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NHK World

NHK World
Country Russian Federation
Current Timezone Asia/Hong_Kong


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:18 Newsline Biz 00:30 Design × stories. The New Potential of Sharing 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:15 д/с Ukiyoe Edo-life. A Fashion Night 01:20 Time-lapse Japan 01:25 Japan from above. Up Close 01:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 01:57 Sumopedia 02:00 NHK Newsline 02:15 Newsline in Depth 02:30 Asia Insight. The Battle of Journalists in Bangladesh 03:00 NHK Newsline 03:15 Direct Talk. Unearthing Hidden Treasure in Kyrgyzstan's Farming Villages: Haraguchi Akihisa / JICA C 03:30 Bento Expo. Butter-Soy Sauce Shrimp Bento & Ebi Katsu Bento 03:45 Zero Waste Life. The Time Maker 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:15 Newsline in Depth 04:30 A new central hub for technology 05:00 NHK Newsline 05:15 Newsline in Depth 05:30 д/с Japan Railway Journal. Hapi-Line Fukui: Born Alongside the Shinkansen 06:00 NHK Newsline 06:15 Newsline in Depth 06:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 06:57 Sumopedia 07:00 NHK Newsline 07:15 Direct Talk. Unearthing Hidden Treasure in Kyrgyzstan's Farming Villages: Haraguchi Akihisa / JICA C 07:30 Asia Insight. The Battle of Journalists in Bangladesh 08:00 Newsline Asia 24 08:30 Bento Expo. Butter-Soy Sauce Shrimp Bento & Ebi Katsu Bento 08:45 Zero Waste Life. The Time Maker 09:00 Newsline Asia 24 09:30 A new central hub for technology 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:14 NL Bridge 10:15 Newsline Biz 10:23 Chatroom Japan. Finding an Apartment in Japan Is Too Hard! 10:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 10:57 Sumopedia 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:14 NL Bridge 11:15 Direct Talk 11:30 д/с Japan Railway Journal. Hapi-Line Fukui: Born Alongside the Shinkansen 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:17 NL Bridge 12:18 Newsline Biz 12:30 Asia Insight. The Battle of Journalists in Bangladesh 13:00 Newsroom Tokyo 13:27 Newsline in Depth 13:40 Direct Talk. Unearthing Hidden Treasure in Kyrgyzstan's Farming Villages: Haraguchi Akihisa / JICA C 13:55 д/с Ukiyoe Edo-life. Edo's Rush Hour 14:00 Newsroom Tokyo 14:30 Bento Expo. Butter-Soy Sauce Shrimp Bento & Ebi Katsu Bento 14:45 Zero Waste Life. The Time Maker 15:00 NHK Newsline 15:15 Newsline in Depth 15:30 A new central hub for technology 16:00 NHK Newsline 16:15 Newsline in Depth 16:30 Japan in Focus. Kintsugi: Repairing a Post-Quake Community 17:00 NHK Newsline 17:15 Newsline in Depth 17:30 Asia Insight. The Battle of Journalists in Bangladesh 18:00 NHK Newsline 18:15 Direct Talk. Unearthing Hidden Treasure in Kyrgyzstan's Farming Villages: Haraguchi Akihisa / JICA C 18:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 18:57 Sumopedia 19:00 NHK Newsline 19:15 Newsline in Depth 19:30 Bento Expo. Butter-Soy Sauce Shrimp Bento & Ebi Katsu Bento 19:45 Zero Waste Life. The Time Maker 20:00 Newsroom Tokyo 20:27 Newsline in Depth 20:40 Direct Talk 20:55 д/с Ukiyoe Edo-life. Edo's Rush Hour 21:00 д/с Medical Frontiers. Nuclear Medicine to Treat Cancer 21:30 A new central hub for technology 22:00 NHK Newsline 22:18 Newsline Biz 22:30 Japan in Focus. Kintsugi: Repairing a Post-Quake Community 23:00 NHK Newsline 23:18 Newsline Biz 23:30 Asia Insight. The Battle of Journalists in Bangladesh


