2025-03-16 00:00 Laymen Ministries 00:30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor... 01:00 Steps to Christ in Song The Privilege Of Prayer. 01:30 Great Controversy 02:00 3ABN Today Discover the mission and history of the Ellen G. White Estate, an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the inspired writings of Ellen G. White. Established through her last will and testament, the Estate safeguards her literary works, oversees translations, and ensures her messages of faith and guidance continue to reach the world. Join us for an insightful journey into the enduring 03:00 Unshackled Purpose Have you ever found yourself in a messy situation that you couldn't clean up no matter how hard you tried? Well, tune in to learn about the ultimate cleaning Solution! 03:15 Pause to Pray Prayer and music program focused on specific topics and the prayer requests of our viewers. 03:30 Sanctuary, Salvation, and Our Savior The first article of furniture in the sanctuary is the altar of burnt offering. This is where we are covered and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. It is where we accepted Jesus as our Savior and can have the assurance of eternal life. It is also where God gives us the gift of total surrender in response to the love of God. 04:00 Revelation's Ancient Discoveries The very first words of this book we’re studying are “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” That’s how John’s prophecy got its name. It’s a revelation from Jesus and about Jesus. 05:00 3ABN Today Discover the mission and history of the Ellen G. White Estate, an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the inspired writings of Ellen G. White. Established through her last will and testament, the Estate safeguards her literary works, oversees translations, and ensures her messages of faith and guidance continue to reach the world. Join us for an insightful journey into the enduring 06:00 Discover The War Behind The Wars Part 2. 07:00 Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic Principles The Letter and the Spirit. 08:00 Help In Daily Living A Higher Experience Mike Lemon (Host). 08:30 Scripture Singer 09:00 Steps to Christ in Song What To Do With Doubt. 09:30 A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Born in a predominantly Hindu and Sheik nation, the odds of becoming a Christian were slim to none. Having experienced the truth of Christ in his life, Ivan Raj sheds light on two interconnected practices: Yoga and Hinduism. 10:00 Thompsonville Worship Hour The 'I's Have It John Lomacang. 11:00 Spotless 12:00 Body and Spirit Aerobics Stress Becky Garber, Dick Nunez, Fred Garber. 12:30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor... 13:00 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore Let’s get ready and prepare to explore God’s creation and enjoy it to the fullest! There are so many wonderful things to discover in nature. 13:15 Kids Camp Critters & Creation Let’s meet God’s creatures and observe His creation together. From rocks and fossils, to animals with silky fur and shiny scales! 13:30 Bible Treasures God wants us to be content with what we have, however the enemy is working hard to create desires in our hearts that will hurt us. The crew learns this lesson from a journey through the desert. 13:45 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club Join us as we strengthen the temple of our body and train to serve Jesus in everything we do. 14:00 3ABN Today Join Pastor John and Angela Lomacang for a powerful conversation with Pastor Steve Wohlberg about his new book, Israel and the End of the World. In this eye-opening interview, Pastor Wohlberg sheds light on the true biblical role of Israel in prophecy, addressing common misconceptions and unpacking the deeper spiritual truths found in Scripture. Discover how the concept of Israel goes beyond the p 15:00 Your Favorites By Request Send Tim your favorite requests for future programs @ tim.parton@3abn. org. 15:30 Adventures in Missions Aaron and Lexi Rittenour take you behind the scenes of Destination 10/40 filming. Then join Julie as she talks with regional director David Streifling about deaf ministry in the Philippines. 16:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel Lesson 12 calls us to live out the greatest commandments: to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love and justice are inseparable—if we truly love God, we will fight against injustice and show compassion to those in need. Jesus exemplified this, calling out hypocrisy and advocating for the oppressed. His life was a powerful testament to mercy and justice, teaching 17:00 Scripture Singer 17:30 Steps to Christ in Song What To Do With Doubt. 18:00 Help In Daily Living A Higher Experience Mike Lemon (Host). 18:30 Great Controversy 19:00 Revelation's Ancient Discoveries The very first words of this book we’re studying are “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” That’s how John’s prophecy got its name. It’s a revelation from Jesus and about Jesus. 20:00 Body and Spirit (New) Oh My Aching Back... Jeanie Weaver (Host), Frances Czeizinger, Tim Tiernan. 20:30 Kids X-Press Meet kids from around the world to see how they are shining for Jesus while developing their character with Aunt Francine and Sophia. 20:45 Creation Is! Science Simple machine make for easier work. 21:00 3ABN Today Live 23:00 The Carter Report 23:30 The Carter Report
