2025-02-17 00:00 Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The End-Time Dimension of the Parables 01:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery Racialism Cheri Peters (Host), Cheri Buckner-Webb. 02:00 Revelation of Hope (Pacleb) Revelation's Two Minute Warning Pr. Taj Pacleb. 03:00 3ABN Homecoming 04:00 Table Talk What and Who is God? David Asscherick, James Rafferty, Jeffrey Rosario, Ty Gibson. 05:00 AWR360 Broadcast to Baptism 05:30 Cook 30 Pho Noodles and Others Jeremy Dixon. 06:00 Body and Spirit Tennis Elbow & Carpal Tunnel Jr., Dick Nunez, Greg Morikone, Moses Primo. 06:30 When We Talk Join the Conways as they share how to be free from chains that keep us in broken cycles. 07:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus Jesus Is Truthful. 07:30 Jesus My Light Helping others to know Jesus is the greatest treasure. 07:45 3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts Get creative and make beautiful reminders of God’s Word with these unique crafts. 08:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Jesus said He will go and prepare us a place in Heaven. Jesus also says He will come from Heaven and live with us on earth? Are there two heavens? Pastor John Lomacang will explain on this episode of 3ABN Today Bible Q & A with Pastor James Rafferty and Angela Lomacang. 09:00 Evolution Impossible One of the landmark events in the Bible is the Flood, which the book of Genesis tells us covered the whole Earth. That would be a pretty incredible flood, and yet some scholars maintain that the flood was only a local event which impacted a region in the Middle East. But what we want to know is: where does the scientific evidence point? Does it point to a local flood or a Global Flood? 09:30 ASAP Ministries Go Into The Alleys. 10:00 Prophecy Unsealed How is the United States role revealed in Scripture. 11:00 3ABN Sabbath School Panel Lesson 8 explores the relationship between free will, love, and divine providence, focusing on how God interacts with the world. Divine providence refers to God’s actions, but Christians have different views about the extent of His control. Some believe God determines all events, while others see biblical evidence that God allows human free will, even though it can lead to evil and suffering. God 12:00 Behold the Lamb Presents The Bible teaches us that records of our deeds are being kept in the courts of Heaven. But what about the names of those who choose not to follow Christ? Does the Devil keep records of those whom he claims to be his followers? “I Want YOU In My Files” is an intriguing and heart-stirring message of an experience that Pastor Kenny Shelton had during an episode with his health. It’s a message that sh 13:00 Adventist World Aviation 13:30 Abundant Living "This program is entitled 'E for eating'. Discover the first, most important food group mention in the Bible. And, learn practical insights on the types of carbohydrates needed to achieve optimum health.". 14:00 Action 4 Life Juice Casio Jones (Host), Sarah Behn. 14:30 Imperative Life Lessons In this powerful episode of Imperative Life Lessons, we follow the steps leading to the high priest's servant being in Gethsemane to arrest Christ. His encounter with Jesus causes him to reconsider his allegiances. Perhaps it's time for a new Master. 15:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Jesus said He will go and prepare us a place in Heaven. Jesus also says He will come from Heaven and live with us on earth? Are there two heavens? Pastor John Lomacang will explain on this episode of 3ABN Today Bible Q & A with Pastor James Rafferty and Angela Lomacang. 16:00 3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun Let’s get creative in the kitchen with delicious and healthy recipes. Grab a parent and some friends and let’s get cooking together! 16:30 Tiny Tots Kitchen Tiny tots learn how to cook with Miss Cinda. Farmer's Dressing and Dip. 16:45 Tiny Tots Worship 17:00 Praise Him Now 17:30 IIW Sabbath School 18:00 Spotless 19:00 Unlocking Bible Prophecy Wondering what the real significance is behind baptism? What is it a symbol of? Is it just simply going under water or does it point, in large, to what Christ has done for us and His offer for all if they will accept it? Baptism begins to make a whole lot of sense when we see it as a watery grave. Listen in to The New Life, presented by Cami, as it paints the Biblical picture of forgiveness. 20:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Jesus said He will go and prepare us a place in Heaven. Jesus also says He will come from Heaven and live with us on earth? Are there two heavens? Pastor John Lomacang will explain on this episode of 3ABN Today Bible Q & A with Pastor James Rafferty and Angela Lomacang. 21:00 Summer Camp Meeting What is God like? Since the beginning of sin, the character of God has been misunderstood and misrepresented. In this presentation, Dr. Shin will be taking us through Scripture for a true understanding of God’s character. 22:00 The Carter Report 22:30 The Carter Report 23:00 3ABN Today Bible Q&A Jesus said He will go and prepare us a place in Heaven. Jesus also says He will come from Heaven and live with us on earth? Are there two heavens? Pastor John Lomacang will explain on this episode of 3ABN Today Bible Q & A with Pastor James Rafferty and Angela Lomacang.