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:18 Newsline Biz 00:30 Bento Expo. Butter-Soy Sauce Shrimp Bento & Ebi Katsu Bento 00:45 Zero Waste Life. The Time Maker 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:10 Chatroom Japan. Finding an Apartment in Japan Is Too Hard! 01:15 д/с Ukiyoe Edo-life. Edo's Rush Hour 01:20 Time-lapse Japan 01:25 Japanology Plus mini 01:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 01:57 Sumopedia 02:00 NHK Newsline 02:10 Dear Mr.Collins. 80 Years Since the Japanese-American Internment 03:00 NHK Newsline 03:10 Let's Trek Japan. Zao: Explore the Majestic Ice Scenery in the Snowiest Land 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:10 Cycle Around Japan. Yamaguchi – Where Kindness is King 05:00 NHK Newsline 05:10 Japan in Focus. Kintsugi: Repairing a Post-Quake Community 05:40 Texico 05:50 Listen to the Earth 06:00 NHK Newsline 06:10 Trails to Oishii Tokyo 06:20 The Seasons of Yamato 06:25 д/с Ukiyoe Edo-life. The Bird Cafe 06:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 06:57 Sumopedia 07:00 NHK Newsline 07:10 Japan's Top Inventions. Cockroach Traps / Residential Maps 07:40 д/с BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life. Episode 51 07:55 PythagoraSwitch 08:00 NHK Newsline 08:10 Dear Mr.Collins. 80 Years Since the Japanese-American Internment 09:00 NHK Newsline 09:10 Let's Trek Japan. Zao: Explore the Majestic Ice Scenery in the Snowiest Land 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:10 д/с BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life. Episode 51 10:25 PythagoraSwitch 10:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 10:57 Sumopedia 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:10 Cycle Around Japan. Yamaguchi – Where Kindness is King 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:10 Japan in Focus. Kintsugi: Repairing a Post-Quake Community 12:40 Texico 12:50 Listen to the Earth 13:00 NHK Newsline 13:10 Japan's Top Inventions. Cockroach Traps / Residential Maps 13:40 The World Heritage Sites in Japan 13:55 The Seasons of Yamato 14:00 NHK Newsline 14:10 Dear Mr.Collins. 80 Years Since the Japanese-American Internment 15:00 NHK Newsline 15:10 Let's Trek Japan. Zao: Explore the Majestic Ice Scenery in the Snowiest Land 16:00 NHK Newsline 16:10 Biz Stream. Seeing is More than Believing 16:40 Texico 16:50 Listen to the Earth 17:00 NHK Newsline 17:10 Hometown Stories. A School for Two 17:37 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow 17:40 Core Kyoto mini 17:45 Wild Hokkaido! Boarding Extreeeeeme! In the Cold of Shiribeshi 18:00 NHK Newsline 18:10 Framing Everyday Moments 18:15 Trails to Oishii Tokyo 18:25 The Seasons of Yamato 18:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 18:57 Sumopedia 19:00 NHK Newsline 19:10 Cycle Around Japan. Yamaguchi – Where Kindness is King 20:00 NHK Newsline 20:10 Dear Mr.Collins. 80 Years Since the Japanese-American Internment 21:00 NHK Newsline 21:10 Let's Trek Japan. Zao: Explore the Majestic Ice Scenery in the Snowiest Land 22:00 NHK Newsline 22:10 Cycle Around Japan. Yamaguchi – Where Kindness is King 23:00 NHK Newsline 23:10 Biz Stream. Seeing is More than Believing 23:40 Texico 23:50 Listen to the Earth


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:10 Hometown Stories. A School for Two 00:37 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow 00:40 Treasure Box Japan: Tochigi. Toyama― Iwase Hikiyama Festival 00:45 Wild Hokkaido! Boarding Extreeeeeme! In the Cold of Shiribeshi 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:10 Trails to Oishii Tokyo 01:20 The Seasons of Yamato 01:25 д/с Ukiyoe Edo-life. The Bird Cafe 01:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 01:57 Sumopedia 02:00 NHK Newsline 02:10 NHK World-Japan. Flowers Still Bloom at Home: One Year after the Noto Earthquake 03:00 NHK Newsline 03:10 Another Story. The Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack: A Battle in the Shadows 03:55 Crafting Timeless Products 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:10 J-Melo 04:40 м/с Little Charo 04:50 Japanology Plus mini 04:55 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan. Kanagawa: Miura Sea Breeze 05:00 NHK Newsline 05:10 Anime Manga Explosion. American Comic Book Anime 05:40 Let's Enjoy Math 05:50 Take tech 06:00 NHK Newsline 06:10 The World Heritage Sites in Japan 06:25 Time-lapse Japan 06:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 06:57 Sumopedia 07:00 NHK Newsline 07:10 Hometown Stories. A School for Two 07:37 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow 07:40 Treasure Box Japan: Tochigi. Toyama― Iwase Hikiyama Festival 07:45 Wild Hokkaido! Boarding Extreeeeeme! In the Cold of Shiribeshi 08:00 NHK Newsline 08:10 NHK World-Japan. Flowers Still Bloom at Home: One Year after the Noto Earthquake 09:00 NHK Newsline 09:10 Another Story. The Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack: A Battle in the Shadows 09:55 Crafting Timeless Products 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:10 ⋗ Grand sumo 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:10 Hometown Stories. A School for Two 11:37 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow 11:40 Core Kyoto mini 11:45 Wild Hokkaido! Boarding Extreeeeeme! In the Cold of Shiribeshi 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:10 Anime Manga Explosion. American Comic Book Anime 12:40 Let's Enjoy Math 12:50 Take tech 13:00 NHK Newsline 13:10 Somewhere Street. Colmar, France 13:57 Time-lapse Journey 14:00 NHK Newsline 14:10 NHK World-Japan. Flowers Still Bloom at Home: One Year after the Noto Earthquake 15:00 NHK Newsline 15:10 Another Story. The Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack: A Battle in the Shadows 15:55 Crafting Timeless Products 16:00 NHK Newsline 16:10 Anime Manga Explosion. American Comic Book Anime 16:40 Let's Enjoy Math 16:50 Take tech 17:00 NHK Newsline 17:10 J-Melo 17:40 PythagoraSwitch 17:45 Easy Japanese for Work. Making apologies 18:00 NHK Newsline 18:10 The World Heritage Sites in Japan 18:25 Time-lapse Japan 18:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 18:57 Sumopedia 19:00 NHK Newsline 19:10 Japan's Top Inventions. Cockroach Traps / Residential Maps 19:40 д/с BOSAI: Science that Can Save Your Life. Episode 51 19:55 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan. Kanagawa: Miura Sea Breeze 20:00 NHK Newsline 20:10 NHK World-Japan. Flowers Still Bloom at Home: One Year after the Noto Earthquake 21:00 NHK Newsline 21:10 Another Story. The Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack: A Battle in the Shadows 21:55 Crafting Timeless Products 22:00 NHK Newsline 22:10 J-Melo 22:40 Easy Japanese for Work. Making apologies 22:55 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan. Kanagawa: Miura Sea Breeze 23:00 NHK Newsline 23:10 Anime Manga Explosion. American Comic Book Anime 23:40 Let's Enjoy Math 23:50 Take tech
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