:00 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 13:30 Sao HOa Sao Kim | 14:15 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | 14:30 Tan Tieu Thap Nhat Lang | 15:15 Tan Tieu Thap Nhat Lang | 16:00 Ban Muon Hen Ho | 16:30 Bo cap tim Tap | 17:15 Bo cap tim Tap | 18:00 Vietnam Dat Nuoc Toi Yeu | 18:30 Fun & Deep | 19:00 Com Tam Tinh Yeu | 20:00 Hoi ngo Danh hai | 20:30 Cuoc Chien Nhung Thien Than | 21:15 Giai Tri | 22:45 Tham my Vien | 23:30 Cam Nang Cuoc Song | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VH1 - Eastern Feed | 2025-02-18 00:00 Living Single | 00:30 My Wife and Kids | 01:00 My Wife and Kids | 01:30 My Wife and Kids | 02:00 My Wife and Kids | 02:30 My Wife and Kids | 03:00 My Wife and Kids | 03:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 04:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 04:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 05:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 05:30 Obsessed | 08:00 Love & Hip Hop Miami | 09:00 Love & Hip Hop Miami | 10:00 Love & Hip Hop Miami | 11:00 Love Don't Cost a Thing | 13:30 Love & Hip Hop Miami | 14:30 Love & Hip Hop Miami | 15:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 16:00 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 16:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 17:00 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 17:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 18:00 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 18:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 19:00 Black Ink Crew | 20:00 Black Ink Crew | 21:00 T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle | 21:30 T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle | 22:00 Living Single | 22:30 Living Single | 23:00 Living Single | 23:30 Living Single | 2025-02-19 00:00 Living Single | 00:30 My Wife and Kids | 01:00 My Wife and Kids | 01:30 My Wife and Kids | 02:00 My Wife and Kids | 02:30 My Wife and Kids | 03:00 My Wife and Kids | 03:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 04:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 04:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 05:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 05:30 The Jamie Foxx Show | 06:00 The Jamie Foxx Show | 06:30 Love Don't Cost a Thing | 09:00 Punch-Drunk Love | 11:30 Legally Blonde | 13:30 Basketball Wives | 14:30 Basketball Wives | 15:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 16:00 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 16:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 17:00 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 17:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 18:00 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 18:30 Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'n Out | 19:00 Cartel Crew | 20:00 Cartel Crew | 21:00 T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle | 21:30 T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle | 22:00 Living Single | 22:30 Living Single | 23:00 Living Single | 23:30 Living Single | 2025-02-20 00:00 Living Single | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VICE | 2025-02-18 00:00 Black Comedy in America | 01:00 Black Comedy in America | 02:00 Black Comedy in America | 03:00 Black Comedy in America | 04:00 Black Comedy in America | 05:00 Black Comedy in America | 06:00 American Ninja Warrior | 08:00 American Ninja Warrior | 10:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 11:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 12:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 13:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 14:00 The Draymond Green Show With Baron Davis: Recap | 15:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 16:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 17:00 The Draymond Green Show With Baron Davis: Recap | 18:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 19:00 Larry King's Prostate Report - Secrets To Prostate Health Revealed | 19:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 20:00 Pain Relief TV | 20:30 Relief from Inflammation | 21:00 Dark Side of Comedy | 22:00 Dark Side of Comedy | 23:00 Dark Side of Comedy | 2025-02-19 00:00 Dark Side of Comedy | 01:00 Dark Side of Comedy | 02:00 Dark Side of Comedy | 03:00 College Sports, Inc. | 05:00 Uninterrupted: