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Country Germany
Current Timezone America/Chicago


00:00 Teleshopping 01:00 Die PS Profis Schule 01:25 Die PS Profis Schule 03:10 Eastside Motors – Kaufrausch in Dresden 04:05 Eastside Motors – Kaufrausch in Dresden 10:45 My Style Rocks 17:00 My Style Rocks 19:30 SEK Ludolf – Das Schrott Einsatz Kommando 20:25 Tuning TV – Classics 21:00 Teleshopping 22:00 Teleshopping 23:00 Teleshopping


00:00 Teleshopping 01:30 American Pickers 02:30 American Pickers 03:30 My Style Rocks 06:00 NORMAL 06:30 Storage Hunters 07:00 Storage Hunters 07:30 Storage Hunters 08:00 Storage Hunters 13:30 Fußball – 2. Liga Live – Vorberichte 16:30 Fußball – 2. Liga Live – Analyse 19:40 Storage Hunters 20:10 Storage Hunters 20:35 Storage Hunters 21:00 Teleshopping 22:00 Teleshopping 23:00 Teleshopping


00:00 Teleshopping 01:00 Bundesliga Pur – 1. & 2. Bundesliga 03:00 Bundesliga Pur – 1. & 2. Bundesliga 05:00 Der STAHLWERK Doppelpass Live 07:30 Bundesliga Pur – 1. & 2. Bundesliga 11:30 My Style Rocks
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