00:00 Bruno's Pop Gold! 80s v 90s 02:35 Cinema Soundtracks – All Day! 03:00 Soundtrack Smashes: 1984 03:50 Cinema Soundtracks – All Day! 04:00 Soundtrack Smashes: 1985 05:00 Soundtrack Smashes: 1986 06:00 Limahl's Never Ending Soundtracks! 08:35 Cinema Soundtracks – All Day! 09:00 The Name's Bond – James Bond! 10:00 Rustie Lee's Eat To The Beat! 12:20 Xmas Party Anthems 13:00 Christmas Crackers! 1980-1989 14:45 Xmas Party Anthems 15:00 Simon Bates' Story of Band Aid 16:45 Xmas Party Anthems 17:00 Jona Lewie's Cavalry of Xmas Hits 18:25 Monday Night at the Movies! 21:00 1988 Unleashed! 22:00 1987 Unleashed! 23:00 Way Back When! 1987 23:50 1987 Unleashed!