


00:00 DW News 00:02 Best Of DW-Online Content 00:15 Docfilm: Can I Hug You? 01:00 DW News 01:02 The Day: News In Review 01:30 Docfilm: Us And Them - Living In A Polarized World - Home 02:00 DW News 02:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 02:30 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 03:00 DW News 03:02 The Day: News In Review 03:30 Eco Africa: The Environment Magazine 04:00 DW News 04:15 Docfilm: The Indochina War - The Untold Story - Part 2 05:00 DW News 05:02 The Day: News In Review 05:30 Rev: The Global Auto And Mobility Show 06:00 DW News 06:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 06:30 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 07:00 DW News 07:15 Docfilm: The Indochina War - The Untold Story - Part 2 08:00 DW News 08:02 The Day: News In Review 08:30 Eco India: The Environment Magazine 09:00 DW News 09:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 09:30 Arts Unveiled: Experiencing And Understanding The Art World 10:00 DW News 10:30 Docfilm: Us And Them - Living In A Polarized World - Home 11:00 DW News 11:30 Eco Africa: The Environment Magazine 12:00 DW News 12:15 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 12:45 Reporter: On Location 13:00 DW News 13:30 Tomorrow Today: The Science Magazine 14:00 DW News 14:30 In Good Shape: The Health Show 15:00 DW News 15:15 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 15:45 Shift: Living In The Digital Age 16:00 DW News 16:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 16:30 Eco India: The Environment Magazine 17:00 DW News 17:30 Global Us: What Connects Us All 18:00 DW News 18:30 Eco Africa: The Environment Magazine 19:00 DW News 19:15 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 19:45 Reporter: On Location 20:00 DW News 20:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 20:30 Rev: The Global Auto And Mobility Show 21:00 DW News 21:30 Eco Africa: The Environment Magazine 22:00 DW News 22:02 Eco India: The Environment Magazine 22:30 Tomorrow Today: The Science Magazine 23:00 DW News 23:30 The Day: News In Review


00:00 DW News 00:02 Best Of DW-Online Content 00:15 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 00:45 Shift: Living In The Digital Age 01:00 DW News 01:02 The Day: News In Review 01:30 The 77 Percent: The Magazine For Africas Youth 02:00 DW News 02:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 02:30 Global Us: What Connects Us All 03:00 DW News 03:02 The Day: News In Review 03:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 04:00 DW News 04:15 Docfilm: Greek Islands - Island Discoveries In The Aegean Sea 05:00 DW News 05:02 The Day: News In Review 05:30 Global Us: What Connects Us All 06:00 DW News 06:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 06:30 Eco Africa: The Environment Magazine 07:00 DW News 07:15 Docfilm: Greek Islands - Island Discoveries In The Aegean Sea 08:00 DW News 08:02 The Day: News In Review 08:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 09:00 DW News 09:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 09:30 In Good Shape: The Health Show 10:00 DW News 10:30 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 11:00 DW News 11:30 Eco India: The Environment Magazine 12:00 DW News 12:15 Docfilm: The Indochina War - The Untold Story - Part 2 13:00 DW News 13:30 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 14:00 DW News 14:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 15:00 DW News 15:15 Docfilm: Can I Hug You? 16:00 DW News 16:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 16:30 Eco Africa: The Environment Magazine 17:00 DW News 17:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 18:00 DW News 18:30 Eco India: The Environment Magazine 19:00 DW News 19:15 Docfilm: The Indochina War - The Untold Story - Part 2 20:00 DW News 20:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 20:30 Close Up: The Current AffAIrs Documentary 21:00 DW News 21:30 Docfilm: Us And Them - Living In A Polarized World - Home 22:00 DW News 22:02 In Good Shape: The Health Show 22:30 Conflict Zone: Confronting The Powerful 23:00 DW News 23:30 The Day: News In Review


00:00 DW News 00:02 Best Of DW-Online Content 00:15 Docfilm: The Indochina War - The Untold Story - Part 2 01:00 DW News 01:02 The Day: News In Review 01:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 02:00 DW News 02:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 02:30 Focus On Europe: Spotlight On People 03:00 DW News 03:02 The Day: News In Review 03:30 Conflict Zone: Confronting The Powerful 04:00 DW News 04:15 Docfilm: Death By Plastic? 05:00 DW News 05:02 The Day: News In Review 05:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 06:00 DW News 06:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 06:30 Conflict Zone: Confronting The Powerful 07:00 DW News 07:15 Docfilm: Death By Plastic? 08:00 DW News 08:02 The Day: News In Review 08:30 Focus On Europe: Spotlight On People 09:00 DW News 09:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 09:30 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 10:00 DW News 10:30 Focus On Europe: Spotlight On People 11:00 DW News 11:30 Conflict Zone: Confronting The Powerful 12:00 DW News 12:15 Docfilm: Greek Islands - Island Discoveries In The Aegean Sea 13:00 DW News 13:30 Eco India: The Environment Magazine 14:00 DW News 14:30 Focus On Europe: Spotlight On People 15:00 DW News 15:15 Docfilm: The Indochina War - The Untold Story - Part 2 16:00 DW News 16:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 16:30 Conflict Zone: Confronting The Powerful 17:00 DW News 17:30 Focus On Europe: Spotlight On People 18:00 DW News 18:30 Conflict Zone: Confronting The Powerful 19:00 DW News 19:15 Docfilm: Greek Islands - Island Discoveries In The Aegean Sea 20:00 DW News 20:15 Best Of DW-Online Content 20:30 DW News: Africa 21:00 DW News 21:30 Global Us: What Connects Us All 22:00 DW News 22:02 Made In Germany: Your Business Magazine 22:30 To The Point: International Debate From Berlin 23:00 DW News 23:30 The Day: News In Review
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