2025-03-02 00:00 DW News 00:03 DocFilm Chinese juvenile detention centers are notoriously harsh. Young people end up there for criminal offenses or because their parents can't cope with their rebellious children. The film follows young people in one of these institutions. 01:00 DW News 01:15 Reporter 01:30 Euromaxx 02:00 DW News 02:15 Shift 02:30 Arts Unveiled 03:00 DW News 03:15 DocFilm Ten of the world's fastest growing economies are located on the African continent. Companies in the field of science and innovation are being promoted. Climate-friendly ideas for the future are already being realized in African countries. 04:00 DW News 04:15 Shift 04:30 The 77 Percent 05:00 DW News 05:15 Reporter 05:30 REV REV tests the new, all-electric Dacia Spring. How good can a car be for under €20,000? And the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run - the world's longest-running motoring event, and very special for women. REV was there. 06:00 DW News 06:15 Sports Life 06:30 The 77 Percent 07:00 DW News 07:15 Reporter 07:30 Arts Unveiled 08:00 DW News 08:15 DocFilm In Bangalore, the ‘Silicon Valley of India', drinking water is becoming scarce. The consequences of climate change - with its long periods of drought - are hitting the high-tech metropolis in the state of Karnataka hard. How did it come to this? 09:00 DW News 09:15 Shift 09:30 DocFilm Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation "Four Paws” fights against the illegal puppy trade. 10:00 DW News 10:15 Business Beyond Hackers have been able to access solar power plants and rooftop solar installations in Europe. The amount of energy they could manipulate is critical to grid stability. Hackers we talked to had good intentions of safeguarding cybersecurity. But what power do actors like Russia and China wield? And what can normal users do about this threat to grid stability. 10:30 Arts Unveiled 11:00 DW News 11:15 Reporter 11:30 Afrimaxx 12:00 DW News 12:15 Sports Life 12:30 Euromaxx 13:00 DW News 13:15 Shift 13:30 REV REV tests the new, all-electric Dacia Spring. How good can a car be for under €20,000? And the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run - the world's longest-running motoring event, and very special for women. REV was there. 14:00 DW News 14:15 DocFilm Astrophysicist Gernot Grömer wants to promote space travel. So he founded the Austrian Space Forum. Grömer sees himself as a "shipbuilder” who's working on making the journey to Mars possible in 20 to 30 years. 15:00 DW News 15:15 Sports Life 15:30 DW News 16:00 DW News 16:15 Reporter 16:30 Tomorrow Today 17:00 DW News 17:02 Euromaxx 17:30 Arts Unveiled 18:00 DW News 18:15 Reporter 18:30 REV REV tests the new, all-electric Dacia Spring. How good can a car be for under €20,000? And the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run - the world's longest-running motoring event, and very special for women. REV was there. 19:00 DW News 19:02 Euromaxx 19:30 Global Us 20:00 DW News 20:15 DocFilm Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation "Four Paws” fights against the illegal puppy trade. 20:45 Reporter 21:00 DW News 21:02 Eco India 21:30 In Good Shape Proteins are the building blocks of life. Having enough protein in your diet is key. But how much is enough - for athletes for example? Or the elderly? What are the best meat and plant-based sources? And what exactly do proteins do for the body? 22:00 DW News 22:15 Sports Life 22:30 Euromaxx 23:00 DW News 23:15 Global Us 23:45 Reporter
