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CTN - Christian Television Network

國家 美利堅合眾國
當前時區 America/Edmonton


03:00 Keith Moore 05:00 Speak the Word with Pastor Jo Anne Ramsay 17:00 Prophecy in the Spotlight 22:30 You and Me Live Prayer


03:00 Truth and Liberty 04:00 Dr. Wonder 05:30 Christian Fitness Kids 13:00 The Voice of the Eternal Gospel 14:30 Voice of Evangelism with Pastor David Lankford 15:30 Spiritual Outdoors Adventures With Jimmy Sites 16:30 Good News on Entertainment 18:00 Love Speaks Through St. Patrick: His Dreams, His Legacy 19:00 Pastor Ock Soo Park's Lectures on the Gospel of Mark 19:30 Gateway Gospel Hour 20:00 Watch Therefore - Dov Schwarz 20:30 Pray Today 23:30 Generation Now
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