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Impact Network Regional (IMPCT)

國家 美利堅合眾國
當前時區 Asia/Hong_Kong


00:30 Ever Increasing Faith With Dr. Frederick K. Price 03:30 Robyn Davis Ministires 04:00 Word of His Glory 04:30 Inspired Family Life with Dr. David Jefferson 13:30 230 HERBS with Greg Gunn 15:00 Grace of God Church with Bishop Micheal Jones 18:00 On the Floor With Dr. Terra Defoe 20:00 Creflo Dollar Ministries 22:00 Bishop Stanley Williams


04:00 March of Faith 04:30 Inspired Family Life with Dr. David Jefferson 07:00 Bishop Stanley Williams 14:30 230 HERBS with Greg Gunn 20:00 Creflo Dollar Ministries


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