2025-02-18 00:00 The Carter Report 01:00 Revelation's Ancient Discoveries The new millennium is here—and with it a new interest in prophecy. Millions wonder: What will happen next? Where are we headed? The Bible has proven reliable throughout the centuries. Its prophecies have been fulfilled with uncanny accuracy for thousands of years. 02:00 Optimize 4 Life Preparing to Optimize 4 Life. 02:30 The Incredible Journey This program tells the lesser-known story of Corporal Leslie ‘Bull’ Clarence Allen, raised in an orphanage in Ballarat located in regional Victoria. He became a courageous and complex war hero. In World War II, ‘Bull’ Allen was a stretcher bearer in the Australian Army. His photo was famously captured during the battle of Mt Tambu, New Guinea, where Bull repeatedly ran into heavy enemy fire to car 03:00 Sanctuary, Salvation, and Our Savior The first compartment of the sanctuary is the courtyard. The courtyard is where we are covered and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We are justified by faith through the blood of the Lamb in the courtyard. It is where we experience the imputed righteousness of Christ and are born again. Hosted by David Shin. 03:30 Authentic 04:00 Piano Praise There's something about a simple gospel song that stirs up sentiment, invoking memories and an attitude of worship. Piano Praise, is a musical program by various pianists for the purpose of leading us to the throne of God. Let's worship the King and make His praise glorious! 04:30 Adventures in Missions Cathy Desmond and Julie Hogate report on the prayer ministry at Gospel Outreach. Then join Julie Keymer as she talks with Umesh Pokharel, mission president for Nepal, about his background and sharing Jesus and hope in that country. 05:00 Salvation in Symbols and Signs The Harlot Ivor Myers (Host), James Rafferty (Host), Yvonne Lewis, Jason Bradley. 05:30 Child Impact International 05:45 Pause to Pray Prayer and music program focused on specific topics and the prayer requests of our viewers. 06:00 Body and Spirit Aerobics Osteoporosis. 06:30 The Heavens Declare Saturn Jim Burr. 07:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus Jesus Is The Good Shepherd Linda Johnson. 07:30 Maranatha Mission Stories 08:00 3ABN Today Live Join John and Angela Lomacang as they welcome Ian and Angela Vandervalk and Darrell and Sasha Thomas to discuss love, marriage, and how to keep your relationship strong. 10:00 It's Coming 11:00 ASAP Ministries Healing The Brokenhearted In Cambodia. 11:30 Multitude of Counselors In their sixties, upper middle class and Hispanic, Mr. and Mrs. Fernando report a long-standing conflict with their ex-best friends, which are actually Mrs. Fernando’s sister and husband, the Acostas. The couples came to the area twenty years before to plant a church in order to reach the Hispanic population in the city. All went well until the church voted Mr. Fernando into the position of lay pa 12:00 Revived by the Spirit Is the Holy Spirit a divine influence, a force emanating from God or is the Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Godhead? Many Christians are confused on this point. 13:00 The Incomparable Jesus Four discoveries of modern science that catch up with the Bible. And Shows evolution and atheism for what it is — foolishness! Title: Evolution — One Foot In The Grave and Another On A Banana Peeling. 13:30 Cook 30 Italian Tomato Pasta & Salads Jeremy Dixon. 14:00 Body and Spirit (New) Strengthening With Bands. 14:30 Mission Revival 14:45 Journeys Miikael was a thoroughly skeptical agnostic with a strong dislike for Christianity and a God who burns people in hell forever. A chance brush with the dark world of spirits prompts him to ask some deeper questions. 15:00 3ABN Today The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Unfortunately, many people today feel hopeless. Impact Hope is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to changing that by empowering refugee youth. Through education at safe Christian boarding schools, they help these young individ 16:00 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems Dive into the stories of the Bible and see its characters come alive! What was it like to walk with Jesus, or hear Him calm the wind in the storm? Join us as we explore the wonders of our God. 16:15 3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz You have a choice between good and evil. Watch to see who wins the battle of the hosts. 16:30 Kids X-Press 16:45 Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore Let’s get ready and prepare to explore God’s creation and enjoy it to the fullest! There are so many wonderful things to discover in nature. 17:00 Unshackled Purpose Imagine being locked down 23 hours a day, only allowed to take a shower two to three times a week, isolated, and held captive by your thoughts. Tune in to see the message of hope we shared with the men in CIF. 17:15 Impact Hope Episode 11 of the documentary series celebrates the remarkable spirit of resilience and generosity among the students in Rwanda's refugee camps, who are determined to give back to their communities. It highlights how contributions towards their education extend far beyond tuition fees, with many students using their new opportunities to help others escape the harsh realities of camp life. This epi 17:30 Rebuild 18:00 Mission 360 A Global Mission pioneer in Colombia, a Brazilian missionary serving in Thailand and mission in Cambodia. Join us as we explore mission around the world! 