00:00 NHK Newsline 00:30 瑪麗請客 #21 01:00 毛孩壞不壞 2 #3(PG) 02:00 Al Jazeera News Live 02:30 Rosie's Rules #45 02:45 Rosie's Rules #46 03:00 DW News 03:30 Miniheroes of the Forest #12 04:00 Team Mekbots: Animal...#6 04:30 Oggy Oggy S2 #15 05:00 DW Evening News 05:30 Mini Mani S4 #4 05:45 Mini Mani S4 #5 06:00 ViuTV News 06:15 Do, Re & Mi #21 06:30 第97屆奧斯卡金像獎紅地氈盛況 07:00 第97屆奧斯卡金像獎 10:30 ViuTV News 10:45 人類超進化 #3(PG) 11:45 滋味野炊 2 #2 12:15 毛孩壞不壞 2 #3(PG) 13:10 瑪麗請客 #21 13:35 ViuTVsix Station Clos... 20:00 Miniheroes of the Forest #12 20:30 Team Mekbots: Animal...#6 21:00 Jamie Oliver:聚首一堂 #6 21:30 滋味野炊 2 #2 22:00 人類超進化 #4(PG) 23:00 西班牙甲組足球聯賽精華 #26