00:00 Secrets to Wellness 00:30 LifeStart Seminars 01:00 Imperative Life Lessons 01:30 The Creator Revealed 02:00 Your Story Hour 02:30 Amazing Facts with Joe Crews 02:45 The Bible Unchained 03:00 3ABN Today Saturday 04:00 Musical Meditations 05:00 Bible In Living Sound 05:30 Heavens Declare 05:45 He Said Grow 06:00 Crossroads on 3ABN Radio 06:30 Digital Disconnect 07:00 World-Wide Evangelism Group C 08:00 3ABN Today Saturday 09:00 3ABN RADIO Worship Hour 10:00 Love Me 11:00 Sanctuary, Salvation and Our Savior 11:30 Pictures Of The End 12:00 Take It to the Bank 12:30 Reaching Your Heart 13:00 3ABN Radio Variety 13:30 The Ultimate Prescription 14:00 Your Story Hour 14:30 Amazing Facts with Joe Crews 14:45 Focus on Healthy Foods 15:00 3ABN TODAY (Simulcast) 16:00 Behold The Lamb Presents 17:00 Musical Meditations 18:00 Digital Disconnect 18:30 LifeStart Seminars 19:00 Bible In Living Sound 19:30 InVerse 20:00 World-Wide Evangelism Group C 21:00 Risë's Pieces 21:15 3ABN Radio Emphasis on God 21:30 Imperative Life Lessons 22:00 He Said Grow 22:15 Natural Remedies for Good Health 22:30 Take It to the Bank 23:00 Worship Hour - TV