
免费观看RAI SCUOLA以及全球数千个热门电视频道.


国家 法国
当前时区 America/Chicago


00:00 The Italian Dream: Studying Arts, Music and Dance in Italy 00:15 Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. Speech 00:30 Memex: Sperimentiamo! 03:00 Overland 04:00 Oasis 06:30 Wildest Places 07:30 Racconti di Scienza 09:10 Progetto Scienza: Prospettive 11:00 Un giorno per 11:30 Oasis 13:00 Overland 14:00 Wildest Places 15:00 Who Killed the Neanderthal? 16:20 Racconti di Scienza: Profili 16:45 Futuro24


00:00 The Italian Dream: Studying Arts, Music and Dance in Italy 00:15 Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. Speech 02:30 Memex: CambiaMenti 03:00 Overland 04:00 Oasis 07:20 Who Killed the Neanderthal? 11:30 Oasis 13:00 Overland 14:00 Sapiens: Un solo pianeta 15:45 TGR Leonardo
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