The Real Stories of Basketball | 06:00 Uninterrupted: The Real Stories of Basketball | 07:00 Uninterrupted: The Real Stories of Basketball | 08:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 09:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 10:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 11:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 12:00 Calipari: Razor's Edge | 13:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 14:00 Nightcap With Shannon Sharpe and Ochocino: Recap | 15:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 16:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 17:00 Nightcap With Shannon Sharpe and Ochocino: Recap | 18:00 Pitino: Red Storm Rising | 19:00 H2O X5 - Super Powerful 5-In-1 Multi-Use Steam Cleaner | 19:30 Pain Relief TV | 20:00 Paid Programming | 20:30 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 21:00 Tales From the Territories | 22:00 Tales From the Territories | 23:00 Tales From the Territories | 2025-02-20 00:00 Tales From the Territories | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Video Rola | 2025-02-18 00:00 Like news | 00:30 Las Gruperronas | 01:30 Videografía | 02:00 Videorecuerdos | 02:30 Give Me Five | 03:00 Beat urbano | 04:00 Música para tus ojos | 05:00 En concierto | 06:00 Las Gruperronas | 07:00 La entrevista | 07:30 Like news | 08:00 Música para tus ojos | 09:00 La regadera | 09:30 Música para tus ojos | 10:00 Videorecuerdos | 10:30 Give Me Five | 11:00 Beat urbano | 12:00 Las 3 más pedidas | 12:30 Música para tus ojos | 13:00 En concierto | 14:00 Las Gruperronas | 15:00 La entrevista | 15:30 Like news | 16:00 Música para tus ojos | 17:00 La regadera | 17:30 Música para tus ojos | 18:00 Videorecuerdos | 18:30 Give Me Five | 19:00 Beat urbano | 20:00 Las 3 más pedidas | 20:30 Música para tus ojos | 21:00 En concierto | 22:00 Las Gruperronas | 23:00 La entrevista | 23:30 Like news | 2025-02-19 00:00 Música para tus ojos | 01:00 La regadera | 01:30 Música para tus ojos | 02:00 Videorecuerdos | 02:30 Give Me Five | 03:00 Beat urbano | 04:00 Las 3 más pedidas | 04:30 Música para tus ojos | 05:00 En concierto | 06:00 Música para tus ojos | 06:30 Videografía | 07:00 La entrevista | 07:30 Mini conciertos | 08:00 En concierto | 09:00 Las 3 más pedidas | 09:30 Música para tus ojos | 10:00 La regadera | 10:30 Música para tus ojos | 11:30 Mini conciertos | 12:00 Música para tus ojos | 12:30 Give Me Five | 13:00 Música para tus ojos | 14:00 Música para tus ojos | 14:30 Videografía | 15:00 La entrevista | 15:30 Mini conciertos | 16:00 En concierto | 17:00 Las 3 más pedidas | 17:30 Música para tus ojos | 18:00 La regadera | 18:30 Música para tus ojos | 19:30 Mini conciertos | 20:00 Música para tus ojos | 20:30 Give Me Five | 21:00 DJ Rola | 22:00 Música para tus ojos | 22:30 Videografía | 23:00 La entrevista | 23:30 Mini conciertos | 2025-02-20 00:00 En concierto | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ViendoMovies | 2025-02-18 00:10 García y García | 01:48 ¡Asu Mare! 3 | 03:32 El fantástico mundo de Juan Orol | 05:05 Las buenas intenciones | 06:29 Los del túnel | 08:07 Angels Inc. | 10:00 Juanita | 11:36 Yo quiero a Eva | 12:59 Hijo de Caín | 14:30 Sangre en la boca | 16:10 Estrellas solitarias | 17:43 La espuma de los días | 19:32 El mal ajeno | 21:13 Un novio para mi mujer | 22:52 Josefina | 2025-02-19 00:20 El estudiante | 01:54 Qué Pena tu Familia | 03:39 Los últimos románticos | 05:21 Desaparecer | 06:55 De pez en cuando | 08:15 ¿Qué te juegas? | 10:00 Joel | 11:41 En temporada baja | 13:17 Seda | 14:43 La mala noche | 16:16 Encontrados | 17:50 El reino | 19:58 Santa Clara | 21:24 La punta del iceberg | 22:55 Corazón de mezquite | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wapa America | 2025-02-18 00:00 Noticentro 11 a. m. | 00:30 Amar a morir | 03:00 Desierto adentro | 05:30 Noticentro edición estelar | 07:00 Ahí está la verdad | 08:00 Tres hermanas | 09:00 Live: Noticentro América | 10:00 Super Chef Celebrities | 11:30 Hercai | 12:00 Noticentro 11 p. m. | 12:30 Encrucijada | 13:30 Los datos son los datos | 14:00 Noticentro América | 15:00 Viva la tarde | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 17:56 Noticentro al amanecer: Primera edición | 18:30 Live: Noticentro al amanecer | 23:00 Programa pagado | 23:30 Programa pagado | 2025-02-19 00:00 Noticentro 11 a. m. | 00:30 Pégate al mediodía | 02:00 Viva la tarde | 03:00 Amar una vez más | 05:00 Los datos son los datos | 05:30 Noticentro edición estelar | 07:00 Lo sé todo | 08:00 Tres hermanas | 09:00 Live: Noticentro América | 10:00 Super Chef Celebrities | 11:30 Hercai | 12:00 Noticentro 11 p. m. | 12:30 Cuarto poder | 13:30 Los datos son los datos | 14:00 Noticentro América | 15:00 Viva la tarde | 16:00 Programa pagado | 16:30 Programa pagado | 17:00 Programa pagado | 17:30 Programa pagado | 17:56 Noticentro al amanecer: Primera edición | 18:30 Live: Noticentro al amanecer | 23:00 Programa pagado | 23:30 Programa pagado | 2025-02-20 00:00 Noticentro 11 a. m. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WE (Women's Entertainment) - Eastern | 2025-02-18 00:00 Bones | 01:00 Bones | 02:00 Bones | 03:00 Bones | 04:00 Bones | 05:00 Bones | 06:00 Bones | 07:00 Bones | 08:00 Bones | 09:00 Bones | 10:00 Bones | 11:00 Bones | 12:00 Bones | 13:00 Bones | 14:00 Law & Order | 15:00 Law & Order | 16:00 Law & Order | 17:00 Mama June: From Not to Hot | 18:00 A Better Pain Pill | 18:30 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 19:00 Freedom to Leave the House! Inogen Portable Oxygen | 22:00 9-1-1 | 23:00 9-1-1 | 2025-02-19 00:00 9-1-1 | 01:00 9-1-1 | 02:00 9-1-1 | 03:00 9-1-1 | 04:00 9-1-1 | 05:00 9-1-1 | 06:00 9-1-1 | 07:00 9-1-1 | 08:00 9-1-1 | 09:00 9-1-1 | 10:00 9-1-1 | 11:00 9-1-1 | 12:00 9-1-1 | 13:00 9-1-1 | 14:00 S.W.A.T. | 15:00 S.W.A.T. | 16:00 S.W.A.T. | 17:00 Mama June: From Not to Hot | 18:00 Hope for Pain Sufferers | 18:30 Lung Cancer From Asbestos? | 19:00 A New Revolution In Affordable, FDA Registered, OTC Hearing Aids | 19:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 20:00 Paid Programming | 21:00 A Better Pain Pill | 21:30 Shark CarpetXpertTM with StainStrikerTM 2-in-1 deep carpet cleaner with built-in spot & stain remove | 22:00 Law & Order | 23:00 Law & Order | 2025-02-20 00:00 NCIS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WeatherNation HDTV (WTHRN) | 2025-02-18 01:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 03:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 05:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 07:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 09:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 11:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 13:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 15:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 17:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 19:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 21:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 23:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 2025-02-19 01:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 03:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 05:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 07:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 09:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 11:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 13:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 15:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 17:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 19:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 21:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | 23:00 Top Weather News US Regional Forecasts and Severe Coverage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WFTT Scientology Network HDTV | 2025-02-18 00:00 I am a Scientologist | 00:30 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 01:00 Meet a Scientologist | 01:30 Dianetics an Introduction | 02:00 I am a Scientologist | 02:30 Destination: Scientology | 03:00 The Fundamentals of Thought | 04:30 I am a Scientologist | 05:00 Voices for Humanity | 05:30 Meet a Scientologist | 06:00 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 06:30 Destination: Scientology | 07:00 L. Ron Hubbard: in His Own Voice | 08:00 Principles of Scientology | 08:30 Meet a Scientologist | 09:00 Voices for Humanity | 09:30 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 10:00 Inside Scientology | 11:00 Destination: Scientology | 11:30 Voices for Humanity | 12:00 Meet a Scientologist | 12:30 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 13:00 Inside Scientology | 14:00 Destination: Scientology | 14:30 Meet a Scientologist | 15:00 Voices for Humanity | 15:30 I am a Scientologist | 16:00 Inside Scientology | 17:00 The Way to Happiness | 19:00 Destination: Scientology | 19:30 Meet a Scientologist | 20:00 Voices for Humanity | 20:30 Voices for Humanity | 21:00 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 21:30 Destination: Scientology | 22:00 Voices for Humanity | 22:30 I am a Scientologist | 23:00 Scientology Tools for Life | 2025-02-19 01:30 Meet a Scientologist | 02:00 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 02:30 Destination: Scientology | 03:00 Voices for Humanity | 03:30 Meet a Scientologist | 04:00 Dianetics an Introduction | 04:30 I am a Scientologist | 05:00 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 05:30 Destination: Scientology | 06:00 Meet a Scientologist | 06:30 Voices for Humanity | 07:00 Inside Scientology | 08:00 I am a Scientologist | 08:30 Destination: Scientology | 09:00 Meet a Scientologist | 09:30 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 10:00 Meet a Scientologist | 10:30 Destination: Scientology | 11:00 Inside Scientology | 12:00 I am a Scientologist | 12:30 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 13:00 Meet a Scientologist | 13:30 Destination: Scientology | 14:00 Inside Scientology | 15:00 I am a Scientologist | 15:30 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 16:00 Meet a Scientologist | 16:30 Destination: Scientology | 17:00 Inside Scientology | 18:00 The Truth About Drugs | 20:00 Voices for Humanity | 20:30 Voices for Humanity | 21:00 Voices for Humanity | 21:30 Meet a Scientologist | 22:00 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | 22:30 I am a Scientologist | 23:00 Destination: Scientology | 23:30 Meet a Scientologist | 2025-02-20 00:00 L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Willow Cricket HDTV (WILLOWHD) | 2025-02-18 01:10 Live: Cricket Review | 01:40 Cricket Filler | 02:00 Cricket Highlights | 03:00 Cricket Highlights | 04:00 Cricket Highlights | 05:00 Cricket Highlights | 06:00 Cricket Highlights | 07:00 Cricket Highlights | 08:00 Cricket Highlights | 09:00 Cricket Highlights | 10:00 Cricket Highlights | 11:00 Cricket Highlights | 12:00 Cricket Highlights | 13:00 Cricket Highlights | 14:00 Cricket Highlights | 15:00 Cricket Highlights | 16:00 Cricket Highlights | 17:00 Cricket Highlights | 18:00 Cricket Highlights | 19:00 Cricket Highlights | 20:00 History of the ICC Champions Trophy | 21:00 Cricket Highlights | 21:30 Cricket Filler | 21:50 Live: Cricket Preview | 22:00 Live: Women's Premier League Cricket | 2025-02-19 01:10 Live: Cricket Review | 01:40 Cricket Filler | 02:00 Cricket Highlights | 03:00 Cricket Highlights | 04:00 Cricket Highlights | 05:00 Cricket Highlights | 06:00 Cricket Highlights | 07:00 Cricket Highlights | 08:00 Cricket Highlights | 09:00 Cricket Highlights | 10:00 Cricket Highlights | 11:00 ICC Champions Trophy 2025 - The Experts' View | 12:00 Cricket Highlights | 13:00 Cricket Highlights | 14:00 Cricket Highlights | 15:00 Cricket Highlights | 16:00 Cricket Highlights | 16:30 Live: Cricket Preview | 17:00 Live: 2025 ICC Champions Trophy | 21:00 Live: 2025 ICC Champions Trophy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Willow Xtra | 2025-02-18 00:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 01:00 One Day International Cricket Highlights | 02:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 03:00 2014 ICC Champions Trophy Highlights | 04:00 Women's T20 Cricket Highlights | 05:00 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 05:30 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 06:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 07:00 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 07:30 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 08:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 09:00 Women's One-Day International Cricket Highlights | 10:00 One Day International Cricket Highlights | 11:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 12:00 History of the ICC Champions Trophy | 13:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 14:00 One Day International Cricket Highlights | 15:00 One Day International Cricket Highlights | 16:00 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 16:30 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 17:00 Global Super League T20 cricket Highlights | 18:00 