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BBC Arabic Canada

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當前時區 Europe/Vienna


00:15 Dunyana 00:30 Into The Frame 01:15 A Revolution In Four Seasons 03:30 4 Tech 05:15 Egypt Time 07:30 4 Tech 09:15 Egypt Time 10:30 Eating Plants 13:15 Dunyana 13:30 4 Tech 14:00 The World At One 20:15 Art for Life 22:15 Abused: Surviving Domestic Violence in Jordan


01:15 Dunyana 01:30 4 Tech 02:15 Egypt Time 04:15 Abused: Surviving Domestic Violence in Jordan 06:30 No Luggage 07:30 Eating Plants 09:15 No Luggage 10:30 Dunyana 11:15 Egypt Time 14:00 The World At One 15:15 Abused: Surviving Domestic Violence in Jordan 16:00 Trending 17:15 Talking Point 18:30 No Luggage 20:15 A Climate for Change 23:15 Art for Life


02:15 Talking Point 03:15 Eating Plants 03:30 4 Tech 04:15 Great Decision 05:15 Abused: Surviving Domestic Violence in Jordan 06:30 Trending 07:30 No Luggage 09:15 Talking Point 11:30 Art for Life 12:30 4 Tech 13:15 Egypt Time 14:00 The World At One 15:30 Worth Paying Attention 16:00 Trending 17:15 Targeted: Lebanon's Deadliest Attack 20:15 Iraq's Invisible Beauty 22:15 Iraq's Invisible Beauty


01:15 Iraq's Invisible Beauty 02:15 Trending 02:30 4 Tech 06:15 Trending 06:30 4 Tech 07:15 Iraq's Invisible Beauty 10:30 Trending 11:15 4 Tech
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