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Country China
Current Timezone America/New_York


00:50 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can] 00:55 建「竹」安全你要知[粵]-Updated Code of Practice for Truss-Out Scaffold[Can] 01:00 午間新聞[粵]-NOON NEWS[Can] 02:35 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can] 03:45 交易現場[粵]-Inside the Stock Exchange[Can] 06:25 新聞檔案[粵]-News Files[Can] 07:15 世界觀[粵] 及 天氣報告[粵]-Global View[Can] and Weather Report[Can] 07:30 建「竹」安全你要知[粵]-Updated Code of Practice for Truss-Out Scaffold[Can] 11:05 娛樂頭條[粵] 及 環球新聞檔案[粵]-EXTRA[Can] and International News File[Can] 11:50 天氣報告[粵]-Weather Report[Can] 12:55 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can] 13:30 宣傳易[粵]-TV Easy[Can]