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SET International (SETI)

國家 美利堅合眾國
當前時區 America/New_York


00:00 My Hero, My Daddy 02:00 Way to Health 03:00 Show Biz 04:00 The Borderless World 06:00 The Tradition Story of Taiwan 06:30 100% Wife 10:00 Iwalker - Monday 12:00 The Tradition Story of Taiwan 13:00 Iwalker - Monday 14:00 100% Wife 16:30 The Tradition Story of Taiwan 19:00 Battle Tour 20:00 Show Biz 21:00 The Borderless World


00:00 A Hint Of You 02:00 Battle Tour 03:00 New Taiwan Go 06:00 The Tradition Story of Taiwan 06:30 100% Wife 12:00 The Tradition Story of Taiwan 14:00 100% Wife 16:30 The Tradition Story of Taiwan 19:00 New Taiwan Go
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