18:30 The Ultimate Encounter Just as breathing sustains our physical life, prayer is essential for spiritual survival. In this vital episode, we explore the power of prayer and how it fortifies us. Learn how prayer strengthens us spiritually, defeats the enemy, and increases our faith. Discover the importance of prayer in bridging the gap between us and God, opening our hearts, and aligning our will with His. As we dive deepe 19:00 Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The End-Time Dimension of the Parables 20:00 3ABN Today The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Unfortunately, many people today feel hopeless. Impact Hope is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to changing that by empowering refugee youth. Through education at safe Christian boarding schools, they help these young individ 21:00 Behold the Lamb Presents The Bible teaches us that records of our deeds are being kept in the courts of Heaven. But what about the names of those who choose not to follow Christ? Does the Devil keep records of those whom he claims to be his followers? “I Want YOU In My Files” is an intriguing and heart-stirring message of an experience that Pastor Kenny Shelton had during an episode with his health. It’s a message that sh 22:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The villain of Revelation, in fact, the villain of the whole Bible, is the devil. He is the reason why there is evil in the world. Part 2 of 2. 22:30 Digital Disconnect We're definitely experiencing a digital disconnect - from the Lord, from family, from friends. And restoration can come in the form of a 'disconnect' from the problematic media. 23:00 3ABN Today The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Unfortunately, many people today feel hopeless. Impact Hope is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to changing that by empowering refugee youth. Through education at safe Christian boarding schools, they help these young individ
2025-02-19 00:00 ASAP Ministries Healing The Brokenhearted In Cambodia. 00:30 Jesus 4 Asia Now Manoj’s family was struggling. His dad was an alcoholic and used to beat his mom while in a drunken stupor. All the family’s money was spent on alcohol. Manoj started going to one of our evening schools and learned about Jesus and how to pray. He started praying for his dad. Join us to learn the miracle story of deliverance and the power of God in changing lives. 01:00 Child Impact International 01:15 Journeys Miikael was a thoroughly skeptical agnostic with a strong dislike for Christianity and a God who burns people in hell forever. A chance brush with the dark world of spirits prompts him to ask some deeper questions. 01:30 Digital Disconnect We're definitely experiencing a digital disconnect - from the Lord, from family, from friends. And restoration can come in the form of a 'disconnect' from the problematic media. 02:00 Revelation of Jesus Christ The Scarlet Beast. 03:00 Made for Health 03:30 Mission Revival 03:45 Recipes from Russia An update from 3ABN Russia along with a recipe for a traditional layered seaweed salad. 04:00 Summer Camp Meeting What is God like? Since the beginning of sin, the character of God has been misunderstood and misrepresented. In this presentation, Dr. Shin will be taking us through Scripture for a true understanding of God’s character. 05:00 Praise Him Now 05:30 Enjoy Healthy Eating Birthdays, valentine’s day, weddings, and baby showers are all special occasions that involve food. How can you make these occasions healthy and enjoyable? How can we add some nutrition to our holiday menus rather than having so many empty calories? During this program, you will learn how to prepare healthy holiday dishes that are attractive, nutritious, and delicious. 06:00 Body and Spirit Ankle Problems Kim Wilson, Dick Nunez, Theresa Wilson. 06:30 It Is Written 07:00 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Some people think the law in the New Testament is different from the Ten Commandments and the Old Testament. How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience legalism? Part 1 of 2. 07:30 It Is Written Canada 08:00 Today Cooking Lifeline Wellness Institute is a Seventh-day Adventist self-supporting ministry institution where people come to learn how to implement a healthy lifestyle. It is not a treatment center, but rather an educational center for medically stable individuals looking for a lifestyle change. 09:00 Exalting His Word Life Affirmations From Scripture Shelley Quinn. 09:30 Thunder in the Holy Land Love Is a P Word. 10:00 3ABN Australia Homecoming The Christian journey is a marathon through life but sadly many people give up the race before it finishes. In Jesus' Parable of the Sower we learn not only how to avoid falling away from the faith but how to persevere and thrive in our relationship with Jesus. 11:00 The Carter Report 12:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery Racialism Cheri Peters (Host), Cheri Buckner-Webb. 13:00 Lineage 13:30 Abundant Living Learn the 3 forms of adoration and it can dramatically improve your overall health. Moreover, discover how one form creates a more restful, peaceful sleep, and, improve your mental status!Experience a flavorful peach/strawberry sauce for your waffles! 14:00 Action 4 Life What Is Pilates? Casio Jones (Host), Barry Bayles & Dora Bayles. 14:30 Perfecting Me Character and Hourly Prayer, Wintley Phipps (host). 15:00 Today Cooking Lifeline Wellness Institute is a Seventh-day Adventist self-supporting ministry institution where people come to learn how to implement a healthy lifestyle. It is not a treatment center, but rather an educational center for medically stable individuals looking for a lifestyle change. 16:00 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along Join us as we raise our voices in praise to the Lord! 16:15 Bible Treasures The team learns that our bodies are special gifts on loan to us from God. What we do with it is important. 16:30 Kids Camp Critters & Creation Let’s meet God’s creatures and observe His creation together. From rocks and fossils, to animals with silky fur and shiny scales! 16:45 3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club Join us as we strengthen the temple of our body and train to serve Jesus in everything we do. 17:00 3ABN Homecoming