00:00 SA Horse Racing 00:30 Wild Skin 01:00 Cross Talk 01:30 Prophet Kwazi Mamane 02:00 Apostle Mohlala 03:00 Soweto Today 03:30 Khanyisa 04:00 Prophet Magejageja 04:30 MTV Shuga 05:00 STV Lunch Time News 05:30 Al Jazeera The Stream 06:00 Just Music 09:00 Bhodla Kleva 09:30 Wild Skin 10:00 The Football Review 10:30 Soweto TV Prime Time News 11:00 Grief And Relief 11:30 Soweto TV Evening News 12:00 Lumumba's Africa 12:30 MTV Shuga 13:00 The Journey