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CNN International HD

國家 南非
當前時區 Europe/Vienna



08:00 CNN Newsroom 09:00 CNN Newsroom 09:45 World Sport 10:00 CNN Newsroom 11:00 CNN Newsroom 12:00 CNN This Morning 13:00 CNN This Morning 14:00 CNN News Central 14:30 World Sport 15:00 CNN Newsroom 16:00 Connect The World 16:45 World Sport 17:00 Connect The World 18:00 CNN Newsroom 19:00 One World 20:00 Amanpour 21:00 Isa Soares Tonight 22:00 CNN Newsroom 23:00 Quest Means Business


07:45 World Sport 08:00 CNN Newsroom 09:00 CNN Newsroom 09:45 World Sport 10:00 CNN Newsroom 11:00 CNN Newsroom 12:00 CNN This Morning 13:00 CNN This Morning 14:00 CNN News Central 14:30 World Sport 15:00 CNN Newsroom 16:00 Connect The World 16:45 World Sport 17:00 Connect The World 18:00 CNN Newsroom 19:00 One World 19:45 Marketplace Africa 20:00 Amanpour 21:00 Isa Soares Tonight 22:00 CNN Newsroom 23:00 Quest Means Business


08:30 Quest's World Of Wonder 09:00 CNN Newsroom
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