00:00 CNN Newsroom (CNNI) 00:30 World Sport 01:00 CNN Newsroom (CNNI) 01:30 Inside Africa. The Rock Art of Southern Africa 03:00 CNN Newsroom (CNNI) 03:30 Marketplace Asia. Aviation Festival Asia 03:45 Marketplace Middle East. World Government Summit; U. S. / Saudi Relations 04:00 CNN Newsroom (CNNI) 06:00 Marketplace Asia. Aviation Festival Asia 06:15 Marketplace Middle East. World Government Summit; U. S. / Saudi Relations 06:30 Inside Africa. The Rock Art of Southern Africa 07:00 CNN This Morning Weekend 08:00 Inside Politics With Manu Raju 09:00 State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 10:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS 11:00 Fareed Zakaria Special. America First 12:00 World Sport 12:30 Inside Africa. The Rock Art of Southern Africa 13:00 African Voices Changemakers. Flytime/Rhythm Unplugged Music Festival 13:30 Connecting Africa. Expanding Africa's Logistics Network 14:00 CNN Newsroom Sunday 17:00 World Sport 17:30 POV. Qatar 18:00 CNN Newsroom Sunday