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DD Urdu

Country India
Current Timezone Europe/Moscow


07:00 Hindustan Mein Musawwari Ki Riwayat 13:20 Filler 13:30 Hindustan Mein Musawwari Ki Riwayat 17:00 Mahouliyat Aur Hum 20:20 Filler 20:30 Hindustan Mein Musawwari Ki Riwayat 23:30 Mahouliyat Aur Hum


05:00 Mahouliyat Aur Hum 07:00 Hindustan Mein Musawwari Ki Riwayat 10:00 Mahouliyat Aur Hum 13:20 Filler 14:20 Filler 14:30 Parwaz-E-Niswan 20:20 Filler
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