00:00 Al Jazeera News Live 00:30 Trollstopia #52 01:00 DW News 01:30 Jenny's Magic Shop 01:40 The Game Catchers S2 01:50 Miniheroes of the Forest 02:00 When I was Your Age #19 02:15 When I was Your Age #20 02:30 Kukuli 02:45 Kukuli 03:00 DW Evening News 03:30 Messy Goes to OKIDO S1 #22 03:45 Messy Goes to OKIDO S1 #23 04:00 ViuTV News 04:15 [英/粵] 04:30 Will Sliney's Storytellers S2 #7 04:45 Will Sliney's Storytellers S2 #8 05:00 勁騎聖誕回歸 #2 05:30 財源滾滾球 #8 06:30 地球末日戰 (PG) 08:30 ViuTV News 08:45 朱古力魔法擂台 4 #7 09:45 求愛島 - 澳洲篇 2 #14(PG) 10:45 蘇格蘭湖泊深度遊 3 #5 11:15 ViuTVsix Station Clos... 18:00 Jenny's Magic Shop 18:10 The Game Catchers S2 18:20 Miniheroes of the Forest 18:30 When I was Your Age #19 18:45 When I was Your Age #20 19:00 財源滾滾球 #8 20:00 朱古力魔法擂台 4 #7 21:00 西甲世界 #20 21:30 蘇格蘭湖泊深度遊 3 #5 22:00 NHK Newsline 22:30 勁騎聖誕回歸 #2 23:00 Mark Moriarty:休班大廚 - 聖誕篇 #2 23:30 法國農情煮意 #8