00:00 Who Won Wot in 1989? 00:45 1989 Unleashed! 01:00 NOW That's What I Call A Musical! 03:05 We're Feelin' Xmas All Over! 04:00 Jona Lewie's Cavalry of Xmas Hits 05:25 We're Feelin' Xmas All Over! 06:00 The Opening Track from Every NOW! 07:30 We're Feelin' 80s All Over! 08:00 Tucker & Roland's School Disco 50! 12:00 Bring Out the 80s! 12:05 1983 Unleashed! 13:00 It Takes Two Baby! Top 25 15:05 We're Feelin' 80s All Over! 16:00 Sinitta's Everyone I Fancied! 17:45 We're Feelin' 80s All Over! 18:00 Only the Biggest 80s Anthems! 21:00 Nothing But 80s Love Songs 23:00 80s Dance Party Night!