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TVP World

TVP World
Country Russian Federation
Current Timezone Asia/Hong_Kong


00:00 World News Flash 00:10 Weather 00:15 Eastern Express 00:35 Weather 00:40 How We Got Here 00:55 Weather 01:00 World News Flash 01:15 Pulse of Culture | E50 01:30 World News Flash 01:35 Stacja Arktyka - Arctic Base: Behind the Scenes 02:00 World News 02:15 World Talks 02:30 World News 02:45 World Talks 02:55 Weather 03:00 World News 03:15 World Talks 03:30 World News 03:50 World Talks 04:00 World News 04:10 Weather 04:15 World Talks 04:30 World News Flash 04:40 Pulse of Culture | E50 04:55 Weather 05:00 World News Flash 05:15 In Focus 05:45 Weather 05:50 Military Mind 06:00 World News 06:15 World Talks 06:30 World News 06:45 World Talks 06:55 Weather 07:00 World News 07:15 World Talks 07:30 World News 07:40 Weather 07:43 World Talks 08:00 World News Flash 08:15 Ukraine This Week 09:00 Milked 09:15 Document 09:55 Weather 10:00 World News Flash 10:15 In Focus 10:45 World Talks 11:00 World News Flash 11:15 Weather 11:20 How We Got Here 11:30 Stacja Arktyka - Arctic Base: Behind the Scenes 11:35 Document 12:00 World News Flash 12:15 Ukraine This Week 13:00 World News Flash 13:10 In Focus 13:40 Weather 13:45 World Talks 14:00 World News 14:15 World Talks 14:30 World News 14:45 World Talks 15:00 World News 15:15 World Talks 15:30 World News 15:45 World Talks 16:00 World News 16:10 Weather 16:14 Nie bój się! 16:15 Document 17:00 World News 17:10 Weather 17:15 Press Corner 18:00 World News Flash 18:15 World Talks 18:30 World News 18:40 Weather 18:43 World Talks 19:00 World News Flash 19:15 World Talks 19:30 World News Flash 19:40 Weather 19:43 World Talks 20:00 World News Flash 20:10 Weather 20:15 Stacja Arktyka - Arctic Base: Behind the Scenes 20:40 Kamperem po południu 21:00 World News Flash 21:10 Weather 21:15 World Talks 21:30 World News 21:40 Weather 21:45 Pulse of Culture | E51 22:00 World News Flash 22:10 Weather 22:15 Press Corner 23:00 Syria's Ticking Time Bomb 23:10 Document


00:00 World News Flash 00:10 Weather 00:15 World Talks 00:30 Wider View 00:55 Weather 01:00 World News Flash 01:15 Pulse of Culture | E51 01:30 World News Flash 01:35 Lena na Kaukazie - Gruzja - Tbilisi. Kuchnia i bazary 02:00 World News 02:15 World Talks 02:30 World News 02:45 World Talks 02:55 Weather 03:00 World News 03:15 World Talks 03:30 World News 03:50 World Talks 04:00 World News 04:10 Weather 04:15 Eastern Europe Review 04:30 World News Flash 04:40 Pulse of Culture | E51 04:55 Weather 05:00 World News Flash 05:15 Weather 05:20 Eastern Express 05:40 Weather 05:45 Break the Fake 05:55 Weather 06:00 World News 06:15 World Talks 06:30 World News 06:45 World Talks 06:55 Weather 07:00 World News 07:15 World Talks 07:30 World News 07:40 Weather 07:43 World Talks 08:00 World News Flash 08:15 Press Corner 09:00 World News Flash 09:15 Weather 09:18 Warszawa mówi 09:35 Warszawa mówi 09:55 Weather 10:00 World News Flash 10:15 Ukraine This Week 11:00 World News Flash 11:15 Eastern Europe Review 11:30 In Focus 12:00 World News Flash 12:15 Kamperem po południu 12:35 Projekt policja 13:00 World News Flash 13:10 Eastern Express 13:35 Break the Fake 13:45 How We Got Here 14:00 World News 14:15 World Talks 14:30 World News 14:45 World Talks 15:00 World News 15:15 World Talks 15:30 World News 15:45 World Talks 16:00 World News 16:15 World Talks 16:30 World News 16:45 World Talks 16:55 Weather 17:00 World News 17:10 Eastern Express 17:35 World News 17:45 Weather 17:50 Break the Fake 17:55 Weather 18:00 World News 18:10 Weather 18:15 Lena na Kaukazie - Gruzja - Tbilisi. Kuchnia i bazary 18:40 Warszawa bez tajemnic. Włochy 19:00 World News Flash 19:15 Weather 19:20 World News 19:30 In Focus 20:00 World News Flash 20:15 World Talks 20:30 Interview from Wilnius 20:45 Pulse of Culture 21:00 World News 21:20 World Talks 21:30 World News Flash 21:40 World Talks 21:55 Weather 22:00 World News 22:15 World Talks 22:30 Polskie Parki Narodowe - Pieniński Park Narodowy | E03 23:00 World News 23:10 Business Arena 23:15 The Bottom Line 23:30 World News Flash 23:45 Break the Fake 23:55 Weather
20240706 20240705 20240704 20240703 20240702 20240701