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Country South Africa
Current Timezone Europe/Vienna


22:18 Newsline Biz 22:30 Design X Stories 23:00 NHK Newsline 23:15 Ukiyo-e Edo-Life 23:20 Time-Lapse Japan 23:25 Japan From Above: Up Close 23:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 23:57 Sumopedia


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:15 Newsline In Depth 00:30 Asia Insight 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:15 Direct Talk 01:30 Bento Expo 01:45 Zero Waste Life 02:00 NHK Newsline 02:15 Newsline In Depth 02:30 Special Programme 03:00 NHK Newsline 03:15 Newsline In Depth 07:30 Special Programme 08:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 08:57 Sumopedia 09:00 NHK Newsline 09:15 Direct Talk 09:30 Japan Railway Journal 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:18 Newsline Biz 10:30 Asia Insight 11:00 Newsroom Tokyo 11:27 Newsline In Depth 11:40 Direct Talk 11:55 Ukiyo-e Edo-Life 12:00 Newsroom Tokyo 12:30 Bento Expo 12:45 Zero Waste Life 13:00 NHK Newsline 13:15 Newsline In Depth 13:30 Special Programme 14:00 NHK Newsline 14:15 Newsline In Depth 14:30 Japan In Focus 15:00 NHK Newsline 15:15 Newsline In Depth 15:30 Asia Insight 16:00 NHK Newsline 19:30 Special Programme 20:30 Japan In Focus 23:10 Trouble Renting In Japan? 23:15 Ukiyo-e Edo-Life 23:20 Time-Lapse Japan 23:25 Japanology Plus Mini 23:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 23:57 Sumopedia


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:10 Dear Mr Collins 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:10 Let's Trek Japan 02:00 NHK Newsline 02:10 Cycle Around Japan 03:00 NHK Newsline 03:10 Repairing A Post-Quake Community 03:40 Texico 03:50 Listen To The Earth 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:10 Trails To Oishii Tokyo Mini 04:20 The Seasons Of Yamato 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:10 Japan's Top Inventions 11:40 The World Heritage Sites In Japan 11:55 The Seasons Of Yamato 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:10 Dear Mr Collins 13:00 NHK Newsline 13:10 Let's Trek Japan 14:00 NHK Newsline 14:10 Biz Stream 14:40 Texico 14:50 Listen To The Earth 15:00 NHK Newsline 15:10 Hometown Stories
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