01:00 80s Dance Party Night! 06:00 1982 Unleashed! 07:00 Simon Bates Golden Hour: 1982 07:50 1983 Unleashed! 08:00 Simon Bates Golden Hour: 1983 09:00 The Complete Queen! 1973-1996 10:00 80s Hit After 80s Hit 12:40 How Rock SHOOK the World! 13:00 Antiques Rockshow with Robin Banks 14:00 Only the Biggest 80s Anthems! 15:10 How Rock SHOOK the World! 16:00 All Were Top 5 January Hits! 80-89 17:00 That 80s Friday Feeling! 18:15 Soft Rock & Power Pop! 19:00 They Packed a Punch! 1980-1989 22:00 Get Fresh at the Weekend!