00:00 K9 Mounties 00:30 Johnny Kingdom's Wild... 01:00 Super Octogenarians 01:30 The Night Shift 02:00 Reality Trip 02:30 Trail Towns: Down Under 03:00 Pridelands Safari 03:30 Duo Backpackers 04:00 Side Walk 04:30 Trail Towns: Down Under 05:00 Pridelands Safari 05:30 Duo Backpackers 06:00 Side Walk 06:30 Ruang Makna 07:00 SEA Morning Show (L) 10:00 Sustainable Living S4 10:30 Satisfactory 11:00 Star Life 11:30 All About Women 12:00 Space Of Mine 12:30 The Travel Note S5 13:00 The $100 Nomad 13:30 Factory Story 14:00 Beyond The Barn 14:30 Wild Cage 15:00 Bonding Buddy 15:30 K9 Mounties 16:00 Johnny Kingdom's Wild... 16:30 Fanatic 17:00 Asian Art Stories 17:30 SEArchinc 18:00 3-Hour News Show (L) 21:00 Business Talk 21:30 Kaya Rasa 22:00 Teman Bicara 23:00 Autoday 23:30 Why We Run