00:15 Bad Prosecutor 01:30 Queen of Mystery 02:45 KBS WORLD News Today 03:05 Music Bank K-Chart 03:10 Music Bank 04:40 DOCU INSIGHT 05:40 My Neighbor, Charles 06:40 My Merry Marriage 07:15 Cinderella Game 07:55 Bad Prosecutor 09:10 The Seasons 10:40 The Best of Immortal Songs 10:45 Queen of Mystery 13:15 ROUND PLAYLIST 13:20 Moving Voices Mini Album 13:35 My Merry Marriage 14:10 Cinderella Game 14:50 Bad Prosecutor 16:05 The Seasons 17:35 Snow White's Revenge 18:15 Animals Are Incredible 19:30 My Merry Marriage 20:05 Cinderella Game 20:45 Snow White's Revenge 21:25 For Eagle Brothers 22:40 The Best of Immortal Songs 22:45 The Seasons