Women's T20 Cricket Highlights | 19:00 One Day International Cricket Highlights | 20:00 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 20:30 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 21:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 22:00 History of the ICC Champions Trophy | 23:00 Women's T20 Cricket Highlights | 2025-02-19 00:00 Global Super League T20 cricket Highlights | 01:00 Women's T20 Cricket Highlights | 02:00 Women's T20 Cricket Highlights | 03:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 04:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 05:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 06:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 07:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 08:00 2017 ICC Champions Trophy | 09:00 Global Super League T20 cricket Highlights | 10:00 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 10:30 Lanka T10 Super League Cricket Highlights | 11:00 ICC Champions Trophy 2025 | 12:00 T20 Cricket Highlights | 13:00 One Day International Cricket Highlights | 14:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 15:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 16:00 Global Super League T20 cricket Highlights | 17:00 International Test Cricket Highlights | 17:30 ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Preview | 18:00 2025 ICC Champions Trophy Cricket | 22:00 2025 ICC Champions Trophy Cricket | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Fishing Network (US) (WFN) | 2025-02-18 00:00 Lake Commandos | 00:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 01:00 The Obsession of Carter Andrews | 01:30 Livin' the Dream With Captain Jimmy Nelson | 02:00 Bill Dance Saltwater | 02:30 The Seahunter | 03:00 BigWater Adventures | 03:30 Two Conchs Sportfishing | 04:00 Spear Life | 04:30 Facts of Fishing | 05:00 In Fisherman TV | 05:30 Fishing With Roland Martin | 06:00 Lake Commandos | 06:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 07:00 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 07:30 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 08:00 Ultimate Match Fishing | 08:30 Collegiate Bass Championship | 09:00 MLF General Tire Team Series | 11:00 MLF All Angles | 11:30 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 12:00 Ultimate Match Fishing | 12:30 Collegiate Bass Championship | 13:00 MLF General Tire Team Series | 15:00 MLF All Angles | 15:30 The Hunt for Monster Bass | 16:00 Ultimate Match Fishing | 16:30 Collegiate Bass Championship | 17:00 MLF General Tire Team Series | 19:00 The Obsession of Carter Andrews | 19:30 Livin' the Dream With Captain Jimmy Nelson | 20:00 Bill Dance Saltwater | 20:30 The Seahunter | 21:00 BigWater Adventures | 21:30 Two Conchs Sportfishing | 22:00 Spear Life | 22:30 Facts of Fishing | 23:00 In Fisherman TV | 23:30 Fishing With Roland Martin | 2025-02-19 00:00 Lake Commandos | 00:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 01:00 The Obsession of Carter Andrews | 01:30 Livin' the Dream With Captain Jimmy Nelson | 02:00 Bill Dance Saltwater | 02:30 The Seahunter | 03:00 BigWater Adventures | 03:30 Two Conchs Sportfishing | 04:00 Spear Life | 04:30 Facts of Fishing | 05:00 In Fisherman TV | 05:30 Fishing With Roland Martin | 06:00 Lake Commandos | 06:30 Zona's Awesome Fishing Show | 07:00 Fishful Thinker | 07:30 Fishing 411 | 08:00 Fishing University | 08:30 Lindner's Angling Edge | 09:00 In Fisherman TV | 09:30 Power-Pole National Redfish Tour | 10:00 ArmyRedfishAnglers | 10:30 Bottom Feeders | 11:00 Fishful Thinker | 11:30 Fishing 411 | 12:00 Fishing University | 12:30 Lindner's Angling Edge | 13:00 In Fisherman TV | 13:30 Power-Pole National Redfish Tour | 14:00 ArmyRedfishAnglers | 14:30 Bottom Feeders | 15:00 Fishful Thinker | 15:30 Fishing 411 | 16:00 Fishing University | 16:30 Lindner's Angling Edge | 17:00 In Fisherman TV | 17:30 Power-Pole National Redfish Tour | 18:00 ArmyRedfishAnglers | 18:30 Bottom Feeders | 19:00 The Obsession of Carter Andrews | 19:30 Livin' the Dream With Captain Jimmy Nelson | 20:00 Bill Dance Saltwater | 20:30 The Seahunter | 21:00 BigWater Adventures | 21:30 Two Conchs Sportfishing | 22:00 Spear Life | 22:30 Facts of Fishing | 23:00 In Fisherman TV | 23:30 Fishing With Roland Martin | 2025-02-20 00:00 Lake Commandos | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