2025-03-17 00:00 Great Controversy 00:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs The Fifth Seal. 01:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel Lesson 12 calls us to live out the greatest commandments: to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love and justice are inseparable—if we truly love God, we will fight against injustice and show compassion to those in need. Jesus exemplified this, calling out hypocrisy and advocating for the oppressed. His life was a powerful testament to mercy and justice, teaching 02:00 3ABN Today Join Pastor John and Angela Lomacang for a powerful conversation with Pastor Steve Wohlberg about his new book, Israel and the End of the World. In this eye-opening interview, Pastor Wohlberg sheds light on the true biblical role of Israel in prophecy, addressing common misconceptions and unpacking the deeper spiritual truths found in Scripture. Discover how the concept of Israel goes beyond the p 03:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor... 03:30 Mission Revival 03:45 Recipes from Russia 04:00 It Is Written Canada 04:30 Lineage The work started by John Wycliffe would spread across to Europe through the world of Huss and Jerome and then onto Martin Luther in Germany and Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland. Each one of these fearlessly stood for truth in their time. 05:00 3ABN Today Join Pastor John and Angela Lomacang for a powerful conversation with Pastor Steve Wohlberg about his new book, Israel and the End of the World. In this eye-opening interview, Pastor Wohlberg sheds light on the true biblical role of Israel in prophecy, addressing common misconceptions and unpacking the deeper spiritual truths found in Scripture. Discover how the concept of Israel goes beyond the p 06:00 Preach The Word 07:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery Power Of The Holy Spirit Cheri Peters (Host), Mark Thornton. 08:00 Revelation of Hope (Pacleb) Revelation's Eternal Sign of Love. 09:00 Steps to Christ in Song Rejoicing In The Lord. 09:30 Scripture Singer 10:00 Table Talk Love, Freedom, Risk David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson. 11:00 Help In Daily Living Communion With God Mike Lemon (Host). 11:30 Cook 30 Not Butter Chicken & others Jeremy Dixon. 12:00 Body and Spirit Training For Balance. 12:30 When We Talk In life, there are breakdowns in relationships. But who is to blame, and what can we do to make sure that we aren’t the unexpected killer? 13:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus Water In Heaven Linda Johnson. 13:30 Jesus My Light By spending time in nature, we learn more of God's love and character. 13:45 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts Get creative and make beautiful reminders of God’s Word with these unique crafts. 14:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Nothing is impossible for God. Matthew 21:22 says, “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Why does it seem some prayers are answered while others are not? 15:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor... 15:30 ASAP Ministries 16:00 Prophecy Unsealed Gift of Prophecy & How to Tell a True Prophet. 17:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel Lesson 12 calls us to live out the greatest commandments: to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love and justice are inseparable—if we truly love God, we will fight against injustice and show compassion to those in need. Jesus exemplified this, calling out hypocrisy and advocating for the oppressed. His life was a powerful testament to mercy and justice, teaching 18:00 Great Controversy 18:30 Steps to Christ in Song Rejoicing In The Lord. 19:00 Help In Daily Living Communion With God Mike Lemon (Host). 19:30 Abundant Living 20:00 Action 4 Life Pure Health Gym. 20:30 Imperative Life Lessons There are many instances in the Bible where God shows up in the midst of one's journey. When we are in the midst of our journey God is there to see us through. Tune in to hear a faith strengthening message. 21:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Nothing is impossible for God. Matthew 21:22 says, “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Why does it seem some prayers are answered while others are not? 22:00 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun Let’s get creative in the kitchen with delicious and healthy recipes. Grab a parent and some friends and let’s get cooking together! 22:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen Tiny tots learn how to cook with Miss Cinda. Hungry Man Hash. 22:45 Tiny Tots Worship 23:00 Praise Him Now 23:30 IIW Sabbath School