2025-03-03 00:00 DW News 00:02 DocFilm Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation "Four Paws” fights against the illegal puppy trade. 00:30 Tomorrow Today 01:00 DW News 01:15 Shift 01:30 Eco Africa 02:00 DW News 02:30 The 77 Percent 03:00 DW News 03:30 Shift 03:45 Reporter 04:00 DW News 04:15 DocFilm Astrophysicist Gernot Grömer wants to promote space travel. So he founded the Austrian Space Forum. Grömer sees himself as a "shipbuilder” who's working on making the journey to Mars possible in 20 to 30 years. 05:00 DW News 05:30 Eco Africa 06:00 DW News 06:30 Global Us 07:00 DW News 07:15 DocFilm In the USA, abortion rights are tearing the nation apart. Abortions are banned in the state of Texas, but that's not enough for anti-abortion activists. They go even further -- and encounter resistance. 08:00 DW News 08:15 Best of DW-online Content 08:30 The 77 Percent 09:00 DW News 09:30 Tomorrow Today 10:00 DW News 10:30 Global Us 11:00 DW News 11:15 DocFilm Astrophysicist Gernot Grömer wants to promote space travel. So he founded the Austrian Space Forum. Grömer sees himself as a "shipbuilder” who's working on making the journey to Mars possible in 20 to 30 years. 12:00 DW News 12:15 Best of DW-online Content 12:30 Arts Unveiled 13:00 DW News 13:30 Close up The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. Revealing the story behind the stories, "Close up" is informative, gripping and visually powerful. 14:00 DW News 14:02 Afrimaxx 14:30 Global Us 15:00 DW News 15:30 The Day 16:00 DW News 16:02 Best of DW-online Content 16:15 DocFilm Astrophysicist Gernot Grömer wants to promote space travel. So he founded the Austrian Space Forum. Grömer sees himself as a "shipbuilder” who's working on making the journey to Mars possible in 20 to 30 years. 17:00 DW News 17:02 The Day 17:30 DocFilm Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation "Four Paws” fights against the illegal puppy trade. 18:00 DW News 18:15 Best of DW-online Content 18:30 Close up The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. Revealing the story behind the stories, "Close up" is informative, gripping and visually powerful. 19:00 DW News 19:02 The Day 19:30 Eco Africa 20:00 DW News 20:15 DocFilm Canada's Great Bear Rainforest is a place where the rainforest and Pacific Ocean meet. This special forest is home to countless spruce and fir trees. One very special species towers above them all, giving many animals shelter: the giant arbor vitae, or ‘Tree of Life'. 21:00 DW News 21:02 The Day 21:30 REV REV tests the new, all-electric Dacia Spring. How good can a car be for under €20,000? And the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run - the world's longest-running motoring event, and very special for women. REV was there. 22:00 DW News 22:15 Best of DW-online Content 22:30 Close up The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. Revealing the story behind the stories, "Close up" is informative, gripping and visually powerful. 23:00 DW News 23:15 DocFilm Canada's Great Bear Rainforest is a place where the rainforest and Pacific Ocean meet. This special forest is home to countless spruce and fir trees. One very special species towers above them all, giving many animals shelter: the giant arbor vitae, or ‘Tree of Life'.
2025-03-04 00:00 DW News 00:02 The Day 00:30 Eco India 01:00 DW News 01:15 Best of DW-online Content 01:30 Arts Unveiled 02:00 DW News 02:30 DocFilm Experts estimate that Europe's dog mafia makes around a billion Euros every year. Birgitt Thiesmann from the animal welfare foundation "Four Paws” fights against the illegal puppy trade. 03:00 DW News 03:30 Eco Africa 04:00 DW News 04:15 Close up The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. Revealing the story behind the stories, "Close up" is informative, gripping and visually powerful. 04:45 Reporter 05:00 DW News 05:30 Tomorrow Today 06:00 DW News 06:30 In Good Shape Proteins are the building blocks of life. Having enough protein in your diet is key. But how much is enough - for athletes for example? Or the elderly? What are the best meat and plant-based sources? And what exactly do proteins do for the body? 07:00 DW News 07:15 Close up The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events. Revealing the story behind the stories, "Close up" is informative, gripping and visually powerful. 07:45 Shift 08:00 DW News 08:15 Best of DW-online Content 08:30 Eco India 09:00 DW News 09:30 Global Us 10:00 DW News