00:00 Luxe. Today 00:25 Best Of Web 00:35 Destination. Italie 01:00 Luxe. Today 01:25 Best Of Web 01:35 Destination. France / Paris 02:00 Luxe. Today 02:25 Best Of Web 02:35 Destination. Italie 03:00 Luxe. Today 03:25 Best Of Web 03:35 Destination. France / Paris 04:00 Luxe. This Week 05:00 Destination. Etats-Unis / Los Angeles 06:00 Luxe. This Week 07:00 Destination. Espagne 08:00 Luxe. This Week 09:00 Destination. France / Paris 10:00 Luxe. This Week 11:00 Destination. Italie 12:00 Luxe. This Week 13:00 Destination. Etats-Unis / Los Angeles 14:00 Luxe. This Week 15:00 Destination. Espagne 16:00 Luxe. This Week 17:00 Destination. France / Paris 18:00 Luxe. This Week 19:00 Destination. Italie 20:00 Luxe. This Week 21:00 Destination. Etats-Unis / Los Angeles 22:00 Luxe. This Week 23:00 Destination. Espagne