World Harvest Television | 2025-02-18 00:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 00:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 01:00 Forgotten Jews | 01:30 Paid Programming | 02:00 Your Health With Dr. Richard & Cindy Becker | 03:00 Paid Programming | 03:30 Paid Programming | 04:00 Victory Above Only Ministries with Rev. David Robinson | 04:30 Paid Programming | 05:00 The Lone Ranger | 05:30 The Lone Ranger | 06:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 07:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 08:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 08:30 Leroy Jenkins | 09:00 Relieve your foot pain with WalkFit! | 09:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 10:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 10:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 11:00 Joseph Prince | 11:30 Life Today With James Robison | 12:00 Forgotten Jews | 12:30 Paid Programming | 13:00 Forgotten Jews | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 Joseph Prince | 14:30 Touching Hands Ministries | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 16:30 Life Today With James Robison | 17:00 Concepts of Faith | 17:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 18:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 18:30 The Great Awakening with Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 Student of the Word with Bob Yandian | 20:30 Forgotten Jews | 21:00 Unlock Your Mobility | 21:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 22:00 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 22:30 Forgotten Jews | 23:00 Joseph Prince | 23:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 2025-02-19 00:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | 00:30 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 01:00 Holding Forth the Word of Life Ministries | 01:30 Who Has Access to Your Personal Data? | 02:00 Your Health With Dr. Richard & Cindy Becker | 03:00 Paid Programming | 03:30 Paid Programming | 04:00 The Word Of Truth | 04:30 Stem Cell Activators With Dr. Joseph Christiano ND | 05:00 The Lone Ranger | 05:30 The Lone Ranger | 06:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 07:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman | 08:00 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 08:30 Leroy Jenkins | 09:00 Paid Programming | 09:30 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 10:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 10:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 11:00 Joseph Prince | 11:30 Life Today With James Robison | 12:00 Paid Programming | 12:30 Paid Programming | 13:00 Paid Programming | 13:30 Paid Programming | 14:00 Joseph Prince | 14:30 Touching Hands Ministries | 15:00 Paid Programming | 15:30 Paid Programming | 16:00 Discovering the Jewish Jesus | 16:30 Life Today With James Robison | 17:00 This Is Your Day: Benny Hinn | 17:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 18:00 Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life | 18:30 The Great Awakening with Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne | 19:00 Paid Programming | 19:30 Life Today With James Robison | 20:00 Student of the Word with Bob Yandian | 20:30 Get Involved | 21:00 The Magnesium Super Formula For Vibrant Days & Restful Nights | 21:30 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! | 22:00 Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor | 22:30 Forgotten Jews | 23:00 Joseph Prince | 23:30 Elevation with Steven Furtick | 2025-02-20 00:00 Through the Bible With Les Feldick | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WWE Network | 2025-02-18 03:00 Channel No Longer Available | 07:00 Channel No Longer Available | 11:00 Channel No Longer Available | 19:00 Channel No Longer Available | 23:00 Channel No Longer Available | 2025-02-19 03:00 Channel No Longer Available | 07:00 Channel No Longer Available | 11:00 Channel No Longer Available | 19:00 Channel No Longer Available | 23:00 Channel No Longer Available | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YES 2 Overflow | 2025-02-18 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | 2025-02-19 03:00 Local Programming | 11:00 Local Programming | 19:00 Local Programming | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YES Network | 2025-02-18 01:00 Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin | 01:30 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin | 02:00 Yankees Classics | 04:30 Yankeeography: Moments of Glory | 05:00 Women's College Basketball | 07:00 CenterStage | 07:30 Bronx Beat | 08:00 Yankees Classics | 11:00 Yankees Classics | 14:00 Yankees Classics | 18:00 CenterStage | 18:30 Bronx Beat | 19:00 Yankees Classics | 21:00 18 Holes With Natalie Gulbis and Jimmy Hanlin | 21:30 Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin | 22:00 Bronx Beat | 22:30 CenterStage | 23:00 A-10 Hoops Talk: Beyond the Paint | 23:30 Brooklyn Nets Magazine | 2025-02-19 00:00 Brooklyn Nets Magazine | 00:30 Bronx Beat | 01:00 History of the Yankees | 02:00 History of the Yankees | 03:00 History of the Yankees | 04:00 History of the Yankees | 05:00 CenterStage | 05:30 Bronx Beat | 06:00 CenterStage | 07:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 08:00 Live: Yankees Hot Stove | 09:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 10:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 11:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 12:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 13:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 14:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 15:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 16:00 AC Milan Magazine | 19:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 20:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 21:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 22:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 23:00 Yankees Hot Stove | 2025-02-20 00:00 Yankees Hot Stove | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zee TV USA | 2025-02-18 00:00 Kumkum Bhagya | 00:30 Jagriti | 01:00 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 01:30 Jamai No. 1 | 02:00 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 02:30 Dil Maange More | 04:00 Dil Maange More | 05:30 Pavitra Rishta | 06:00 Zee Mini Series | 06:30 Jamai No. 1 | 07:00 Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai | 07:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 08:00 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 08:30 Jagriti | 09:00 Bhagya Lakshmi | 09:30 Vasudha | 10:00 Kumkum Bhagya | 10:30 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 11:00 Jamai No. 1 | 11:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 12:00 Bhagya Lakshmi | 12:30 Jagriti | 13:00 Kumkum Bhagya | 13:30 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 14:00 Jamai No. 1 | 14:30 Vasudha | 15:00 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 15:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 16:00 Mission Majnu | 17:30 Mission Majnu | 19:00 Bhagya Lakshmi | 19:30 Santoshi Maa | 20:00 Ganga | 20:30 Ramayan | 21:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 22:00 Jagriti | 22:30 Bhagya Lakshmi | 23:00 Vasudha | 23:30 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 2025-02-19 00:00 Kumkum Bhagya | 00:30 Jagriti | 01:00 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 01:30 Jamai No. 1 | 02:00 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 02:30 Tridev | 04:00 Tridev | 05:30 Pavitra Rishta | 06:00 Zee Mini Series | 06:30 Jamai No. 1 | 07:00 Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai | 07:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 08:00 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 08:30 Jagriti | 09:00 Bhagya Lakshmi | 09:30 Vasudha | 10:00 Kumkum Bhagya | 10:30 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 11:00 Jamai No. 1 | 11:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 12:00 Bhagya Lakshmi | 12:30 Jagriti | 13:00 Kumkum Bhagya | 13:30 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 14:00 Jamai No. 1 | 14:30 Vasudha | 15:00 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 15:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 16:00 Vasudha | 16:30 Kumkum Bhagya | 17:00 Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile | 17:30 Jamai No. 1 | 18:00 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 18:30 Vasudha | 19:00 Bhagya Lakshmi | 19:30 Santoshi Maa | 20:00 Ganga | 20:30 Ramayan | 21:30 Bass Itna Sa Khwaab | 22:00 Jagriti | 22:30 Bhagya Lakshmi | 23:00 Vasudha | 23:30 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye | 2025-02-20 00:00 Kumkum Bhagya |