00:00 American No.1s of 1973 01:00 Mark Goodier's No.1s of 1973 01:25 All Day – It's 1973! 02:00 1973 Unleashed! 03:00 1972 Unleashed! 04:00 1971 Unleashed! 05:00 1970 Unleashed! 06:00 Morning Has Broken! 07:00 25 Disco Divas! 08:45 Disco Bling! 09:00 70s Stars – But Who is the Oldest? 11:30 Daydreamers: A Whole Day of Love! 12:00 Simon Bates' Rock Ballads! 1970-1979 14:00 Ultimate Love Songs! 1970-1979 18:00 Tony Blackburn's Singer Songwriters 21:00 Never Even A Top 10?!