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Country China
Current Timezone America/New_York


01:00 午間新聞[粵]-NOON NEWS[Can] 03:55 勁歌推介[粵]-Hit Song For You 2024[Can] 06:55 天氣報告[粵]-Weather Report[Can] 08:00 "灣區升明月" 2024大灣區電影音樂晚會[粵]-The Greater Bay Area Film Concert 2024[Can] 13:30 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can] 14:00 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can] 23:00 講清講楚[粵]-On the Record[Can] 23:55 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can]


01:00 午間新聞[粵]-NOON NEWS[Can] 03:55 勁歌推介[粵]-Hit Song For You 2024[Can] 06:55 天氣報告[粵]-Weather Report[Can] 11:30 天氣報告[粵]-Weather Report[Can]