2025-01-25 23:30 Match of the Day (?) Highlights from another exciting day of action in the Premier League. En 2003, l'administration Bush affirme que Saddam Hussein détient des armes de destruction massive. Un casus belli qui conduit les Etats-Unis et l'Angleterre à préparer l'intervention militaire en Irak. Employée des services de renseignement britanniques, Katharine Gun reçoit une note confidentielle qui révèle que les Etats-Unis
2025-01-26 23:30 Match of the Day 2 (?) Mark Chapman presents highlights from the day's four Premier League games. Highlights from the Women's Super League as Chelsea and Arsenal, two titans of the women's game, meet at Stamford Bridge. Manchester City travel to Aston Villa and Manchester United host Brighton & Hove Albion. The other fixtures are Crystal Palace v Tottenham, Leicester City v Liverpool and West Ham United v Everton. Joini