00:30 Bundesliga: SCF Vs RBL 02:30 ACL Elite: JDT Vs BUR 04:30 Bundesliga Weekly 05:00 Extra Time 05:30 The Ultimate Goals 06:00 Sportacular Match: IDN Vs JOR 08:00 World Classic Football 08:30 Extra Time 09:00 Bundesliga: FCB Vs BOC 11:00 Pro Futsal League 2024/25 13:00 The Ultimate Goals 13:30 Bundesliga: STP Vs TSG (L) 15:30 Extra Time 16:00 UEFA National League 18:00 Sportacular Match: IDN Vs JOR 20:00 UEFA National League 22:00 World Classic Football 22:30 Pro Futsal League 2024/25