2025-03-14 00:00 3ABN Today Live 02:00 It Is Written Canada 02:30 Live to Be Well Tracey and Shelia's sister was murdered by her husband. Tracey's daughter was murdered by a man that followed her home after a party. These are two tragedies that took their family by storm. Stay tuned as they share their story. 03:00 Steps to Christ in Song A Knowledge Of God. 03:30 Action 4 Life Full Body / Abdominal Workout. 04:00 Angel Messages 04:30 Help In Daily Living Developing A Strong Character Mike Lemon (Host). 05:00 Body and Spirit Eating Disorders. 05:30 Scripture Singer 06:00 Amazing Adventures 07:00 3ABN Today Join hosts John and Idalia Dinzey and guests from Leaving Earth Alive ministry as they share the heartfelt mission to overcome barriers and bring God’s Word to those who have never had a Bible. This inspiring story will encourage you to join the effort to spread the gospel and bring hope to the unreached. 08:00 Optimize 4 Life Optimize Your Circadian Rhythm. 08:30 Cook 30 Gado Gado, Peanut Sauce & Rice Paper Rolls Jeremy Dixon. 09:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor... 09:30 Steps to Christ in Song A Knowledge Of God. 10:00 Made for Health 10:30 Unshackled Purpose Have you ever found yourself in a messy situation that you couldn't clean up no matter how hard you tried? Well, tune in to learn about the ultimate cleaning Solution! 10:45 Recipes from Russia 11:00 Generation. Youth. Christ. 12:00 Help In Daily Living Developing A Strong Character Mike Lemon (Host). 12:30 Great Controversy 13:00 Raw Questions Relevant Answers Jewelry and tattoos, I love Jesus and the Advent message, why is it not okay for me to be a leader at my church? With so many "good kids" leaving the church, how do we show compassion, friendship, and love balanced with stading true to principle to win these friends back to church? Can I be a witness to those who have been hurt by "Christians"? 13:15 Journeys Samir started his criminal career as a boy and by high school, he was stealing cars and doing drugs. Although he wanted out of that lifestyle, for years he felt hopelessly stuck and was searching desperately for help. Follow his incredible story into not just normality, but a life of joy, peace, meaning and purpose. 13:30 HeartLift Purity: Guarding My Brother's Heart, Part 1 Jill Morikone. 14:00 3ABN Today Join hosts John and Idalia Dinzey and guests from Leaving Earth Alive ministry as they share the heartfelt mission to overcome barriers and bring God’s Word to those who have never had a Bible. This inspiring story will encourage you to join the effort to spread the gospel and bring hope to the unreached. 15:00 A Day with the King This week we will study about how God kept His promise to free His people from their Babylonian exile and took them home. 15:30 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along Join us as we raise our voices in praise to the Lord! 15:45 Jesus My Light By spending time in nature, we learn more of God's love and character. 16:00 Authentic Why was a tree that led to DEATH placed in paradise in the first place? Was God setting up Adam and Eve for temptation and failure? In part 6 of his "Answers for a Skeptic" series, Shawn Boonstra explores God's choices, our choices, and the troubling mystery of sin. Don't miss this fascinating discussion that sheds light on an age-old dilemma. 16:30 Steps to Christ in Song A Knowledge Of God. 17:00 Jesus 4 Asia Now Brother Baskar, a pastor in southern India, is leading 10 JFA evening schools and has so many amazing testimonies of people coming to Christ through this simple but powerful ministry. 17:30 Scripture Singer 18:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel Lesson 11 passionately explores the depth of God's love in the cosmic conflict, asking the heartfelt question, "What more could I have done? " Despite humanity’s sin and rebellion, God gave everything—including His Son, Jesus Christ—demonstrating His perfect love and righteousness. From the vineyard parable to Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, the lesson emphasizes that God has done all He can to save 19:00 Today Family Worship When was the last time you had your heart checked? Join Jason Bradley and his special guests, Ricky Carter, Brian Dickens, and Daniel Perrin, as they examine the importance of a spiritual heart transplant. 20:00 It Is Written 20:30 Maranatha Mission Stories 21:00 Mission 360 A drug addict finds hope in Costa Rica, a teenager looking for a gym in Mongolia and mission in Malaysia. Join us as we explore mission around the globe! 21:30 Child Impact International 21:45 Pause to Pray Prayer and music program focused on specific topics and the prayer requests of our viewers. 22:00 Today Family Worship When was the last time you had your heart checked? Join Jason Bradley and his special guests, Ricky Carter, Brian Dickens, and Daniel Perrin, as they examine the importance of a spiritual heart transplant. 23:00 Help In Daily Living The Love Of Jesus Mike Lemon (Host). 23:30 Steps to Christ in Song The Privilege Of Prayer.
2025-03-15 00:00 It Is Written Canada 00:30 Great Controversy 01:00 Scripture Singer 01:30 It Is Written 02:00 Daniel All Access “Thoughts on My Bed, Visions in My Head” is the title of this presentation. Join Pastor CA Murray as he opens Chapter 4 in the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar seems to be convicted by the power of God in Israel. Although he continues to praise the Lord he eventually turns his back to God yet again. Stay tuned to find how the rest of King Nebuchadnezzar’s story goes. 03:00 Revelation Now (new) Daniel 2 Jac Colon. 04:00 Revelation Insights! A Day To Remember. 05:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor... 05:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus Birds In Heaven Linda Johnson. 06:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along Join us as we raise our voices in praise to the Lord! 06:15 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems Dive into the stories of the Bible and see its characters come alive! What was it like to walk with Jesus, or hear Him calm the wind in the storm? Join us as we explore the wonders of our God. 06:30 IIW Sabbath School 07:00 3ABN Today Discover the mission and history of the Ellen G. White Estate, an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the inspired writings of Ellen G. White. Established through her last will and testament, the Estate safeguards her literary works, oversees translations, and ensures her messages of faith and guidance continue to reach the world. Join us for an insightful journey into the enduring 08:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel Lesson 11 passionately explores the depth of God's love in the cosmic conflict, asking the heartfelt question, "What more could I have done? " Despite humanity’s sin and rebellion, God gave everything—including His Son, Jesus Christ—demonstrating His perfect love and righteousness. From the vineyard parable to Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, the lesson emphasizes that God has done all He can to save 09:00 3ABN Worship Hour In this 3ABN production, Pastor James Rafferty identifies the critical times in which we live and urges us to stand firm in our faith-based convictions. Our bodies are the temple of the living God, and we must honor Him in all we do. When government mandates challenge our beliefs, we must choose faith over fear, and conviction over coercion. From Daniel’s steadfastness to Paul’s letters and Revela 10:00 Pioneer Media 11:00 Summer Camp Meeting 12:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Is there really three heavens? Do fallen angels have varying degrees of wickedness, some less, some more? Find out the answer to these questions, and many more, on 3ABN Today Bible Q & A with Greg Morikone, James Rafferty, Daniel Perrin, and John Lomacang. 13:00 Praise Him Now 13:30 AWR360 Broadcast to Baptism 14:00 3ABN Today Discover the mission and history of the Ellen G. White Estate, an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the inspired writings of Ellen G. White. Established through her last will and testament, the Estate safeguards her literary works, oversees translations, and ensures her messages of faith and guidance continue to reach the world. Join us for an insightful journey into the enduring 15:00 Maranatha Mission Stories 15:30 3ABN Music Highlights 16:00 Breath of Life 16:30 Help In Daily Living The Love Of Jesus Mike Lemon (Host). 17:00 Laymen Ministries 17:30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor...