
免費觀看NHK World Japan以及全球數千個熱門電視頻道.

NHK World Japan

國家 印度尼西亞
當前時區 America/New_York


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:10 The World Heritage 00:25 Time-Lapse Japan 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:10 Mending Hearts with Mandarin Oranges : Hometown Stories 01:37 My Throat Hurts : Easy Japanese 01:40 Furniture Restoration: Giving Life to Treasured Heirlooms : Core Kyoto Mini 01:45 Canoeing Down the Shisorapuchi River : Wild Hokkaido! 02:00 NHK Newsline 02:10 Youth Falling into a Life of Crime : NHK Documentary 03:00 NHK Newsline 03:10 Little Charo 03:20 Japanology Plus mini 03:25 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:10 Biz Stream 04:40 Little Charo 04:50 Goldfish : Japanology Plus mini 04:55 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan 05:00 NHK Newsline 05:10 Mending Hearts with Mandarin Oranges : Hometown Stories 05:37 My Throat Hurts : Easy Japanese 05:40 Furniture Restoration: Giving Life to Treasured Heirlooms : Core Kyoto Mini 05:45 Canoeing Down the Shisorapuchi River : Wild Hokkaido! 06:00 NHK Newsline 06:10 Urban Parenting -- Mandarin Duck, Japan : Darwin's Amazing Animals 06:35 Timelapse 06:40 What Happens before a Volcano Erupts? : Listen to the Earth 06:50 The One-Inch Boy : Story Land in Classical Japanese 07:00 NHK Newsline 07:10 Mayfair : Somewhere Street 08:00 NHK Newsline 08:10 Youth Falling into a Life of Crime : NHK Documentary 09:00 NHK Newsline 09:10 Me and Another Me: Living with Tourette Syndrome : Broadcasters' Eye 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:10 Urban Parenting -- Mandarin Duck, Japan : Darwin's Amazing Animals 10:35 Timelapse 10:40 What Happens before a Volcano Erupts? : Listen to the Earth 10:50 The One-Inch Boy : Story Land in Classical Japanese 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:10 mol-74 and Tamai Shiori : J-MELO 11:40 73 : Pythagora Switch Mini 11:45 Dealing With A Complaint From A Neighbour : Easy Japanese for Work 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:10 The World Heritage 12:25 Time-Lapse Japan 12:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 12:57 Sumopedia 13:00 NHK Newsline 13:10 Correction Tape / Water Filter Media : Japan's Top Inventions 13:40 Quake-Resistant Skyscrapers : BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your Life 13:55 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan 14:00 NHK Newsline 14:10 Youth Falling into a Life of Crime : NHK Documentary 15:00 NHK Newsline 15:10 Me and Another Me: Living with Tourette Syndrome : Broadcasters' Eye 16:00 NHK Newsline 16:10 mol-74 and Tamai Shiori : J-MELO 16:40 Dealing With A Complaint From A Neighbour : Easy Japanese for Work 16:55 A Cat's-Eye View of Japan 17:00 NHK Newsline 17:10 Urban Parenting -- Mandarin Duck, Japan : Darwin's Amazing Animals 17:35 Timelapse 17:40 What Happens before a Volcano Erupts? : Listen to the Earth 17:50 The One-Inch Boy : Story Land in Classical Japanese 18:00 NHK Newsline 18:10 Correction Tape / Water Filter Media : Japan's Top Inventions 18:40 Quake-Resistant Skyscrapers : BOSAI: Science That Can Save Your Life 18:55 73 : Pythagora Switch Mini 19:00 NHK Newsline 19:10 The World Heritage 19:25 Time-Lapse Japan 19:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 19:57 Sumopedia 20:00 NHK Newsline 20:10 Newsline in Depth 20:23 Tuning in to the Community : Chatroom Japan 20:30 Glamping Mongolian Style : Where We Call Home 20:57 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-E Producer Tsutaju 21:00 NHK Newsline 21:10 Jomon Dogu : Time-Lapse Japan 21:15 Nakano Takayuki Founder and CEO, Piece of Syria : Direct Talk 21:30 Activate Your Japanese 21:40 I've Been Traveling Around Japan : Easy Japanese 21:45 Culture Crossroads 21:55 Ekiben Japan : Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPAN 22:00 NHK Newsline 22:15 Newsline in Depth 22:30 Songs of Okinawa: The Bonds of Community : Seasoning the Seasons 23:00 NHK Newsline 23:15 Newsline in Depth 23:30 mol-74 and Tamai Shiori : J-MELO


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:15 Newsline in Depth 00:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 00:45 Kagoshima : Hit the Road 00:57 Sumopedia 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:15 Nakano Takayuki Founder and CEO, Piece of Syria : Direct Talk 01:30 Glamping Mongolian Style : Where We Call Home 01:57 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-E Producer Tsutaju 02:00 Newsline Asia 24 02:30 Activate Your Japanese 02:40 I've Been Traveling Around Japan : Easy Japanese 02:45 Culture Crossroads 02:55 Ekiben Japan : Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPAN 03:00 Newsline Asia 24 03:30 Songs of Okinawa: The Bonds of Community : Seasoning the Seasons 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:14 NL Bridge 04:15 Newsline Biz 04:23 Shikoku Pilgrimage : Japan From Above: Up Close 04:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 04:45 Kagoshima : Hit the Road 04:57 Sumopedia 05:00 NHK Newsline 05:14 NL Bridge 05:15 Maeda Yosuke Social Entrepreneur / CEO, WOTA : Direct Talk 05:30 mol-74 and Tamai Shiori : J-MELO 06:00 NHK Newsline 06:17 NL Bridge 06:18 Newsline Biz 06:30 Glamping Mongolian Style : Where We Call Home 06:57 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-E Producer Tsutaju 07:00 Newsroom Tokyo 07:27 Newsline in Depth 07:40 Nakano Takayuki Founder and CEO, Piece of Syria : Direct Talk 07:55 Fishing for a Summer Delicacy : Ukiyoe Edo-Life 08:00 Newsroom Tokyo 08:30 Activate Your Japanese 08:40 I've Been Traveling Around Japan : Easy Japanese 08:45 Culture Crossroads 08:55 Ekiben Japan : Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPAN 09:00 NHK Newsline 09:15 Newsline in Depth 09:30 Songs of Okinawa: The Bonds of Community : Seasoning the Seasons 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:15 Newsline in Depth 10:30 How the Muscles Prevent Disease : Medical Frontiers 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:15 Newsline in Depth 11:30 Glamping Mongolian Style : Where We Call Home 11:57 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-E Producer Tsutaju 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:15 Nakano Takayuki Founder and CEO, Piece of Syria : Direct Talk 12:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 12:45 Kagoshima : Hit the Road 12:57 Sumopedia 13:00 NHK Newsline 13:15 Newsline in Depth 13:30 Activate Your Japanese 13:40 I've Been Traveling Around Japan : Easy Japanese 13:45 Food Adventures Connect Us All : Culture Crossroads 13:55 Ekiben Japan : Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPAN 14:00 Newsroom Tokyo 14:27 Newsline in Depth 14:40 Maeda Yosuke Social Entrepreneur / CEO, WOTA : Direct Talk 14:55 Fishing for a Summer Delicacy : Ukiyoe Edo-Life 15:00 Mending Hearts with Mandarin Oranges : Hometown Stories 15:27 My Throat Hurts : Easy Japanese 15:30 Furniture Restoration: Giving Life to Treasured Heirlooms : Core Kyoto Mini 15:35 Canoeing Down the Shisorapuchi River : Wild Hokkaido! 15:50 Jomon Dogu : Time-Lapse Japan 15:55 Shikoku Pilgrimage : Japan From Above: Up Close 16:00 NHK Newsline 16:18 Newsline Biz 16:30 How the Muscles Prevent Disease : Medical Frontiers 17:00 NHK Newsline 17:18 Newsline Biz 17:30 Glamping Mongolian Style : Where We Call Home 17:57 The Masterpieces of Ukiyo-E Producer Tsutaju 18:00 NHK Newsline 18:18 Newsline Biz 18:30 Activate Your Japanese 18:40 I've Been Traveling Around Japan : Easy Japanese 18:45 Food Adventures Connect Us All : Culture Crossroads 18:55 Ekiben Japan : Hello! NHK WORLD-JAPAN 19:00 NHK Newsline 19:15 Fishing for a Summer Delicacy : Ukiyoe Edo-Life 19:20 Jomon Lacquer : Time-Lapse Japan 19:25 Shikoku Pilgrimage : Japan From Above: Up Close 19:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 19:45 Kagoshima : Hit the Road 19:57 Sumopedia 20:00 NHK Newsline 20:15 Newsline in Depth 20:30 Live Long, Live Well in Northern Nagano : Journeys in Japan 21:00 NHK Newsline 21:15 Kinota Braithwaite Author, Educator : Direct Talk 21:30 Authentic Japanese Cooking: Daigaku Buta : Dining with the Chef 22:00 NHK Newsline 22:15 Newsline in Depth 22:30 See You in Osaka's Korea Town : Document 72 Hours 23:00 NHK Newsline 23:15 Newsline in Depth 23:30 How the Muscles Prevent Disease : Medical Frontiers


00:00 NHK Newsline 00:15 Newsline in Depth 00:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 00:45 Dig More Japan! 00:55 Lesser Heat: The 24 Solar Terms : The Seasons of Yamato 00:57 Sumopedia 01:00 NHK Newsline 01:15 Kinota Braithwaite Author, Educator : Direct Talk 01:30 Live Long, Live Well in Northern Nagano : Journeys in Japan 02:00 Newsline Asia 24 02:30 Authentic Japanese Cooking: Daigaku Buta : Dining with the Chef 03:00 Newsline Asia 24 03:30 See You in Osaka's Korea Town : Document 72 Hours 04:00 NHK Newsline 04:14 NL Bridge 04:15 Newsline Biz 04:23 Free Diver in Yonagunijima : Japan From Above: Up Close 04:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 04:45 Dig More Japan! 04:55 Lesser Heat: The 24 Solar Terms : The Seasons of Yamato 04:57 Sumopedia 05:00 NHK Newsline 05:14 NL Bridge 05:15 Kurahashi Kae Japan Wheelchair Rugby Team Member : Direct Talk 05:30 How the Muscles Prevent Disease : Medical Frontiers 06:00 NHK Newsline 06:17 NL Bridge 06:18 Newsline Biz 06:30 Live Long, Live Well in Northern Nagano : Journeys in Japan 07:00 Newsroom Tokyo 07:27 Newsline in Depth 07:40 Kinota Braithwaite Author, Educator : Direct Talk 07:55 A Night of Fashion and Fireworks : Ukiyoe Edo-Life 08:00 Newsroom Tokyo 08:30 Authentic Japanese Cooking: Daigaku Buta : Dining with the Chef 09:00 NHK Newsline 09:15 Newsline in Depth 09:30 See You in Osaka's Korea Town : Document 72 Hours 10:00 NHK Newsline 10:15 Newsline in Depth 10:30 AI Hospitals: A Step Towards the Future : Science View 11:00 NHK Newsline 11:15 Newsline in Depth 11:30 Live Long, Live Well in Northern Nagano : Journeys in Japan 12:00 NHK Newsline 12:15 Kinota Braithwaite Author, Educator : Direct Talk 12:30 Grand Sumo Highlights 12:45 Dig More Japan! 12:55 Lesser Heat: The 24 Solar Terms : The Seasons of Yamato 12:57 Sumopedia
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